Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 812: Sisters Are Here After All the Disasters

Chapter 812: Sisters Are Here After All the Disasters

In the dining room of the professor's house at St. Clement's Monastery, Lanqi was leaning back in a chair to rest.

He might actually be asleep.

He had not rested for a long time in the previous eighth-level shadow world, and then he returned to the present world and returned to Brillda's home. The sleepiness was just accumulating in his heart. Now, even if he was given a chance to pretend to be asleep, he would fall asleep accidentally.

"Fortunately he was fed."

Talia glanced at Lanqi who was sleeping soundly and muttered.

When they were competing with Sid just now, they didn't eat much themselves and were feeding Lanqi one after another.

"Move him back to his room later and let him rest."

Sigrid whispered to Tata as they ate.

She was also careful not to wake Lanqi.

"it is good."

Talia nodded.
"By the way, I'll help you clean up the room on the first floor later. You can just stay here. I'll cook the three meals a day. It would be even better if you could help buy some groceries occasionally."

Talia looked at Sigrid and preached.

According to Sid, her luggage is still stored on the second floor of the Brillda Opera House in the Dimension Branch and will be delivered later.

Anyway, the dimensional branch sent the people here first, and the luggage came second.

"no problem."

Sigrid couldn't help but think of her journey to the Orc city-state in the Shadow World. Along the way, it was Kaliera who took care of her food and daily life, and symbolically gave her some tasks such as buying groceries.

Now I am dreaming about the time when I lived with Kaliela.

Living with each other really feels like living with Kaliela.

"Wait, where does Lanky live?"

Sigrid suddenly realized a problem.

"The master bedroom at the back of the second floor."

Talia pouted and answered reluctantly.

"Where do you live then?"

Sigrid questioned Talia.

"On the second floor, near the innermost second bedroom."

Talia could only answer truthfully.

The rest are a few guest rooms.

"No, that's not fair. We should let him stay in the middle, and the two of us can stay in the side rooms."

Sigrid theorized.

She almost fell into Tata's trap.

"Then all three of us will have to move rooms."

Talia began to ponder.

Theoretically, there is no problem living like this.

But every day after that she had to worry about the neighbor next door, Sigrid sneaking into Lanqi's room.

Every room in this house has been decorated by her and Lanqi, and the sound insulation is done well.

Then maybe she can't sleep well every day.

"Or maybe we can just live together. That's fair."

Sigrid suggested.

She obviously had the same concerns, so she knew what Tata was struggling with.

As long as we do what she says, everyone's demands can be met.

"Would you like to share the bed with me?"

Talia herself didn't have any objection, but she had only slept with Hugh Bao before. After all, the woman in front of her was not the real Sieglie, but a strange woman she had just met today. Talia had never thought of becoming her roommate.

But this is indeed a solution. She can keep an eye on Sigrid personally, so there is no need to worry about her sneaking into Lanqi's room.

"How do you sleep?"

Sigrid hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously.

The person who impressed her most was Hyperion, who had a terrible sleeping posture and often found herself lying on top of her when she woke up. This left a lot of psychological trauma in Siegler's young heart. If possible, she didn't want to sleep with a girl like Hyperion who would roll over in her dreams, kick people and grab the quilt.

"Not bad. What about you?"

When Talia heard the word "sleeping posture", her eyes moved.

She was sure that she slept very quietly and thought that she had a high tolerance for sleeping posture.

The only thing she couldn't accept was that Hyperion would sometimes suck on her in the middle of the night, which scared her so much that she would hug her chest and jump off the bed.

So I have to ask.

"It's relatively quiet. At most, I'll roll over and hug a pillow or blanket."

Sigrid put her index finger to her chin and thought.

She didn't bring the black and green pillow from the Northern Continent with her, and sometimes she would wake up hugging the pillow.

"Okay then, let's move our luggage to the second floor later and live together."

Talia finally agreed with Sigrid's suggestion.

Being each other's roommates means there's no need to worry about the other person running away, and they're the same distance from Ranchi's room, so it's a good solution.

"To be honest, I don't hate you. I even think you're a nice person. Everything I said to you when we first met was from the heart."

Sigrid spoke with relief.

Even now she still feels that getting along with each other is particularly natural, as if they have lived together for a long time.

Talia was stunned when she heard this.

She never thought that the other party would actually praise her.

This straightforwardness is exactly the same as the child in my memory.

"If we meet in a different way, we should be able to have a good conversation. I don't deny that."

Talia didn't understand why the other person's thoughts were always so similar to hers, and she lowered her eyes and talked to herself.

Unfortunately, no matter how familiar they get with each other, they are still strangers after all.

The only intersection is Lanqi.

And Ranchi is also the target they are fighting for.

The dining table returned to its previous tranquility, with only the occasional sound of forks touching porcelain plates echoing in the dining room from time to time.

They ate quietly, each without talking much.

When Talia meets someone she is not familiar with, it takes time for her to slowly open her heart and become close to them. At the beginning, she will mostly just passively listen to what the other person says to judge whether the other person is suitable to be a friend.

As for Sigrid, she was quite outgoing and didn't feel awkward at first meeting someone. But she found that if she didn't eat quickly, the food on the table would soon be gone, so she could only concentrate on her lunch.

From time to time she glanced at Talia in surprise.

Sigrid didn't understand how Talia could eat so elegantly and make the food disappear so quickly.

Is this really not the later Calyera?
Even the way they eat is exactly the same.

The stomach is large, so no need to swallow more.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Talia asked Sigrid, tilting her head and noticing Sigrid's gaze.

"You are using camouflage magic now, right?"

Sigrid was arrested in her sight, but she did not panic and asked without moving her eyes.

When looking at beautiful women, you should do so openly.

"Of course, you used it too."

Talia put the cut charcoal-grilled potato balls into her mouth with a fork and chewed them.

After she shows up openly in the imperial capital of Brillda, she will use the identity given to her by her superior Nigel of the Person Kingdom and change her appearance.

She could feel that Sid was very strong, and was even a genius of the same type as her Sigler, but he was too young.

"I'm a little curious about what you originally looked like."

Sigrid always felt that the gray-haired woman's appearance did not match her excellent temperament, as if she was deliberately disguising herself to reduce her beauty.

"Hehe, I can be the woman you most want to see."

Talia chuckled.

Not to mention her appearance which is always praised by Lanqi, with the magic of Kaliela, she can also have the illusion face of Kaliela.

"It seems that you are really confident, but no one can compare to the woman I want to meet the most."

From Tata's attitude, Sigrid could basically determine that Tata himself would be very good-looking.

"who is it?"

Talia did not feel contempt from Sid's words, but rather a sense of belief and recognition. It was just that the woman Sid was talking about had an irreplaceable meaning to Sid himself.

"My mother, she is the most beautiful woman, the best woman in the world."

Sigrid said firmly.

"...I see. You are a good kid."

When Talia heard what Sid said, she seemed to understand something and nodded in agreement.

Although she was a competitive demon princess, she knew how important her mother was to a human child.

"Why don't you try to argue? I see you are quite confident."

Sigrid had not expected Tata's reaction to be this.

She actually thought that it would provoke the other party to be dissatisfied, so she just showed it to her.

"No matter how confident you are, you can't compare to the mother in your heart." Talia shook her head slightly and said with a happy attitude.

She acknowledged that Xide was a filial daughter, and filial daughters would not be bad people.

" old are you actually? I'd like to decide whether to call you sister or younger sister from now on."

Sigrid thought of another question, and holding onto the corner of Lanci's chair back, she moved closer and asked Tata.

Seeing the other party's mature and dignified answer, she couldn't help but close the distance.

If they really have to pretend to be Lanqi's fake fiancée, then sometimes when they help Lanqi act outside, they may have to call each other sisters.


Talia fell silent.

She can't say she's 800 years old.

"I'm 25 years old over there in Hutton Kingdom."

Talia finally told him her age as shown on her Hutton Kingdom ID.

She added the adjective, so it wasn't a lie, nor was she going against her conscience.

She kept thinking to herself.

"What, you're younger than me?"

Sigrid looked at Talia in surprise.

The other person's calm charm and overflowing maternal nature made her subconsciously regard her as a mother. She felt that no matter how old she was, she would be a little older than herself. She didn't expect that she was only 25 years old.

"Ah, you're more than 25?"

Talia was also shocked.

In her imagination, Sid’s girlish energy meant that even if she wasn’t the same age as Hugh Bao, she should be in her early twenties like Sigley.


Sigrid felt embarrassed.

She had basically intended to call the other person sister.

After going full circle, it turned out that her sister was herself.

"Tata, are you sure you are twenty-five?"

Sigrid asked again tentatively, indicating that if Tata had lied just now, he could still change it.

"I, I didn't lie. If you don't believe me, I'll show you my ID later!"

Talia said this in a somewhat angrily tone.

"Okay, I believe you."

Sigrid agreed.

"Then outside, I'll call you Sister Tata and you'll call me Sister Sid. Is that a problem?"

No matter how Sigrid thought about it, it was strange. In her heart, she would subconsciously imagine the other party as a mother similar to Calliela, but in reality she would call the other party her sister.

Their real identities in the Krei Empire are a bit difficult to pronounce, and it won't arouse suspicion if the sisters call each other by nicknames, so it's better to just use a more pronounceable name.

"No, no problem!"

Talia had no choice but to bite the bullet and admit it with a slightly blushing face.

The floor clock in the living and dining room ticked leisurely, and time passed slowly. Boss Cat kept carrying prepared meals and empty plates to the kitchen and dining room.

The steam rising from the coffee on the table also slowed down. In this winter day, time seemed to go very slowly.

As Boss Cat served the devilish dessert, dark chocolate custard soufflé, the fluffy and warm dark chocolate soufflé topped with icy custard sauce, alternating between hot and cold, rich and light, the lunch was almost over.

Lanqi smelled the familiar dessert aroma, sniffed it, and slowly opened his eyes.

He thought he was dreaming of returning to his Purgatory Corridor Academy.

"Lanqi, are you feeling better?"

"Lanqi, are you hungry?"

The two women on his left and right looked at him at the same time and asked him, their voices much softer than before.

Lanci didn't need to rely on the tone of voice to tell which question was asked by whom.

"not too good."

Lanqi shook his head, silently staring at the plate of Demonic Dark Chocolate Custard Soufflé Dessert on the table, and began to recover from his short nap.

"Let us feed you."

Both Talia and Sigrid discovered that Lanci might be craving for some sweets to supply sugar to his over-consumed brain.

This time Talia and Sigrid looked at each other beforehand.

All they need to do is stop fighting and simply take care of Lanqi together, which will save everyone's energy and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"I'm ready!"

Lanqi immediately became alert.

He sat up straight as if in response to stress, his eyes became clear, and he answered the two of them.


The two of them slowly put down their cutlery.

They didn't expect that Lanqi didn't like being fed by others.

"What was I just about to say..."

Lanqi pinched his eyebrows.

Whenever you wake up, not only your dreams but also the things you thought about before the dream are easily forgotten.

He remembered that the moment he saw Sigrid, he thought of a very important matter, but encountering love at the corner was too terrifying, so he had to deal with the urgent matter first.

"Yes! Sigrid, can you give me some of your blood?"

Lanqi remembered, turned sideways excitedly, pressed Sigrid's shoulder, and asked her.

"What do you want my blood for?"

Sigrid remembered that when they parted in the shadow world, Lanqi also asked for some of her blood, and she gave it to Lanqi without asking any questions.

She didn't even know what Lanci did with her blood.

Watching Lanqi holding Sid's shoulders intimately, Talia folded her arms in reluctance.

The treaty between her and West Germany was that they would not compete with each other. It was Lanqi who took the initiative to touch West Germany, so there was no reason for her to interfere.

"It's like this. I have a friend who went to the Blood Moon City under the present-world Krelian Empire. Although she survived, she was poisoned by the fire of the Blood King's Palace. Now she is burned by the Blood King's divine fire every day. Once she leaves the shielding barrier, there is a high probability that the blood clan will lock her coordinates through the Blood King's divine fire. Only your wolf blood with violent vitality can cure her. Can you help me save her? She will become our reliable companion."

Lanci explained to Sigrid.

Because he was worried that Ifathia would call him brother when they met, he did not tell Sigrid yet that his friend was actually Hyperion's mother.

"No problem at all."

Sigrid agreed readily.

There was a clanging sound behind Lanqi.

"Wait, she, Sid is a wolf?"

Talia asked Lanqi in astonishment, she had already stood up with a surge of emotions.


Lanqi turned around and nodded to Talia.

"She is the reliable companion from the Northern Continent that Boss Cat and I talked about. We didn't expect that she would come to Brillda to find us so soon."

He further explained.

Although Toliado seems unreliable, he is actually still trying to find a way to save his compatriot Ifatia.


Talia clenched her fists, pursed her lips, and looked at Sigrid for a long time with a complicated expression. Her golden eyes were full of relief, gratitude, and closeness.

She originally thought that her plan to obtain high-level wolf blood to save her sister was full of uncertainty and danger. After all, the Sixth Military God, Violet of Water Jade, was definitely not someone to be trifled with. Unexpectedly, the seemingly distant dream was realized faster than falling into the land of gentleness.

"Thank you, Miss Syd."

Talia bowed in thanks.

"Why, what's wrong? Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?"

Sigrid also looked confused.

"Actually, the person you want to save is Tata's sister. She has been thinking about curing her sister who is suffering from the burning pain as soon as possible."

Lanci answered for Talia.

"That's it."

Sigrid understood the situation and her expression relaxed.

She stood up, grinned and walked over to Tata who was looking down.

"Your sister is my sister. We are good sisters now. Don't be so polite. Please take care of me in the future."

Sigrid hooked her arm around Talia's shoulders and spoke to her.

"No, wait, that's not my sister..."

Lanqi suddenly realized something was wrong.

How come Sigrid also treats Ifathia as her sister?

"Wow, Sis Syd."

But Talia and Sigrid didn't care about his words at all and hugged each other and cried.

Only Lanqi was left, feeling that everything was over.

Tata's calling of "Sister Sid" almost made his brain burn, what the hell was going on!!!

(End of this chapter)

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