Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 367 - uninvited guest

After hiding Batman’s power armor, Chen Lu received news from Tony. He was here to tell Chen Lu a piece of news that could not be determined whether it was good or bad:

“Boy, someone came across from our universe, and a boring guy came and said he wanted a job.”

Chen Lu asked: “This is abnormal. Even the Planet Devourer has no energy to cross from the Marvel Universe to this world! Who is he?”

“Hey, miss me?”

Suddenly a weird guy wearing a red and black tights, carrying two dark samurai swords, and two submachine guns around his waist fell in front of Chen Lu. This weird guy started chattering as soon as he saw Chen Lu:

“Wow, I finally found you. You don’t know how boring I am on the planet where there are only zombies. Without the Avengers, without the X-Men, even the Asgardians were killed by you. , Do you know how it feels to not even have a person to chat with? Those zombies have no response even if I talk to them for a day without interruption.”

“Deadpool, no one can bear to be annoyed by you all day.” Chen Lu called out the name of this weird person. If one of his opponents has been unpredictable for a long time, it is Deadpool all day. He is a lunatic who can’t die. No, this guy broke the Dimensional Wall and rushed to the DC world.

“Tell me how you came here first, and what your purpose is.” Depending on Deadpool’s answer, Chen Li might pound this guy into a mixture of meat sauce and cement and throw it into the Pacific Ocean, although it won’t kill him. Die him, but at least it can make the Deadpool safe for a while.

Deadpool opened his hands and replied: “It’s nothing. I don’t know where I’m going when I get up every day. It’s also the fault of teleporting the belt. No matter it, it’s not a bad thing. At least here is life compared to life. Your zombie planet should be a little more fun. There are a large group of people to accompany me for fun, and there are many beautiful girls waiting for my favor. It’s awesome, isn’t it?”

Deadpool’s answer was a bit unreasonable, but from his crazy personality, it was possible that he didn’t figure out what was going on. Speaking of stories other than Marvel, Deadpool wants to be called the second and no one dares to be the first. In the comic works of “Deadpool’s Literary Masterpiece”, this guy has gone through countless literary works of ancient and modern China and abroad. The characters inside, and there is no reason why he can do such a thing.

Therefore, Chen Lu also gave up on how Deadpool followed. Anyway, even the smartest mind in the world could not predict the actions of Deadpool. At best, he could only guess his purpose, even though Tony had already told him at the beginning. Up.

“Then why are you looking for me?”

“Of course I am asking you for money, Mr. Protagonist. You destroyed all the banks for the entire week after you gave me a check last time. My money hasn’t been taken out yet! As a mercenary, I have to know Which employer can most afford to pay, now seems to be you.”

Deadpool has such an advantage, whoever gives more money, he will do things for whoever, without having to consider any loyalty or moral issues. And Chen Lu, who owns the wealth of an entire planet, would naturally not be short of money, and of course he would not mind letting Deadpool work for him.

So Chen Lu threw the tracker that tracked the clown to Deadpool and said to him: “Well, bring back the person who installed this tracker for me, life and death, but keep the whole body for me. If you do If you get it, this check will be yours.”

Chen Luyang took a check worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Yang’s hand, which happened to be what Deadpool needed. So he glanced at the remote control in his hand and said with a big smile: “I just like your directness, unlike those women who have been lingering for a long time and refused to let them in. If there are few broken arms and legs, the whole body is left. Well, you know, if you kill someone and don’t cut off anything, it feels like going to bed and not shooting it out…”

“Stop talking nonsense and act quickly!” Even Chen Lu couldn’t stand the endless nagging of Deadpool, and couldn’t help but interrupted him and kicked him out.

Seeing that Deadpool, who was flying further and further in the air, finally disappeared completely, Chen Lu was relieved. For this guy who is characterized by immortality, he really has no good way, and it is impossible to trap this guy who can break the fourth wall. As a result, he can only let him do it casually.

Tony was also disturbed by the uncertainty of Deadpool. He asked Chen Lu: “Is that all right? I thought you would drive him back to his own world.”

“If all he wants is money and women, I don’t care too much. Although the combat effectiveness is not strong, it is better to be used as cannon fodder. Anyway, that guy can’t die. Anyway, let him help deal with the clown. Well, it would be great if Deadpool could just annoy the clown to death.”

In a sense, this is a kind of fighting poison with poison. The clown is a madman through and through, so let Deadpool, who is even more horrible, to deal with him. Even if Deadpool can’t catch the clown in the end, he can at least step on him. Let’s fall a lot of traps.

In short, it is a good deal.

After getting rid of the unexpected trouble of Deadpool, Chen Lu continued to search for Batman’s traces. This superhero, known as DC’s first opener king, still has many things worth digging for himself. Batman needs to be pushed into a deeper despair to carry out the plan to split the Justice League and the night of Gotham has quietly fallen.

In the bat cave, Bruce Wayne, with a bat suit removed, is lying on the bed for treatment. The price of his freezing bomb to stop bleeding is the death of a large number of cells in his left hand. It is unknown whether he can recover normally. The abdomen was pierced by a kryptonite war spear. The big wound was still gushing blood, and even broken internal organs accompanied the blood to flow out.

Alfred watched distressingly as his master was suffering from pain, and apart from some emergency treatment for him, his old housekeeper couldn’t help much either. The blood mixed with sweat wets the entire bed sheet. Only at this moment Alfred will realize so deeply that Bruce Wayne is not a superhuman, but just a trained ordinary person. .

Bruce asked, sweating profusely while dealing with the wound, “Alfred, how is the investigation of the gas bomb?”


Alfred did not expect that Batman was still thinking about the situation in Gotham City at this time. After all, in his opinion, Bruce is now hard to protect himself, and there is no room to defend Gotham.

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