Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 811 Lanqi is in so much pain!

Chapter 811 Lanqi is in so much pain!


"That's just the way it is."

There is a chandelier on the towering ceiling of the mansion's restaurant. Hundreds of sparkling crystals reflect dazzling brilliance under the light. The shiny marble floor reflects the shadows of three people sitting side by side on one side of the dining table. Their slightly swaying figures show that none of them is not anxious inside.

After more than ten minutes of explanation.

Lanci sat between Talia and Sigrid and told them what had happened.

"The Bishop of the Dimension just happened to accept an important commission to help you find a fiancée, and he just happened to think that we are a good match, so he wanted to give us a surprise and introduced me here?"

Sigrid listened to Lanqi's story with a serious expression, and then relaxed a little.

"That kid Toliado..."

Talia gritted her teeth and muttered to herself.

If Toliado had simply helped her send a girl who looked like Sieglei, she might have thanked this old demon friend.

But the problem is that this woman was not given to her, but to Lanqi as his wife, which is unforgivable.

"I had thought that since neither the Allied Forces nor the Dimensional Branch had been able to introduce a candidate for my fake fiancée, I asked Tata to cover for me. But today, I just came back from the Shadow World and was halfway through contacting Toliado when he was captured. This was a serious handover error. I didn't receive you well and failed to explain it to Tata in advance. It's all my fault."

Lanqi shook his head with a heavy expression and apologized sincerely to both of them.

He placed his hand on the edge of the dining table, which was made of fine walnut wood. The tabletop was covered with a flawless white lace tablecloth with fine patterns like rime in winter.

"Why was he taken away?"

Sigrid listened to Lanqi's words and understood a lot of the situation, but she still had doubts.

This dimensional bishop seems to be a little unreliable.

It was the first time she heard of a cardinal being captured by the local secret service.

"Did he drive you here?"

Lanci looked at Sigrid.

According to the time when Sigrid left the Shadow World, it would be impossible for her to reach Saint Cremona's house so quickly without a guide. She would definitely get lost.


Sigrid admitted, her blood pressure rising.

She didn't expect that Lanqi could do tasks while admitting his mistakes.

"That's probably because Toliado was considered by the Imperial Special Operations Office to be a spy from an enemy country monitoring Professor Landry. Now he's in the center of the storm, and everyone in the Empire is in danger. The Imperial Special Operations Office is always keeping an eye on me, and my life is very difficult. Now you're here too, and I'm really sorry for you."

Lanqi had a complicated expression as he explained to Sigrid the severity of the current situation in the southern continent.

"That's it."

Sigrid listened to Lanqi's words and couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

"It doesn't matter if life is hard. I don't care about that."

She had just come from the Northern Continent and was not yet very familiar with the war atmosphere.

If Brildad thinks about it carefully, it is indeed quite dangerous. In this situation, Lanqi really needs to play a good role with Tata, otherwise it would be quite dangerous if he reveals his flaws.

"You still don't care? There's already a woman in this family. You should go back to the Resurrection Church. I'll just endure the hardships with him."

Talia thought it was ridiculous and laughed.

"Didn't you hear what he just said? You are the 'backup', so you were put as the second choice. I am his first choice, and I should be the mistress of this family."

Sigrid, the queen, looked towards Talia with a tone as strong as an order.

She is not content with controlling what is in front of her, but wants to conquer everything within her sight.

"Please don't misunderstand me, okay? If it weren't for the fact that both of us have some health problems, there wouldn't be any other options for fake fiancées."

On the left, Talia was sitting elegantly, a beige silk dress outlining her beautiful figure, a few strands of hair casually hanging by her ears, a faint smile on her face, but her golden eyes cast a sharp look at the opposite side, as if to see through the enemy.

"He's in good health. How come he never had any problems with me? If there was any problem, it must be your fault, right?"

Sigrid on the right had changed from her previous liveliness. Her bell-like laughter echoed in every corner of the restaurant. But that smile was like a carefully put-upon mask that could not conceal her inner tyranny.

Her slender fingers fiddled with the napkin unconsciously, and she might put her hand on Lanqi's collar at any moment.


Lanqi felt like a thorn in his side at this moment.

"Be quiet."

The two women ordered in unison.


He kept his lips curled up stiffly and took a sip of the hot coffee in the cup from time to time. Every time he tried to say something, his throat seemed to be choked by the gaze of the two women and he could not make a sound.

The silence seemed particularly unbearable on this afternoon that should have been warm.

As the dining cart was slowly pushed in, Kitty Cat hid at the bottom of the cart and used her telekinesis to present the delicacies on the silver plates one by one. The exquisite goblets were filled with deep red grape juice and the tableware made crisp sounds when they gently collided. However, all this could not dilute the eerie atmosphere that permeated the restaurant.

The first dish served on the table was the tempting cream mushroom soup. The soup was as smooth as silk, and the surface was dotted with chopped green celery. The perfect blend of the dense cream and the delicious mushrooms spoke of the gift of nature.

Next came a plate of secret foie gras with golden crisp bread. The pink foie gras was crystal clear and exuded an attractive luster. The bread slices were toasted and the surface was golden and crispy. The foie gras spread on the crisp bread looked like a dazzling gem.

The main course is a slow-cooked beef ribs with truffle cheese. The beef ribs are carefully stewed in red wine for several hours. The meat is extremely tender and juicy, with a strong aroma of bone marrow. A layer of grated black truffle is sprinkled on the surface, which complements the melted cheese, exuding an evil temptation that even cats can hardly resist.

As a side dish, there is also a dish of asparagus with herb butter. The green asparagus is like new sprouts in early spring, exuding the scent of the earth. The steamed asparagus is crisp and refreshing, and after being drizzled with herb butter, it adds a rich aroma.

There are still many dishes that West Germany likes that Cat Boss is preparing urgently, so now he can only deliver the original regular dishes first.

Boss Cat knew that if he let them continue chatting, Lanqi would probably really be sent.

"Boss Cat, is that you?"

"What is there to be afraid of? Boss Cat, you're my best friend."

Talia and Sigrid both glanced under the dining car, causing it to tremble in fear.

Boss Cat quickly put all the plates on the dining table.

"I, I have something on the stove meow!"

The dining car took off with a slingshot and flew towards the kitchen.

What it fears is that both Tata and West Germany will ask it to take sides.

Both of them are its good friends.

It can’t be chosen!
Before Lanqi's gaze for help reached the cat boss, he saw the cat boss disappear and could only reach out his hand to it.

He regrets it now.

He had a problem with the way he played this time.

The auxiliary has ruined the signal!
As a result, the next second he walked right in front of the jungler.

The tableware lay quietly on the tray, and he didn't dare to touch it easily.

The looks the two women cast at Lanci were like two sharp blades; they longed for his favor, yet feared the outcome of failure.

"I think... considering the importance of the mission, the danger level of the empire, and the trust of the organization, I need a good wife who can cooperate with me and is reasonable..."

Lanqi spoke softly, tactfully to himself.

I hope they both can exercise restraint.


Talia and Sigrid were both quiet for a moment.

They could hear the hint of tea in Lanqi's words.

It's not easy for the two of them to quarrel at this time.

After all, it was a misunderstanding that led to two fiancées coming to Professor Landry's house.

The culprit is the prison guard.

If he had not been tortured by the Imperial Special Operations Division, he would have been able to explain the problem to them.

At this time, both of them were already at home. If one of them drove the other away too forcefully, she would appear like a wicked woman.

At this moment, Sigrid, who had been acting calmly, suddenly made a move.

She picked up the silver spoon at hand and gently scooped a spoonful of cream of mushroom soup from the small bowl in front of her, while holding her other hand under the spoon to prevent the soup from dripping.

Her movements were natural and calm, and everything seemed natural.

The soup in the spoon glowed attractively under the light, and the hot steam surrounded her fingertips.

"Come, Lanqi, try this soup. Be careful it's hot."

Sigrid leaned forward slightly and brought the spoon to Lanci's mouth.

Her voice was as sweet as honey, yet concealed within it a firmness that could not be refused.

Lanqi's body stiffened.

He realized that he had to drink this spoonful of soup no matter what.

Lanqi opened his mouth mechanically and let the warm soup slide into his mouth.

The aroma of cream and the deliciousness of mushrooms bloomed on his tongue, but he had no intention of savoring them. He only felt uneasy.

He didn't dare to look at Talia's expression at the moment, but he could feel that the gaze coming from the left was almost burning a hole in his face.

But the culprit, Sigrid, seemed completely unaware.

Sigrid's eyes passed Lanci and glanced in the direction of Talia, with a barely perceptible smile on the corner of her mouth, as if silently declaring something.

She used the spoon that she had just fed Lanqi as if nothing had happened and started to use it herself.


Talia clenched the napkin in her hands, her knuckles turning white from the force.

Her eyes became increasingly gloomy, like a sea brewing a storm that could cause huge waves at any time.

The atmosphere at the table was ignited by someone.

Talia then followed suit.

She followed Sigrid's example and picked up the knife and fork beside her, cut a small piece of foie gras with crispy bread for Lanci, and put it in front of Lanci.

"Lanqi, ah, the master is here to feed you."

Her voice was as smooth as velvet, but it made Lanqi feel uneasy.

Lanqi's eyes wandered between the two women, feeling caught in a dilemma.

He saw Sigrid's eyes suddenly turn cold, like a sharp icicle, silently warning him not to accept Talia's feeding.

But Talia obviously didn't intend to give Lanqi a chance to refuse.

She gently pinched Lanqi's cheeks with her index finger and thumb, causing him to open his mouth, and took the opportunity to put a small piece of bread into his mouth.

Lanqi chewed the food in his mouth mechanically. The richness of the foie gras and the crispness of the crisp bread spread on the tip of his tongue, but he could not taste anything. He only felt that Sigrid's gaze was almost freezing him into an ice sculpture.

Sigrid's provocation undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, and Lanqi became a victim of this competition.

Talia didn't stop there.

She picked up the napkin beside her and carefully wiped the corners of Lanqi's mouth like a caring girlfriend or a mother.

Her movements were so gentle, protecting her treasure.

Her slender index finger touched Lanqi's lips from time to time, which seemed to be an unintentional mistake, but also seemed to be an intentional teasing.

Every time he touched her, Lanqi's heart skipped a beat, fearing that this slight movement would trigger Sigrid's anger.

The air was almost frozen, and even breathing became difficult.

Sigrid clenched the napkin in her hand, her well-manicured nails almost digging into her palm.

Her eyes became more and more sinister, like a lioness whose territory had been invaded, and she might tear everything in front of her to pieces at any time.

Talia raised her chin provocatively, a victorious smile on her lips.

Her eyes passed over Sigrid, glanced at Lanqi for a moment, and then returned to Sigrid, as if silently declaring -

This is my man.


Lightning seemed to burst out when their eyes met. They were so eager to fight that they both tightly grasped the cutlery in their hands.


The next few minutes.

Sigrid and Talia seemed to be competing with each other, and they would stuff something into Lanqi's mouth every once in a while.

Cutlery became instruments of torture.

Lanqi tried almost every dish on the table, but all tasted bland.

Every minute and every second seems like a torture.

Lanqi felt like he was nailed to the dining chair, unable to move, and could only let the two women do whatever they wanted.


Lanqi didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then I found two spoons appeared in front of me at the same time!
The worst happened.

One was filled with slow-cooked beef ribs, the meat was tender and juicy, and the other was filled with asparagus with herbs, which was green and juicy.

"No, sisters."

Lanqi was completely confused.

His eyes widened, his gaze moving back and forth between the two spoons, his mind going blank.

Originally, he was fed by these two people in turn. When Talia fed him, Sigrid glared at him, and when Sigrid fed him, Talia glared at him. He almost experienced the same torture as the fully automatic merit machine at the Temple Villain Dinner, and he could hardly bear it anymore.

As a result, someone happened to take the photo and handed the food to him at the same time.

"Here, try this."

Sigrid's voice sounded nonchalant, but her eyes were cold as ice, warning the Son not to accept Tata's food.

"No, you should try this first."

Talia's tone also ignored Sigrid and focused only on Ranci.


Lanqi felt his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

"listen to me."

Sigrid repeated.

"Don't listen to outsiders. I am your family. Uncle Noe said that the Wilford family is my family."

Talia said this in her usual calm voice.

"Is that because you are homeless? People say that out of pity for you."

Sigrid's words were also aggressive.

Lanqi's emerald green eyes kept looking left and right at the food handed over by the two people, and at this moment they were already tinged with a hint of panic.

The choice is death.

But if he doesn't make a choice, the two wolf-tiger sisters will be tired and even die.

Just at this moment, the kitchen door mustered up the courage again and opened by itself.

Boss Cat pushed the food cart over tremblingly and continued to serve them food.

"Boss Cat!"

Lanqi saw his savior and shouted softly,
"Excuse me, Mr. Cat, I feel a little uncomfortable in my chest. Do you have any drink that can warm my body?"

Lanqi was almost in tears as he looked at the cat boss, and his hand was shaking as he raised the glass.

His voice sounded painful and hoarse, like a wounded beast trying hard to hide his illness.

"Yes, please wait."

After nodding, the cat boss took the empty cup from Lanqi's hand with his telekinesis, walked towards the wine cabinet in the distance, and prepared to serve him according to Lanqi's request.


Lanci looked like a physically or mentally disabled person. He tried to hold the cutlery with his trembling hands and made groaning sounds.

He wanted to get away with it and avoid this difficulty.

"Old, old problem."

Lanci explained.

"I'm here to testify for Lanqi. He had a sudden illness the first time he was in the restaurant of Purgatory Corridor Academy..."

Boss Cat quickly spoke up for Lanqi.

It knew that Lanqi was really helpless and was forced to pretend to be a disabled person.

The sins committed in Purgatory Corridor Academy were finally repaid.

"Woo..." Lanqi was so moved that he wanted to hug the cat boss.

Only cats are his eternal friends.

"Boss Cat, don't interrupt."

Talia and Sigrid spoke at the same time again, breaking Lanci's thoughts.

The cat boss's mouth turned into a fork and he dared not move.

It just serves the food quietly.

Sigrid grabbed Lanci's right hand, placed her palm against his, and closed her eyes to think for a while.

"Your breath is normal. There is nothing wrong with your body. It seems that your old illness has been cured."

Sigrid helped him diagnose.

As top warriors, their auras are now connected, and it is impossible for her not to sense Lanqi's physical condition.

Talia also silently held Lanqi's other hand.

"Your magic is also very calm. You are just simply shaking."

The two of them grabbed his hands, one on the left and one on the right.

Lanqi just wanted to get the cutlery himself, but this time he had no hands to use.

The two eighth-level warriors beside him were not on the same level of strength as him.

His hands were held by these two people, and they even slowly interlocked their fingers to lock his hands, making him unable to move.

Only the spoon was in front of him waiting for him to make the final choice.

Lanqi's expression changed more than a dozen times in an instant. He found that he could learn the pain that even the Black Sun Tyrant had never experienced from the emotional tribulation.


The two couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing.

He seemed to be going crazy.

"You all like to play like this, right? You treat me like a child, okay!"

Lanqi leaned back in his chair and shouted in a state of rage,
"Then whoever wants to be my mother can feed me."

He was rarely angry, so he gave up resisting and waited to be fed.

The words fell.

Talia and Sigrid both hesitated.

Boss Cat poked his ears out from behind the dining car.

It was as nervous as Lanqi, listening to Lanqi's extreme operations.

This time Lanqi seemed to be completely desperate.

Lanqi started to fight hard and dragged them to explode together.

Whoever feeds him is the mother, and takes the initiative to declare that he has lost his status as a fiancée.

Talia and Sigrid reluctantly and slowly took back their spoons.

He neither started to eat by himself nor let go of Lanqi's hand.

Just like it's hard to accept.

Both of them were trying to restrain themselves, but the result was that they were unable to use their strength and were filled with anger.

Now it has been put out and stopped.

The only thing he didn't want to let go of was Lanqi's hand.

It seems that whoever lets go will lose completely.

But if he didn't let go, Lanqi wouldn't be able to eat, and someone had to feed him.

The chain of logic freezes here.

The more they thought about it, the angrier they got.


Lanqi felt the two people calm down.

Let me just feel that I have reached a critical step in my bomb disposal work.

Next, comfort them both.

Slowly make them both happy.

At the same time, don't step on their sensitive spots.

Don't let them teach each other too much.

Then find a way to separate them after lunch and talk to them individually.

This longest lunch finally ended smoothly with hope!

At the moment when Lanqi was still in beautiful fantasy.


It was like Talia couldn't hold back her temper.

She stood up, causing the chair to jolt.

"You are such a big boy, Mommy. We usually like to play this. I will just continue to feed you."

Talia hugged Lanqi's head, her cheeks flushed, and spoke provocatively to Lanqi and Sigrid.

She just wanted to win today, even if it meant playing something embarrassing with Lanqi.

This is also a declaration of war.

Can the little girl do it?


Lanqi's brain stopped working.

Whites of eyes.

He felt like he had fallen into an illusion space. From the origin of the universe to the birth of the first life underwater, from gravity to the mass-energy equation, all the knowledge in the world flashed through his mind.

The cat owner was also dumbfounded and couldn't close his mouth.

Originally, Lanci's suicide threat tactic would definitely be applicable to the torture of Sigrid and Hyperion, as neither of them would be too abstract.

Only Talia won't spoil Lanqi.

She is more abstract than Lanci.

When Lanqi was disconnected, the conflict between Sigrid and Talia broke out in an instant.

"Who do you think you are? Why do you want to steal my man?"

Sigrid's voice rose a few notches and she stood up.

"Your man? Don't make me laugh to death."

Talia was not to be outdone, her tone was full of sarcasm and disdain,
"I'm obviously the one he's closest to, can't you see that?!"

"Don't be so self-indulgent!"

Sigrid's hands were shaking and she was clenching them constantly, ready to strike at any moment.
"Holy Son, tell her that we made a solemn vow in the Northern Continent! You must marry me when you reach the sixth level. This position of fiancée has always been mine!"

"Lanqi, don't listen to her! We have done so many things between us, you can't be separated from me in this life!"

Talia's voice was sweet and seductive, and she hugged Ranchi tighter.

"You shameless thieving cat...! Get out of my way."

Sigrid's face was covered with black lines,

"I told you to let him go."

She grabbed Talia's wrist and ordered.

"Why should I let go of my baby? You're meddling too much! This is my home!"

Talia felt as if her wrist was clamped by steel bars and she was unable to resist the opponent's strength, but she was still struggling to protect her Ranchi.

"He's not your baby."

Sigrid was afraid of hurting Lanci, so she didn't use her full strength.

"He is mine. He has been mine all his life!"

Talia yelled.


Sigrid's laughter trembled.

"Look how safe he is lying on my chest. I'm telling you, I once held him like this and let him fall asleep."

Talia deliberately puffed out her chest and declared to Sigrid.

"Let him go. This is your last warning."

Sigrid was reaching the limit of her patience.

"Do you still want to fight me?"

Talia is ready to use magic to fight against powerful enemies.

This little girl should not cry and call for her mother in her dreams later.

She could teach the wild girl a lesson using the same method she had used to train Karen.

She came to teach this wild girl how to be a good woman.

"Don't cry if I press you to the ground and it hurts. I wanted to save your face."

Sigrid also made a decision.

Putting aside the Son of God for now, she wanted more and more to conquer this big gray cat that made her angry.

It’s time to let the other party feel the absolute difference in power and understand the superior status of females.

"Meow meow meow! Don't do anything!"

The cat boss was furious, as he knew his home was about to be torn apart by these two irrational people.

When Tata and Sid fight, even the barrier can’t hold out!


Lanqi's brain began to buzz.

The sound of their voices made his brain tremble.


Lanqi screamed.

It was like the rift in his heart had returned and expanded at this moment.

When he encounters emotional fluctuations, he will recall the most painful memories, which will make him suffer and have hallucinations. All he can do is force himself to cry or laugh to get through these few seconds.

Boss Cat looked at Lanqi in surprise.

He seems a little crazy.

I don’t know if he was pretending or if he really broke down.

Boss Cat's eyelids were twitching.

Teacher Da Lan was forced to act crazy and stupid.

It had never seen Lanqi being forced to come up with such strange moves repeatedly.

"Is it the Psychic Fracture that's happening?"

Talia noticed Lanqi's condition and instantly shifted her attention to Lanqi in her arms, and hurriedly stroked Lanqi's forehead with concern.

Sigrid didn't know what was happening.

All she knew was that Lanqi had just experienced the pain of the Black Sun Tyrant in the Shadow World.

Throughout the Shadow World, Ranchi's understanding of the Black Sun Tyrant continues to increase.

And this process made her empathize all the time, and she understood that Lanqi was not feeling very well in the entire shadow world of eternal punishment and immortality, and was experiencing a tempering and new understanding.

Lanqi gradually fell into coma, and Talia gradually stabilized him in the chair and let him lean against the back.

"You are... Kaliela... Sigra...?"

Lanqi's vision was blurry and his pupils were dilated.

"You two should stop quarreling, you are the best relatives..."

He spoke in a dreamy voice.

Until the sound disappears completely.


Talia and Sigrid were both stunned when they heard this.

They looked at each other with complicated expressions, then looked away.

As expected, not only did he make a mistake, but even Lanqi would mistake this woman for his hallucination.

Thinking of this, it’s not good to get angry with the woman in front of me.

Recalling the world of Blood Moon, it would not be difficult to understand if Sigler or Kaliela had some feelings of that kind for Lanci.

The two of them had a lot of thoughts in their minds.

Even if the other person is not the real person but someone who is overly similar, they really don't want to confront each other. If possible, they still want to get along well, understand each other better, continue the experience of having a good chat, and indulge in the warmth that they thought they would never experience again.

The silence lasted for a long time, with both of them holding Lanqi's hand.

If they continue to fight like this, Lanqi may really not be able to continue the mission of the Kreming Empire.

at last.

"I say, why don't we try to make do with three of us? It's no problem for Professor Landry to have two fake fiancées anyway."

Sigrid compromised and stated that they were all fake fiancées.

Any other woman would never have made such a concession.

But today was strange. When this big gray cat that stole fish became gentle, she would always think of her dear Calliela, and she could not resist the smell of the other.

"We both shouldn't touch him unless it's necessary, and live a peaceful life without hurting each other?"

Talia asked tentatively.

She thought she might be crazy to answer the other person.

Unfortunately, this arrogant little wolf stopped bumping into her because he looked too much like her baby Sigra.

"Yes, we should get along well. This will not only be good for him, but also for us. Do you agree?"

"no problem."

The two hit it off, shook hands, and signed the Sita Non-Aggression Pact.

"That's it for now, let's eat first."

Talia's calm gaze was once again on the dining table. She was actually very hungry.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality."

Sigrid was a little surprised at the other person's magnanimity.

They were still arguing one moment, and the next moment he invited her to have dinner together.

Then she can't be so picky.

"It's ok."

The atmosphere at the table gradually became harmonious.

In the distance, at the kitchen door.

The black cat poked its head out again.


Can this be reconciled?
Boss Cat breathed a sigh of relief.

For some unknown reason, it miraculously stabilized.

This house didn't explode.

It's so dreamy that Talia could reach a century-long reconciliation with Sigrid.

Teacher Dalan seemed to have hit the jackpot this time as she managed to turn the overturned car around. I guess her confidence must have increased a lot.

Just ...

Is it really possible for three of us to spend this time together…?
Although the next period of time may be full of dangers as Teacher Da Lan and his two fiancées live under the same roof.

But as long as no one in this family breaks this hard-earned balance, with Teacher Lan's abilities, maybe things will really get better, meow!
(End of this chapter)

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