Dimension Forum

Chapter 30 - The magical Pokémon world

[Penguin, has the announcement been released? 】

[Rest assured that in the future, any member will be unable to connect to the forum during the “incarnation exchange”, so that things that are abnormal on the timeline will not be discovered … and after the timeline is stable, Time adjustment will also be offset and nothing will be found. 】

Hmm, Guan Liyuan has deliberately created a “BUG” so that it will not be suspected!

实际上 In fact, the forum can be connected, but it is only temporarily blocked by the penguin, so as not to be found to adjust the timeline.

Guan Liyuan, who was still in the “Pokémon World” at this time, has discovered that this world is completely different from his imagination …

Dr. Ooki’s research institute and Zhenxin Town are not as small as imagined, and the world is not as small as imagined!

As a “net friend” of Dr. Oki, Guan Liyuan is also a “privileged class” in the Pokémon newcomer trainer …

无 There are countless beginners appearing in various places every year. Only a small part of them, the children of the families who have paid the highest contribution to the alliance each year, will be allocated the “Yujisanjia” treatment.

Otherwise, the most difficult households will only issue a picture book with incomplete functions, and then solve the problem of the initial wizard by yourself!

原来 “So, as a VIP beginner, in the first year, you can also get accommodations and elf treatments in the Pokémon Center for free … not bad …”

Tong Guan Liyuan was walking on the path in the forest while watching the instructions in the electronic book.

在 At this moment, Guan Liyuan suddenly heard a “wow” from “under his feet” and felt that his knees were blocked.

“What’s the matter? Little fire dragon?”

Yes, it is the little fire dragon whose shoulder is only slightly higher than Guan Liyuan’s knee, reaching out to stop Guan Liyuan!

The normal height of the little fire dragon should be 60 cm, but now this Guan Liyuan should be in the nascent stage, so it should be slightly shorter and still have room to grow.

Tongguan Liyuan stayed in Zhenxin for one night before leaving. At this time, it was found that the use of “potential development” for the same goal would only take effect for the first time every day …

Because Guan Liyuan’s little fire dragon was not only conquered by his elf ball, but also used the professional skills of “Summoner of the Other Worlds” to conclude a “summoning contract”, Guan Liyuan can “see” it directly!

Each “potential development” increases its potential … the potential in all areas has increased, but at the same time the increase is not large.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan did not know whether this “increase” should be regarded as an increase in “individual value” or “race value” …

What Guan Liyuan didn’t expect is that people in the “Pokémon World” have long been concerned about the issues of “individual value” and “race value”, but they have not been quantified. Instead, they use “lack”, “general”, “good”, Adjectives such as “excellent” and so on define the rank.

Race value is also the difference between different types of Pokémon. For example, the speed race value of a small fire dragon is higher than the speed race value of a wonderful frog seed …

个体 Individual values ​​refer to differences between individuals of the same race.

Individual value and racial value represent potential, not strength. As long as the breeding level is high enough, the 99 level green caterpillars will still kill the 5th level Kabi Beast …

Yes, this world also has the concept of hierarchy, but it is only used for assessment, and it does not really exist.

Pokémon’s growth is a process, not an “upgrade” moment, but in order to define the strength of Pokémon, this world also grades Pokémon. For example, Guan Liyuan’s little fire dragon is about 5th grade until he learns After the “spark”, it can be rated as level 7.

In fact, in the animation, the people in the Pokémon Academy also mentioned the corresponding level problem when Pokémon acquired new tricks, but it has not been widely used in ordinary trainers.

This is somewhat similar to the “professionals” in the main world. After growing up to a certain level, they will automatically realize the “trick” …

At this point Guan Liyuan had already seen the reason why the little fire dragon stopped him …

I saw in front of the path a green caterpillar that looked stupid crawling across.

After I reached the middle of the road, I suddenly found that Li Yuan and Xiaohuolong were watching it. This seemed to be very tense, and I accelerated away from the spot!

等等 “Wait! Little Fire Dragon, slap him … I mean fighting!” Guan Liyuan said.

Although Guan Liyuan’s “little fire dragon” is still only weak chickens that “catch” and “scream”, it is more than enough to deal with the “green caterpillar” of weaker chickens!

Tong Guan Liyuan is not worried, it will cause excessive damage to the “green caterpillar” …

的 The rules of this world are very interesting. In the introduction of the electronic book, Guan Liyuan also knew that the power of Pokémon in this world has “some kind of limitation”.

Because of this kind of limitation, it is possible to crack the earth with one punch as a pokémon trick. A punch on a human body may hurt or fly … but it is rare for death or serious injuries!

For human beings that have been “admitted” by themselves, Pokémon’s tricks will further reduce the damage. For example, a smart man who has been called by Pikachu countless times a day just feels numbness all over his body … You must know the voltage of Pikachu A level sufficient to power the Pokemon Center!

火花 The “sparks” of a small fire dragon that can be used to cut thin steel plates can only burn people to black.

At the same time, this principle also applies to Pokémon. Generally, as long as you do not intentionally kill the other party, the damage caused by Pokémon to Pokémon will only be maintained in the degree of serious injury …

In addition to the peculiarity of the “elven ball”, although the injured Pokémon will not heal in it, the injury will be “fixed” as if the time inside is solidified.

Of course, the only weakness of the magical “elven ball” is that each person can only use six pokemon elven balls, and if they are exceeded, they will be teleported automatically …

Even when people in this world encounter accidents such as falling cliffs and drowning, the mortality rate is extremely low, which is one of the reasons why young trainers can rest assured to take bold adventures in the wild.

People in the “Pokémon World” take this for granted, but in the view of Guan Liyuan, this rule is very magical. It seems that this world has a considerable preference for human beings. In other worlds, this is only favored by the will of the universe. Only the “protagonist” treatment!

However, Guan Liyuan thought for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. The world is originally strange, just as the world of science and technology also thinks that the world of fantasy is incredible. Dr. Ogi will fall and drown in the wild for people in other worlds. It feels incredible.

In the end, Guan Liyuan was very easy, and he conquered the green caterpillar and entered into a “contract.”

The race value of the green caterpillar is very low. The passing stupid green caterpillar has a very low individual value, but Guan Liyuan has the “potential development” skills, but he doesn’t value them …

He cares that although the green caterpillars are weak, they are evolving fast!

According to the official rating, it can evolve to the ultimate “Big Butterfly” form at the 10th level. In the early stage, Pokémon upgrades are very fast. Green caterpillars usually grow for a week and can evolve into “Ba Big Butterfly. “

只要 As long as the 13th level, you can learn three skills: “poison powder”, “sleep powder” and “paralysis powder” …

What is Li Guanyuan’s purpose now?

Become a Pokémon Trainer? Help Dr. Oki complete the information? These are secondary!

The main purpose is to find a summoning beast with long-range attack ability and control ability for yourself!

Just staying for seven days, “Ba Da Butterfly” is the easiest control system Pokémon …

[I can’t confirm the rules of this world yet. Will it still work when Pokémon appears in the main world in a projected form? 】

[This kind of example is too rare to be inferred, and I have to try it before I know …]

Yes, Guan Liyuan now looks forward to the rules of this world. If the projection summoned in the “Master World” does not take effect, it is likely that the Pokemon projection he summoned will be stronger than the body!

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