Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 1: The New Student

 The noisy students of class 2-C hurriedly returned to their seats as the homeroom teacher Miss Anne entered the room. 

 "Okay class, settle down" said Miss Anne as she placed the books she was carrying on her desk with a resounding thud. 

  She then took the black board eraser and started to wipe the blackboard clean with grace, to the delight of the boys enjoying her swinging hips rhythmically as she was erasing the chalk marks from the board. She was aware of this of course, she intentionally teases the boys as she enjoys the lewd stares thrown at her.

   Miss Anne is one of the most popular teachers in Triplance Middle School. Still single at twenty four years old, she is a slim beauty with wavy shoulder length hair that has the colour of honey. 

   "Listen, everyone, be quiet for a minute..." Miss Anne said in her usual sweet voice, "I have an announcement to make!" 

 She pauses, looking at her seated students with a serious face, wanting to let the suspense build up, letting them anticipate the importance of this news, crossing her arms across her ample breasts, she then closes her eyes as if something ominous has happened, making her students much more curious. She enjoys doing these kinds of things to her class, hogging all the attention unto her.

 The students were silent now, their interest piqued by Miss Anne's masterful use of dramatics to grab their interest.

 "We have a new transfer student!" Miss Anne gleefully announced, as she observed the reaction from the class, if the news had made her students thrilled in any way. Silence at first, then the whole classroom erupted in cheers as everyone was ecstatic that something interesting was about to happen on this fine morning.

 "His father was transferred here in our province as the new governor. So please, please mind your manners." She reminds her students looking at each of their eyes to accentuate her point.

 "The new governor's kid?" gasped one student. This caused a lot of buzzing among the students of class 2-C of course. It's not everyday that a new student arrives at school this far out in the boonies, much more a son of a governor. 

  "I wonder what he looks like, I hope he is hot!" Said a girl with pigtails, who excitedly grabbed her seatmate, unable to contain her emotions. The seatmate who was also a girl wearing a pair of round glasses, just rolled her eyes in indifference.


 Triplance is a province located in the southern part of the kingdom of Melenos. A rural province that comprises mostly fishing villages and lush small forests, scattered throughout the area like patches of fur from a mangy dog. The population is minimal at best, with just around twenty thousand people living as permanent residents.

  The local noble is house Fineline who, if popular rumours are to be believed, are said to be the founders of this province. The current head of the house is Lord Kark Fineline, a man regarded by merchants alike as a genius in enterprising and distribution.

 The province boasts it's white sand beaches, probably the best in the whole kingdom, unfortunately, due to the distance from the capital, only few people ever visit them, and fewer still even know of this hidden treasures of nature.

  The central town is where the only school in about a hundred kilometres in any direction where MAGIC is being taught is located. Most of the townsfolk have never even been in the capital.

 Life is simple and lazy here, with hardly anything really happening. Folks here are only interested in things that affect their daily lives, like if the weather is good for fishing and farming vegetables and raising livestock, and the local youth who are more busy helping their parent's work or businesses.

 One famous establishment frequently visited by traveling merchants is the Dancing Turtle Inn. Located near banks of the Asu River, it serves as a stop over and hub for trading exotic goods like amulets, charms, MAGIC rings, love potions and most importantly, information. The latter being more discreetly traded through the inn's secret black market.

 In the village of Colibao, about twenty kilometers from the town of Triplance, the local Adventurers guild is located, although most members here are washed up adventurers, who cannot get any job from more populated cities, and soldiers that were dishonorably dismissed trying to find their luck and to build a reputation.

 Many of these so called adventures and mercenaries are poorly equipped and can't even control mana to cast MAGIC, since they lack the schooling to do so. They serve their purpose as hired bodyguards for merchants when they are visiting these parts of the kingdom. They also charge cheap, very cheap.

  So when something like a new governor is arriving (hasn't happened in quite a long while) it's almost expected that it will make the town busy with gossip and speculation. Nothing much to do in this sleepy side of the country but to talk about these petty things.

  Back in the classroom, the excitement hasn't died down in the least, the sheer curiosity of these spirited youth is starting to boil over and cannot be contained.

 "Hey, teacher!" A female student in a braided ponytail called as she raised her hands frantically for Miss Anne to notice. 

  "What is it Meilou?" Miss Ann asked the ponytailed student with a smile creasing her luscious lips. "Is there something you want to say to the class?"

 "Oh, not at all miss Anne!" Meilou responded with a flustered look on her face. She seemed uneasy and her face turned red for some reason.

 "Uh, I just wanted to know if our new classmate is… uhm… ah nevermind…"

  Asking that question in front of the whole class seemed too much for Meilou to do, so she just silently slumped back on her seat and kept her thoughts to herself.


  He was a nervous wreck, but even so, he did his best to look composed. Tusk Regnum is the first born son of the newly appointed Governor of Triplance Arsenon Regnum.

 Arsenon Regnum (Tusk's father) is a person who is trusted by the current king Hans Mendelos. He and the king are childhood friends. A man of great stature, both physically and politically, he leads the noble faction that supports the crown without question.

 At first Ars protested to the king, he doesn't want to be sent away from the capital, especially in an obscure province like Triplance, this is due to the fact that he can't very well leave his friend in the hands of other nobles whom he doesn't trust, especially a certain noble named Lord Mar Randal, who seems to be building his power base and gathering allies.

 The king's wishes prevailed however, so Ars had no choice but to relocate, much to his heart's discontent.

   Tusk is quite tall for his age, standing at five foot ten inches, and has a well toned physique, his looks was inherited from his father Arsenon Regnum which was devilishly handsome.

 His jet black hair flows in  soft waves just below his striking eyebrows, adding a sense of mystery to the youth. His eyes are black alabaster that is mesmerising to behold. He has a light brown skin which clearly shows his mother's island roots.

   "This is it-- this is my world now, I have to forget about the capital and accept that this is my new hometown." Tusk though while standing just outside the classroom. 

  He scratches his head thinking what would have happened if he tried to talk to his father about him staying in the capital instead.

   "Well, here goes nothing…" Tusk told himself as he let his lightning MAGIC crack blue electric sparks around his right arm, a sign of his uncontrollable nervousness.

"Let's see what the fates have in store for me…" steeling himself, he opened the door that will lead him to a room where his new classmates are eagerly awaiting to see him for the first time.

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