Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 44: The King of the Alvs

Chapter 44: The King of the Alvs


As we approached the gates of the capital after almost half a day's worth of marching with short breaks in between for the mages. At last, I saw the towering silver walls of the Alvuan capital. Atop the walls, I saw rows of archers with the same magic bows that Ella uses. The only difference was that the ones they had were blue and Ella’s was an ominous dark purple. 

“Is security always so tight?” I asked Ella as we approached the gleaming gates.

“No, the rifts have forced us to boost security, and of course the presence of humans has no doubt caused many concerns. Humans have not stepped foot in Alvuan in almost a hundred years.” Ella replied.

“I see,” I say as I look back at the archers atop the walls.

“Any last tips before we meet your old man?” I ask as I look at her.

“He can be a bit overbearing at times… try and be patient with him. He means well even if he has trouble showing it…” Ella replied softly.

“You sound like you are expecting for him to be less than pleased with your return,” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

“Well… yes… I left against his wishes, he refused to sanction the mission even after the other elders agreed. You see I am his only child, my mother died bringing me into this world. My father loved my mother too much and refused to wed another woman so I am his heir… his legacy… I feel he also partly blames me for my mother’s death…” Ella replied as her eyes watered slightly.

“Blame you? How did your mother even die in childbirth? Don't you guys have healing spells?” I asked.

“Well we do have healing spells and our healing spells are the strongest among the races. We have to be good at it since we replenish our numbers so slowly and deaths from childbirth are almost unheard of…” Ella replied as her voice tapered off.

“Almost?” I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

“You know I have the [Blessing of the Dark], it is the most powerful of the blessings but it is also called a curse… [Blessings of the Dark] are passed down through the generations. When a child is born with any of the other blessings like those of light, life, or any of the others the parent with the blessing will find their own blessing weakened significantly.

Our scholars speculate that the blessings are like flames of power that reside within the vessels that are our bodies. However, the transfer of these flames of power from vessel to vessel is imperfect. Thus only a portion of the flame is transferred. Also as the generations go on the blessings can eventually be weakened to the point that they lie dormant. The flame seemingly dies out but occasionally it manifests at birth in a child.

This here lies the issue of it, when the [Blessing of the Dark] is transferred from parent to child, the parent loses the blessing completely and they also suffer from having their innate power decreased. They end up with significantly reduced stats, the transfer of the flame of the dark is debilitating to the parent…

If the blessing is from the father then the loss is felt immediately at conception, but if the mother has the blessing then she feels the effects when the child is born.” Ella explained.

“So your mother because she couldn’t handle the power drain from passing on the [Blessing of the Dark]?” I asked.

“In a way… my mother didn’t have the blessing and neither did my father. When other blessings manifest in children it usually does nothing to the parent. But when the [Blessing of the Dark] takes hold in a child and if the father nor mother hold the blessing, it will always kill the mother, regardless of which side of the family has the bloodline of the Dark Hero. 

This is because the transfer of that great flame of power requires power in and of itself, that is why the parent ends up drained. When there is no blessing to fuel the transfer then the flame consumes the next available thing, the life force of the mother…” Ella said.

“So it doesn’t affect the father?” I asked.

“No, the father no longer has any connection to the child after initial conception. So when the [Blessing of the Dark] manifests at birth the only source of power available is the mother. The mother who does not have the strength to spare to fuel the transfer…” Ella replied quietly.

“But you’re back, you succeded, his legacy is safe. Well if you survive the battle which I assume you will be fighting in.” I said.

“No his legacy is ruined, when I was under the influence of that potion, you tore my purity. By Alven tradition if a maiden loses her purity before her first marriage then she is unmarriable, it is a sign of potential future infidelity. That combined with [Blessing of the Dark] there would be no suitors willing to take my hand in marriage.” Ella replied softly.

“Isn’t a blessing a good thing, I mean with you being the holder of the blessing you would be fine wouldn’t you? There is nothing to lose here.” I asked.

“NO, IT’S NOT!” Ella snapped in response.

I leaned back slightly at the outburst and I saw everyone around give us a look. I looked around and I saw the Alves standing guard were giving me dirty looks. I think they thought I had offended her in some way… well then again I might have unintentionally.

“Princess are you well?” I heard the Alv captain say as he looked darkly at me.

“Yes, Captain. I am sorry it has been a trying week for me, I am fine…” Ella replied her voice going up a pitch and her face now a shade paler than before.

“I think I accidentally said something offensive, I apologize for any offense caused Princess,” I reply cordially for the rest to hear.

I saw the captain narrow his eyes for a moment before turning away and continuing to lead us into the city. As we passed through the great gates of Alvuan I saw all the archers above looking at me.

“I am sorry, I got a little agitated…” Ella said softly as she bit her lip.

“I meant what I said, if I upset you I apologize.” I replied sincerely, I can be a heartless murderer at times but I’m not an asshole… well at least not most of the time…

“No, it was my fault I got… do you hear voices in your head?” Ella asked as she looked at me. I paused for a moment at her question, it was a bit of a random question but there is only reason she would ask this...

“Erm yeah, just one though. Styx get out here.” I said and I turned to see his red smiling face to my left.

“I hear this little black motherfucker in my head.” I say as I jab my finger in his direction, Styx of course dodged out of the way like the little housefly he is.

“Katsuro!” I heard Charlotte chastise as she turned around and I saw her eyes widened as she saw Styx.

“Oh… I thought… never mind…” Charlotte muttered apologetically.

“Relax…” I said with a small laugh and Charlotte gave me a small bashful smile as she turned back around.

“So anyway I hear this little shit in my head all the time, I told him to shut up unless I ask him to speak but he still insists on running his mouth,” I said as I gave Styx a glare, to which he reacted by widening his smile.


It’s all in good fun

What is life without a little drama?

Besides, you would be lonely without me

Someone needs to keep you on the path…


Styx said with a laugh as he vanished in a puff of smoke. 

“Smug little shit,” I muttered as I looked back at Ella.

Ella let out a little chuckle as she saw me turn back to me, I guess my weird relationship with Styx was kind of entertaining to an outside observer. I cracked a smile at her laughter and she put a dainty hand over her mouth as she stifled her laughter.

“Misery loves company,” I say as I look at her and Ella looked down for a moment as her demeanor sobered. The only reason she would ask me this question was if she heard voices in her head too.

“Yes I suppose so, I hear them too. They tempt me with things, to indulge in sin. When I am sad, they whisper words of despair hoping to drive me to anger. When I am angry they scream for violence and sadism. When I feel attraction to anyone, they tempt me, telling me how good it will feel if I just gave in to the lust. They preach, wrath, envy, avarice, and pride. I am beset by words of collusion, addiction, temptation, and contention. Every hour, of every day, of every year... 

When I was under the influence of that potion I wanted nothing more than for you to take me…” Ella muttered.

“I mean that’s kind of what the potion is supposed to do. It would be weird if you didn’t feel that way. If you didn’t feel that way we wouldn’t have to do what we did. You wouldn’t be in this situation. I asked around afterward and apparently, the one that old shit gave you was really strong. That old pervert supposedly likes it when the girl bounces on top of him, it has something to do with his bad back. That shit can’t even be bothered to do any work, so he drugs the girls to make them do what he wants.

I asked Filianoreh about the specifics of the potion and that thing they gave you could have actually killed you if we didn’t do what we did. The girls that get drugged by him for too long eventually become mindless lust-filled animals, their minds broken by the constant exposure to that potion. It’s scary stuff, I was worried one of us would actually have to do it with you to bring you back to your senses. Fortunately, Charlotte figured it out quickly, the potion just stimulates an erogenous zone in your… downstairs… place…” I said as I peter off towards the end in slight embarrassment.

“Well you have my thanks, you all do… but that’s not what I meant…” Ella replied as she shook her head.

“What do you mean?” I asked. 

“The voices they go from speech to screams when I am at my weakest. They call for me to kill, to indulge. How do you resist the voices?” Ella asked.

At those words I laughed sardonically as I thought back to my life, I didn’t need voices in my head to make me sin…

“The Dark God doesn’t need to use voices to ask me to sin. I do that perfectly fine on my own.” I reply with a self-deprecating smile.

“What is it like to give in?” Ella asked.

“Addictive, I hated myself afterward but in the moment there are few things sweeter…” I replied.


Addictive isn’t it?


I heard Styx say with a demented laugh as soon as I finished the sentence.


With blade, boot and fist you are a virtuoso

Spinning sinful symphonies

And your victims?

They are your choir…


He’s talking to you isn’t he?” Ella asked.

“You can tell?” I replied a little surprised.

“My friends often say I get this faraway look in my eyes when I listen to the voices,” Ella replied.

“I guess we have a common pain then.” I said.

“I guess so…” Ella replied with a small smile

As we moved through the capital of Alvuan I saw that the forest was here as well. The Alvs didn’t clear an area of forest, their architecture looks like it was built with the trees in mind. The large trunks of the trees serving as supports for some of the larger structures. Strangely the structures weren’t made of wood as I thought, it was made of this strange silver metal. The hue was lighter and it sparkled quite abit.

“What are those buildings made of?” I asked Ella as looked up at the buildings.

“Alven steel,” Ella replied.

“Won’t those buildings be really cold? Metal is a poor insulator.” Charlotte asked as she turned around.

“Alven steel is made by combining ores found here in Alvuan and Alven Amber. The steel is good for armor and buildings since they are quite insulating and lightweight. The issue is for this type of steel is that it doesn’t hold an edge very well so it’s not good for weapons.” Ella replied.

“Wait that doesn’t make sense, if something can’t hold an edge that means the material is soft. So how can a soft metal be used as armor?” I asked.

“When the Alven steel is forged into shape, it is enchanted. Once enchanted the Alven steel will try to retain that shape. Alven Steel also deforms easily, so when armor made of Alven steel is struck the metal will deform absorbing some of the impact instead of breaking under the strain. There are limits to this naturally but overall it provides excellent protection. An ineffective blow will just cause the metal to deform and when the weapon is removed the armor will just return to its original shape.” Ella explained.

“Hmm that’s interesting, a metal that is insulating, lightweight, and naturally seeks to maintain its original shape. It’s the perfect building material.” Charlotte said as she cupped her chin, probably running all the practical applications through that intelligent mind of hers.

Eventually, we arrived at the door of a great palace. It was honestly quite beautiful much nicer than the ugly stone castle back in Regus. With tall thin spires and the structure wrapping around the nearby trees like vines. It was quite beautiful with flowers seemingly growing on the walls. You would expect a castle built into trees with vegetation all over it to look overgrown. But not this structure, it made the palace look… I don’t know how to put it… natural?

When we reached the gates of the palace, we were told that the soldiers had to wait outside. Well, that was to be expected, I mean if a monarch let a few hundred soldiers from an enemy nation into his throne room I would seriously question his intelligence. 

“Keep an eye on everyone, tell me if the Alvs try anything funny.” I say to the three leaders of the soldiers. 

Davis, Jerome and Scylla all quietly nodded, I could see the tension in their eyes. I would be nervous too honestly, as I look around I see the Knights and Mages all standing in neat formation. Problem was that the formation was surrounded by Alven infantry and archers, I could even spot some mages looking down at them. I look over at the Alven captain and I wave him over.

He walks over to me and narrows his eyes in suspicion.

“I’m guessing you have some level of command over these soldiers? Or at least you know the one in command?” I asked the captain. I know the captain will not be coming with us, apparently, only the royal guard called the Glade Guard are allowed into the palace. Well them along with a few other special units that I don’t know about.

“I do.” the captain said as he narrowed his eyes.

“No one touches a hair on my men if you ever want to get your lands back on the other side of the sea make sure your men behave,” I said as I stepped a little closer, near enough to be intimidating but not close enough to be overly threatening.

“Is that a threat?” the captain asked with a growl.

“No it’s advice, you may get those lands back if we all get along. If not then all of you are definitely not getting it back. I advise you not to spark a diplomatic incident and put your petty grudges aside for now.” I replied.

“Petty?” the captain said as his eyes narrowed dangerously. 

“Yes, captain very petty…” I said as I nod at the giant black plume of smoke towering high up into the sky in the north.

“Seems pretty petty, doesn’t it? In the face of armageddon…” I said as the captain looked at the towering black pillar of smoke that reached high up into clouds. The smoke was so bad, the air was hazy and you could smell smoke even from the palace’s doorstep.

“You smell that? Breathe it in, that’s the smell of your entire civilization burning. Behave and your civilization just might survive.” I said and the captain turned back to face me, his gaze wavered for a moment then he looked down and nodded.

“I will speak to the other officers.” the captain replied softly.

“Good,” I said with a nod as I turned away and headed to the open doors of the palace. 

The guards standing at the door moved to the side with a crisp motion, their armor clinking like bells as they moved. The guards had armor and shields made of the Alven steel but their weapons were made of this strange amber-colored material. Their spears with their curved blades were pulsing with an orange glow, almost like a heartbeat.

“Their weapons are made of Alven Amber, it is a powerful enchanted material. Weapons made of Alven Amber can do both Physical and Magical damage. Making them very effective at dealing with resistances.” Ella explained.

“Seems pretty handy…” I replied as turned my gaze away from those spears and we continued deeper into the palace.

We walked for about fifteen minutes as we were escorted by four Glade Guard. Their steps perfectly in sync and their backs ramrod straight as they marched. I guess if you live for a few hundred years you had plenty of time to practice in a parade square. 

Eventually, we arrived at this massive wooden door and I didn’t mean large to look grand like the one in Regus. I mean massive as in, how the hell do you even open this thing? It’s almost four stories tall and 10 meters wide. But of course sure enough the door began to groan as it slowly swung open. It honestly should have been quite cool if I wasn’t so distracted on how does someone even open something like this. Well… that and the fact that it took almost two minutes to open the damn thing and it eventually devolved into us just staring blankly at this slowly opening door. 

“This would be alot cooler if it opened faster…” Jacob deadpanned as we looked up at the door.

“The door is made of wood, I guess if you opened it too quickly the structure wouldn’t be able to hold,” Charlotte said as she cupped her chin and looked up at the door with her usual academic curiosity.

“Do we have to wait for the whole thing to open? Or can we just go in?” Ivan asked clearly bored as he turned to look at me.

“Don’t ask me, I guess we’ll see,” I replied with a sigh.

Finally, the door opened and our guards began to move. To my surprise what was on the other side wasn’t some overly excessive large throne room. I honestly expected the throne to reach to the ceiling or something. But no, what lay on the other side was what looked to be a forest clearing. I looked up and saw there was no ceiling the sun shone down into this open-air part of the palace.

I looked around and saw a throne made of wood at the base of this large tree. The clearing was circular and around the perimeter of the circle looked to be Alves… encased in Amber that was embedded in a true. Like those mosquitoes, people find trapped in Amber from the time dinosaurs were still around. The Alves looked to be asleep their arms hung by their sides as they peacefully slept in the Amber.

Then I saw one of the trees move… 

I snapped my head in the direction of the tree and saw it had a face…

Ok… that’s a little scary…

“Heroes…” one of the trees said as it took a step forward. The tree man was massive, I guess that door did have a purpose…

“Daughter…” the Alv on the throne said, I could sense the displeasure in his voice. You would think that having his daughter back safe and sound would be a cause of celebration. Looks like he was more upset at Ella defying his wishes than he is happy that she has returned safely.

“Father…” Ella replied her voice small like a child that was caught doing something she shouldn’t have.

“Well done child. I was worried you would fail.” the tree said as it knelt down, its massive frame shaking the ground. With each movement of its massive frame, I could hear the sound of wood creaking.

“Thank you elder Oak Heart.” Ella replied with a small smile

“Greetings heroes, it seems once again the heroes have arrived to battle the denizens of the outworld.” Oak Heart said as he peered down at us. 

“That’s the plan,” I replied.

“Hmm good, good. With your presence Dark Hero, it appears this ruinous cycle is at an end…” Oak Heart said as he rose to his feet his body creaking and each footfall shaking the ground below us.

“That should bring some comfort to you, your grace.” I heard another tree say, this one sounded female. I looked over and saw another talking tree man… woman… thing…

“If he is to be believed, the humans wish nothing but ill upon the Alvs.” the king said.

“Let us not jump to conclusion’s your grace, the heroes are of a different breed as those of the others of this world. To view them simply as humans would be too simplistic of an interpretation.” I heard a voice say, I looked to the source of the voice and I saw one of the amber surrounding on the Alvs glowing with each word. 

“Father, they have come to help us. Should we not put old grievances aside in the face of the end of all things?” Ella pleaded.

“SILENCE! I will not be lectured by you child, you have returned but at what cost? Say it now are you still pure?” the king demanded.

“I…” Ella stammered as she began to shake.

“As I thought, so my nation is saved by my legacy is dead. Your curse killed your mother and now you decide to murder our line as well? What sin did I commit to received cursed child turned HARLOT!” the king roared.

At those words, I saw Ella flinch as if slapped, she paused and I could see her shoulders start to shake. Then I heard a sniffle and thought I couldn’t see it I could tell she was starting to cry. In my chest, I could start to feel the familiar feeling of anger, of wrath. Like a beast straining against chains, it was all I could do to stop myself from going off on this asshole.

“But… I…” Ella said through her tears.

“Save your excuses and save your tears, I don’t…” the king spat and I felt something snap inside of me. I knew it was going to be bad as I saw the rest of my party turned to look at me out of the corner of my eye. At this point they knew when I was going to fly off the handle, this little shit has pushed me well beyond that line and then some.

I looked at those around me for a moment. Jacob had this big “Oh shit…” look on his face, while Ivan and Charlotte just sighed in resignation. Yeah… oh shit is right….




I roared at the king spittle flying from my mouth. In the back of my mind, I heard Styx let out a cackle at my outburst. I guess he found this situation very entertaining…

The king looked taken aback, fuckers like him probably never had anyone talk to him the way I just did. Good, it’s time for this shit to get a wake-up call… or kick…

“What did you say?” the king asked I could tell there was now a cold fury in his eyes.

“I called you an asshole, shit head. Your daughter risked life, limb, and her body. She could have been raped, tortured, or killed. She risked it all because she knows the consequences if she does nothing. No one here was willing to do it, no one here could do it, she was smart enough to use her own body and status as a tool to get to me. 

Give her a little fucking credit, she’s done more for Alvuan than you have, you pompous little shit!” I shouted and by now the room was dead silent. The guards were not raising their weapons instead they just looked at me slack-jawed. 

“How dare you. I am a king, you will speak to me with the respect…” the king began.

“Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. Do you think I give a rat’s ass if you sit in that fucking chair? You think I will respect you because you wear that stupid shiny hat? You have to earn my respect and you just lost whatever little I had for you.” I spat.

“My guards can slay you where you stand Dark Hero, you forget your place.” the king hissed.

“Try me,” I replied as I drew my pistol and shot a round into the air. 

Immediately the guards around us all pointed their spears at us, encircling us.

“Your guards can, but will they?” I said coldly.

I walked forward until I was standing right in front of the spear point of one of the guards.

“If I die, the rifts remain open and all of you die… your families, everyone you care about is demon food. So? What will it be?” I ask as I grabbed the spear and yanked it towards my throat.

“What’s wrong? Do it…” I said coldly as I saw the guard’s eyes waver slightly.

This time I raised my gun and pointed it at the guard’s face. His eyes widened but still, he didn’t thrust forward. I shifted my aim and fired a shot at one of the ornaments on his helmet, carving it clean off with one hit. The guard flinched and the entire encirclement took a step back. The guard in front of me tried to step back but I yanked on the spear and he paused.

“Do it? Your king commands it. Kill me and be damned, if you live a like a sheep you will die like one…” I hissed at the guard and I felt the spear start to droop as the guard loosened his grip.

“Come on… I’m ready to go… are you? Come on, kill me.” I said as I shifted my aim to the king this time.




I roared and I felt the guard flinch but still no movement from the guards around us.

“No takers? That’s what I thought. The Dark God judges all, it claims all. Your title means nothing.” I spat at the king as I roughly shoved the spear back towards the guard.

“If none of you are actually going to do it, get those weapons out of my face and stop wasting my time,” I said as I fired off the rest of my magazine at the surrounding guards feet causing them to yelp and jump back as my rounds spat clouds of dust into the air.

“See your grace, you don’t have any power over me,” I said as I began walking towards the throne, I saw the guards near the throne tense as I approached.

“By the way, I’m not even level 30 so if you want to kill me get on with it.” I said as I looked at the guard. The guard paused but did not move.

“Thought so...” I said as I shoved the two guards in my way aside and walked right up to the throne.

“Now then, your grace...” I said as I looked down at my pistol which was still recharging, the purple gas being vented from the shell ejector giving out an ominous hissing noise in the dead silent throne room.

I flipped my mask down and I saw the king visibly flinch at the sight of my fanged smile. Then my pistol finished recharging and the slide clicked back forward with a metallic sound that echoed out into the silent clearing.

I looked at the stiff and slightly pale king of the Alvs. I could see the barest hints of fear in his eyes, but still, there was the presence of anger and defiance in his eyes. Looks like this one had a bit of backbone. Good, I can work with this…

So with a fanged smile, I spoke.


Shall we bargain?

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