Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 27 - thrilling

Lin Jiabao’s side will start from the previous day. As usual, Lin Jiabao went to please the queen’s maiden in the morning.

Lin Jiabao arrived very early, and he came first every time. After he arrives, the concubine of the harem will come one after another, and gradually the family treasure will become familiar with them.

After the queen maiden came, Lin Jiabao and the harem concubines saluted to the queen maiden. After that, the queen lady will talk about the official affairs of the harem. After these things, I will also talk about the harem. Speaking of this ceremony, the three mothers and concubines went together with honor and honor. Lin Jiabao sat quietly listening at the end.

Lin Jiabao was very happy to hear that His Royal Highness Prince was back one day. When Lin Jiabao watched His Royal Highness leaving, he couldn’t help but miss it … At night, without His Royal Highness’s embrace, Lin Jiabao could hardly sleep. Come back soon.

Everyone just talked for a while, the queen sent them away early today, and said to the concubines, “This is all for today, let’s go back earlier …”

“No.” The concubines got up and retreated to the queen maiden.

Lin Jiabao also got up and stepped back to leave.

“Anzhu, you stay …” The queen called Lin Jiabao.

Some of the concubines showed their gleeful expressions. His Royal Highness Prince Lin Xiaoshi was present on the night of New Year’s Eve and asked him to sit on the concubine’s seat, which everyone saw. I did not expect that the emperor and the queen mother did not reprove them at all as if they had not noticed. It seems that today the queen mother-in-law is about to beat Lin Xiaoshi.

Lin Jiabao stayed according to his words. He saw that the other concubines’ eyes were a little unclear. So he didn’t know why the queen’s maiden left him …

“Anzhu, come with me …” the queen said to Lin Jiabao.

“No.” Lin Jiabao stepped forward and came to the queen’s mother. “What do you want, queen queen?”

The queen looked at Lin Jiabao in front of him. This Lin Xiaoshi was indeed a flattering child. Looking at Lin Jiabao’s innocent and clear eyes, no one would dislike it, no wonder the Prince was a little addicted. And Lin Xiaoshi’s most precious thing is that he still maintains his nature in the case that the prince loves him so much.

The queen sighed in her heart, but unfortunately she was a twin … It was a pity that the daughter-in-law was better than the woman …

The queen thought to Lin Jiabao with a gentle attitude: “Anzhu, except for the Prince who will take you to Yongshou Palace in the future, you will not use it for Yongshou Palace on weekdays …”

After hearing this, Lin Jiabao hesitated and said, “How can Anzhu do not do well?”

At this moment, Zhou Yan hurried in, “Qi’s queen mother, Lu’an Temple is on fire …”

“What’s going on? Is the fire big?” Lu’an Temple is a palace near Yongshou Palace. It used to live with the emperor’s concubine. Later, the concubine was left vacant. How could it catch fire? The queen queen was puzzled.

“The queen queen of the queen was burned somehow. It may be dry. The old slaves have ordered the guards to fight the fire. I believe it will soon be extinguished and will not spread to Yongshou Palace.” Zhou Xuan replied. .

“Send more guards to check on the cause of the fire. Be sure to put out the fire …” The queen instructed Zhou Yan.

“Noah.” Zhou Yan backed out again.

The queen turned to look at Lin Jiabao, “I just said, you do n’t have to come to Yongshou Palace every day, do you understand?”

Lin Jiabao is somewhat inexplicable. He feels that it is normal for him to plead with his prince’s mother every day. He can also feel the kindness of the queen mother and he has always been respectful to the queen mother. Lin Jiabao will come early every day.

The queen asked Lin Jiabao: “Did you ever meet Song and Yu when you asked for peace?”

Lin Jiabao thought about it and answered, “I have never seen …” He has never seen Song and Yu’s in Yongshou Palace. It is strange now that he wants to come. Why don’t they come to ask the queen’s queen?

“That’s it. It stands to reason that being a prince’s servant is not qualified to pay homage to this palace. That’s why you have never met them when you greet me. You see, my wife-in-law who comes to greet me every day is a dozen people. But the emperor’s harem is more than these people … Only those above the level of 嫔 can greet this palace … “The queen looked at Lin Jiabao’s face with a lost expression, and it was really an idea written on her face Child.

The queen unconsciously softened her voice and said, “You are good, but the palace has the rules in the palace, the grades in the palace are strict, and it is not easy to transgress. This way, it is not good for the prince and you. There is something to do with the Prince’s words. “

“Queen maiden, An Zhu understands that An Zhu will abide by the rules of the palace and not cause trouble to His Royal Highness …” Lin Jiabao nodded heavily.

At this time, Zhou Zheng led the guards of Yongshou Palace to come in. “The queen mother, not good. Xue Song led a large number of thieves into the harem, and was going to kill Yongshou Palace. Those who wanted to come to the Luan Temple were set by the thieves, just to distract the guards … “

“This **** Xue family, is this going to rebel?” The queen was so angry that she asked, “How many guards are there in Yongshou Palace now?”

The captain replied: “Now there are more than twenty guards in Yongshou Palace that can resist for a while. There are nearly a hundred of thieves. They went straight to Yongshou Palace and asked the queen mother to make arrangements early.”

The queen calmed down gradually. “Take my Feng Ling to find the leader of the embargo and let him dispatch the embargo as soon as possible.”

The queen handed Feng Ling to the head guard, “Hurry up …”

“No.” The guard took the Feng Ling with both hands and retreated quickly.

“Come and get me a set of palace ladies’ clothes …” the queen instructed Zhou Yan. She has to do both things, and if the embargo cannot arrive in time, she can’t make a substitution. Since it came to Yongshou Palace, it came to her.

“The queen maiden, please change on, the guards outside the yard can’t hold on for too long.” Zhou Yan said anxiously.

The queen put the housemaid’s clothes outside. “Call in all the guards outside the temple. Let’s go to the Qing Palace, there are more guards there, and it’s safer to go there.”

Several guards stepped back in, all wounded. Yuan Qing also came in to protect Lin Jiabao.

The queen looked at Lin Xiaoshi, who was afraid but forbearing, comforted him: “Don’t be afraid, the embargo will be here soon. Let’s go to the Qiangqing Palace to hide.”

The queen has experienced fierce throne battles in her early years, and she has seen everything from the palace. Thinking of Lin Xiaoshi’s young age, where has he experienced this.

“I am not afraid of the queen maiden …” Lin Jiabao said with a fist.

The queen was quite satisfied with Lin Jiabao’s performance, but fortunately he did not cry.

The queen and Lin Jiabao were guarded by guards and hurried towards the backyard.

The front yard guards were gradually unable to support, and someone had already rushed in. The leading Xue Song saw the queen sharply and shouted, “The queen is there. The king said who can catch the queen’s maiden, and rewarded him with 12,000 gold.”

As soon as this word came out, thieves rushed to this side, and the guards came forward to resist.

The remaining guards continued to guard the queen maiden and Lin Jiabao. More and more people rushed over, and the sound of a killing sounded in Lin Jiabao’s ears.

Lin Jiabao has fewer and fewer guards around them, and is struggling to move forward. Lin Jiabao’s two dark guards also joined the fight, with the addition of these two. The situation has improved slightly, but the other side has a large number, and the two dark guards are also struggling to cope. In the end, the thieves drilled into them and attacked them.

A thief saw that he was going to catch them, and was jointly hacked by the guards. But there are still a lot of deadly people coming behind, watching the guards around them are entangled by thieves. Yuan Qing also rushed over and hugged the thief. “Queen lady, Lin Xiaozhu, you go quickly …”

“Yuanqing …” Lin Jiabao’s eyes were filled with tears, and he picked up the sword that the guard had dropped on the ground not far away, and helped the queen’s maiden run.

The queen didn’t run too far, and her foot fell to the ground unstable.

“Are you okay, queen mother?” Lin Jiabao stepped forward and lifted up the queen mother.

“His … I’m kicked …” Which queen has traveled so many times on weekdays.

Lin Jiabao took the queen’s queen forward without thinking about it, and the queen’s maiden was not middle-weight. Lin Jiabao felt a sink in his body, but still gritted his teeth.

Lin Jiabao exerted his strength and ran forward desperately carrying his queen and mother.

Lin Jiabao ran for a long time in a panic, picking the trails in the palace, a few back and forth, but throwing away the thieves.

The queen looked at Lin Jiabao, who was sweating on her neck, and thought that he was so thin and ran away with her for so long … She was very moved …

The queen saw no one around, “Let the palace down, let’s get tired … the palace goes on its own.”

Lin Jiabao wiped his sweat with his hand. “I’m not tired, queen maiden. I’ll run with you for a while, but you can’t let the bad guys catch you.”

Fortunately, Lin Jiabao grew up in the village, and his feet were okay. Then Lin Jiabao endured to run some roads. “I didn’t look at the road when I ran. It doesn’t seem to be in the direction of Qianqing Palace …”

“It’s okay, let’s find a place to hide first. It’s certainly not a problem that the embargoed army has to deal with more than a hundred people. We just need to find a hiding place first and hide it from the thieves. The emperor and His Royal Highness will return soon. “… The queen knew that if Lin Jiabao was desperately running behind her, she would have been arrested long ago. It would be bad if they were used to conquer the emperor. Fortunately, Lin Anzhu was there …

Lin Jiabao tried his best to memorize the queen’s maiden’s journey again. The queen couldn’t bear to see him, “Hurry down this palace …”

Lin Jiabao put down the queen maiden, his back was already soaked with sweat. Lin Jiabao supported the ground with a large knife that he had been holding tightly in his hand, and supported the queen’s maiden to continue walking forward. This big knife is very heavy for Lin Jiabao, but he dare not let go. If there is a case, he can also protect the queen mother with this knife.

“Anzhu, do you know the way here?” The queen asked Lin Jiabao. Traveling as a queen is rarely done by foot, and usually by foot. The queen looked at the remote Mosheng Palace Road, thinking that it should be safer here …

Lin Jiabao looked around and replied, “Back to the queen mother, An Zhu asked to carry the route in the palace when An Zhu entered the palace, and I have been here. Once again, it is the Xili Palace. The month is spent there. “

After thinking about it, Lin Jiabao said to the queen maiden, “If the queen maiden would go to Xili Palace, Anzhu would be more familiar there. And now there are no people from Xingong coming in. There is no one there and it should be hidden. . “

The queen thought about it and agreed, saying, “Go to Xili Palace.”

The two stopped without delay and walked quickly to Xiliong.

After arriving at Xili Palace, it was found that, as Lin Jiabao said, he was not alone. Lin Jiabao took the queen’s maiden and found the room where the steward had lived. This was also the best room in Xili Palace.

The long vacancy caused a layer of ash to accumulate in the room. “Queen, please wait for me to clean up.” Lin Jiabao found a quick cloth and wiped it off.

The queen’s maiden did not look at it, but also came to help Lin Jiabao, and after a while he was almost ready.

“Queen, do you have better feet?” Lin Jiabao helped her to sit down beside the bed.

“It’s much better, you can sit down, thanks to you today.” The queen was very moved when she saw what Lin Xiaoshi was doing today, and said to Gratitude Lin Jiabao.

The author has something to say: Thanks for pumping my landmine to mine = ^ _ ^ = 2k novel reading network

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