Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 368 - Clown escape

“Master, take care of your injury first.” Alfred had almost foreseen the sight of Batman flying in Gotham City with a serious injury. His young master could really do such a thing, even if the cost was his. Life, this person will also choose to guard Gotham without hesitation.

“Tell me, what’s the gas bomb situation.” As Alfred had expected, Batman demanded hard from him, his eyes exuding fighting spirit.

Alfred sighed heavily and said: “At present, twelve large nitrous oxide gas bombs have been found, and there are only two hours left to detonate them. No manual detonation device has been found. It is unknown how many bombs the clown deployed. number.”

“What about the Joker? Did you ask anything from him?” Batman asked casually. He knew that even if the Joker was tortured, he couldn’t reveal any useful information. He just asked as usual.

But Alfred’s face changed suddenly, which gave Batman a very bad foreboding. After Batman’s repeated questioning, Alfred told the truth: “Master, the Joker was 20 minutes ago I was robbed!”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me!” Batman got up and attacked when he got excited, but Alfred rushed up to hold him in a panic.

“Master, you have to heal your wounds first, you are going to die if you go to find a clown in this state!”

Alfred has become accustomed to Batman returning with bruises every time he confronts the Joker. He is hovering on the brink of death every time, but he is lucky enough to get out of danger every time, but this time he himself is close to a complete collapse. , Isn’t it just to find a dead end to find that plague-like enemy?

But Batman doesn’t care so much. He pushes Alfred away forcefully, gave himself an analgesic, and then tore off all the medical equipment on his body, staggering to the computer in the Batcave. , Reflexively typing on the keyboard to call the surveillance video when the clown was hijacked.

“Master, let’s hand it over to the Justice League. You can’t hold on any more, your body is not iron-struck.”

Alfred on the side was still tempting, but Batman vetoed his proposal without looking back: “You can’t let other people deal with the Joker, it will only make them suffer. You will never know that he can do it. What are you going to.”

Batman’s concern is not without reason. In the comic “Batman: Endgame”, there was a situation in which the Joker controlled the entire Justice League, and finally Batman alone took care of the mess. In another work “Injustice”, the clown uses a trick to drive Superman crazy, pushing the whole world into a crazy situation of superhero dictatorship.

Let the Justice League deal with the Joker, and if you don’t pay attention, someone will be caught by the Joker’s psychological weakness and driven crazy. As a result, it will eventually become a situation where Batman is saved. It’s not that superheroes such as Superman are not as strong as the clowns, but that those who are full of idealism and magnificent figures are too easy to be defeated by the clowns after their weaknesses, and their strong strength will help them. Busy.

In fact, in most cases, it is normal for the clown to be subdued by those powerful superhumans with one blow. It is only a small probability event that the above-mentioned instigated is instigated, but this small probability cannot be ignored. Don’t dare to take risks.

Anyone in the Justice League who is forced to blacken by the clown will have unimaginable serious consequences. The Injustice of Superman, the incarnation of the Green Lantern, the parallax of the Flash, the flash point paradox of the Flash, and the cosmic crisis can be easily caused. , So Batman will always abide by a principle-that is, don’t let anyone other than himself face the clown.

No one can guess whether those bright and great superheroes can withstand the bewitching of the Joker, except Batman himself.

Alfred also thought of those tragic experiences, so he didn’t say much. Soon, Batman retrieved a video from the computer when the Joker was hijacked.

The surveillance video installed on the Batmobile showed that the clown was firmly locked in the seat of the Batmobile until an RPG exploded next to the body, causing a violent shock inside the car.

I saw a woman dressed as a traditional clown with a pair of heterochromatic ponytails on her head standing on top of a nearby building, with a group of sturdy subordinates pouring anti-tank rockets madly towards this side, even if they were The deafening explosion could not conceal her passionate and crazy scream:

“Mr. J, we’re here to pick you up!”

“Harry, you should have started the party for me earlier.” The clown in the Batmobile also responded with a big smile. This woman who dressed up as a pair with him is the clown’s long-term partner Harley Kui. Well, considering that most of the people working with the clown are one-offs, it is a miracle that Harley Quinn is still alive.

This group of clown party thugs led by Halle seemed to completely ignore the life and death of the clown in the car, and madly fired raindrops of rockets at Batman. The Batman, built by Wayne Group for billions of dollars, is not a box to be slaughtered even if it is in autopilot mode. It reveals a heavy machine gun from the roof of the It is like the Aegis antimissile system With the help of his supercomputer, almost all the incoming RPGs were intercepted. Even if the rocket that could break through the line of defense occasionally could only detonate near Batman, it did not cause much damage.

After most of the RPGs have been launched, this group of mobs fell into a short-term firepower vacuum. They were busy reloading their bombs and had no spare time to continue their offensive against Batman. So the Batmobile retracted the heavy machine gun, switched to a shock gun and started shooting at the enemy on the roof. This non-lethal weapon does not cause death, but the impact force enough to shoot a person out for a few seconds still looks extremely deterrent.

After a while, these mobs were beaten by the Batmobile. The only result of their RPG salvo was to slightly damage Batman’s tires. This level of damage does not even need to be returned to the factory for repair, just replace it with spare parts that come with the car.

But at this time, the clown’s real killer trick came quietly. An armored vehicle painted with a pale white appearance and a big mouth with a big grin painted on the front of the car crashed into the Batmobile from behind. Putting aside this nasty painting, the overall appearance and structure are very similar to the Batmobile. It’s just that there is no such kind of weapon as a shock detonation gun on it. The barrel of a 155mm cannon was pushed up involuntarily.


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