Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 826: Toliado works overtime in tears

Chapter 826: Toliado works overtime in tears
November 15th, Cretan Empire calendar.

On the day of the Moon Goddess Festival.

It is winter now, and this year's Moon Festival is coming as scheduled again.

The north wind was blowing and tiny snowflakes were floating in the sky.

"It's snowing."

"Fortunately, the snow was much lighter this morning."

In the early morning light, the capital of the Kremer Empire was already bustling with joy.

Colorful flags of the Elsaya Sanctuary were hung high on both sides of the streets in the commercial district, with a bright full moon painted in the middle, fluttering in the wind and snow.

The street lamps of Saint Chryseum's Monastery in the south of the city-state were decorated with wreaths made of laurel branches. The priests, wearing white cloaks and bronze crescent crowns on their heads, walked towards the main hall square in the center of the monastery early in the morning.

The big bell in the temple would ring every quarter of an hour, and the melodious sound would echo in the snow-covered streets.

The priests lined up in front of the temple, ready to welcome the citizens who came from all districts of Blierda to worship.

The Moon Goddess Festival is one of the most solemn festivals in the Krewe Empire, symbolizing that all things will be reborn after the depression of winter. No matter nobles or commoners, they all bathe and change clothes and solemnly participate in the ceremony. Even though it is freezing cold, their hearts are filled with piety, joy and hope. People believe that the Moon Goddess will favor the world on this day, listen to everyone's wishes, and then fulfill their wishes at the end of the year.

In the central square of St. Chrysanthia's Monastery, a statue of the Moon Goddess dozens of meters high stands quietly, and the goddess' beautiful and kind face shines brightly under the morning sun.

Later in the evening, a grand ceremonial procession will set out from the Imperial Palace and eventually arrive at the Altar of the Moon Goddess.

Inside this large monastery, the roof of Professor Landry's mansion was covered with snow.

"It's almost time, I'll take you out."

The young professor in the dining room closed the book in his hand and said to his friends.

He was wearing a gray woolen coat today and did not change his usual style of dressing for the festival. He still looked like he was working.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the Moon Goddess Morning Court today? Although the weather is cold, the grand scene is definitely worth seeing."

Antanas asked as he stood up, his tone slightly regretful.

Sigrid was the first one to go out for a walk. She was very interested in the Moon Goddess Festival. The Moon Goddess was the most revered god in the hearts of Catholics. When she heard that many holy places in St. Chrysanthemum Monastery would be open today, she ran to queue up before dawn.

Later, Talia, Hyperion and Ifatia also went out together. Antanas called this the bond of the demon princess.

Now the only ones left at home are Boss Ranchi Cat and four other big demons.

"Go and have fun. I have a few reports to review, so I'm afraid I can't leave."

Lanqi said gently.

He probably has to work overtime today.

"You should take a rest, too, Lanqi."

Shinola had always thought that Lanci was too obsessive at work.

The same was true when he was in the Protoss Empire in the northern continent. Whenever he was seen in the principal's office, Lanqi was busy working.

Sometimes when I see this, I feel a little sorry for him.

"Yeah yeah."

Antanas tried to seduce Lanqi, pretending to be a devil whispering, and came close to Lanqi to persuade him.

Let Lanqi have a day off today and play with everyone.

"Today is the Moon Goddess Festival. As a professor at St. Cremorne Monastery, I have to attend activities at the Elliot Auditorium. In the morning, I have to go to Yabo to confirm intelligence. In the afternoon, I have to be busy with school affairs. In the evening, after the festival, I have an appointment to meet with the Sixth Military God Violet. I probably won't be able to play with you guys."

Lanqi raised an apologetic smile.

He knew that Shinola and Antanas meant well.

In the past, he might have had no mood to play in the Protoss Empire of the northern continent, but today he actually wanted to play with his friends, but he was really busy.

"Alas, no one wants to work overtime today, except you."

Shinola preached helplessly.

She, Talia, Artemis, and Planai, the few demons who were able to calm down, were unwilling to work alone during the holidays. For the three big, playful demons like Antanas, Ifatia, and Toliado, it would probably be more painful than killing them if they were asked to work today.

"I can stay and help you."

Pranay rested her hand on the back of the chair in front of the dining table.

In fact, for Pranay, the main interest today is not to experience the festival but to study human culture. However, he does not really need entertainment too much. The most sufficient thing is patience.

"No, these tasks mainly involve magic engineering, and there is very little administrative content. If I really need your help, I will definitely ask for it. Anyway, let's go enjoy the festival today."

Lanqi shook his head. He really couldn't bear to drag others to work overtime with him today.

Perhaps the Luna Festival is the last day to relax a little before the final battle.

After the Moon Goddess Festival, he will have to face the fateful battle in Blood Moon City. The battle pressure of other strong men will be greater than his.

Judging from their current gathering situation, their pure fighting power should be an advantage, and it should not be a problem for them to cross the ruined Blood Moon City from the Blood Moon Destruction Era.

But it is unknown whether the Blood Moon City under Krein has any additional top combat forces except the third ancestor Duke Lachar, the seventh ancestor Marquis Helitier, the eighth ancestor Marquis Somerset, and the ninth ancestor Marquis Bernhard.

"it is good."

Pranay sighs.

"The moon lanterns are ready. We can set them off in the yard at night."

The Ice Witch put down the craft in her hands and looked at the others who were preaching.

Yesterday, Ifatia was weaving a moon lamp on the sofa, and Artemis helped Ifatia weave the remaining materials.

Bamboo skewers are made from resilient bamboo joints and cut into thin and light strips that are flexible yet hard.

The moon lanterns made of these are ultimately a type of lantern, but they are a traditional symbol of the Cretan tradition in the Moon Goddess Festival.

Antanas came over curiously to examine the handicrafts made by the Ice Witch.

Its structure is very simple. It is just to weave a cage with bamboo sticks, paste dyed thin paper on the outside to make it into an umbrella shape, and finally put oil paper in the cage.

"Once it's lit, it will rise into the sky, right?"

Planai had already studied this structure.

In the Kremlin Empire, it is called Moon Lamp.


Lan Qi nodded.

Ifatia has lived in the Cretan Empire for a long time. Having lived there for more than ten years, she can be considered half a Cretan to some extent. Ifatia is most familiar with these contents, and the moon lanterns are almost all made by her.

The morning light shone obliquely from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living and dining room onto the dining table beside the window. Two thick stacks of oil paper were neatly placed on the table, and the pages glowed with a warm luster under the sunlight.

The pine logs in the fireplace crackled in the raging flames, bringing warmth to the house.

The aroma of tea and the smell of fire from the tea set on the long table in the living room are indistinguishable from each other.

They were chatting in the living room before saying goodbye.

"Then we are ready to go. If you feel lonely, feel free to contact us."

A moment after the words fell.

Before I could utter another word.

The front of the living room gradually twisted and the color became brighter and brighter, until a silver vortex gradually took shape and turned into a seemingly illusory door. Countless twisted souls seemed to be circling in the mirror.

The eighth-level magic power bloomed in this space, attracting the vigilant gazes of several great demons.

This level of magic power makes them feel like they are facing a formidable enemy!
However, they soon realized who the spatial magic came from and gradually let down their guard.

If it weren't for the all-round barrier in Professor Landry's mansion, the terminal interface of magic fluctuations of this intensity would definitely arouse the vigilance of the Kremer Empire.

The vortex of the dimensional gate gradually took shape, with arcs of fire glowing at the edges and emitting a teeth-grinding buzzing sound.

"Toliado, you're here."

Lanqi looked at the dimensional gate and felt relieved.

One of the items on today's agenda is to go find Toliado.

When he contacted Toliado yesterday, he heard Toliado's nervous voice and was quite worried that something might happen to Toliado.

"Lanqi, look, I have a surprise for you."

A series of steady and rapid footsteps sounded inside the space gate.

A handsome, excited but slightly tired young man walked into the room, holding a thick photo album in his hands.

He was wearing a well-made black trench coat that covered his black and white checkered shirt. The long boots exposed from under his coat seemed to be stained with some snow seeds, and it was obvious that he had come here exhausted.

"Mist grass!"

However, when he saw several figures looking at him in the living room, he took a step back in fear.

But the other big demons didn't seem surprised, as if they had known he was in Brielda and had guessed he would come here.

"Yabo, long time no see."

Antanas waved.

"Good morning."

Pranay also greeted him.


Only Toliado looked at them with his jaw dropped and his mouth open.

In the blink of an eye, all his old friends from the demon world gathered together.

"Wait, what did I miss?!"

Toliado's brain started working rapidly again, and then he hugged his head.

He disappeared for just one day, and four more great demons appeared in Lanqi's family.

Logically, they should be protecting Princess Hyperion in Ikerita, the capital of Hutton.

That means it must be Princess Hyperion who brought them here, Brillda!

What on earth happened yesterday!
"I want to realize the power of time and reverse time and space!"

Toliado said to himself with great sorrow.

"Don't dream. Even the goddess of fate can't turn back time."

The Ice Witch replaced the Goddess and officially certified it.

After not seeing him for a hundred years, Toliado is still so out of touch, not looking like a person in a high position at all, so much so that he is often mistaken for a soldier by the Demon Realm Army.

"Would you like to come play with us?"

Antanas smiled and ran over to invite.

She loved gossiping with Ifatia or Toliado the most.

They were planning to just stroll around outside the school, as there were many activities related to the Moon Goddess Festival in the city of Brildah today.

After all, he was not a school staff member. If he wandered around St. Clement's Monastery outside of worship services, his appearance would be remembered and he might cause unnecessary trouble.

"I...I have a job..."

Toliado looked at the photo album in his hand with struggling eyes.

As much as he wanted to hang out with his old friend, he really had things to do with Lanqi.

He is in a very bad mood today and hopes that no tactless people will come to provoke him and increase his workload.

"Hey, come on, you've changed. You don't like to smile anymore."

Antanas patted Toliado's shoulder and shook his head.

It seems that this is really an important job, which is why Toliado is willing to work overtime.

This feeling is equivalent to seeing friends go out for winter vacations during the holidays while you have to stay in school for tutoring.

"Yes, I am not naturally fond of laughing."

Toliado's teeth were almost broken.

"Since we are here, let's make the best of it. Think positively. You are not the only one working overtime. Maybe the two of us can finish work early and go shopping at the festival."

Lanqi could only comfort Toliado and waved to several other great demons.

"Let's go!"

“We don’t lock the door anymore.”

"Let's all go to the yard to set off fireworks and light lanterns at night."

The great demons also walked out of the mansion from the entrance one after another and said goodbye to them.

The bustling living and dining room fell silent again.

The snow-covered courtyard outside the window is clad in silver. A tall fir stands in the middle of the courtyard, its branches dotted with glittering ice crystals that reflect colorful light.

"Lanqi, you are really abnormal. How can you concentrate on working overtime when everyone else is out having fun?"

Toliado looked at the scenery through the foggy window with tears in his eyes. He also wanted to go out and play.

"Just pretend we are at the Protoss Royal School of Magic. You are the professor and I am the principal. The students are on holiday but we still have to work normally."

Lanqi pulled out a chair in front of the dining table and sat down.
"Where did you go yesterday?"

He asked Toliado beside him about serious matters.

"It's like this, aren't there still four members of our Silver Moon Reform Society whose identities are unknown?"

Togliado casually placed the photo album he brought from the Lanci family on the dining table.

"Do you have any clues?"

Lanqi's voice gradually became serious and he asked Toliado.

He knew that Toliado had been trying to find their allies these days.

The identity of No. 4689 is currently unknown.

According to previous exchanges in the group, number four [Fierce] is the only one among the nine members who has not returned to Brillda last month, number five [Struggle] is Princess Alexia, number six [Loyalty] can get first-hand information about magic fission from the Monastery of Saint Cremona, number eight [Purity] did not speak when asked about the information about magic fission, and it is suspected that he was avoiding suspicion, and number nine [Hope] can get any information as long as he pays more, and his connection may not be small.

These five people are all companions of the princess. They know the princess and are trusted by her.

Originally, the No. 4 and No. 5 Sacred Communication Magic Cards were made together. Abigail gave them both to Princess Alexia. The princess used No. 5 herself and gave No. 4 to her confidant.

Later, Princess Alexia took away Sacred Communication Card No. 6 and gave it to a suitable person of her choice. Then Abigail sent Sacred Communication Card No. 7 to Junior Brother Landry through the dimensional branch channel. No. 8 and No. 9 were made last and were also taken away by Princess Alexia.

The fair agreement when this organization was established was that no one knew the identity of everyone else.

"I went to privately chat with these four people, but because the princess is in a critical situation, they don't trust me at all."

Toliado patted the photo album on the table, indicating to Lanqi that this was the clue.

"It wasn't until yesterday that I finally prepared and sneaked into the palace disguised as a palace attendant. I met the princess this morning when I was delivering food. The princess, who was under surveillance by the vampires, didn't dare to communicate with me. She signaled me with her eyes to steal her photo album, so I took it away."

Toliado preached to Lanci.

He sneaked into the palace of the Kreming Empire yesterday, but he couldn't chat much when he received a call from Lanqi.

"You actually went to the Royal Palace of Cremorne?"

Lanqi really didn't expect this and said in surprise.

This kind of thing can probably only be done by the skilled and courageous Dimension Bishop Toliado. If something goes wrong, he can still teleport away, but others will be dead if they fail.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get information from Alexia. The palace is too dangerous."

After careful consideration, Toliado decided not to take the huge risk of trying to find a way to bring the princess out.

The decisive battle is coming soon. If the princess is kidnapped at this time, the seriousness of the matter will rise to the level of the entire Kreming Empire. Not only will it alert the enemy and cause their plan to raid Blood Moon City to fail, but more seriously it may trigger a siege by the God of War and the blood clan, and they will be completely wiped out before National Day.

Apart from taking out this photo album and confirming that Alexia is safe, there is nothing else to gain.

"It's okay. You've already done a great job. You're really an expert thief."

Lanci praised.

Originally he thought that he would never be able to find these companions of the Silver Moon Reform Society, but now it seems that there is still hope to find one or two more before the war.

Toliado is simply the thief king of Brillda. Last time he stole things from the Imperial Special Operations Department, but this time he even stole things from the palace.

On the day of the real attack on Blood Moon City, any key combat power could cause the balance of victory to tilt significantly. "I got the photo album and left the palace, and came directly to your house. Let's analyze the photo album together."

Toliado opened the photo album, placed it between himself and Lanqi, and frowned.


Lanqi was also watching.

Since Princess Alexia hinted to Toliado to take the photo album, it means that she believed that this photo album would allow Toliado to infer the possible candidate for No. 4679.

In other words, there is at least one core member of the Silver Moon Reform Society among them.

The album with a dark red cover and gold-rimmed corners showed some signs of age, as if it had been treasured by Princess Alexia for a long time.

Toliado flipped through the album, and at the front were photos of Alexia in the palace.

In the picture, the third princess is wearing an ivory-white long dress and a glittering gemstone necklace around her neck.

Her long, smooth brown hair fell gracefully around her shoulders like satin.

Flipping through the pages, one photo after another connects every detail of Alexia's growth.

There are photos of her reading under the stone pavilion in the palace's rose garden, with the setting sun shining through the gaps in the vines onto the pages of the book, there are photos of her galloping on horseback at the Cyrus racecourse, and there is also a photo of her wearing a dress to attend a royal banquet.

There is even a commemorative medal that Princess Alexia had when she failed to graduate from St. Clement's Abbey, as well as a photo of her with Barton Hall, the former captain of the palace guards.

"Patton is in there."

Toliado said as he flipped through the photo album.

"It is true that Barton is Alexia's trusted confidant."

Lanqi remembered that Barton was once the commander of the Palace Guards. After leaving the army, he became the leader of the Brillda Mafia, and he was the number three in their Silver Moon Reform Society.

Apart from that, the two of them flipped through most of the photo album and didn't see any other familiar people.

"It can't be Barton. Alexia should know that we have reunited with Barton. Barton was the one who revealed his identity to Abigail."

Toliado flipped his hands faster and faster.

Even Alexia joined their Silver Moon Reformation Society after being introduced by Patton.

Suddenly, at a new page, his hand paused.

Toliado looked at the photo, then raised his head to look at Lanqi next to him.

Lanqi's eyes were obviously more surprised.

One of the photos caught Lanci's attention - Alexia was standing side by side with a reddish-brown-haired boy on the terrace of a noble mansion. The boy had a handsome face, sharp eyes as clear as water, and was quite elegant.

"This guy..."

Toliado was really impressed by him.

He believed Lanqi was more familiar with the boy.


Lanqi took the photo album, quickly flipped through the remaining pages and checked again. Indeed, there was no one else except Nicholas.

The young man next to Alexia was obviously Nicholas the Red Kestrel from a few years ago.

"No way? This guy is always looking for rebels, but it turns out he is one of the Silver Moon Reformists?"

Toliado lost his voice.

"When he came to the train that day, didn't he actually want to arrest the members of the Silver Moon Reform Society, but to cover up for them?"

Lanqi held his chin and began to analyze.

Perhaps Princess Alexia heard that core members of the Silver Moon Restoration would come to the capital, Blildha, and also heard that there was an accident on the train, so she asked Nicholas to help with the reception.

Indeed, if he really encountered the worst situation where he could not escape the inspection of the gendarmerie brigade and was tortured away by the chief of the countermeasures department using his authority, the chief of the countermeasures department would have a way to release him.

"By the way, that night Barton wanted the new energy data you were researching. When Princess Alexia No. 5 said she could take the risk to get it, Princess Alexia No. 6 immediately came out to stop her and released the first-hand data. Did Nicholas happen to take over your blackboard classroom during the day?"

Toliado asked Lanci.

He didn't speak in the group chat that day, but he was always paying attention to the chat content.

"Yes, that was the day Nicholas took me to the Imperial Special Operations Department, and then I became the magic engineering consultant of the Imperial Special Operations Department."

Lanci agreed.

"Let's go."

Togliado stood up and preached.

It seems that according to Princess Alexia's hint, the answer is obvious. Nicholas is likely to be the sixth [Loyal] of the Silver Moon Reformation.

Nicholas the Red Falcon should be about to be promoted to the new director of the Imperial Special Operations Department. On the day of the siege of Blood Moon City, he was able to provide them with a lot of cover and support on the ground.

In other words, it would have been a great help if the Imperial Special Operations Division hadn't kept a close eye on them that day.

The most urgent task is to find Nicholas the Red Falcon of the Countermeasures Section of the Imperial Special Operations Department to confirm whether he is a core member of the Silver Moon Restoration Society who was given the sacred communication card by Princess Alexia.

"We elbow."

Lanci put the photo album into the cabinet of the mansion and walked out of the entrance quickly with Toliado.

On this morning when it was snowing lightly, the biting cold wind blew up the dead branches and leaves on the roadside.

Lanci and Togliato walked along the road through the residential area of ​​St. Clement's Abbey.

Although theoretically Toliado could teleport them directly to the second floor of the opera house in the city center and then take a shortcut to the headquarters of the Imperial Special Operations Division, this would allow people to discover that Professor Landry was teleporting and thus infer the connection points of the space. Unless absolutely necessary, they must follow the principle of exiting where they entered, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the spies.

The two quickly walked out of the maze-like monastery residential area and came to the street next to the square.

Toliado's black magic vehicle was parked quietly on the side of the road, with a thin layer of frost on the windows.


Toliado is used to being the driver.

He got into the driver's seat and Lanqi sat in the passenger seat next to him.

The interior of the car is filled with the smell of leather and the seats are soft and comfortable.

As Toliado started the engine, the vehicle drove out of the square of the Monastery of Santa Cremona and headed towards the central area of ​​the capital, Brildà.

Outside the car window, snowflakes danced in the wind, dyeing the whole world a vast expanse of white.

"You are a cardinal, why do you always seem to be a transporter?"

Lanci leaned back in the leather seat and turned to ask Toliado beside him.

"I'd rather drive than use space magic to send people. Do you know how it feels? The mana consumption is really tiring."

Toliado complained as he held the steering wheel and turned on his indicator light in the snow.

"I understand. Of course I understand. Some demons really cannot bear the burden."

Lanqi nodded repeatedly in affirmation.


Toliado glanced at Lanci.

Although he felt that what he said was not the same as Lanqi's, he was surprisingly able to guess who Lanqi was talking about.

It seems that for Lanqi's day, it would be incomplete without mentioning her.

Along the way, the scenery outside the car window kept receding.

Lanqi was able to fully enjoy the scenery of the Brildae Moon Festival.

When the magic vehicle gradually slowed down and drove into the courtyard of a huge machine, they had arrived at the Imperial Special Operations Department.

"Just follow me later. No need to say anything. We are both academics, so it's no problem for us to travel together after leaving St. Clement's Monastery."

Lanci reminded Toliado.

"No problem. We had a tacit understanding in Helrom, the northern continent."

Toliado was convinced.

Half a year ago, he and Lanqi often walked around and chatted in the Protos Royal School of Magic.

The two got out of the car and walked towards the headquarters building of the Imperial Special Operations Department.

Before my eyes, the headquarters building with its spire reaching high into the sky stands in the empty square, and its slender, slanted silhouette casts geometric shadows on the ground.

The Special Operations Building stands beneath a snowy sky.

Lanci led Toliado up the stairs leading into the building.

The entire building was constructed of off-white granite, with inscriptions of "For the Glory of the Empire" engraved on all four sides. The white snow brushed against the heavy metal door that was several meters high, adding a touch of softness to this cold and austere institution.

"Mr. Landry."

As they entered the hall, most people from the Imperial Special Operations Department would salute Lanci.

His potential in the Empire and the power he will gain are now known to everyone in the Imperial Special Operations Division.

With Professor Landry's unique contributions and irreplaceable talents, as long as the new director of the Imperial Special Operations Department does not hinder him, it is almost certain that he will become the head of the Imperial New Energy Organization Committee.

Under Lanci's guidance, Toliado followed into the core area of ​​the Imperial Special Operations Department.

Passing through the deep and winding internal corridor, the two came to a row of hidden offices.

dong dong.

Lanqi knocked on the door of the department at the end, but there was no response for a long time.

However, a member of the Countermeasures Department who was passing by noticed Lanci and Togliado.

"Professor Landry, you're looking for us?"

The countermeasures officer asked Lanqi doubtfully.

Normally they would go to the Strategy Department to find Professor Landry and "invite" the professor to the department, which might annoy Professor Landry. Everyone knew the bad relationship between Section Chief Nicholas and Professor Landry.

Today, the situation turned against Tiangang. Professor Landry took the initiative to find them.

"Yes, I'm looking for Nicholas. Is he in the Operations Department?"

Lanci could only confirm that Director Dax was not at headquarters.

Duke Desk is going to the palace today.

During the important festival of the Cretan Empire, the Moon Goddess Festival, Duke Dax, as an important official and noble, has many ceremonial duties to perform. He is more of a symbol of faction, and just standing next to the emperor is important enough. He is also a necessary figure to maintain the stability of imperial power.

"Section Chief Nicholas, the suspect Maguire, who was suspected of colluding with the Allies, escaped from prison last night. Section Chief Nicholas is leading a team to arrest him."

The staff member of the Countermeasures Department hesitated for a while, but finally answered truthfully.

Although Nicholas had told them not to talk nonsense to Professor Landry, there was no need to deliberately conceal such information that could be easily obtained at the headquarters and offend Professor Landry.


Lanci raised an eyebrow.

If you think about it carefully, if Maguire is a vampire family member, he can use the power of the blood lord at night. Then, with the help of the power of the vampire marquis and his seventh-level nature, it would be possible to complete a surprise jailbreak.

As early as the second Shadow World Temple Villain Dinner, Lanqi had witnessed the traitorous vampires using the power of the blood lord at night. Once it was dark, if the Saint of Destruction used [Blood Fury], they might really be wiped out in a head-on confrontation.

"Please help me contact Nicholas. I have something urgent to discuss with him."

Lanqi instructed the staff of the Countermeasures Department.


Seeing Professor Landry's serious look, the staff member of the Countermeasures Department nodded and took him to the next department. He contacted Section Chief Nicholas using the magic communication equipment and handed the microphone to the professor.


Lanqi held the microphone and waited for Nicholas to answer.

Although Nicholas was only at the peak sixth level, he brought with him elite agents from the Imperial Special Operations Department, which was enough to capture the fugitive Maguire in Brillda.

There is a huge gap between the sixth level and the seventh level, but Loren also taught that if the sixth level elites of the church formed a group of twelve or twenty people to attack the seventh level, the seventh level would also be terrified.

Fortunately, it is daytime now, and Maguire should not be able to use his power.

Soon, the communication was connected.

There was an indistinct noise coming from the microphone.

"Nicholas, where are you? I need you for something."

Lanqi spoke immediately.


Nicholas the Red Kestrel seemed a little surprised that Professor Landry, whom he always looked for, would actually take the initiative to look for him. This was the first time.

But the communication was noisy and unclear, and Lanqi could not hear clearly what Nicholas said.

Soon, Nicholas also found that the communication had no effect, so he stopped wasting time and hung up.

"He must be on duty, maybe even ready to fight at any time, so he can't be distracted."

Toliado preached on the side.

He knew this situation too well; that was what happened when he sneaked into the palace yesterday.

It was a great honor that Nicholas the Kestrel was willing to talk to Lanqiduo.

"He entered the signal shielding area. There was also the sound of waves and the metallic sound of containers colliding."

Lanqi pondered and deduced,

"I know where he is."

His eyes suddenly lit up.

Lanqi had heard the same environmental sound before.

That could only be the port of the Blildad Mafia.

After a night of escape, Maguire must flee to the gray area to escape the pursuit of the Imperial Special Operations Department.

Only there could Maguire fight head-on without being affected by the Brillda city defense barrier and escape across the sea.

Mafia's haven is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Thank you!"

Lanci handed the magic communication device to the countermeasures officer, and he and Toliado turned around and ran.

They made their way through the layers of Imperial Special Operations.

Once again, we returned to the bustling lobby of the main building of the Imperial Special Operations Department.

Stepping out of the majestic steps, the wide steps extended all the way to the end of the square. Lanci ran in front, followed closely by Toliado. The two were very busy today and had no time to celebrate the holiday.

"To be honest, Nicholas is a true loyal subject of the Empire. He has been conducting multiple investigations recently and even found traces of the corrupt branch..."

Lanci preached to Toliado.

There must be many people who want to kill Nicholas, including the Church of Resurrection.

As a colleague of Nicholas in the Imperial Special Operations Department, Lanci is well aware of how capable Nicholas is. Not only does he have to carry out the busy work of the Countermeasures Section, but he also has to guard against Maguire. While keeping an eye on Professor Landry, he also has to deal with the recent murder case in Chabrildae where the deceased was made into a work of art.

Although there have been no more serial murders of civilians in Brillda recently due to Nikolai's investigation, according to the murderer's logic, Nikolai the Red Falcon, the imperial agent who prevented the murderer from enjoying himself, must have become a thorn in his side.

"We can take a shortcut to the opera house and finish get off work early."

If Dimension Bishop Toliado wants to use teleportation magic in the city, he must have a space barrier built in advance to avoid being discovered by the Imperial Military God.

Fortunately, the headquarters of the Imperial Special Operations Division at the intersection of Hallworth in the city center is less than two kilometers away from the Blierda Opera House on 33rd Street on Broadway. You can go to the second floor of the opera house and teleport directly to the basement of the Blierda Mafia Port Building within the barrier.

It just so happened that that place was a gray area, and if I suddenly emerged from there and pretended to be a mafia member, there wouldn't be any big problems.

"What kind of treatment is this? Let the two bishops go find the person in person, meow."

Boss Cat poked his head out from the shadows and muttered.

Don’t forget, it’s working overtime too!

But it felt that watching the two cardinals being enthusiastic citizens in Brillda was more interesting than the Luna Festival itself.

(End of this chapter)

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