Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 825: The meeting between Hyperion and Ifatia

Chapter 825: The meeting between Hyperion and Ifatia
It is said that—

The eve of the festival is actually part of the festival.

“It’s really winter now.”

Even lying in bed, Hyperion could feel the winter festive atmosphere in St. Clement's Monastery outside the window.

Today, the shopkeepers in Brillda must have been busy decorating their shops and preparing to sell the themed merchandise for the Luna Festival tomorrow. The young male and female students in the monastery must be worrying about how to match their clothes, and the teachers are also afraid of losing face in the monastery's grand festival.

Whenever there is a grand festival, there will always be a lively scene.

"The southern continent is in the midst of war. That is why, when the festival comes, everyone is eager to revel and enjoy themselves to the fullest in order to dilute the haze in their hearts."

Talia spoke to Hyperion as she looked out the window at the drizzling snow falling less and less.

This is also what Lanqi taught her.

She didn't have much idea about human festivals before.

In the bedroom on the second floor, the two of them had forgotten all about time as they chatted. Now, glancing at the clock, they realized that it was already past ten in the morning.

"I hope it will be sunny tomorrow, or at least cloudy, no rain, at most a little snow."

Hyperion put her hands together in a strange pose.

"hope so."

Talia just nodded casually.

Even the moon god whom we will worship tomorrow cannot predict the weather.

No weather affects her eating, so she doesn't care.

"By the way, Tata, you've been chatting with me for so long and you haven't eaten yet. Are you hungry?"

Hyperion suddenly realized and asked Talia.

"Kind of."

Talia touched her belly.

His attention had been distracted by Hyperion, and now that he was brought up, he suddenly felt hungry.

Just as she was thinking about it, her flat belly began to growl as she touched it with her palm.

It's time to go downstairs and get some breakfast and lunch.

"By the way, Hyperion, there is one more thing."

When Talia thought of the people downstairs, she looked at Hyperion again.

"Your mother, Ifatia, has been found."

She almost forgot to tell Hyperion this crucial fact.

There were so many things she wanted to say that she couldn't seem to finish them all in her short chat.

Hyperion was stunned when she heard this.

Like no reaction.

She slowly raised her head and looked directly at Talia with her amber eyes.

"Where is she?"

Hyperion asked excitedly. She could no longer suppress her sudden and overly intense emotions and her eyes turned red.

Ever since she could remember, she had imagined countless times what kind of woman her mother was like.

The only things she could rely on were the photos in the Duke's mansion and the Duke's paintings. The shadow of Sleeping Beauty had never actually spoken a word to her mother, Ifatia.

"She's downstairs."

Talia replied, pointing to the carpet under her feet.

Hyperion threw back the quilt and ran out the door without even putting on her shoes, tears drifting from the corners of her eyes.

She felt as if the excruciating pain in her bones was numbed at this moment, or compared with this obsession with missing him, all the pain was insignificant.

"Huprienne, wait."

Talia hurriedly chased after her, hugged Hyperion's waist and pulled her back to the bed, comforted the trembling Hyperion, held Hyperion's ankles to help her put on her shoes, let her put on her coat and then led her downstairs.

She understood how important this moment was for Hyperion.

It's no less than falling into the land of tenderness coming true.

Or maybe it was the wish that Hyperion had made every day since she was a child that came true at this moment, so much so that she was unable to react the moment she heard it.

But Hyperion needed to rest and detoxify. The winter in Cremorne was colder than expected. The first floor was not as warm as the bedroom on the second floor. This was the time when her resistance was the weakest, and she might really catch a cold.

"Are you cold?"

Talia led Hyperion to the second-floor corridor, and the air instantly became several degrees lower than the room.

"I, I don't know."

Hyperion's voice and hands were shaking, and she could only hold Talia half tighter.

Maybe it was because I was too nervous, or maybe it was because I was a little scared.

"It doesn't matter. If you're cold I'll hug you. If you're scared I'll hold your hand. It's okay. Let's go see Ifatia."

Talia turned sideways and hugged Hyperion, until she transferred some of the warmth in her arms to Hyperion, then continued to lead her towards the stairs.

Talia unexpectedly understood Hyperion's feelings at the moment.

Sometimes when you meet an old friend, this sudden reunion may bring fear to you, because you are afraid of losing her, afraid that she will suddenly disappear one day, and afraid that you will never see her again.

"Thank you, Tata."

Hyperion shook her head, steadied her breathing a little, and followed Talia.

There were thousands of words she wanted to say to the gray-haired woman in front of her, but she knew she couldn't finish saying them at this moment.

In fact, as long as Talia was around, she would not be afraid. The one who truly gave her maternal love was not her imaginary biological mother, but Talia who stayed by her side day and night.

Talia and Hyperion came to the living room on the second floor, walked down the stairs connecting to the living room on the second floor, and slowly saw the entrance to the spacious living room on the first floor.

It was nearly eleven o'clock in the winter morning, and cold rays of sunlight filtered through the floor-to-ceiling windows and sprinkled onto the Elsaya Sanctuary emblem carpet in the living room.

Ifatia sat blankly in front of the leather sofa, staring blankly at the program on the screen, without a trace of her usual smile on her face.

In her hands, she fiddled with thin and flexible bamboo sticks, thin paper dyed in various colors, and translucent oil paper, absentmindedly making handicrafts for the Moon Goddess Festival.

Tomorrow, many people in the Empire will release moon lanterns at the Monastery of Saint Cremorne, letting them float towards the silver moon under the cover of night, praying for the blessing of the Moon Goddess, hoping that they will be safe and healthy in the new year.

The living room was quiet, and the only sound was the ticking of the clock.

After a while, the sound of light footsteps near the stairs caught Ifatia's attention.

Hyperion walked slowly into the living room and was looking at the young woman on the sofa.

Their eyes met. The two women seemed to be of the same age, both with beautiful silver hair, but Ifatia's hair was cut short to make it look more playful.


Hyperion stood at the stairs, staring at Ifatia without blinking, trying to imprint her mother's face deeply in her mind.

Ifatia timidly met her daughter's gaze.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

After so many years, how should she face this child whom she once abandoned?

Guilt, regret mixed with longing surged into my heart like a tide.

Ifatia clenched her palms.

The two of them just stared at each other from a few meters away, tears welling up in their eyes.

The air in the living room seemed to freeze.


Talia had already let go of Hyperion's hand, patted her on the back, and even nudged her forward.

After a long while, Hyperion seemed to stagger before she took a step forward and walked towards her mother.

Her tears welled up, leaving two tear marks on her cheeks.

With one step, two steps, she trotted to Ifatia and put her arms around her mother.


Hyperion cried, burying her head in Ifatia's shoulder.

"Hugh, Huberian, you called me mother...? Don't you hate me?"

Ifatia mechanically hugged her daughter back, her tears uncontrollably wetting Hyperion's hair.

Hyperion's voice was like a sharp blade, cutting her heart inch by inch.

Ifatia didn't know how to ask for her daughter's forgiveness.

Her seemingly willful choice actually caused unimaginable harm to Hyperion. When Ifatia understood this, her daughter had already grown up.

"How could I possibly hate you? I've been missing you for over six thousand days."

Hyperion hugged her petite mother who was crying, and her heart ached as much as hers.

When she was a child, she had dreamed countless times of her mother coming back, holding her hand, and taking her to Nanwantina to see the sea.


Ifatia choked up, unable to breathe or speak clearly.

Whenever I remember those words of Ikerite, I reach out to the old times, the happiness that I once had but can no longer find.

When you are alone, there are always some words that are difficult to understand. This longing cannot be expressed in words, and I feel fear and pity.

Then there was a long silence.

Only the sound of sobbing echoed in the living room.

"Why are you two crying like two people?"

Talia came over, looked at the two of them helplessly and smiled.

The two people who missed each other too much were extremely reserved when they met and could not speak for a long time.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry."

Only Talia understood their feelings. She sat beside them, holding one of their hands and folding them together to make them feel at ease.

Hyperion and Ifatia were like children and sisters to her.

"Huprienne, I, I really didn't abandon you because I didn't love you. It's just that many years ago, I didn't fully understand human emotions. I didn't realize how harmful this would be to a child in human society."

Ifatia lowered her head, closed her eyes, and spoke to Hyperion.

I don’t know when it started.

She wanted to see Hyperion more and more.

If it was a demon child like me, even if I had no parents since childhood and was thrown into the Demon King's Palace, I would not miss my parents at all.

But it’s not the same for humans.

"I know, I know everything. My father told me a long time ago. My father is not lying to me. After all, he is the one who knows you best."

Hyperion shook her head, rubbing Ifatia's cheek as she answered.

"Wu-Huprienne, why don't you just scold me? I'm sorry."

Ifatia cried like a tearful person, sobbing and hugging Hyperion tightly.

She not only felt sorry for Hyperion, but also for Miaiya.

Even though she was so incompetent, Miaiya always spoke well of her and raised her daughter to be such a kind and sincere woman.

Ifatia never thought that when she saw her daughter again, she would be taller than her.

"No, I never hated you. I think about you every day and every night."

Hyperion sobbed and rejected it.

"Woo, woo, I will never leave you again. We will be together forever."

Ifatia could no longer control her emotions.

Hyperion's cry was colored with warmth, echoing in her heart.


When Hyperion heard Ifatia crying, she also wanted to cry, and when Ifatia heard Hyperion crying, she couldn't stop her tears.

"You two patients, please have a good rest."

Talia wiped their tears and patted their backs to comfort them.

Suddenly, time seemed to go backwards.

The mother and daughter hugged each other like this, letting their tears flow, expressing their feelings, thoughts, and endless words.

Outside the window, rain and snow were falling, and the courtyard was covered with silver.

The sky seemed to be covered with lead-colored clouds, endless and boring.

But the cheerful voices occasionally rang out in the living room of the winter mansion.

In this world where the floor-to-ceiling windows have turned into gray and white curtains, their energetic and cheerful voices sound particularly vivid.

for a long time.

Ifatia finally let go of Hyperion's arms.

"Whose daughter is this? She is so beautiful."

Ifatia choked up and stroked her daughter's cheek, she couldn't help but sigh.

"You gave birth to it."

Hyperion burst into laughter.

Although Ifatia's personality was different from what one had imagined, and she was not the dignified and elegant duke's lady, she was much easier to get along with than one might have imagined. She was more lively than Antanas, and one could become friends with her right away.

"When I return, no one in Ikerit will dare to bully my daughter again."

Ifatia and Hyperion smiled at each other, with new hope in their tearful eyes.

She heard from Antanas and Shinora that Hyperion had a hard time after Migaia disappeared, and things started to get better after she met Ranch. Later, although her reputation was tied to Ranch, no one dared to mess with Hyperion. A good friend named Frey also always helped them, and in the end they were called the three bullies of the royal capital.

Ifatia was curious about their story in the capital.

They will return to Ikerit with their relatives and friends to start a new life.

Before that, all that was left was to end the turmoil, end the war, and find Mi Gaiya.

"Where are Antanas and the others?"

Hyperion wiped away her tears and looked back at the living room.

After she went downstairs, she saw no one else in the mansion.

It's not an illusion, but Ifatia is probably the only one left on the first floor of the mansion. "The four of them went back to the Kalchi Gallery at 84 Charing Cross Road to report to the Allies. Now we have to help Lanqi and Miss Unity resolve the misunderstanding and make the Allied intelligence personnel stationed in Brillda become our friends."

Ifatia answered while looking at Hyperion and Talia.

While Talia and Hyperion were upstairs, the others went out one after another, each doing their own thing.

"Where's Sid?"

Talia looked around again and found that the kitchen had finished work.

It seems that after everyone finished breakfast, Lanqi must have taken Boss Cat to class. Today is his workday.

Everyone is busy.

Yesterday was a rare Sunday.

Today is Monday.

We will have another holiday starting tomorrow because of the Moon Goddess Festival.

The Crane Empire has more holidays at the end of the year. For example, the National Day at the end of the month will have a week-long holiday, plus the original weekend before, a total of nine days of holiday.

"Sister Cid...Miss, she went to the Pantheon in Brillda. It seems that she wants to worship the goddess of fate. It would be better to worship the goddess of the moon tomorrow according to custom. The god that Cid believes in most is also the goddess of the moon, so if you want to worship the goddess of fate, it is best to go today."

Ifatia was too relaxed and almost said something wrong, but fortunately she changed her words.

"Pray to the goddess of fate..."

Hyperion murmured.

She and Talia also talked about Sid in general upstairs.

Now they all discovered that this Miss Cid was actually Sigrid, the Catholic overlord of the Northern Continent. Otherwise, there was no way to explain Cid's powerful strength.

On the way downstairs, Taliyah told her that it was Sigrid who saved her mother. Without Sigrid's wolf blood, Ifatia would still be hiding in the underground ice cave palace of the Brillda Mafia, suffering the torture of the Blood King's divine fire every day.

As early as when she met the Ice Witch teacher, Hyperion knew that the Tyrant Catholic Church had reached a friendly cooperation with the Church of the Goddess of Destiny. She understood that the Tyrant Catholic Church was not an enemy, and now she could no longer hate the straightforward and generous Tyrant Catholic Church.

Despite this, she still had mixed emotions towards this woman.

"Those who worship the goddess of fate, or dare to worship the goddess of fate, are not bad people. I believe this anyway."

Talia always remembered this statement.

The divinity of the goddess of fate is that as long as you pray to her, she has the power to slightly interfere with your destiny. The more devout and longer you pray, the more of your thoughts will be transmitted to her.

Swearing an oath to God is a very solemn thing, and people believe that God will hear it.

The oaths made to each god must not be spoken carelessly, as they may create cause and effect regardless of whether these gods still exist or not and whether they can interfere in the world.

It's a bit mysterious, but sometimes it's proven true.

"When I first heard that you and her were getting along like friends, I just felt incredible, but now I think about it, maybe I don't know Sigrid well enough."

Hyperion reflected.

However, thinking back to her interactions with the Tyrant Catholic Sigrid in the Northern Continent, and her encounter with the lady in the mansion who was actually Sigrid in disguise, Hyperion felt that even if she wanted to get along well with Sigrid, the other party probably wouldn't like her too much.

After all, from Sigrid's perspective, he should be a little priest who is difficult to get along with.

"Actually, Sid is pretty easy to get along with."

Taliyah originally wanted to tell her that Sigrid had also stayed with Hyperion all night last night, but seeing that Sigrid seemed to be avoiding Hyperion, it seemed that Sigrid didn't want Hyperion to know that he liked her, Taliyah didn't say it.

Let them talk about their own affairs, Talia won't interfere.

Because sometimes, for the same content, the answer told directly by others is wrong, and only the answer you figure out yourself is correct.

"I would like to thank her profusely for saving my mother."

Hyperion nodded affirmatively.

They always meet in this mansion.

Since Sigrid went to the Pantheon to worship the goddess of fate, and will worship the goddess of the moon tomorrow, there will definitely be something to talk about between her and me.

In the Krelian Empire, there is no special Church of the Goddess of Fate. The only place to find the statue of the Goddess of Fate is in the Pantheon, where statues of various gods stand and are maintained by imperial priests who believe in various gods.

Hyperion has always longed to visit the Temple of the Gods of Cremorne, a famous ancient monument in the southern continent.

The Kreen Empire actually believes in the God of War, but apart from the Temple of War that Kreen built in the past hundred years, the more popular one is actually the Temple of the Gods, an ancient building in the Sanctuary of Elsaya where most priests and believers carry out their activities.

"By the way, the last time sister Erza went to the Temple of the Gods was also the same."

Ifatia tapped her lips with her index finger and thought.

That day, Landry's sister Elsa's afternoon schedule was simple. She would go to the Temple of the Goddess to pray to the goddess for a while as usual, and then return to school. But she suddenly disappeared, which led to the incident where Lanqi took the Griffin daughter Ursula to the Brillda Mafia to look for someone.

It was that accident that caused Lanci and Talia to run into Ifatia, the real hidden boss of the Brildae Mafia.

All we can say is that there are vampires plotting in secret, and their targets are all vampires, so sooner or later they will encounter the vampires.


It was the first time that Hyperion heard this name.

"She is Landry's sister. She is both a wolf witch and a devout priestess. You two should get along well. Perhaps you will have a chance to meet her at the Moon Goddess Festival at Saint Cremon Monastery tomorrow."

Talia told Hyperion a story.

That was before Hyperion came to Brillda, the capital of Cremona.

Tomorrow's Moon Festival at St. Cremona Monastery will be a grand event for all students. It will be much more lively than any other time at Ikerit College. Lanci is currently playing the role of Landry, which is both his identity and his responsibility. As Elsa's parent, Lanci may also have to give Elsa encouragement for the new school year. At the same time, as a professor, he also wants to bless his own students.

As for Elsa's good friend, she was the key to finding Elsa with Lanci that day, the Griffin daughter Ursula. As the sister regarded as a shame to the family by the Ninth Military God Marquis Ryan of Amethyst, perhaps Marquis Ryan would not come to the monastery at all.

But it doesn't matter. Talia believes that Lanqi will definitely thank Ursula.

After all, when Lanqi is normal sometimes, he is really reliable to students.

"The Ninth Military God Amethyst Ryan..."

Hyperion silently repeated the name with fear in her voice.

The young lieutenant general of the Empire was valiant and good at fighting. It was said that he was not much weaker than the Seventh Army's God of Blood Jade Philip and the Eighth Army's God of White Gold Stone Conzel. He was a leader under the Sixth Army's God of Water Jade Violet and was feared by the Allies on the battlefield.

Now these military gods have truly returned to Brillda one after another.

This huge city in the heart of the empire is becoming more dangerous every day.

"Could it be possible that my father's disappearance is also related to these military gods..."

Hyperion has great faith in her father's strength and wisdom.

If they want to force Duke Migaiya into a desperate situation, it may not be possible to rely solely on the vampires who can only act at night.

Perhaps it would require the assistance of the Imperial God of War to accomplish this.

"I don't rule out this possibility, but Miaiya actually came to the Krei Empire occasionally before you were born."

Ifatia thought about it and preached to Hyperion.


Hyperion looked at Ifatia in confusion.

She thought that Migaia failed in the Cremona Empire because she wanted to investigate Ifatia's information and retrieve her.

"In fact, before you were born, your father, Duke Migaiya, had invested in a multinational company called Wilford Chamber of Commerce. With the help of this company's channels, he could easily change his identity and enter the Kreihe Empire. Didn't he take you to the South Wantina Territory when you were a child?"

Ifatia explained and asked Hyperion.

"Well, I don't remember. When I was a kid, he did take me to Nanwantina Territory occasionally, but I don't remember clearly what happened in Nanwantina Territory."

Hyperion touched her head. She was still a child, so her memory was as vague as a dream.
"Perhaps only by revisiting the place can I remember it..."

Moreover, she was very naughty and aggressive at that time. She was bullied in the royal capital of Ikerite. She felt wronged and could only hide at home and cry. Duke Migaia might have wanted to take her to a different environment to relax.

Unfortunately, the last time they went to Nanwantina Territory, they were supposed to go to the Blue Coast for fun, but they encountered a full-scale attack by the Resurrection Church on Nanwantina Territory, which resulted in Lanqi being unable to take them there.

"and many more."

Hyperion suddenly realized the more crucial point in Ifatia's words.

Wilford Chamber of Commerce?

Isn’t that Lanqi’s Chamber of Commerce?

The Wilford family became rich because of this. Even during the war, they still had a special freight channel. According to Noe, it was left by a mysterious businessman more than ten years ago. The major shareholder not only invested in the Wilford Chamber of Commerce, but also helped the Wilford Chamber of Commerce establish a secret route to travel between the Kingdom of Hutton and the Crane Empire.

The head of the family, Noe Wilford, did not even let Lanqi know this secret, because it was a guarantee for the Chamber of Commerce's benefactor and would not be exposed to anyone other than the head of the family. Apart from Noe, only Hans, the butler left behind by the mysterious businessman, knew about it.

It was not until the Wilford Chamber of Commerce was no longer viable that Butler Hans and Planai mentioned the past in casual conversation.

"Tata, Lanqi told you about the world line that the goddess of fate showed him, right? In that world line, a tragedy happened to the Wilford family. This was also Lanqi's original intention to come to Ikerite to study and change his future of broken family and death."

Hyperion looked at Talia and found that she was also staring at her, with understanding in her golden eyes.

"I know."

Talia nodded in thought.

The blood clan and the Resurrection Church of the Cretan Empire, the mystery of the disappearance of Duke Migaia, and the Wilford tragedy that will happen in the future may all have unclear connections with each other.

The time when the blood clan completely controlled the Kreming Empire, the time when Duke Migaiya was murdered, and the time when the Wilford Chamber of Commerce was wiped out all overlapped.

The Wilford Chamber of Commerce is the key transnational chamber of commerce and transportation channel across the Kingdom of Hutton and the Crane Empire.

This is a chain reaction.

The essence of the Wilford tragedy is that if Hyperion died, Duke Migaia suffered a mental fracture and was mentally controlled by the third ancestor Lachar, then the Wilford family would also become a transnational channel controlled by the vampires.

The attitude of the vampires towards humans has always been to use them and then discard them.

After the value of the Wilford Chamber of Commerce is exhausted, it will naturally be cleansed out by the vampires without leaving any clues. In that failed world line, the Wilford Chamber of Commerce may have known too much, and it will be doomed sooner or later.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Lanqi's idea of ​​destroying his own Chamber of Commerce was right, but not entirely right. If the Chamber of Commerce was destroyed, even if Duke Migaiya was really controlled, the vampires would lose such a channel, thereby reducing their connection with the Wilford family.

But as time goes by, the vampires will have enough energy and may be able to eliminate the Wilford Chamber of Commerce, a small hidden danger left behind by Duke Migaiya.

Destroying the Chamber of Commerce is only a temporary solution and does not address the root cause.

The real solution is to protect Hyperion, she is the real crystal.

The warm-hearted Lanci accidentally became friends with Hyperion. After protecting her all the way, he slowly discovered that Hyperion was the person whose fate was connected with his and whose fortunes and misfortunes were dependent on him.

"It turns out that the major shareholder of Wilford Chamber of Commerce is actually Duke Migaiya."

Hyperion and Talia looked at each other, and everything was said without words.

Now they finally understood the whole cause and effect.

Unexpectedly, I got the clue from an unintentional remark made by Ifatia.

"Tata, do you remember that the last time the three of us went to Wilford's house together, Hans, the old butler of Wilford's house, seemed to know me."

Hyperion asked Talia.

The last time she went to Wilford's house, Hyperion discovered that Hans was very respectful to her. Even before she told her name, Hans called her Miss Hyperion.

"I didn't really care at the time, after all, I was already very familiar with Hans by then."

Talia had been socializing a lot with the Lanch family's old butler Hans and maid Francine more than a year ago.

Now that I think about it, that's exactly what Hyperion said.

"Hans? Isn't he from our family?"

Ifatia remembered that the old housekeeper of their Migaiya family was called Hans, and asked in surprise.

"It seems that Miaiya left Hans at Wilford's house."

After hearing this, Talia probably understood everything.

At first, she said that the Wilford family was really rich. In a border territory like that, they could have a top-notch sixth-level master like Hans as a butler and guard.

I’m afraid even the border baron’s family in Nanwantina may not have such a housekeeper.

"By the way, why do you all know about the Wilford family?"

Ifatia thought for a long time but couldn't figure out why Hyperion and Talia were so familiar with the Wilford family's Chamber of Commerce in the border territory.

Logically speaking, the sister and daughter should have lived in the royal capital of Ikerit for a long time, and it was obvious that they did not know before that the Wilford Chamber of Commerce had a connection with the Duke of Migaia's family. All of this had been hidden by the Duke of Migaia long ago.

"Don't you know? Lanci's full name is Lanci Wilford."

Hyperion looked at Ifatia in confusion.

"What, my brother is Wilford's child?"

Ifatia asked in shock.

After saying this, Ifatia covered her mouth.

"elder brother?"

Hyperion's expression became even more confused.

She seemed to understand every word, but had no idea what they meant when put together.

"I'm talking about your brother. Isn't Lanqi like a brother to you? If I were in Ikerit, I would have betrothed you when you were young."

Ifatia's face was covered with sweat as she spoke.

She was too careless, or she let her guard down.

Now she suddenly thought of something else - when she gave birth, Lanqi might have just been born, and it was really shameful that she treated such a child as her brother.

"This this."

Hyperion blushed.

When she heard Ifatia say she wanted to help her get engaged, she didn't know what to say.


Talia looked at them both speechlessly.

She could understand what Ifatia and Hyperion were thinking.

As expected, the issue of human seniority is very troublesome.

The most difficult thing is undoubtedly the seniority between Ifatia and Lanqi.

"Sister, I won't interfere in your relationship with Hyperion. I'll support whoever wins."

Ifatia noticed Talia's look and felt that the palms and backs of her hands were made of flesh, so she gave Talia a firm assurance.

She used to like eating melons with Antanas, but this time they ended up eating melons in her own home. It was hard to describe the confusion she felt.

The more Ifatia thought about it, the weirder it became.

If Talia wins, then she should call Lanqi brother.

If Hyperion wins, then Ranch should call her mom.

At least she is still able to think straight now.

The only thing she was afraid of was that Lanci would marry both Talia and Hyperion. Then she really didn't know how to call him Lanci.

Forget it, now that things have come to this, I can only cheer them both up. No matter what happens, they will be a loving family in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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