Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 47: Raid on Manarak(Side: Pomera)

After explaining the details of the mass migration to the adventurers who were gathered in the adventurer’s guild, Pomera and co, headed towards the gate of Manarak.

Large number of carriages had already formed a long line there. Those carriages were for the migration of the citizens.

Their destination was Polorock city.

Polorock was a poor city. But, everything had changed after a young merchant, Greed, visited the city sixty years ago. He’d developed the city until it became a commercial city, and now, it is well known for being the wealthiest city in the country.

Greed didn’t just develop the city, he also invested large amounts of money into Polorock when the city was on the verge of collapse due to a monster calamity. Thanks to that, Greed became the lord of Polorock, and was hailed as Greed, the Great Merchant Duke.

According to Gannet, he wanted to use Polorock as a temporary base to think up a counterplan against the Demon king.

Greed possessed a large quantity of weapons along with private soldiers and adventurers.

As a city that prospered with its trading, it was only natural for it to have easier access to the other cities which could provide backing in time of emergencies. Thus making Polorock the most suitable city for Demon King subjugation.

「… Well if you ask me, that Greed fella is as shady as h*ll. To be honest, I don’t want to have anything to do with that guy.」

Pomera ended up moving along with Rosemonde due to the force of the situation.

Contrary to the lone wolf air she gave, she found out that Rosemonde was unexpectedly a chatty person.

As long as she asked, Rosemonde would speak to no end to answer Pomera’s question, she would even throw in some tips despite her unwilling gesture.

「Is that so? I heard from Gannet that he’s the hero who saved Polorock though…」

「Long time ago, there was a rumor about the gathering of alchemists who caused a huge number of deaths when they’re experimenting on homunculus. Thus, he used a huge amount of money to bribe some big-shots to prepare a scapegoat for him. I don’t know the detailed situation, but don’t expect him to not have underhanded dealings. Anyhow, he’s a man who built his own empire in a single generation. That makes him even more suspicious.」

Rosemonde spoke with a scornful tone.

Philia was clinging on to Pomera, sleeping peacefully despite the situation. Rosemonde’s story was apparently far too boring for her.

「What are you guys going to do? You guys have no other duties to Manarak after you escort the citizens. I have no intentions on putting on a brave facade and dying a stupid death by fighting the Demon King. And though I loathe him, it’s much better with our Great Merchant Duke-sama.」

「… Yeah. I think I’ll discuss the matter after Kanata-san returns. I still have no idea what that person wanted to do with Kanata-san… anymore than this will have to be discussed…」

Kanata had left before Pomera, saying that he wanted to scout the situation.

Pomera thought that he might have gone into the center of Ragno nest to gain more detailed information about the demon king.

She felt that unlike before, Kanata was quite open in regards to this demon king subjugation.

Maybe they would choose to stay in the commercial city of Polorock to fight the demon king with Greed’s assistance.

「But, the departure sure is late, eh. We haven’t departed thanks to the numerous commoners who are blind about the real situation here. Oi, you, go and catch an official, I have so many question about the current situation for them.」

「A-Are you telling Pomera?」

「Who else? I hate talking with the government dogs the most. I’ve had so many disputes with them in the past.」

「Understood… Then, can I ask you to look over Philia-chan for a while?」

Rosemonde’s shoulders twitched the moment she heard Pomera’s request.


「W-Well, on second thought, please forget it. Someone will definitely send a report to us, the special force, when something happens. Otherwise, the transmission of the reporting might not be working properly, or there’s simply no emergency for the time being. Yup, it really can’t be helped.」

「Are you by chance… scared of Philia-chan?」

Previously, the culprit who sent Rosemonde flying along with the ragnos was none other than Philia.

Pomera then realized that Rosemonde might be still traumatized by that incident.

「I’m not! Don’t look down on me, lass!」

「M-My apologies! I-I’m not looking down on you…」

That moment, Philia’s eyes snapped open.

It seems she was awakened by Rosemonde’s loud voice.

「Is something the matter, Pomera? Spider again?」

Philia was rubbing her sleepy eyes with the back of her hands.


Rosemonde flinched upon seeing that and got away from Philia immediately.

Seeing that, Philia tilted her head as she looked at Rosemonde with a puzzled look on her face.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence between them.

And then, Pomera was looking at Rosemonde too.

「W-What now? Did I wrong you!?」

「N-No, Pomera doesn’t say that, but…」

That moment, the ground around the area swelled up.

It wasn’t just in one place.

There were dozens, no– hundreds of the same swelling at other places.

The sudden appearance of those swellings caused a panic.

「《Clod Bomb》!」

A magic circle appeared when Rosemonde raised her giant cross.

Blazing red ball materialized in front of Rosemonde.

The surface of the ground was peeled off, spiraling upward as if being pulled by a sphere of light, creating a perfect earthen sphere in just a moment.


Rosemonde swung down her cross.

The sphere of light flew, swelled up in size upon touching the ground, and then exploded.

The ground exploded and the ragnos that got caught in the blast were thrown in the air.

「So it really is those b*st*rds! It seems that the so-called demon king is pulling all stops and commencing an attack to crush all of us. Such a troublesome fellow.」

The uneven ground broke and a large number of ragnos appeared from within.

Amongst them were jumbo ragno who was subjugated by Kanata and co a few days ago.

Seeing that, the people in the area started screaming and trying to escape.

「… Good grief, this is why I didn’t want to stay behind. Lass, do it. You can at least beat them up, right?」


Pomera was also preparing for a fight.

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