Didn’t Love You Enough

Chapter 30 - Side monarch

Lin Jiabao had a long beautiful dream, in which he returned to Linjia Village. He and his brother and sister and a pair of siblings were playing under the big tree. “Jiabao … don’t play, eat …” My mother called them in front of her own courtyard.

“Come here … mum, we’ll be back …” Lin Jiabao responded happily.

Lin Jiabao was dining with his family in his dreams, and his father said to him, “Jiabao … marry someone … be good to you …”

“Um …” Lin Jiabao nodded hard.

The scene changes in the dream, the gorgeous fireworks bloom in the night sky. “Guaibao …” Xianggong Xuanyuan Hancheng appeared in front of Lin Jiabao, calling him gently. Lin Jiabao stepped forward into the embrace of Xianggong, “Xiangong …” Lin Jiabao and Xianggong embraced each other. Xianggong hugged him in the night sky illuminated by the fireworks and rotated … rotated … rotated …

So dizzy … Lin Jiabao woke up from his dream and saw Xuan Yuan Han Cheng lying beside him. “Sangong …”

Xuanyuan Hancheng was very alert, and he immediately awoke to hear Baobao’s voice. “Guaibao … feel better?”

“Dizzy …” Lin Jiabao felt his body was soft and unable to keep up his strength.

Xuanyuan Hancheng reached out and touched the baby’s forehead, “It’s great, you’re not going to burn, good boy …”

“Sangong, I just had a dream. In the dream, I returned to Lin’s village. I played with my brother, sister, and siblings … and I had fun eating with my parents …”

Xuanyuan Han raised his eyebrows and asked, “Is there … what else do you dream of?”

“I still dreamed of Xianggong.” Lin Jiabao lowered his eyes shyly. “I dreamed that Xianggong and I watched the fireworks together. Xianggong still hugged me in circles … turned me dizzy …”

Xuanyuan Hancheng heard Jiabao said that he had dreamed of him, and his expression was pleasant. He is now as important in the baby ’s heart as his family, but he is far from satisfied, and one day he will occupy the most important place in the baby ’s heart …

After the queen heard that Lin Jiabao woke up and had a fever, she sent some good tonics. The news of Lin Jiabao’s adventure with the queen maiden and the rescue of the queen maiden also spread in the harem.

Many people in the harem are jealous of the good fortune of this twin son-in-law. They can be unscathed in the assassination of so many thieves, and they have taken the opportunity to save the queen’s maiden. This will be good to the queen’s maiden. Great luck …

After Lin Jiabao had burned down, Xuanyuan Han Cheng put down his heart. It is learned that Father Huang and his brother Xuanyuan Hanqi have returned. Go to the Qianqing Palace and discuss with the father and the emperor about the infiltration of the thieves planned by the Xue family and the king of the calendar.

Xuanyuan Hancheng learned that the King Li had buried himself in flames, and said to Xuanyuan Hancheng: “The emperor has done a great job this time!

“If there is no news that the elder brother rushed back to the palace as soon as possible to confirm the mother’s peace, making my brother and me less cautious, I can attack better.”

The emperor Xuanyuan Zhao deeply asked the second prince, “Have you found out that Wang Li was sexually treacherous. If he escapes by chance, the consequences will be disastrous …”

“Father, please rest assured that your son and daughter have repeatedly confirmed that it is the king of Li himself. Although the king’s body was burnt, the clothes, accessories, and accessories were faintly recognizable from his body, and behind the body There are also arrow wounds left by me. “Xuanyuan Hanqi said with confidence.

Xuanyuan Zhao deeply nodded after listening, thinking in his heart the possibility that King Li could escape to heaven. “In any case, we must be cautious. Beijing has recently martialized and arranged to search again in the suburbs of Beijing. In addition, the Xue family and Li Wang’s family members must also be stepped up.”

Xuanyuan Hancheng was also worried that if Wang Li escaped by chance, he would make a comeback. “I still have to kill King Li as soon as possible. His children’s family members must deal with it as soon as possible. If King Li survives, he will definitely take action …”

Emperor Xuanyuan Zhaoshen agreed with the Prince’s statement. “In case of accident, we need to send more people to hide in this slash, and if Li Li moves, it will be wiped out.”

Xuanyuan Zhao deeply looked at the meaning of asking to the Prince, “Who should preside over the supervision and cut?”

“Father Emperor, the son-in-law suggested that the second emperor’s brother could preside over it. It doesn’t bother the two masters. Han Qi’s great work this time can also be left to him. Moreover, it is only our guess that Li Wang is not dead. It ’s only a matter of arranging more staff, and it ’s not dangerous. Want to come to Hanqi is also big, just go to Licheng to experience it. ”Xuanyuan Hancheng suggested to his father.

The second prince, Xuan Yuanhan, listened to Xuan Yuanhan Cheng’s recommendation to his father and straightened his back. “The father will let the children go, and the children promise to do the errands.”

The emperor agreed after thinking about it, “Well, go there and remember not to be reckless. Be careful of the king’s Yu party.”

“Noah. Father, please rest assured, your son-in-law will be careful. Your son-in-law will surely wipe out all of Li Wang’s party and worry for the father-in-law.” , And complete this errand well.

“Liu Zeqi happens to be in Los Angeles, and the son-in-law will write to him to cooperate with the second emperor.” Xuanyuan Hancheng also paid more attention to Liu Zeqi. With his assistance beside the second emperor, he should be able to proceed smoothly.

“No. I must cooperate well with Liu Shangshu. Father Huang’s son went back to prepare to go to Licheng first.” Xuanyuan Hanqi already rubbed his hands.

“Then you step back and go back and prepare.” Xuanyuan Zhaoshen said.

“No. The son retired.” Xuanyuan Han Qi walked out with enthusiasm.

After Xuanyuan Hanqi left, the emperor Xuanyuan Zhaoshen said to the prince: “Last night after hearing your mother said, this time it all depends on your pair of waiters …”

Xuanyuan Hancheng also heard the mother said that she had adventured with Jiabao, and was very appreciative and distressed.

Xuanyuan Hancheng smiled back to his father and said, “This is what Jiabao should do …”

“It’s a good boy. Your mother has exaggerated and exaggerated him. He was very worried when he heard that he was ill. How is his condition now?” The emperor was also grateful for Lin Jiabao’s rescue of the queen.

“Jiabao is young and hasn’t experienced these things. After being frightened, he got cold and burned overnight. Now he has finally gone away, and he needs to rest for a while.” Xuanyuan Hancheng said of Lin Jiabao His condition could not conceal the tenderness in his eyes.

The emperor looked silently. The prince is still young. I wonder if he himself was like that … Unfortunately, as an emperor, he still had a lot of helplessness … The relationship between the harem and the court has always been inseparable, and I hope that the son-in-law can handle it more than him Ok……

“Your mother said that this time Lin Xiaoshu rescued her for her meritorious service. She wanted to reward him with him. He said he wanted to seal him as a side monk. What do you think?” The emperor asked the prince about his thoughts.

The queen went back and told the emperor this thrilling day and night. Talking of Lin Jiabao’s courage and strength, she really loved her. The queen was deeply moved, and was very disturbed when she learned that Lin Jiabao was ill. Thinking of making good compensations to Lin Jiabao.

After thinking a few times, the queen thought of giving Lin Jiabao a side monarch. In this way, Lin Jiabao can come to Yongshou Palace with a fair name to greet her. However, Lin Jiabao’s temperament is very kind and innocent, and he may also have some difficulties after he is married. If the prince is blocked, the prince’s prince is equivalent to the prince’s concubine, so that he is not afraid of being bullied by the prince’s other servants. Such a thought is really a wonderful thing …

“The son-in-law thanked the emperor and the queen for their love for Jiabao. The son-in-law would like to ask the side emperor for the son-in-law and the father-in-law to be complete.” Xuan Yuanhan said on his knees with a serious expression.

“Prince, you can think clearly. In addition to the prince, you can also have three princes side concubines as usual. After removing one, there are still two positions left. Both the side prince and the side concubine are Zheng Sanpin. The best way. A good family will bring a lot of help to your future path. Although Lin Jiabao is good, his mother can not give you any help … “the emperor and prince analyzed.

“The son-in-law has considered it clearly. The son-in-law knows what your father-in-law means. The son-in-law does not want to rely on the harem to contain the court. Please ask the father-in-law to believe in the son-in-law. The son-in-law will not let you down.” On the ground, he said to his father. After going through all the previous lives, he has vowed that only Lin Jiabao is in this life. He will no longer have concubines or anything in the future, nor will he accept them as concubines for the power of their mother clan.

“Okay, I believe you …” Xuanyuan Zhaoshen looked at the prince who was resolute, and was very relieved. I don’t know when it will start, the radiance of the King from the Prince is growing stronger. Maybe his heir can do what he wants but can’t …

“The decree will make a decree later, and when Lin Xiaoshu’s body is healed, he will hold a sealing ceremony on another day.” Xuanyuan Zhaoshen said.

“Children thanked the emperor.” Xuanyuan Hancheng respectfully thought that the emperor had made a great gift.

When Xuanyuan Hancheng returned to Pingle Court, Lin Jiabao was sitting on the bed leaning against the cushion, eating porridge with a small mouthful.

“His Royal Highness …” Lin Jiabao saw Xuanyuan Hancheng come back, his eyes brightened. Shu Qin took over the empty bowl that Lin Xiaozhu had eaten and retreated with interest.

“Does Baobao feel better?” Xuanyuan Hancheng came to the bed and asked with concern.

“I’m much better and I’m not dizzy anymore,” Lin Jiabao replied.

Xuanyuan Hancheng looked at Lin Jiabao and was really energetic. “Guobao suffered this time … Are you afraid then?”

Lin Jiabao shook his head gently. “Jiabao is not afraid. Jiabao knows that Xianggong will come back to save us …”

“My obedient treasure …, there is no next time, I won’t let you feel scared anymore …” Xuanyuan Hancheng took Lin Jiabao in his arms by the bed, secretly vowed not to put the baby in danger anymore in.

“Um …” Lin Jiabao felt very relieved in Xianggong’s arms.

Shu Ya came in with a bowl of soup medicine, “Lin Xiaozhu should take the medicine.”

“I’m alright …” Lin Jiabao said weakly, looking at the dark medicine in the bowl. The bitter taste of the medicine last night is fresh in his memory.

“Little master, slavery knows that the medicine is bitter. I prepared a candied fruit for you today. After drinking the medicine, I won’t have any pain.” Shu Qin followed Shu Ya and handed Lin Jiabao a small dish full of candied fruit. Look.

“Guabao obedient, you haven’t done it yet … take medicine well.” Xuan Yuanhan took the medicine and reached the baby’s lips. “Or let me feed you, just like last night …”

“The medicine is bitter, I take it myself …” Lin Jiabao shook his head, remembering how Xuanyuan Han took the medicine last night, and he blushed again.

Xuanyuan Hancheng likes to look at the baby’s shyness …

Lin Jiabao frowned and drank the bitter soup obediently. With a small face, as soon as Lin Jiabao drank the medicine, Xuanyuan Hancheng immediately stuffed a candied fruit.

The sweet and sour taste of the candied fruit slowly disperses the bitterness in the mouth. Lin Jiabao ate one and then ate two.

“Guobao … there is good news today. After you save your mother this time, you will be successful. The father and the emperor will order you as a side monarch …”

Lin Jiabao hasn’t responded yet. When Shu Ya and Shu Qin heard the news, they both looked happy, and congratulated Lin Jiabao: “Congratulations to the little lord, congratulations to the little lord … It’s really a joy …”

“Then I can go to Yongshou Palace to please the Queen Mother …” Lin Jiabao smiled happily, so that he could go to the Queen Mother every day without embarrassing His Royal Highness.

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