Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 243 Cunning Rabbit 3 Cave

Chapter 243
At that time, Han Xin could feel Zhao Linshan holding his arm, and everyone at the scene tensed up.

The female body in the water tank looked to be under 30 years old and had a slender figure.Judging from the fact that the body has not started to decay, the time of death should not exceed two days.

The glass of the water tank is very clean, either it is cleaned frequently or it has not been used for a long time.

However, judging from some human traces at the scene, they should have been left a few days ago and are already very blurry.

"Oops..." Han Xin suddenly screamed something bad. He immediately grabbed his cell phone and used the pinhole camera search app to search around the basement, and soon found a pinhole camera in the corner.

"There's one here too!" Wei Bin grabbed his cell phone and shouted across from Han Xin.

Soon, the police removed six cameras in the room, allowing the person on the other side of the camera to see the situation of the people in the water tank 360 degrees without blind spots.

"This bastard actually watched it remotely!" Liang Zhiqiang pulled out one of the cameras, threw it to the ground and stomped on it a few times: "Now we have alerted the enemy!"

"This really surprises me..." Han Xin frowned and said to himself, "Just imagine, if you can appreciate it in person, why do you have to appreciate it remotely? Unless there is something he needs that cannot be provided here?"

Everyone at the scene focused on Han Xin, while Han Xin continued to observe the scene.

The basement is still very wide. Except for the water tank in the middle, there is a blank area about two meters wide around it. The water pipe above the head is connected to the water tank to pour water into it.

Now that the water pipe has stopped, it may be some kind of remote control device to control the water pipe's on and off.Many electrical appliances and furniture can be controlled remotely using APPs on mobile phones, such as feeding cat food, controlling cameras, etc. This is not a difficult thing to achieve in this era.

So, if there was so much space, why didn’t the murderer just stay and enjoy it?

What is it that he can't get satisfaction on the spot?

"Then, we assume that the murderer appreciates all this to satisfy his unique sexual fetish. He will feel excited when he sees the girl being drowned, and he will..." Han Xin murmured to himself.

"Have sex or masturbate?" Zhao Linshan asked tentatively from the side.

Han Xin nodded: "So he can't stay here, this is his stimulant."

"I really don't understand. He could go through direct sexual assault, but he would go to such trouble." Lu Wenbo muttered, scratching the back of his head.

"Because of his different sexual preferences, some people's psychological disorders cause him to be excited only about certain things." Han Xin explained, "Just like you don't have desires for tables and chairs, it's the same for him. reason."

"Then what should we do now?" Liang Zhiqiang asked anxiously.

"Since he has discovered us, let's seal this place up for him first." Han Xin replied, "We will find him through other methods when we go back. Without this place, he can only rely on previous videos. Maintain. The interval between his crimes has been shortened from one month to one week, so he can't bear it for long, he will act again within three or four days."

Hu Chen asked worriedly: "But it sounds like bad news. If we don't find him within three or four days, won't there be another victim?"

"But he no longer has such a place." Han Xin said this and hesitated for a while: "Maybe?"

Everyone came to the top, and this trip was not completely fruitless.

As long as we investigate who rented this house, we might be able to find out the identity of the prisoner.

Of course, Han Xin didn't think things would be that simple in his heart, and the other party would definitely not rent this place with real information.

Next, it had to be handed over to the local forensic doctor for testing. Before the test results were obtained, Han Xin had to figure out the criminal psychology and action pattern of the murderer.

After confirming the details of the victim, we might be able to figure out how the murderer selected his victims from this No. 3 victim.

After coming outside, Han Xin looked at the lake in front of him and asked, "Did people often drown here before?"

"Four children drowned here during the summer vacation this year. Later, warning signs were put up everywhere, but some people still didn't listen. In the summer, many people come here to play in the water. The water quality of this lake is OK, clean, so..." Liang Zhiqiang looked at Han Xin in shock and asked, "You, are you saying that the four children were drowned by this murderer?!"

Han Xin shook his head: "I didn't say that, he wouldn't do that kind of thing. Witnessing someone's drowning process is like watching an obscene video for him. 'Witnessing' this process will make him excited, not' Implementation'. That's why he set up this automatic watering process. He can't participate and has to watch."

"That, that?" Liang Zhiqiang looked at Han Xin puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Why didn't he do this before, but only started recently? What kind of stimulation did he receive?" Han Xin pointed to the warning sign by the lake, "The thing you mentioned is probably what stimulated him. Switch. He had been desperately trying to endure it until he personally witnessed the drowning of the four children, which caused him to completely lose control."

At this time, Huo Gang looked at Han Xin and asked, "Teacher Han, do you think it's that guy from Zhan Ming?"

"The time is right." Han Xin nodded, "Probably he asked Zhan Ming for help after witnessing the drowning, and then that bastard not only failed to help him control his condition, but instead let him let himself go. So..." "Another monster is born." Wei Bin sighed.

After that, Han Xin and the criminal police from Lianda City took the body back to the Public Security Bureau to prepare for testing.

Things that cannot be discovered with the naked eye can only rely on the efforts of these forensic scientists.

In addition, the police also began to investigate the information of the person who rented the house and verify the identity of the victim.

For now, there are still many directions for investigation.

The whole morning was busy like this, and Han Xin, Huo Gang and others came outside to eat.

"I feel like this investigation should go very quickly." Lu Wenbo took a big sip of Coke and said with a proud smile, "Did you see the look on their faces when they looked at Teacher Han? Darling, it's like an idol meeting."

"Who among the police doesn't want to have Teacher Han's ability?" Huo Gang gave him a look.

"Stop hating me." Han Xin sighed and said, "There is still a guy sitting over there in Beichang City. I can't do anything to him until he surrenders. When I finish him off, you guys can boast again. Me."

"Don't be stressed. He's been locked up anyway and can't do evil anymore." Zhao Linshan touched his leg and smiled.

"This is also his purpose." Han Xin took a bite of the stewed pork ribs. "He stayed there to tell me that he would not cause me any more trouble. This way I can know from him who It’s related to him, no need to make blind guesses.”

"Then he's pretty good." Wei Bin said angrily, "So good that I want to shoot him."

"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly, we have to work in the afternoon." Hu Chen interrupted him angrily.

In the afternoon, the identity of the victim was also confirmed. Her name is Zhang Wenjie, a 28-year-old doctor. She disappeared after working the night shift a few days ago, and then never came to work or returned home.

The family has already called the police at the police station in another jurisdiction, and the police have been looking for her for two days.

As for the forensic doctor, since there is already a precedent, the forensic doctor can directly test the water in the lungs, which can save a lot of time, so the results will be available faster.

It's just that... the results are not very good.

"The water in this victim's lungs," the forensic doctor sighed to everyone at the scene, "is different from the water in the lungs of victim No. 2, but it is the same quality as the water in the lungs of victim No. 1."

"What!?" Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

"How could this happen!?" Liang Zhiqiang asked in disbelief, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

The forensic doctor shrugged: "Because before, it was only necessary to compare the water in the victim's lungs with the water where they were found, and we could conclude that the two were drowned elsewhere. But this No. 3 victim still has She didn't have time to be dumped elsewhere, so we could only compare the fluid in her lungs to the first two victims."

"Then how do you know it's different?" Han Xin asked.

The forensic doctor explained: "Because the tap water we commonly use usually contains some residual disinfectant substances, you should know this, right? Most areas use hypochlorous acid for disinfection, so a small amount of chlorine can be detected in the water. Residual chlorine was detected in the water in the lungs of the first and third victims, but not in the water in the second lung."

"Does this mean that this bastard has a second base?" Liang Zhiqiang covered his forehead in despair, "What a cunning rabbit with three holes! Bastard!"

Hu Chen gave Lu Wenbo a hard elbow: "It's all your crow's mouth!"

"It's none of my business..." Lu Wenbo muttered unconvincedly, covering the place where he was hit.

"So, do you know where there is no hypochlorous acid in the water?" Han Xin asked at this time.

"There are two possibilities. The first is well water. The water drawn directly from wells in rural areas is filtered by the soil, so there will be no disinfectant water in it. The second possibility is the same, it is groundwater." Forensic doctor Explained, "Some places in the city use groundwater. The quality of this type of water is better, so there is no need to add disinfected water for filtration."

"Then this is the direction of the investigation!" Liang Zhiqiang said happily, and ordered the people below: "Immediately check which household had abnormal water consumption when the second case occurred, and then find out the area where groundwater is used. Check them one by one!"

Everyone at the scene also breathed a sigh of relief: now there might be hope of catching the culprit.

(Monthly ticket thanks list is as follows)
 Thanks to Old Bookworm 42, Love to Take Care of Waiters and Nanjing Yiba for their 2 monthly passes.

  Thanks to "Dou丨." for the 3 monthly passes

(End of this chapter)

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