Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 2: Lyn

  One student was indifferent however, she did not join in the excitement of her classmates, opting instead to continue writing in her notebook, she is the class president and one of the most respected girls in the whole school, Lyn Holden. Lyn is the daughter of a wealthy merchant in Triplance... Wealthy in Triplance standards at least. 

 She is what you would call a natural beauty, with long straight black hair in a 'Hime-cut' hairstyle, dark eyes, long eyelashes, a petite but slim built. 

   Her beauty is not only the asset she has, she is also very athletic and kind hearted, but she can also be extremely clumsy at times. That clumsiness can't overshadow her true talent though. As it is, Lyn Holden is a true prodigy of MAGIC. 

  Lyn even when she was a little girl has already shown great affinity to water MAGIC. Her control over water is exemplary and astounding. Because of this, her parents have hired an advanced MAGIC tutor for her inorder to hone this innate talent.

 At age of six, she can control the flow of water freely in any direction she wishes, this kind of manipulation normally manifests during a person's late puberty and only after years of basic elementary education. 

   The reason for this is because pre-teen children are overflowing with Mana, which is the fuel that powers MAGIC. The amount of Mana a person can hold in their body varies. 

  There are others that are gifted with strong mana while others are deficient. But even if a person lacks mana, they can increase it and even those who have abundance of mana can also increase it by training and other means. 

  There are plenty of ways to increase mana, and many of these methods are well documented and used. But there are a few that even the wisest Masters know nothing about, these secret methods are lost in times passing.

  Lyn is one of those few who is blessed by an absurd amount of mana, and has the intelligence to actually control it with relative ease.

 Natural control of mana is an ability that is so rare that it's almost legendary, and yet here it manifests itself in a girl in the far side of the world. Even her tutor Mr. Allentown is astonished when he first sees how much control young Lyn can do with water. 

  "Outstanding," Mr. Allentown said as he watched Lyn create a floating water sphere twice her size and make it rise fifteen feet into the air. 

 "This is something else entirely" He mutters, as he stroked his white goatee with a solemn expression, his keen blue eyes never leaving the floating water sphere, looking for any weakness in the magic, but ultimately finding none.

  "Ah, this is far too perfect… even the masters will be impressed that a six year old girl can conjure such a thing of beauty… all right dear, you can stop that now, this demonstration is over." 

 Mr. Allentown waved his hands as he motions Lyn to dispel the water sphere and to come closer to him. 

  He then proceeded to check the child's hands for any sign of damage, since sometimes MAGIC causes the hand to bruise if the spell is too strong for the conjurer.

 "Hmmm… everything seems to be in order, no bruising or any signs of lacerations… very good, very good indeed" 

 The old tutor was filled with relief and elation as he turned the hands of Lyn palm up and palm down. 

 "Well then, shall we now proceed to studying the more intricate side of magic my dear?"

   "Lyn-- LYN!!!" 


 Hearing her name startled and brought Lyn back from her melancholy. Startled but was able to quickly compose herself, Lyn faced her classmate who shouted her name with an annoyed glare, it was a boy named Bruno, a happy go lucky kid that is very friendly with everyone.

  "What is it Bruno?" Asked Lyn as she fixed her desk and put away her notes from the previous class into her bag beside the desk. 

 "Aren't you excited to meet our new classmate?" A beaming Bruno asked with a wide smile, his cherubic face perfectly shows unhidden excitement of what this wonderful day would bring. A new potential friend for him and a person from the capital to boot.

 "Not really," Lyn replied nonchalantly, brushing off Bruno.

  "As the student president it is my duty to welcome our new classmate of course, but that's the gist of it." 

  She then straightened her blouse and skirt in a lady-like manner, and adjusted her necktie. 

  "Now then, maybe I should greet our new classmate and make him feel welcome here" she said to Bruno with a playful wink as she stands up from her chair.

  With an impish grin and a lot of confidence as befits a class president, Lyn Holden walked towards the front and stood beside Miss Anne, ready to welcome their new classmate.

  "You should give up bro…" A guy with short cropped red hair named Greg told Bruno from behind his seat, giving him a condescending pat at the back, while smirking.

  "There is no way Lyn would date you, her standards are too high… believe me, I tried… hehehe!" Greg said matter of factly, annoying Bruno all the more.

  It was no secret that Bruno has been gunning for Lyn since they were first years, he has been rejected a couple of times, but he never lost the will to continue his pursuit of the elusive dark haired beauty as for him those rejections are just temporary setbacks. 

  "Shut it, you ginger prick! Should I tell your sweetheart Jane, what I saw earlier at the back of the school building? About you flirting with that first year girl with freckles?" Bruno whispered to Greg, causing the latter to back off and shut his mouth.

  "I thought so…" A very satisfied Bruno said with a wide grin.

   In the corner of her eye, Lyn sees the one who is truly precious in her heart, of course the person doesn't know this, and this is the most kept secret Lyn Holden had, and the only thing that makes her heart flutter. Then she saw another classmate hugging her special person, and she can't help control her face from showing her feelings.

 The door slowly opens and the new student nervously enters the classroom.

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