Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 29 - sick

Xuanyuan Hancheng heard that his mother and Jiabao had disappeared together, and she was extremely anxious. “Send another person to the palace near the Qianqing Palace to find out. There are also many sentinels to search for thieves in the harem. You can’t let a thief go.”

“Noah. His Royal Highness, we caught Xue Song, do we want to bring them …” Master Xue Song said that he was the father of his prince, his mother-in-law’s father-in-law, and Ling Zhengfeng.

“Bring him up …” Xuanyuan Hancheng said with a killing eye.

Xue Song was ashamed and shackled, and saw the murderous look of His Royal Highness. “His Royal Highness … His Royal Highness … I was persecuted by the King of Li, I really forced him to do it …”

Xue Song felt that he was really unlucky. At the beginning, everything went smoothly. Someone who was beside the concubine set fire in the Lu’an Temple, and led most of the guards in Yongshou Palace. He also counted his time, knowing that it was time for the concubines in the harem to greet the queen mother-in-law.

Xue Song thought that even if he couldn’t catch the queen and queen mother then, she could catch one or two concubines to make a concubine. In this way, he always had a way to get out, but he did not expect a concubine to see him when he rushed to Yongshou Palace. The queen’s maiden was escaped by her again. After that, the embargo came back so quickly, and he was quickly captured.

What Xue Song didn’t expect was that the queen’s maiden had dismissed her concubines early in order to talk to Lin Jiabao.

“Say … how did you sneak into the palace? How many people did you bring in?” Xuanyuan Hancheng pulled out the guard’s sword and pointed at Xue Song.

“I said, I said, His Royal Highness, a puppet in the palace of the concubine, she had a dry son on duty at Xizhimen, and the gatekeepers were fainted and let us in. I brought a total of two hundred people Come in, one hundred of them are the king’s dead, and one hundred are the desperate people bought on the rivers and lakes. “Xue Song knew that His Royal Highness His Crown Prince was cruel and utterly minded.

“You **** it!” After Xue Song’s explanation was finished, Xuan Yuanhan shook his sword towards Xue Song. Remembering that there was no news from the mother-in-law and Guabao, I really wanted to kill this old thing with one stroke.

Xue Song shouted in shock: “No … Your Royal Highness spares your life, don’t kill me … don’t kill me … I’m your father-in-law … Ah ah …” Accompanying Xue Song’s scream Xuanyuan Hancheng cut off Xue Song’s arm.

“How many thieves haven’t caught yet?” Xuanyuan Han asked Ling Zhengfeng.

“Returning to His Royal Highness, more than 80 people have been killed and more than 100 people have been arrested. There are more than a dozen people fleeing in the palace … The paratroopers are stepping up the hunt, and all the gates of the palace have been blocked. Release a thief … “Ling Zhengfeng replied.

Xuan Yuanhan returned to Pingle Court, looked at the map of the palace in the inner study, and thought about where the mother-in-law and Guabao would hide. Guabao, he had never seen these swords and swords, and must have been frightened. …

Xuanyuan Hancheng didn’t close his eyes one day and one night, and his eyes became red with bloodshot eyes. Xuan Yuanhan took a sip of the tea sent by the palace man, and cheered up. Hearing the palace people outside the forbidden army commander to seek out, “Let him in.”

After Ling Zhengfeng came in, he greeted His Royal Highness, and then reported: “His Royal Highness, I have searched all the palaces near the Palace of Heavenly Purity. I haven’t seen the Empress Dowager and Lin Xiaoshi. I have caught several thieves. According to their account, they did not see the queen maiden … “

Xuanyuan Hancheng’s brows were locked tightly. Where would the mother-in-law and Guabao go? The night passed, were they hungry or cold … Xuanyuan Hancheng was full of worries and felt so weak for the first time since his rebirth. There are also some thieves who have not been arrested. He must find the mother and the obedient children earlier.

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at the topographic map of the harem again. When he saw Xili Palace, there was a flash of light in his mind, holding the idea of ​​trying it out. “You take someone and Gu to Xiliong …”


The queen woke up and found that the hour was not too early and was approaching noon. She couldn’t help falling asleep after four shifts yesterday and looked at Lin Jiabao, who was sitting against the wall. “Jiabao, haven’t you slept?”

“Jiabao didn’t dare to sleep, Jiabao was guarding the queen maiden.” Lin Jiabao stood up slowly, feeling his head faint. “Queen lady, wait a minute, I’ll get you some earlier …”

“Don’t make it, beloved … this palace is not hungry, you lie down for a while …” The queen looked at Lin Jiabao’s eyes deeply distressed.

The queen’s life was a bit regrettable that she didn’t have a daughter. Although she had two sons and was filial to her, she didn’t have a daughter who was so kind and caring. The queen Lin Jiabao looked more and more like, such a good child, although a twin baby. But it was more subtle and provocative than her daughter … Lin Jiabao would not try to please her, all he did was from his heart, and it was the most authentic expression. After this difficult day and night, the queen’s love for Lin Jiabao reached its peak, and she secretly thought that if she escaped this time, she would have to praise Jiabao …

At this time, footsteps came from outside the yard. The queen and Lin Jiabao were vigilant. Lin Jiabao said, “I don’t know if it is a thief or someone who came to us?”

Lin Jiabao picked up the big knife, “Don’t go out, queen maiden. I’ll go and see, if I’m a thief, I can lead them elsewhere …” Then he rushed out.

“Jiabao, don’t go …” The emperor couldn’t stop later, watching Jiabao run out.

Lin Jiabao quietly ran to the front with a big knife, crouched down in a small corner, and wanted to see who was coming? The noonday sunlight was a little dazzling, making him dizzy. It was hard to see clearly, here, His Royal Highness!

“His Royal Highness … His Royal Highness …” Lin Jiabao ran forward, threw the knife in his hand, and threw it into Xuanyuan Hancheng’s arms.

As soon as Xuanyuan Hancheng stepped into the courtyard of Xili Palace, he heard the voice of Guabao, and then saw his Guabao rushing towards him with a large knife that was very disproportionate to him.

“Guaibao … my Guaibao, don’t be afraid … okay baby …” Xuanyuan Han embraced Jiabao and kissed him.

Lin Jiabao could no longer restrain his tears and cried hummingly.

“Okay baby … don’t cry, Xianggong is back …” Xuanyuan Hancheng said softly in his ear, holding Jiabao.

“Woohoo … His Royal Highness, the Queen Mother is still in the room.” Lin Jiabao raised his head in Xuan Yuanhan’s arms and said.

The Queen finally let go of her heart when she saw the prince coming. “Chenger, you are finally here …”

“The son-in-law arrived late, shocking the mother-in-law …”

“Thanks to Jiabao this time …” The empress looked at Lin Jiabao’s eyes full of love.

Lin Jiabao leaned on Xuanyuan Hancheng’s chest, feeling relieved, and the whole person slowly relaxed.

Xuanyuan Hancheng felt the strangeness in his arms, “What’s wrong with you, Baobao …”

The queen looked at Jiabao and was also very worried. “Jiabao stayed with me all night and didn’t sleep, I’m afraid I’m so sleepy …”

“Sleepy …” Once Lin Jiabao relaxed, he felt that his eyes could not be opened. Xuanyuan Han immediately embraced Lin Jiabao when he saw the situation and made the baby sleep more comfortably.

Xuanyuan Han embraced Lin Jiabao and returned to Pingle Court. He put Lin Jiabao on the bed, changed clothes for him, covered him with a quilt, and printed a kiss on Lin Jiabao’s forehead.

Xuanyuan Hancheng then returned to the inner study room and instructed the dark guard to send a signal to his brother Xuanyuan Hanqi. He had already received the news that his brother had now besieged the King of Li in Ciyun Temple, and his father was also driving there.

Later, he confirmed with the embargo commander Ling Zhengfeng that the remaining thieves had been captured. After dealing with the follow-up things, Xuanyuan Hancheng returned to the bedroom of Pingle Court, climbed to the bed lightly, and carried his baby to sleep. With the baby around, I can finally sleep well …

Xuanyuan Hanqi received a signal from his brother, knowing that his mother was safe, and immediately ordered a full-scale attack.

Xuanyuan Hanqi was strong and strong, and soon broke into the temple. After entering the hospital, they quickly resolved the stubborn resistance in the courtyard.

When Xuanyuan Hanqi entered the temple’s abode, he saw the blazing fire and black smoke. The entire Zen room has been devoured by the fire, “Quickly save the fire …”

Xuanyuan Hanqi heard the following guards report, “His second prince, I searched the entire Ciyun Temple, but I didn’t find the king of the calendar. It should be in the abbot’s Zen room that set himself on fire …”

Xuanyuan Hancheng had a long dream and was full of energy when he woke up. Looking at the baby beside him still sleeping, thinking that Baobao must be exhausted and afraid in the past two days …

Xuanyuan Hancheng gently wiped away the sweaty hair on Jiabao’s forehead, and suddenly found that Jiabao’s forehead was hot and anxious. “Come here … pass money too doctor …”

Lin Jiabao was ill, and the whole person was burning badly. Xuanyuan Hancheng was so anxious that his mouth was blistered. Xuan Yuanhan kept on the bedside, watching the little red face on the bed, and he was distressed.

Doctor Tai came to Lin Jiabao and asked His Royal Highness after the pulse, “Lin Xiaozhu’s wind chill came fiercely, which was caused by the cold wind entering the body and he was frightened. Weichen has prescribed a prescription, Xiaozhu It should improve after a few stickers. “

“His Royal Highness, the medicine is done …” Shu Ya came in with the soup medicine.

“Come here …” Xuanyuan Han supported Lin Jiabao and asked him to lean in front of him. “Guobao, come and drink the medicine, just take the medicine …”

“Woo …” Lin Jiabao was already burnt up, feeling like he was on the Flame Mountain, his head couldn’t be lifted up, and his mouth opened slightly to exhale the heat.

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at the baby and was afraid he could not drink the medicine. “Give the medicine to the orphan …”

Shu Ya stepped forward with the soup medicine, and Xuanyuan Han took a large sip of the soup medicine and passed it to Baobao. Repeatedly twice gave a bowl of soup to Jiabao.

“Woo … um … bitter …” Lin Jiabao frowned and swallowed the bitter medicinal juice.

“Bring water.” Xuanyuan Hancheng took the water from Shuya and drank it to the baby. After that, Jiabao lay down, covered the quilt for the baby, and Lin Jiabao slept again.

The queen was also very worried about the news that Lin Jiabao was ill, and would send someone to inquire about Lin Jiabao’s condition every one or two hours.

Xuanyuan Han Chenghe clothes lay beside the baby, just guarding Baobao …

The author has something to say: Thanks to Miss Wu for the mines I cast, Moda ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ 2k novel reading network

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