Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 45: Alliance with the Alvs

Chapter 45: Alliance with the Alvs


As I stared down at the king I saw his eyes narrow even further. His gaze was ice, as cold as a boreal wind. In the back of my mind, I noted this is quite ironic, considering that with my mask down some have described my eyes as being like the fires of hell. So the raging fires of hell stared down the glacial frost. 

“A bargain?” the king asked, his voice still steady.

“Of course, the seven deals in blessings, but do you know what the Dark God deals in?” I said as I cracked a smile and I felt my mask clink as the metal pieces moved to accommodate my widening smile.

“Bargains.” the king replied with a scowl.

“So you know you won’t be getting a free salvation. If you want me to raise a finger to save you lot I want something in return.” I said as I leaned towards him.

“What do you want?” the king asked.

“I want you to help me seal the Rifts, all of the Rifts. Once I seal the one over here I want you to commit soldiers to this war. But I’m not unreasonable, I know you Alvs replace your population slowly. I heard you have great healers, archers, and skirmish cavalry. I also heard all of you are horrible in melee so I want to keep all of you in the backline.” I said.

“Very well, I agree to your terms.” the king said. 

Well, that was easy, but I can tell this fucker is lying. After all, if I seal the Rift he can easily go back on his word. Unless there is a second half to this agreement.

“Not so fast, there’s more. If you do well and cooperate for the rest of this outworld invasion I will give you your lands back. The ones on the other side of the sea.” I said as I saw the king tilted his head slightly.

“And why should I trust you? I know you will topple Regus, this world operates on cycles. When Dark Heroes arrive, empires fall. That is the way of the world. The fact that you even offered me such a thing implies you will not suffer another Leon Magni on the throne of Regus. You can easily break your word once the Rifts are over and my people would have been sacrificed for nothing.” the king replied.

“You’ll just have to trust me, don’t you? If you don’t agree I leave and all of you die.” I replied.

“Ha, an empty threat Dark Hero. You need the Alvs, you think me a fool? The Church of the Seven controls the healers in Regus. They are human supremacists, they will not support you Dark Hero on theology alone. What are the chances of their aid if you seek non-human aid? 

Without the Alvs your army will suffer greatly to attrition. You need us Dark Hero, just as much as we need you.” the king said as he leaned forward and held my gaze.

“So you would rather we all die rather than put aside your petty grudges?” I asked as I raised a brow. 

“Let the world end now it matters not to me.” the king replied with a smile.

Ok, time for plan B…

“If you don’t want to help maybe your successor will. You ever heard the phrase, the old king is dead, long live the king?” I asked as I pointed my pistol at his head. 

The king didn’t even flinch, he knows I won’t shoot him and he knows his plan is pointless. There must be some greater plan here, anyone with a brain will know what he is proposing is madness. The rest of the people will rebel if they knew the king as planning to sacrifice the whole world for his spite. I mean just look at his guards I have a gun trained on their king’s head and they aren’t even moving…

“I have a proposition. A way to ensure our alliance stands…” the king said calmly. 

Ah, there it is… the real proposition… god I hate politics...

“That is?” I asked but I kept my gun pointed at his head.

“My daughter is now unmarriable as things stand my line will end with her. There is a way to secure our alliance. You are the leader of the Heroes, when the Rifts are over you will be the strongest individual in this world. None can defy you…” the king said.

Oh no… I know where this is going…

“I will agree to all your terms, I will give you my full support for your war. You will have Alven archers, skirmish cavalry, healers, and all the resources our land can provide. Food, Moonsilk, Alven Amber, Alven Steel, potions, and many more...

If you marry my daughter…” the king said with a smile.

Not this shit again…

How big is my harem going to be by the end of this war? I’m going to have like nine wives or something by the end of all this.

“Erm… you know you could ask one of us to do it,” Jacob said from behind in an attempt to be helpful, I think he feels bad for me and Charlotte…

Thanks, bro but… I don’t think that suggestion is going to fly with this guy...

“You are the Light Hero?” the king asked.

“Yep,” Jacob said.

“Unfortunately I will have to reject your offer. The Dark Hero is the most powerful and he is the clear leader of your group. I cannot offer the lives of my citizens to anything less than the union between my daughter and him.” the king replied with a shake of his head.

“I don’t suppose Ella gets a say in this whole thing? I asked as I addressed the elephant in the room. 

After all, even if I agree it doesn’t mean Ella will, and I’m not about to force Ella into anything she doesn’t want.

“Her opinion does not matter, the daughter will do as the father commands.” the king replied dismissively.

“Excuse me?” Charlotte said suddenly from behind. I could hear a distinct edge in her voice.

I turned and saw her storming over to the throne, that familiar fury in her eyes that was always there when someone says something that she finds extremely disagreeable. I noticed that this anger was appearing more often… maybe I’m rubbing off on her… or maybe this world just sucks...

To be fair I am calmer than I used to be I guess we are rubbing off on each other…

“And you are?” the king asked as he furrowed his brow.

“I am Charlotte von Holstein, the Life Hero and you are a close-minded fool.” Charlotte snapped in response.

The king’s eyes widened slightly at the comment and I saw the traces of uncertainty appear in his eyes. Then I heard creaking and I saw the tree men around us all bowed slightly at Charlotte. Oh yeah… the Alvs worship the God of Life…

At the sight of the tree men bowing the guards around us, all bowed as well as she walked past them. Charlotte, however, had her eyes trained on the king and didn’t even notice the show of respect.

“Who are you to say her opinion does not matter? She has the right to decide for herself. You call yourself a king? You are a TYRANT!” Charlotte shouted her eyes ablaze with fury.

“Lady Charlotte… it is alright…” Ella said hesitantly from behind her.

I furrowed my brow as I watched Charlotte turn and look at her in shock. I’m not that surprised honestly, I can easily see the train of thought. Ella was willing to give up everything in a gamble to get to me and tell me about the Rift. She risked rape, death, being turned into a slave, all of it, just for a chance to save Alvuan.

In the face of all that? What is an arranged marriage?

“If it means the cooperation between you heroes and the Alvs then I will gladly accept,” Ella said as she lowered her head slightly. 

Charlotte seemingly deflated and she turned to look at me with a complicated expression on her face. Well of course she wouldn’t be happy, I’m her boyfriend and she’s probably going watch me get married off.

“May I have a moment to confer with the rest of my party?” I asked as I turned to face the king. 

The king calmly nodded but I could sense unease in his eyes. When I looked back around the room I saw the guards all giving the king strange looks. I guess Charlotte’s condemnation carried alot of weight.

With that, I began walking back towards the door, the rest of my party followed me out until we were outside the throne room just beyond those massive doors. I looked at Charlotte who was biting her lip and I saw her eyes were misty.

“Charlotte, do you want me to do this? If you don’t I’ll figure something out, there’s probably still room for negotiation. If he still doesn’t agree there are other options, rebellions, assassinations, military force. It will be bloody but I have few plans in my head just in case. The guards over there don’t seem too happy with the king right now. If I tell the troops what’s going on, they might rebel.” I said in a hushed tone.

I saw Charlotte’s eyes flicker for a moment and saw the indecision in her eyes. I personally would go with the rebellion, tyrants don’t last long, he’s more concerned with his bloodline than his nation. The average person doesn’t give a rat’s ass about a monarch’s line of succession. All they care about is that they get to lead peaceful happy lives. If they find out the king is willing to sacrifice them all out of spite, I can bet you a good portion of the nation will rise up in rebellion.

The only problem with this plan would be that a rebellion takes both time and lives. Both of which we can ill afford in the middle of arma-fucking-geddon. The demons won’t wait for the Alvs to settle their social issues, they will attack when we are weak. The demons have more soldiers than us, attrition means nothing to them. We need to preserve every soldier or we may run out of bodies to throw at the demons before the end of the Rifts…

“Of course I don’t want you to do this… but I know you should…” Charlotte muttered.

“We could go in and try to make the king settle for either me or Ivan?” Jacob suggested.

At those words, I heard a small growl and I turned to see Volva was literally bristling at the suggestion, her fur-like hair was standing on end at the suggestion.

“Right mate for life... forgot about that… maybe just me then…” Jacob replied as he raised his hands in an attempt the placate the growling Volva.

“We can try, but are you sure about this Jacob? It’s alot to ask, Ella will most certainly outlive you. She’ll be a middle-aged woman while you are on your death bed.” I said.

“Well… true… at least she’ll stay hot?... I guess?” Jacob joked with a nervous laugh. 

Even though he cracked that stupid joke I could tell the whole idea made him really uncomfortable. Normally that kind of comment would get Jacob an earful from Charlotte, but I guess with this set of circumstances she wasn’t really in a mood for it. Luckily for us, Ella wasn’t here, she was still in the throne room...

“Ok… and if the king doesn’t agree? Do I just kill him?” I asked as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“No… you agree… if you don’t mind that is…” Charlotte said softly.

“Are you sure?” I asked a little worried by the dark expression on Charlotte’s face.

“Yes, I am.” Charlotte replied with a sigh.

“I am a Holstein, all my life I knew I may be married to another for political reasons. At the end of the day I am a woman, if I were born a man I might have a better chance of finding someone I love but as a woman, I have little choice. I know what must be done, I cannot in good faith condemn so many lives to the fire for my own personal feelings…” Charlotte said.

“Alright, we’ll do what we have to.” I said as I reached forward and took her hand. I felt her tighten her grip around mine and she let out a small smile.

“On the plus side at least I know I’ll treat her better than any other suitors she might have ended up with. To be honest I could just leave her as is and not do anything. He’s going to ask me to impregnate Ella that’s for sure and I can say I’ll do it after the Rifts are over because I want to preserve my level. 

After everything is over I can just let her do whatever she wants, I can get that idiot off the throne and just put Ella on the throne. She can do whatever she wants in her private life, if you think about it this is just a weird alliance contract.” I said trying to make Charlotte feel a little better. Well consolation aside, what I said is all true. A political marriage is just a contract with extra theatre involved…

“Yes, I suppose it is just effectively an alliance contract, with some… unsavory additions to it,” Charlotte replied with a sigh.

“I guess we should go back and give our answer,” I said as I gave my somber party the strongest smile I could muster.

With that we reentered the throne room and laid out our terms… and things immediately went wrong...

“No, as I said before I will only accept if you Dark Hero take my daughter’s hand in marriage.”  the king replied as he narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t most people in this world hate the Dark God? Wouldn’t it look better if Ella married the Light Hero?” I asked as I observed the room to see if this was really true. However, everyone in the room seemed to be surprised at my statement.

“The humans hate the Dark God. The other races do not, we the Alvs view the Dark God as a necessary force in this world. Things live, they die and from death comes life. It is the natural cycle of all that breaths.

There is not a single Alv that does not respect the power of the Dark. In fact many fear it, but not because we view the Dark as evil, we fear its power and its unpredictability. To master the powers of the Dark is seen as a great achievement, for only a truly exceptional individual can do so. A lesser being would be destroyed by the very power they seek to master.

Even if we did view the Dark as evil, that ship has sailed. My daughter bears the Blessing of the Dark. Our line descends from the Plagued Healer. The house of Lavella knows that power all too well and we will accept no substitutes.” the king replied as he leaned back in his chair, his tone betraying the fact that there was to be no negotiating this particular point.

“So what say you Dark Hero do you agree to wed my daughter?” the king asked as his eyes narrowed. I looked over at Ella and saw her eyes wide in fear of my reply, in fear that I will reject this term, Ella after all knows about me and Charlotte’s relationship.

“Fine, I accept. But I have a few conditions. First of all, I’m not familiar with your customs but I will not entertain some grand celebration, time is short another Rift will appear in two days. I don’t have time to play house with you. 

Second, I will not give Ella a child until this war with the Rifts is over. I will not lose my levels for your line, I have nothing to gain from it. When fighting the demons every bit of strength will matter, I will not squander it for you.” I said as I narrowed my eyes and glared at the king. Immediately I saw his face curl into a snarl, I was right he probably wanted me to impregnate Ella tonight or something. 

The king opened his mouth to reply but I cut him off before a single syllable left his mouth.

“You want me, you have me, but I won’t negotiate on this. Take it or leave it, if you don’t like it good luck sealing the Rifts by yourself. I don’t give a damn if this forest gets turned to ash, I will however accept your refugees. I am sure there will be healers and archers among them…” I said as glared at the king. 

The king went silent for a moment as he gazed at me in silent fury. This guy obviously isn’t used to things not going his way. Well, he is a king, who the hell is going to say no to him? Probably why he was so upset with Ella running off on her suicide mission…

“So what will it be? Do we have a bargain?” I challenged and I saw the king grit his teeth.

“Very well I accept your terms…” the king replied after a short pause.

“You can head off the front tomorrow, I will give your soldiers a day of rest here in the capital. I will have them fed. My daughter will wait here and I will prepare the ceremony for when you return.” the king said his tone sour.

“Wait, father, I wish to fight with the Heroes. How I can I sit here idly in safety preparing for a wedding while our kin die?” Ella asked.

“Absolutely not! You will stay here, what if you fall during battle?” the king replied as his face lit up with anger at Ella’s statement.

“I will not stand by while my kin and the heroes fight my battles for me,” Ella said earnestly. 

I noticed for the first time Ella was raising her voice against her father. I guess this is the same energy that moved her to defy her father’s orders to come and find me.

“SILENCE! YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD ITHDRIELLA LAVELLA! You will not go to the Rifts, you will stay and do as you are told!” the king roared in reply. 


You overstep Tyrien…


I heard an old weathered sounding voice ring out from around me. Immediately the Tree men and the guards all fell to their knees. The king has now gone a little pale as he froze, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

Then I saw the tree behind his throne move, the bark shifted and it revealed a face. The face looked weary and old, as if the being behind that face of bark has lived through much suffering.


You do not have the authority to deny the heroes an attendant

Even I cannot do so...

No one does…


The face said and turned to look at Ella who was standing there awe-struck as she gazed at the large face in the bark.

“Who are you?” I asked as I looked a the face.


I am Alvuan

Did you enjoy my fruits heroes?


The face said with a weary smile. Wait… this person… this thing is Alvuan? Like the whole damn forest? Even the forest on the other side of the sea? This whole place is sentient?

“Err…. yeah, best fruit I ever ate. Thanks by the way...” I replied still a little shocked.


That is good

I am glad you have come

Modred has already told me much about you


“It looks like you don’t agree with him not letting Ella go fight the Rifts?” I asked as I looked around the room and I saw everyone else were on their knees. Looks like today is my lucky day, I didn’t expect the forest itself to support me in this negotiation.


That depends Dark Hero

Do you wish to take her as an attendant?


“Depends on what Ella wants? Do you want to be one of our attendants?” I asked Ella as I looked at her. 

Ella was looking at me, eyes wide in surprise. I have a feeling she just wanted to go and fight at the front. I’m guessing she didn’t expect to get this offer.

“If you would have me, it would be a great honor.” Ella said.

“If you accept her Dark Hero our deal is off…” the king growled. I turned and narrowed my eyes as I gazed at that spiteful idiot on the throne. 

I was about to reply but Alvuan got there first…


Thread carefully Tyrien

Your mandate of rule is given

But what is given can be taken away…


At those words, the king flinched as if struck and he looked away. Now looking much meeker, his bravado draining out of him.


I will not interfere with the affairs of the Alvs

That is per my oath with your ancestors

But I will not tolerate an oathbreaker on the throne of Alvuan

You agreed to the Heroes terms yet you now threaten to go back on your word?



“What happens if I don’t accept Ella as an attendant?” I asked as I looked up at Alvuan’s ancient face.


Then I cannot intervene

We the ancients are bound by duty

We must enforce the old laws

None can deny the Heroes an attendant

That is one of the most ancient laws of this world

However, if no law is breached then we have no authority in the matter

We ancients prefer to avoid interfering with the affairs of the mortals


“I see, so if I take Ella and he breaks our deal then what happens?” I say as I gesture at the king.


Tyrien cannot break your agreement

My oath with the Alvs demands that they be true to their word

He only rules with my mandate

If he chooses to break his oath with you then I will revoke my mandate and gift it to another

His successor must then fulfill his oath with you


Now that is interesting, so because that prick agreed to our deal now he’s stuck with it. My best guess is that Alvuan rarely intervenes with anything which was why he thought he could go back on our deal. It does make sense the Rifts come every two hundred years, so most of those ancient laws aren’t exactly applicable for most of history. Which was why this idiot probably tried to lie to me at the start. Maybe Alvuan didn’t say anything at the time because he hasn’t exactly broken his word yet, he merely plans to...

The laws people remember the most strongly are probably those that have rather immediate consequences. Like someone being smited by the Light God if they try to stop us from going to the Rifts or Charlotte’s [Maiden Curse] thing. 

Oh god… I should have just accepted the first deal... That idiot can’t lie… Now I have to deal with this arranged marriage shit…

Oh well what’s done is done, and to be fair I can still probably work around it somehow, I don’t need that stupid mandate after all...

“Ella you’re level 32 right?” I asked.

“Yes.” Ella replied.

“Will that be a problem Styx?” I asked.

At my words, he appeared in a puff of black smoke and I once again found his smiling face in front of me.


No problem at all 

She’s just within the EXP range of 10 levels

She can be your attendant with no issues


“Good, now get out of my face.” I said coldly and Styx’s smile widened for a moment before he vanished again.

“Now Ella, are you sure want to be part of my party? I can guarantee a ticket into the fight but I can’t guarantee a way home. Everyone else in my party doesn’t have much of a choice on whether they want to join us. We the heroes are stuck here so our choice doesn’t really matter. The others will suffer worse fates if they aren’t with us.

You’re a princess, you have options you can easily wait out this war. Once you’re in and you become an attendant there’s no going back. You’ll be fighting with us with every Rift until the end of all this.” I said as I gave Ella a look. 

I can’t afford a soldier with second thoughts, everyone in my party up until this point is in a do or die scenario. Becoming an attendant is an opportunity for them but to Ella, this will be a sacrifice.

“I do not wish to sit by while others fight my battles for me. This is my world, I will not watch as others march to their deaths while I languish in safety. If you feel I can be of use to you, then it would be an honor to be your attendant.” Ella said with a small bow.

“Alright, welcome to the team,” I said as I walked up to her and held out my hand.

Ella took it and gave her a firm shake. She gave a small smile as I let go, I turned to look at the king and I could see him glowering at me. He can be as upset as he wants to be, I don’t give a damn. I have my alliance, I have my soldiers and now I have a new recruit for my party. If we win at the next Rift this excursion will be very worth it…

After that, we were lead back out of the palace. We debriefed the troops outside and got ready to rest for the night. 


Tomorrow we would march to war 

But tonight we rest…

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