Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 244

Chapter 244
This time the murderer prepared multiple crime locations, which made Han Xin feel a little uncomfortable.

Because this undoubtedly proves that the murderer is a very cautious person. In terms of time, he probably should not have started planning until September.And now it is only the beginning of December, and two secret bases can be prepared in less than three months.

This also made Han Xin more convinced that his previous deduction was correct. The murderer obviously had sufficient funds and plumber skills, otherwise he would not have been able to prepare two secret bases in such a short period of time.

The bad news is that this manhunt has already alerted the snake. Theoretically, the suspect will not commit another crime in a short period of time. He himself also knows that committing another crime will be very dangerous, but whether he can control it is another matter.

Once he got a taste of that, he never stopped.

This time the prisoner's desire expanded particularly rapidly. More than a month passed between the first and second incidents, but only a week passed between the second and third incidents.

In this situation, how long can he resist committing a crime?I'm afraid it won't take more than a week.

"We must catch him within a week, otherwise he will attack again." Han Xin explained to the detectives around him.

"Did you hear that?! Start working immediately!" Liang Zhiqiang urged the criminal policemen around him.

Apart from often getting off work late, these three victims have almost nothing in common in terms of appearance, personality, family, and interpersonal relationships. It is obvious that the criminal only targets women who are easy to prey on.

So in the afternoon, Han Xin asked the police to simulate their daily movement routes based on the identities of the three deceased people to see if they could find anything.

He marked the action routes of the three people one by one on the map. Although the trajectories of the three people hardly overlapped, this just proved that the murderer was deliberately avoiding the places he had visited before.

"This guy has chosen a target and will avoid it the next time he commits a crime." Wei Bin looked at the map and frowned.

"Will he be in this circle?" Hu Chen curiously stretched out his finger and drew a circle around the movements of the three people.

"Unlikely." Han Xin shook his head. "With his level of caution, he will definitely not only hunt in one fixed place. Remember? He has two secret bases, so there will definitely not be only one hunting ground." of."

At this time, Zhao Linshan asked curiously: "Hey, husband, do you think this time is also a psychological abnormality caused by witnessing others drowning in childhood? It's the same as the guy who set the fire last time."

"It's possible, but drowning is quite special. Maybe it's not someone else but himself who is drowning." Han Xin explained, "Some people who have experienced drowning have said that there is a strange pleasure at a certain stage of drowning. It’s a particularly relaxing and comfortable feeling. So some people will reach climax by suffocating.”

Lu Wenbo suddenly said: "I seem to have heard of such a person, and it seems to be quite popular abroad. But it seems that he can kill people?"

Han Xin nodded: "The murderer himself also knew that this kind of behavior was dangerous, so he solved it in this special way. Just like if you have a direct relationship with a woman and there is a possibility of death, you will watch pornographic movies and solve it yourself. "

Everyone at the scene cleared their throats in embarrassment, while Zhao Linshan pinched him complainingly: "You are the only one who knows metaphors."

"I had a drowning experience in childhood, worked as a plumber, between thirty and fifty years old... This should be very specific." Wei Bin nodded with satisfaction, "The local police have this information, and they should be able to catch it soon. Is he a prisoner?"

"Then let's take a rest and wait for news from them." Han Xin stretched his muscles and said, "After ten o'clock in the evening, we will go shopping in the city and have a late-night snack or something. Who wants to come with us?"

"Well, Consultant Han, you can go yourself." Huo Gang smiled bitterly, "We have to help the local police."

"Look, this is why I don't join the establishment anymore." Han Xin joked, "Then my wife and I will go."

Of course, Han Xin didn't really go for late-night snacks, but had another purpose.

The details he gave the police were indeed enough to catch someone, but it might take a long time.

Because whether it is a groundwater water district or a plumber aged 50 to [-] years old, it requires a lot of manpower and long-term investigation to get the results, so Han Xin wants to further help them narrow down the scope.

Although "intuition" cannot be used as evidence, it can be used to find evidence.

Therefore, Han Xin and Zhao Linshan returned to the hotel in the afternoon to take a rest.

"Why are you going to bed at two o'clock in the afternoon? What are you going to do in the evening?" Zhao Linshan asked dissatisfiedly as she lay on his back.

"Aren't you going out for a late-night snack tonight? Let's take a nap first to recuperate our spirits." Han Xin said lazily.

"Do you have an idea?" Zhao Linshan kissed him on the face.

"It's just intuition." Han Xin replied, "Okay, you should sleep for a while, you will stay up very late at night." "I can't sleep without taking a shower." Zhao Linshan said, pulling him up from the bed, "You Come and take a shower too.”

Just as Han Xin expected, although the local police identified areas where the water quality was better and did not require disinfection, this area was more prosperous. Which household had excessive water consumption still needed to be investigated; as for those who reached 50 There are tens of thousands of plumbers under the age of [-], and it will take time to investigate which of them have experienced drowning.

Han Xin and Zhao Linshan set out at ten o'clock in the evening and went shopping near the Southeast Road Pedestrian Street in Lianda City.

"Husband, what are you doing here?" Zhao Linshan asked in confusion.

"Look for the murderer's next hunting ground." Han Xin explained, "The murderer changes places every time he commits a crime, so we can rule out the first three crime areas. I have observed the map before, and the path those girls take after work must be nearby. There is a pedestrian street, which will gather a large number of pedestrians there, giving him a chance to attack."

"Did he specifically choose to attack near the pedestrian street?" Zhao Linshan asked curiously.

Han Xin shrugged: "I'm not sure. He may have found a few 'hunting grounds' for himself in advance, and then specially took over the work here. When he went back, he would catch anyone who was alone on the road, that is, Opportunistic crimes are committed when the opportunity arises.”

"So the victims have almost nothing in common, and the intervals between crimes are not fixed." Zhao Linshan suddenly said, then she held his arm: "Then why didn't you tell the police this?"

"These are just my 'intuitions'. There is no direct indication that what I said is right." Han Xin touched her head and explained, "Now the police still have investigation directions, so don't bother with the reason of 'intuition'." They. Just treat it as a lottery. If you win, you can help the police narrow down the scope. If you don’t, just wait for the results of the police investigation. "

"Okay." Zhao Linshan leaned on his shoulder and smiled, "Then let's go eat first, we're starving."

But Han Xin's intuition is not pure intuition, but a conditioned reflex behavior formed by his grasp of various details. That is, experience tells him the result before his mind can figure it out.

There was a reason why he intuitively chose the Southeast Road Pedestrian Street. Since the murderer already knew through the camera that the police had discovered one of his bases, he would definitely choose a place farther away from the place where he committed the crime.

There are only ten lively pedestrian streets in Lianda City, and this is the only one far away from the pedestrian streets where the crimes occurred.

"Then why do you know he won't stay away from the limelight for a while?" Zhao Linshan asked as she nibbled on the skewers.

"I don't know, so why don't you come here to take a look?" Han Xin looked around and said, "Let's go over there and have a look."

They crossed a pedestrian street and came to the side of the road.Across the road is another street. It is obviously separated from the pedestrian street by only one road, but this side is like a no-man's land. The entire street is almost full of vacant storefronts, and not a single person can be seen.

Because the other side is the outskirts of the economic development zone, and no one will go there except those who go to work there.

"He is a plumber, which means he will definitely come from the residential area..." Han Xin muttered to himself, looking up and looking around.

Walking along this street, you can see a cluster of tall buildings, with lights on many floors.Han Xin knew that houses near such economic development zones were usually bought by young people working here for the convenience of work.

"I have a very strong feeling, it's right here." Han Xin said, walking forward with Zhao Linshan.

Just when he came to the side of the road, Han Xin saw a young female white-collar worker staggering over from the other side of the road. From the looks of it, she must have just finished socializing, because she drank too much and was not careful at all.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. The place was already deserted, and there was no one on the road except this girl.

At this time, a gray van drove out of the community in front of Han Xin and inadvertently moved toward the girl.This car is very conspicuous because the road outside the community is too narrow for two cars to pass at the same time, so there is no double solid line. Logically speaking, you should keep to the right when going out, but this van is heading towards Go left.

Han Xin and Zhao Linshan immediately hid in the shadows and watched what happened, but the van just accelerated away.

"Did I make a mistake? Or did that guy find me?" Han Xin frowned and muttered, "It seems that intuition is not always accurate."

Seeing the girl drunkenly passing by them and entering the community in front, Han Xin could only give up.

"Okay, let's go back and rest." Han Xin put his arm around Zhao Linshan's shoulders and said.

But just after returning to the hotel, Huo Gang and others came over impatiently and knocked on the door.

As soon as Han Xin opened the door, Huo Gang said anxiously: "Teacher Han, another girl is missing!"

"So fast!? The time of committing the crime is too strange." Han Xin muttered to himself in disbelief.

(Thanks to Jingren for the 4 monthly tickets)
(End of this chapter)

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