Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 43: We March to War

Chapter 43: We March to War


I stood by as the ships began offloading their wagons and horses. The steeds will be needed in the event we need cavalry and also to transport supplies. I’m not sure how effective the wagons will be in the dense forest. I don’t think those wooden wheels will work well in the thick vegetation. Well I guess we’ll just have to see how it goes…

As I watched my soldiers begin to march past I sensed someone approach. I saw the Captain of the ship walking forward. Sensing he wanted to talk I faced him and waited for him to approach.

“Dark Hero.” the Captain greeted with a nod.

“Captain.” I replied with a nod of my own.

“I wanted to thank you for your aid on the ship.” the Captain said.

“You should be thanking Modred, she won that battle not any of us.” I replied as I turned my gaze to the open ocean. Modred had left as soon as we docked no doubt out hunting more demon ships.

“I already did, she is… a very interesting individual. I sense great wisdom within her.” the Captain said thoughtfully as he too turned his gaze to the open waters.

“Well they say with age comes wisdom.” I replied as I looked back at him.

“Yes I suppose you are right, I cannot imagine living as long as Modred has… still thanks is still owed to you. If you had not crippled that ship I would have lost many more men. The demon ships have poor accuracy at a distance, that was probably why it wanted to close the distance. Their attacks are powerful but inaccurate…” the Captain said as he looked back at me.

“On behalf of my crew I thank you for your efforts.” the Captain said with a slight bow.

“Well I’m on the same ship too, dying isn’t really on the list of my life plans.” I replied with a smirk.

“Hahaha I suppose you are right about that. Also, I have a gift for you as a token of thanks and good will.” the Captain said as he reached behind him and took out that enchanted spyglass.

“I am sure this will be useful, you can use it to scout the enemy. The tall trees of this place will no doubt provide a good vantage point. From what I saw the lands the demons control have been into a barren wasteland. Not many trees are left there, you should be able to better observe the enemy with this.” the Captain said as he held out the spyglass.

“Don’t you need this?” I asked as I looked down at the spyglass.

“I have spare, this particular one is passed down from my family. It is of a better quality than the spare, but it won’t be needed here in port. You need it more than me now, the fate of the world now rests on your shoulders, Dark Hero.” the Captain said as he pushed the spyglass into my hand.

“Are you sure? I am going into a warzone, even if I win this may get destroyed in the battle.” I replied as I ran my thumb over the smooth bronze surface of the spyglass.

“This is a tool, Dark Hero, tools are supposed to be used. If it can help you more than me then take it. Even if it is lost, I am sure it will be for a good cause.” the Captain said with a nod.

“Then thank you, I’ll kill a few demons for you.” I replied with a nod as I put the spyglass into one of the many pouches I had around my waist.

“Tell the demons that the Captain of Lady Dauntless sends his regards.” the Captain said as he extended his hand.

“Will do.” I replied as I reached out and shook his hand.

“Fair winds Dark Hero, I wish you good fortune in the battle to come.” the Captain said.

With that we bid each other farewell and I left the dock meeting up with the rest of my party. The rest of my party had already boarded a wagon, but as I looked at the rest of the soldiers and mages all lining up to march to the Alven capital I decided to walk with them. I’m not the kind of leader that takes a seat while the rest of my men walk. 

If they march, I march.

“Aren’t you getting on?” Jacob asked as he saw that I had no intention of getting on the wagon.

“I’ll walk at the front, I want to see what’s coming.” I said as I looked to the mages who were all formed up in neat rows as they prepared to march.

“Then, I’ll join you.” Charlotte said as she started to get off the wagon, she was soon followed by the rest of the party who quickly caught on to what I meant.

So my party all made our way to the start of the formation leaving the empty wagon behind. When we got to the head of the formation, I saw Lady Scylla, Davis, Jerome and Bovarian there at the head of the formation. 

“Heroes, there is a wagon prepared for you.” Lady Scylla said.

“I know, we’ll walk with the rest of you.” I replied. 

At those words I saw a hint of silent approval in the eyes of Lady Scylla and I saw smiles appear on the faces of Davis, Jerome and Bovarian. 

“Very well, company on the road will be welcome.” Lady Scylla said with a nod and a small smile.

So we began to march with the Alven Captain at the head of the formation mounted on top of this strange green deer. I looked over at Ella questioningly as we marched and she caught my gaze as she looked at the deer.

“We do not ride horses, we ride Equine Elks, they are intelligent creatures. Each rider and steed must choose one another, both live and serve together their entire lives.” Ella explained as she looked at the deer.

“I see…” I say as I continue to march.

“Ella, is there anything I should know about your father?” I asked.

“He will not help you so easily… and you will not be able to threaten him to get your way. He would rather see Alvuan burn than submit to the humans.” Ella replied.

“We aren’t asking the Alvs to submit to Regus, we just want your help to defend the world that all of you live in.” I said as I gave her a look.

“I know… but we Alvs have long memories, such is our nature because of our long lives. You remember when I said we give as much as we take?” Ella said.

“Yeah why?” I asked as I gazed at her and I saw how she was fidgeting as if she didn’t know how to explain it to me. She was casting furtive glances at the humans all around her, as if she didn’t expect me to understand because I was human.

“Try me, remember I’m not from this world. The different human nations in my world have very different ways of thinking.” I said.

“We… We Alves believe in reciprocity, we remember our debts and what we are owed. To us the humans owe us a grievous debt. You stole our lands, forced us to rip our home in half. My father will want that debt to be repaid before he even considers helping you…” Ella said with a small sigh.

“The king will never agree to that.” Davis said calmly.

“Yes… he won’t…” Lady Scylla muttered in response.

“I expected as much…” Ella said as she lowered her head.

I gave Lady Scylla a look and she just raised a knowing eyebrow in my direction. I looked over at Jerome and Davis and they gave me the same knowing look. A sly smile appeared on my face at their looks and they returned with one of their own.

“Who said we need the king to agree?” I said with a small laugh and my laughter was met with smiles from the other three leaders.

Ella looked up suddenly at my words and as she looked around at the faces around her, her eyes widened as the realisation came to her.

“If the current ruler will not do what needs to be done then we will find another.” Jerome said.

“The old king is dead, long live the king…” Lady Scylla muttered.

“Treason… you do not intend to remain loyal?” Ella asked in surprise.

“Our loyalties haven’t changed, we are loyal to the world, not to the king. The house of Puchara Leon Magni merely served our purposes so far. There will be a new ruler, Regus is just a name, even if the rulers change the nation does not. The people live on and we the knight orders intend to outlive the death of the house of Puchara Leon Magni.” Jerome said.

“The order of mages will do so as well, five kingdoms we have served and five kingdoms we have helped slay, what is one more? Besides, who says the king’s successor will not be able to find an equitable solution. History implies that is unlikely but still the possibility is there, perhaps the princess will have the skill to alleviate the fall.” Lady Scylla said calmly.

“We’ll work something out, I had half a mind to offer you back your lands as well. It was one of the things I was thinking of offering in exchange for your aid. From what I read you guys are a lot better at extracting the resources from the forests anyway. I think trading for it would work just as well as wasting money fighting the damned forest for it.” I said and I saw Ella’s tense shoulders relax. 

“Don’t worry I don’t intend to play by that old pervert’s rules. The Dark God is the god of change, a new age is coming to this world and I don’t intend to let that old shit see it.” I said with a cold smile as I imagined that old shit on his knees in front of me. If there is one thing I hate more than anything it is powerful and out of touch stepping on everyone below them for their own personal pleasure and ego. 

“You are starting to sound like a king, Dark Hero.” Jerome said as he turned and gave me a look.

“I’m a soldier not a ruler.” I replied dismissively. If anyone here should rule it should be Charlotte, I know she doesn’t want to rule but she would be the best fit. Honestly, I feel the best arrangement would be for Filianoreh to rule as a puppet but Charlotte would make all the real decisions. Filianoreh has quite the reputation in the court, I don’t think any will want to have a go at her. I mean you don’t get the nickname, “white spider” by being this nice pretty princess...

“You are the leader of the Heroes Onaga Katsuro. If we defeat the rifts you will be the one leading the charge. You will be the most powerful individual in the world. A soldier more powerful than any other, the one who defeated the demons. Crowns have been won with less Onaga Katsuro.” Lady Scylla said as she gave me a look.

Honestly, the whole idea seemed ridiculous to me, I know next to nothing about ruling. I’m not even sure I can run a village let alone an empire that spans a continent. I would have to rely on Charlotte and everyone else to help me run things and I would just be a face of the throne that… no one wants to… fuck with…

Hang on… that’s exactly the same plan I have for Filianoreh…

Oh no…

Me being on the throne works so much better, if no one dares to fuck with Filianoreh who the hell would be willing to try anything with me? I’m the kind of guy that does the executions personally…

My stick to Charlotte's carrot…

“Lady Scylla…” I say as I give her a wary look.

“Yes, Dark Hero?” Lady Scylla said as she gave me an amused look as if she already knew what I’m going to ask.

“Did the other Dark Heroes end up in charge?” I asked tentatively.

“Every single one… well at least at first anyway. Some gave up the throne afterwards but the new age is always founded with the Dark Heroes at the head.” Lady Scylla said with a smile.

“Great…” I replied with a sigh.

“History doesn’t always repeat, they may tend to but not always. My world is living proof we broke the cycle of war and hatred.” Charlotte said as she gently laid a hand on my arm. 

As she said this I felt the familiar presence of Styx in my mind...


So far…


I heard Styx say with a laugh as his voice rang out in my head.


The dark god always collects his due



Styx said with another haunting laugh as his presence receded from my mind.

“Is your world like the Dark Heroes? Were there many nations with great differences between them?” Ella asked Charlotte.

“Yes, we decided to stop the violence after a great war, the greatest war our world has ever seen. We called it the war to end all wars, the death toll is still an old proverb more than a hundred years later. Remember the 20 million…” Charlotte said with a small sigh.

“Then what of your world Dark Hero, has your world broken the cycle?” Ella asked as Charlotte visibly flinched from the question. 

“No… we called that first war the war to end all wars too. We lost about 20 million as well, but apparently, a generation of dead wasn’t enough for the leaders of our world. We had another great war just a generation later, it lasted ten long years, by the end of it all our world was in ruins. We lost almost 80 million the next time. After that, we kept fighting wars, some larger than others, either way, the fighting continued. This went on for about a hundred years then when I was almost a man another great war started. I was pulled from my home to fight it. For two years I fought until the Dark God decided to send me here…” I replied with a sigh.

“When did World War II end in your world? I don’t recall it lasting ten years in my world.” Jacob asked curiously.

“1947, that was the year Japan surrendered, when we surrendered the war finally ended.” I said.

“1947? Didn’t the US use the nukes on you guys?” Jacob asked as he looked at me.

“Nukes? What’s that?” I asked, confused.

“Oh so you guys never discovered nuclear power…” Jacob said as he started to understand.

“Nuclear power?” I ask, getting even more confused.

“Never mind, from what I’ve heard about your world so far I think it’s best you guys never discovered it…” Jacob said with a nervous laugh.

“What is it? A weapon?” I asked.

“Yeah… the kind that can flatten a city…” Jacob replied nervously.

“In my world World War II ended when we dropped two of those on your cities…” Jacob finished with a mutter.

“So it takes the threat of total annihilation for my government to surrender. I guess death or dishonor doesn’t mean much when the enemy can just delete cities.” I replied bitterly.

“You know Lady Charlotte, I am unsure what kind of world you heroes come from. But from what our records say your worlds did not have the gods intervene as directly as they do here. The cycle is a lot harder to break here, even if the people desire it the Dark God will eventually unravel whatever fragile peace the people create.” Lady Scylla said.

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t at least try.” Charlotte replied.

“Yeah if we don’t try we’ll never know.” Jacob said.

If only I had their hope, every page of my world’s history is written in blood. A world built on a millennium of murder. The old hatreds cast long shadows across the pages of history…

Then I heard the sound of music being played, I turned around and saw it was coming from the mages. Was this some marching song?



The time has come to be alive

With the Circle of Magi

Where we will thrive


We were once called Enchanters not Mages long ago. This song is a vestige of our heritage as an order.” Lady Scylla explained as the voices of two hundred women echoed out into the forest.


Enchanters remind

That time will not unwind

The Dark God’s crooked smile

Will never straighten into line


What we plea, will be...

A faithful decree...

Where a mage will not retreat,

From any great defeat... 



A time has come for battle lines

We will cut these knotted ties

And some may live and some may die...


Enchanter, come to me...

Enchanter, come to see...

Can you come to see…


As you once were blind

In the night now you can shine

In our strength we can rely,

And history will now repeat…


The song ended, the musician transitioned and the song began again. The melody of the lute calms with every pluck of the string. The song was neither hopeful nor sorrowful. It was a calm wistful song that rang with acceptance. 

A song of an order that has faced the cycles of this world over and over again. An order that has survived the rifts time and time again. I turned around again and I saw the grim faces of the Grey Eagles right behind me. We were now climbing a hill and I saw the long line of soldiers walking in neat lines in the forest. 

Every one of them knew this may be a one-way trip, but they still came. The leaders of the mages and knights all told me on the ship that every one of their number was preselected and the best of their orders. Before they set off, apparently all the leaders asked for those who were willing to follow them into Alvuan to face a rift to step forward. All of them, the mages and knights all stepped forward. 

Honestly to any of them, this must seem like a suicide mission. Follow the heroes to an enemy nation to battle demons. They even had to trust the Alves to heal them if they were wounded, they had to trust their enemy to give them medical aid. Yes, I am sure the mages could heal to a certain extent but from what I can tell these mages were picked for offensive power not healing abilities.

The sheer determination and faith in the cause one would need to volunteer for this madness. Still, they marched on, their banners held high…

It is honestly very sobering to think about this, to sell one’s life for a chance just to continue the cycle. Knowing all your life will buy is a chance for the next generation to have a chance to face their own set of Rifts. All the while the Dark God laughs as the world burns, the lives of those who live in this world are just kindling to fuel the flames of war. His crooked smile leering over the souls of this world as he plays his little game…

I suppose this is a testament to the tenacity of humans and humanoids in general. We refuse to die no matter how much fate decides to spite us. I guess with respect to the cycle of rifts it’s not that different from my world. A ceaseless cycle of war and every generation must know its own suffering…

I looked up and saw a nearby branch extend out and it seemingly handed what looks to be a peach to Charlotte. She gently plucked the peach from the branch and she said a warm thank you to the tree and I saw the tree seemingly bow slightly. I saw Charlotte bite into the peach and her eyes widened in delight. 

“Is it good?” Jacob asked as he peered curiously at the peach.

“Sweetest fruit I have ever eaten.” Charlotte said as she said as the branches around the forest started handing all the soldiers fruits. The soldiers all looked up in surprise as they took the fruits. I saw the Alven captain looking at this scene, a slightly stunned look on his face. 

“The forest knows you all are here to help…” Ella said with a warm smile as she looked up at the branches moving overhead.

Then I saw a peach in front of me suspended from a branch. I plucked the peach and I looked back at the tree. I gave it a nod in thanks and it bowed slightly to me in return.

I guess even the forest can learn to forgive…

I looked back over at my friends all talking and munching on the fruits. I saw Charlotte lightly laughing at one of Jacob's jokes. Her gold hair shining in the light leaking through the canopy. I took a bite of the peach and tasted its sweet nectar. This is definitely the best fruit I have ever eaten.

The bounty of the forest...

Well cycle or no, this life still has something worth fighting for…



A time has come for battle lines

We will cut these knotted ties

And some may live and some may die...


Enchanter, come to me...

Enchanter, come to see...

Can you come to see…


As you once were blind

In the night now you can shine

In our strength we can rely,

And history will now repeat…


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