Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 28 - Thrilling 2

Lin Jiabao was really tired. Sitting on the bed, I felt that my bones were falling apart, and my hands and legs were sore.

Lin Jiabao and the queen mother sat quietly resting. Lin Jiabao felt hungry and thirsty. They haven’t used lunch today. It’s already afternoon. They don’t know how long to hide … or have to eat something …

“Queen lady, are you hungry, I’ll go to the kitchen of Xili Palace to see what to eat?” Lin Jiabao stood up and said to the queen lady.

The queen also felt hungry in her belly. “Anzhu, be careful, go back quickly …”

Before Lin Jiabao left, he put the big sword he was holding next to the queen mother. “This knife, queen mother, take your defense. I will be back soon.”

Lin Jiabao gently opened the door of the room, and the cat burrowed out of the waist. After carefully closing the door, he hurried to the kitchen of Xiliong Palace.

The queen looked at the big sword and saw God …

The kitchen of Xili Palace was also vacant for a long time, and there was a dust on the stove. After looking for a long time, Lin Jiabao found nothing to eat, and finally found a bag of white rice and a small bag of flour in the cellar in the kitchen, and some sugar, salt and a small can of vegetable oil. Lin Jiabao thought about it and prepared two simple meals with these.

Lin Jiabao returned to the kitchen, first picked up a small stove, and then washed the pot and dishes. Lin Jiabao was very careful when doing these moves and tried not to make a noise.

Lin Jiabao even raised his heart to his throat when he made a fire, fearing that the kitchen movement would attract the thief. Lin Jiabao felt the sweat on his palms. He quickly boiled the white rice into porridge and added some sugar to it. Then knead the flour with water to form a dough, which is then pressed into pancakes, fried with vegetable oil and sprinkled with salt. The scent of rapeseed oil instantly filled the kitchen.

Lin Jiabao’s stomach screamed, Lin Jiabao swallowed his mouthful, but tasted a little, and found a large food box.

Lin Jiabao was carrying a large food box, carrying a pot of sweet porridge, and returned to the queen’s room when the sun set.

The queen waited anxiously in the room, her heart full of worries, as time passed … The queen said Nan Wu, the Omitabha in her heart … Pray for the Buddha to bless this kind child …

The queen knew that Lin Xiaoshi was also afraid, but left her the only weapon to defend herself. Facing the dangers outside alone, if I happen to meet a thief … the queen can’t bear to worry, she is worried …

The queen was relieved to see Lin Anzhu return. “Anzhu, are you back? Are you in danger?”

“Queen, I’m okay, I haven’t met anyone. It seems that Xili Palace is still safe.” Lin Jiabao brought the porridge to the table, and put the bowl and chopsticks out of the food container.

The queen listened and let go.

“Mother-in-law, I only found these in the kitchen. I made porridge and cakes. It was a bit humble, please forgive me.” Lin Jiabao filled a bowl of hot porridge and put it in front of her. From the bottom of the food box, the pancakes were packed in small dishes, ready to serve the queen’s maid.

The emperor took a bowl and tasted a bite of porridge. After being breathtaking for most of the day, there was nothing better than a bite of hot porridge in a cold winter room. The porridge was soft and hard, moderately sweet and delicious, and the queen ate sweet in her heart and warmed her.

The queen looked at Lin Anzhu who was standing next to him. “Anzhu, you can sit down and eat it now. In special circumstances, don’t worry about it. Eat it quickly. It won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

“You queen queen, please eat first, I will wait for you to eat well before eating …” Lin Jiabao refused to sit down.

The queen sat him down and passed him a cake. “Let’s eat it, you worked hard today …”

Lin Jiabao used it together with the queen’s repeated persuasion, and finished eating the cake three or two times.

“Anzhu you made delicious, this is the best porridge I have ever tasted in this palace.” The queen bite the cake and drank the porridge, thinking that it was really hard for the child … Lin Jiabao was embarrassed. “Not as good as the Queen Mother said …”

After the meal was over, Lin Jiabao went to the kitchen to boil the hot water back and washed the hands of the queen mother. After that, Lin Jiabao and the queen maiden nestled in bed. Originally, Lin Jiabao insisted on sleeping in the next room, but Queen Mother did not agree. The queen mother looked at Lin Jiabao and said, “You silly child, lie down with this palace today. We both have a care …”

Lin Jiabao lay down in bed obediently, and the queen touched Lin Jiabao’s cold face. “Why is your face so cold …”

There was no brazier in the room, and the room was extremely cold. The quilt on the bed was also very thin. The queen covered most of the quilt on Lin Jiabao.

Lin Jiabao said in his mouth, “I’m not cold, queen maiden, please cover it.”

Lin Jiabao just had a lot of sweat on her queen’s back, and her back was soaked. When the cold wind blew, I felt extremely cold.

The queen felt a little trembling in Lin Jiabao. “It’s so cold.” The queen hugged Lin Jiabao and wrapped them in a quilt.

Lin Jiabao felt the warm embrace of the queen’s mother, as if she had returned to her mother’s arms when she was a child …

“Scared today …” The queen asked Lin Jiabao softly. The queen thought that Lin Jiabao was only 14 years old and could perform today, which is truly extraordinary. I plan to give Lin Xiaoshu a good reward after the matter subsides.

“Um.” Lin Jiabao nodded honestly.

“This is the Royal Palace. Fighting for the throne and bloodshed cannot be avoided.” The sigh sighed.

Lin Jiabao calmed down now, and was a bit worried about Yuan Qing and didn’t know how they were doing.

Seeing what she said was a bit heavy, the queen shifted the subject, “I heard Chenger call you Jiabao. Is it your real name?”

“Back to the queen mother, yes, An Zhu was originally named Lin Jiabao.” Lin Jiabao answered.

“It’s a good name. Your father and mother must love you very much at home.” The queen knows that the name Lin Jiabao means that he must be very favored at home.

“My father and mother have always hurt me the most, and my brother and sister also take great care of me.” Lin Jiabao said that his family was happy.

“Then I will call you Jiabao again … Jiabao, how did you come into the palace?” The queen was a little curious, and most of Lin’s children would not let this baby boy come into the palace.

Lin Jiabao whispered what happened to his uncle Lin Dali’s family, and why he came into the palace all told the queen mother.

After listening to the queen, she said, “It’s a bad heart, but if you don’t, you won’t enter the palace, and you won’t have your good fortune today …”

It was getting dark, Lin Jiabao and the two of them didn’t dare to light, and whispered in the dark room. Lin Jiabao whispered something trivial in his hometown, and the queen mother liked it. The queen grew up in Beijing and has never been in Beijing. Listening to Lin Jiabao’s story about the mountains, I feel very novel.

Lin Jiabao was talking about picking up fruits with his brothers and sisters when he was a kid. The wild fruits are sour and crunchy …

He was talking and heard a noise coming from the next room, Lin Jiabao was silent, and the queen and the queen did not dare to speak out, listening to the movement in the next room. Lin Jiabao quietly swaggered in front of the two of them.

There was a man’s voice next door. “His motherland, this palace is too big, and your head is dizzy.”

Another voice came, “Brother, take a break first, there is no one here. If I say this palace is too big, how tired the emperor old man is walking every day …”

“Haha said you’re stupid, you still don’t admit it. Wherever the emperor needs to walk on his own, someone is carrying a puppet …”

“Oh, that’s what Brother said. Look at me.”

“His … you tap …”

“Brother, please bear with me, I will help you bandage. The hand of those embargoed guards is really great. Fortunately, there is a brother, you are here, otherwise my life will be explained here today, alas! Unfortunately other brothers I don’t know if it’s life or death … “

“Life is dead, life will end like this on the sword …”

“Brother, what do we say next? Would you like to catch the queen maiden? That’s $ 12,000!”

“What about gold for twelve thousand? The queen maiden is the mother of a country. If she is caught, she will destroy the Nine Tribes. Do you know the Nine Tribes? Anyway, we are just asking for money instead of desperately like the king of the dead … … “

“Big brother is saying … then the queen will let those dead men catch it.”

“Ha ha those dead people are also mostly injured and wounded, I do n’t know how much escaped? Do n’t care about them, anyway, there is still something to be gained from entering the palace this time, you see … I took them in the palace, and they should be worth it. Little money. “

“Hee hee, look at me, brother, I’m going a bit …”

“You kid, this is a clever haha ​​in this area …”

“That’s not what you taught, brother …”

“Okay, let’s take a break first. When the night is late, I will escape from the palace, which will be enough for us to spend most of my life outside …”

After waiting for about an hour, Lin Jiabao finally heard the gangster next door leaving. Inadvertently, each was relieved. It was late at night, and neither of them dared to sleep, fearing that the thief would come back again, or that the king of the calendar would die.

The queen couldn’t help falling asleep after the fourth change. Lin Jiabao saw that the queen’s maid had fallen asleep, but he did not dare to sleep. He gave himself a hard blow, forcing himself to stay awake.

Xuanyuan Hancheng hurried to the palace, and the embargo commander Ling Zhengfeng reported to him what happened in the palace yesterday. Ling Zhengfeng said that yesterday he received the Queen’s maiden’s phoenix and rushed to Yongshou Palace with the army. At that time, the queen mother was no longer seen, and they fought with the people brought by Xue Song. In the end, many thieves were killed and captured, but some thieves escaped.

Ling Zhengfeng said that Lin Xiaoshi and the queen maid were escorted by the guards to flee. According to their guards who guarded the queen maid, they were going to evade the palace. But he later sent people to the Qianqing Palace and did not see the queen maiden. They wanted to avoid it in another palace. It was only later that the guards separated from the queen maiden and Lin Xiaoshi. It is unknown where the queen maiden went … 2k novel reading network

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