Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 48: Wargod's True Power(Side: Pomera)

The area was suddenly filled with countless ragno.

There were three kinds of people in this situation; those who stood their ground to fight the ragno, those who hid inside their carriage, and those who tried to get away from this place.

「H-How can these monsters appear as if they’d already pinpointed this location!?」

Someone trying to escape shouted in horror.

A ragno was creeping on the ground, chasing right behind him.

Rosemonde entered the space between the two and skewered the ragno from its back into the ground with the giant metal cross she carried

The ragno’s body fluids splattered on the ground before its limbs stopped moving altogether.

Rosemonde glared at the man behind her and sneered at him.

「Hah, I think this should be enough proof for the idiots who refused to understand that the demon king is behind this incident.」

Normally, a large number of monsters wouldn’t appear around the city. Reason being the adventurers did their job to cull the monster’ population in the area around the city. Thus, even if some monsters were wandering around near the city by accident, it was considered a rare case, not to mention a large number of monsters going unnoticed by the adventurers.

When that happened, it was clear that a malicious being with intelligence was pulling the strings behind those monsters to attack the city.

「Philia will do her best to protect the city too! So praise Philia!」

Philia pushed her arms forward as if not wanting to lose to Rosemonde.

Seeing that, Pomera reflexively placed her hands on Philia’s shoulder to stop the latter.

「P-Please wait, Philia-chan… please don’t do that in the public since it’ll cause a panic, be a good child and wait for me here, okay…」

If Philia really went all out, she might end up pulverizing all the monsters along with the humans in the city.

At the same time, as someone whose fame skyrocketed due to the incident involving Philia, it was easy to imagine what would happen next.

「B-But, Philia, wants to protect the city too… Philia, will do her best, coz she want to boast about it later to Kanata…」

Philia’s shoulders dropped, looking really dejected.

「Y-You can’t. Philia-chan… is our secret weapon after all.」

「Philia is… secret weapon!? Cool!!」

Philia’s face shone as she replied.

Pomera heaved a sigh as she finally managed to coax Philia.

「Y-Yes. That’s why, please make your move when you see me falling into a precarious situation, okay?」


Philia nodded cheerfully as she clenched her fists.

And then, she looked around as if observing the situation.

It was as if she was looking for anyone who was in a predicament.

Pomera gulped her saliva upon seeing that and made a resolution to not let Philia get a chance to help. Because god knows what kind of trick is going to be used by Philia to save Pomera and the others from the predicament.

「《Clod Bomb》!」

Rosemonde was hoisting her big metal cross around.

The earthen sphere that she unleashed exploded, killing eight ragnos at once.

「HAH! It’s feel refreshing seeing these bast*rds getting swallowed up by my magic!」

Rosemonde approached the ragno who got overturned by the blast and brandished her big metal cross to finish it off.

「T-That’s an overkill…」

「But, as expected of 《Rosemonde of Extermination》. There’s not that many sorcerers who can fight against swarms of enemies like her.」

The surrounding adventurers gave their evaluation of Rosemonde.

Rosemonde turned around to see them.

She was smiling lightly upon hearing the positive evaluation from the other adventurers.

「Did you see that, lass? You might be quite good when it comes to magic, but I’m still superior in fighting large number of ene—」

「《Flare Flies》」

A magic circle deployed from the tip of the cane in Pomera’s hand.

Dozens of flame spheres appeared in mid-air, moving as if they had their own will and flew toward the nearby ragno with terrifying accuracy.

「W-What kind of magic did she use just now!? Those dozens of flame spheres are moving as if they have their own will…」

「That’s a perfectly controlled 7th rank magic. Moreover, she doesn’t seem to be breaking a sweat even after firing such big magic… I did hear the rumor that she could easily become an A-rank adventurer in one go, but…」

The spectators around them were in awe.

Pomera’s shoulders shrunk due to embarrassment.

「My spotlight… I mean, me too…」

Rosemonde lowered the giant cross she carried in her hand, looking at Pomera while muttering something.

「Is something the matter, Rosemonde-san?」

「… That man aside, I’m starting to lost confidence when I’m with you guys.」

Rosemonde heaved a sigh with a dejected look on her face.


Their ragno hunting went without a hitch after that exchange.

Without stopping in one place, Pomera was running around all over the place along with Philia to cull the number of ragno.

For some reason, Rosemonde was also chasing after Pomera, burning with rivalry.

Though the ragno kept appearing from the ground, their numbers were clearly far less than before.

「H-Huff, it seems we can finish this without hitch.」

Rosemonde stabbed her giant metal cross into the ground as she adjusted her breathing.

Since she kept using AoE-type magic, it was only natural for her to start running out of stamina. But considering the number of ragnos she took down, that might just be a natural result.

「《Flare Flies》!」

As for Pomera, she kept firing 7th rank magic at regular intervals.

「You… don’t you feel that the amount of your mana is…. a bit off the charts?」

In regards to the quantity of the subjugated ragno, Rosemonde felt that she might be able to catch up with Pomera if she kept firing high-rank magic in succession, but then Rosemonde’s suspicions about the amount of mana that Pomera had come as a horror for the former.

Though Pomera was looking at Rosemonde with a puzzled look on her face, she snapped back immediately when she noticed that Philia’s figure was gone.

「E-Eh!? Where’s Philia-chan?」

「That brat seems to be moving dizzily on her own when you’re busy hunting the ragnos. But while it might be true that you let your eyes off her, you don’t have to worry about her. I mean, that brat is clearly stronger than you.」

「Philia-chan aside, it’s uhm… how should I say, I’m more worried about anyone ASIDE from Philia-chan.」

Pomera looked like she was at her wit’s end.

Philia’s strength was far above Pomera’s.

But, the thing that she was most worried about was Philia’s innocent nature. There was a high chance that Philia might accidentally cast a super high rank spell with that innocent nature of her.

Though Pomera did tell Philia to not use her power carelessly, heavens know what the latter is gonna do when she is out of Pomera’s reach.

Or rather, even under Pomera’s watch, not even Pomera could stop Philia if the latter suddenly decides to take action.

「I see… But we have no time to stop and go looking for her now. Let’s hunt the ragno while looking for her.」

「You’re right… but are you sure about this? The other party might not heading toward us.」

Pomera was looking at the other location which was separated by the building.

「Don’t worry. 《Ares Hand》 seems to be right over there.」

When she shifted her attention to the right, she saw Kotone of 《Ares Hand》 standing on top of a building.

It seems that a large number of ragno were aiming for her. The ragno were clamouring amongst themselves as they tried to climb the building to get her.

The number of the ragno clearly surpassed the other area.

It seems the ragno regarded Kotone as the biggest threat.

Kotone readied her bow and fired at the ragno who dared to approach her. Her rapid-firing speed was simply terrifying.

「A-Amazing… so Kotone-san is a bow user…」

「No… 《Ares Hand》has numerous weapons, some even cursed, and she can wield all of them. Normally, anyone can’t wield a weapon far stronger than their level, but Kotone is the exception to this rule.」

Soon enough, the building was covered in the corpses of ragno.

Kotone kicked the roof and just jumped towards a higher roof.

「Time-space Magic, 8th Rank; 《Dimension Pocket》.」

Her bow and arrow vanished and were replaced with a gigantic axe whose length was at least five times that of Kotone’s height.

The gigantic axe was made with some sort of bluestone and there were some symbols written on its surface.

「《Ancient Gigant Axe》」

At first, that giant axe looked like a mismatch for a girl of Kotone’s height, but it was swung around, drawing a perfect circle as if it was weightless by Kotone.

The building was destroyed due to her swing and the ragno were buried alive inside the rubble.

「Y-Yeah, it seems she’s just fine…」

Pomera’s breath stopped for a moment when she saw that.

Kotone pierced the blade of the giant axe on top of a mountain of ragno corpses and debris that she’d created just a moment ago, and scanned her surroundings.

Though she had that sleepy look on her face, she raised her face up and looked in the direction of the city wall.

A moment later, Pomera was looking in the same direction as Kotone.

And there, they saw a grotesque-looking monster standing above the city wall.

At a glance, she looked like an adorable, pink-haired-twin-tailed girl.

But, her lower half was that of a giant spider.

Appearance-wise, there was no way she was unrelated to this ragno’s outbreak.

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