Dimension Forum

Chapter 29 - Do you see the attitude of netizens?

After seeing Dr. Oki ’s research institute, Tong Guan Liyuan was full of expectations. I hope that Pokémon will be enlarged in the same proportion.

But obviously his hopes have been missed!

[Why only this is exactly the same as originally expected! ] Guan Liyuan looked at the cute frog seed, the little fire dragon and the Jenny turtle in front of him, and kept roaring …

怎么 样 “How? Are they cute creatures? Decide which one do you want to choose as your partner?” Dr. Oki said.


很难 “Difficult to choose? You can also consider leaving for a few days.”

This is definitely not the treatment of a general new Pokémon trainer … Before I saw Dr. Oki personally took Guan Liyuan to select the initial Pokémon, many researchers are doubting whether this young man who looks like he should be young, is it right? It’s a big deal …

[Of course I come! Don’t be afraid to tell you, I am the “noble administrator” in the legend! ] Of course, Guan Liyuan only said in his heart.

“Doctor, can’t you be more generous? I’m not an ordinary new Pokémon trainer. The three of them all give me some beasts or something. Is that what netizens should have?” Guan Liyuan and Ogi bargained. .

“God beast? I don’t want any information about the beast. Where can I find the beast for you? As for the initial Pokémon … This is issued by the Quartz Alliance. I also lost a lot of effort and forged your identity. Have yours, and you think this is for ‘ordinary’ beginners? Don’t underestimate them, if you train them well, you have the potential to climb to the top! “Said Dr. Oki.

Guan Liyuan certainly knows this. Although the impression of the first part of Pokémon is already very weak, but he knows that the “Sanjia” in each area has potential for cultivation, especially the Sanjia in Kanto. To the corresponding Mega Evolution Stone, there is also the possibility of performing another Mega Evolution after two evolutions!

“Even if the initial elf is not allowed, is there no other elf that is powerful in your hometown, Doctor?” Guan Liyuan didn’t give up.

“I’m a research institute here. There aren’t too many sprites … By the way, I can make an exception to your illustrated book and open the map file function, so you can see the types of sprites that often appear in your location!” Dr. Ogi said.

Tong Guan Liyuan thought about it, this is also good … It is better to teach people to fish! With maps you can …

Tong Guan Liyuan looked at the map function on the book that seemed to be a “handheld device”, and then his eyes shuddered and said, “Dr. Ogi, if you read it correctly, it seems that there are only some common elven branches?”

“Ahem, yes, because some of the more rare elves are in the ‘protected area’. Only powerful trainers recognized by the alliance are eligible to enter … Of course! There are also some rare elves who live in the protected area. Other than that, the branches are relatively sparse, so there is no label on the map! “Dr. Ogi explained.

“Can’t walk through the back door?” Guan Liyuan already knew at this time that Dr. Oki still had some status in the alliance, otherwise he could not forge his identity.

“There is really no way to do this, at least eight Taoist badges are required to qualify for special protected areas …” Dr. Ogi said in a dilemma.

“Eight or more?” Guan Liyuan wondered, he vaguely remembers that there are only eight in the East!

“Oh, by the way, you do n’t know yet? This is a custom in our world. There are many schools in different places, which recruit trainer trainees and welcome other trainer challenges … and the strongest of them Dao Pavilions will be awarded the status of ‘Alliance Dao Pavilions’ by the Alliance, and only Dao Pavilions with such qualifications can provide Dao Pavilion badges.

In the case of the Quartz Alliance, there are probably about 20 Alliance Roads in the Kanto and CD regions! This number fluctuates because the qualifications of the pavilions are re-identified each year. In addition to allowing you to enter and exit special protected areas, the Daoguan badge is also linked to the league entry qualification! “

Although I have not been impressed by the first two episodes of Pokémon, Guan Liyuan knows that this is definitely different from what I remember!

“Challenging the Dao Pavilion for success can you get the badge? The strength of the Dao Pavilion … should be very strong, right?” Guan Liyuan asked.

的 About twenty “official qualifications” from countless “wild road museums” in a region, no matter how you think, ordinary newcomers can’t win?

当然 “Of course it is very strong … Do you really want to go to the hall? Generally, no one will do this unless it is to seek revenge or replace it …” Ogi said silently.

“How do I get the badge?”

“The Dao Pavilion will designate the appropriate trainer in the Dao Pavilion as your opponent based on the number of badges you have. Unless the owner owns more than ten badges or wants to kick the pavilion, the owner will not take the shot himself. “Oki said.

Tong Guan Liyuan nodded clearly …

“That is to say, as a ‘net friend’, I really don’t have any extra advantages?” Guan Liyuan stared at Dr. Ogi.

这个 “This … don’t you have unique rune skills?”

“That’s my own ability … It’s not a‘ net friend ‘for me! ”Guan Liyuan continued to stare at him.

Suddenly Dr. Kaki Oaki said, “Right! You can communicate with Pokémon’s heart, right?”

“Yes, I have‘ soul communication ’skills …”

“This may be useful to you!” I saw Dr. Oki go to the equipment aside and took out something that looked like amber. A small piece of stone was wrapped in the yellow amber.

“What is this?” Guan Liyuan wondered.

“Amber … Amber wrapped with living ancient elven fossils! Preliminary judgment is ‘fossil pterosaur’!” Dr. Oki said.

“Hah? Give me a souvenir?”

“Of course not, you take this and my letter of introduction to the curator of Datian in the Fossil Museum of Nibbi, and he will help you revive the fossil pterosaur with the museum’s” active fossil revival machine “~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ said Dr. Oki.

“Fossils can really be resurrected?” Guan Liyuan’s eyes widened.

“What is ‘really’? Of course it can, but the premise is ‘active fossils’, that is, all the Pokémon information and unique spiritual fragments that have been saved during life, and cannot die because of end of life … but in advance Say hello to you, the Pokémon information and residual spiritual fragments of the ‘fossil pterodactyl’ in this amber. According to previous analysis, it should be an adult fossil pterodactyl, already very powerful and difficult to be human Conquer.

Usually you will only choose to leave after resurrection … so you must try to communicate with its mental fragments in advance. If you can’t communicate with the mental fragment, then don’t try to resurrect him. “Oki said.

“I think it works!” Guan Liyuan said after staring at the amber for a moment.

He has just launched the “mind communication” skills, and also feels weak spiritual feedback. Although it is not like a reaction to communicate with normal creatures, it is weaker and much more vague than that. Even the feedback signal is meaningless, but Guan Liyuan understands himself As long as the goodwill is constantly conveyed, it should be fine.

“Well, then you choose the initial Pokémon.” Dr. Oki said.

那就 “Then … little fire dragon!”

As for the elven ball, Ogi initially instinctively took out only six ordinary ones, but changed his attention under the stare of Guan Liyuan.

In the end, Guan Liyuan brought a small fire dragon, an active amber with fossil pterosaurs, and hundreds of various types of elf balls, as well as various elf medicines, compressed biscuits for human consumption, etc … Journey!

“Target, become a Pokémon master … No! It should be‘ conquer Pokémon suitable for summoning beasts! ‘”

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