Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 1 - Lin’s Blood and the Inheritance

Chapter 1: Lin’s Blood and the Inheritance

Translator: Wu Xinyu Gu Chaoxun

Proofreader: Feng Lei


Recently Lin Qi found something strange.

His sight could penetrate the exterior of materials and he could see the essence of things.

For example…

Now, the beautiful woman standing in front of him was Jiang Ruoqing, the director of Jinhai Hospital. She was 5 feet 9 inches tall, with exquisite features, glossy long black hair and a gracefully slender figure. It seemed that there was invisibly a cold and noble temperament which kept people a thousand miles away. But it didn’t stop her from becoming the goddess of the male beasts in Jinhai Hospital.

But in Lin Qi’s eyes, the goddess’ clothes, totally disappeared.

In other words, Lin Qi’s sight penetrated Jiang Ruoqing’s clothes and he clearly saw her smooth and fair skin and a hollowed bra of 36D size.

“Wait! The cold goddess should wear such a sexy bra!”

He raised his eyebrows but suddenly felt a sharp sting in his eyes. Then his vision blurred.

This strange ability could only maintain 3 seconds and then his eyes needed a rest.

Perhaps noticing Lin Qi’s sight, Jiang Ruoqing had a feeling of being seen naked. She knocked the desk and said coldly,

“Lin Qi, have you finished your medical report?”

“Ye..yeah.” He was startled and rubbed his eyes. Everything went back to normal.

He was sitting in the meeting room, surrounded by more than 10 doctors. Everybody had handed in their medical reports.

Lin Qi was nobody but a medical intern. Although he handed in his report quickly, it was hard to avoid making a bad impression on others.

“Is the report written by yourself?” After glancing at it, Jiang Ruoqing put down his report.

“Yeah, last night I stayed up to finish it.” He said confidently. Coming from a traditional Chinese medical family, a medical report was but a piece of cake for him.

“Why is your report the same as Dr. Liu’s?” Her face clouded, “tell me honestly, did you copy his report?”

“How could it be! I wrote it myself! I stayed up all night in my office. Many nurses on duty have seen it.”

Lin Qi cried out for justice, and glanced at Liu Jiangwei beside him.

Liu Jiangwei and Lin Qi were in the same department, but Liu had become a full-time doctor just a few months after coming to the hospital. It was said that he was able to be here because of his connections.

“Miss Jiang, it’s my fault. I threw my report in the drawer after finishing it. Maybe it was blown out by the wind.” A sneer passed over Liu’s lips.

“That is impossible. Your drawer is locked every time you close it. How could the report be blown out?”

Suddenly, it occurred to Lin Qi that after staying up to finish writing last night, he took a nap at his desk and woke up to find that his report had been touched.

Now, Liu Jiangwei’s report was the same as his. It was obviously that Liu copied his report.

“Stop arguing. I have read both of your reports. They are comprehensive, even original, as if from an experienced old doctor.”

Here, Jiang Ruoqing glanced at Lin Qi: “I think an intern can’t write such a medical report!”

“Miss Jiang, I swear it was written by me.” Li Qi was so upset since he contributed a lot to this report but no one believed him.

Their reports were placed on the desk. Several doctors nearby glanced at it, all astonished.

“Many ideas in this report make people enlightened. It’s more like from a famous doctor.”

“That’s right. Especially the thoughts. The writer is by no means ordinary. It doesn’t seem the works by an intern.”

“Lin Qi must have copied Liu’s. No wonder that Doctor Liu could do it considering his overseas study experience.”

The words struck Lin Qi like a thunder bolt, making him dizzy. Unexpectedly, no one believed him.

“Lin Qi, from today on, go to work as a security guard at the front door. You mustn’t treat anybody until committing your fault!”

Lin Qi clenched his fists. He wanted to scold Liu Jiangwei for his baseness, but he had no evidence. If he had a quarrel with Jiang Ruoqing at the moment, he may be slandered by some contemptible people and lost even the internship opportunity.

Lin Qi smothered his anger and responded with great difficulty: “Okay, I’ll go now.”

“Hum, how does a person like him have the nerve to stay here? If I were him, I would get out of Jinhai at once!” Liu Jiangwei laughed grimly.

Other doctors couldn’t help deriding him: “Is he a fool?”

“Yeah, look at him! Don’t you think he is like a dog?”


Lin Qi didn’t know how he left the meeting room. His pent-up anger reached its extreme hearing the buzz.

Why did no one think he could write such an outstanding medical report?

Just because he was an intern?

Without strong connections or family background, if Lin Qi lost the opportunity for internship, not only would he lose his bread and butter, it would also be hard to find a job as a result of this episode. Life was not easy. Sometimes, it was not because he was spineless, but he had to.

Thankfully, it suddenly struck Lin Qi of his grandfather’s words, and he felt relieved.

Back to the dorm, Lin Qi had a shower. He took out a thick ancient book.

On the book written a line of grandpa’s writing: Doctors, ought to have a broad mind, tolerate all and heal the world!

Lin Qi learned medicine since childhood from his grandfather. Later he went to school far away from home, and the book, the family heirloom was passed on to him.

He opened the book, on which were all classical proses of at least several centuries. But the writing was strangely still legible.

What’s in the book was so mysterious and profound that Lin Qi hadn’t finished the first page yet. Read hundreds of times, and the righteousness of a book would be seen. Though having no notion of much of the book, he had digested a lot through his assiduity.

In the silent gazebo, Lin Qi perused the book by the light.

Reading for a while, in front of him appeared a pretty girl. Looking up, it was his girlfriend Li Wanyun.

“Wanyun, you’re here!” Lin Qi said merrily and stepped forward, wanting a hug.

But Wanyun took a step back, tinged with disgust. Stiff, Lin Qi found she had a gold bracelet on her wrist.

“This gold bracelet, was given by Mr. Zhou.” Li Wanyun raised her hand. The gold bracelet sparkled in the night.

Lin Qi just felt it offending to the eyes, “Wanyun, don’t you detest Mr. Zhou?”

“In the past, you and I were born in the countryside. I haven’t seen the elephant. Growing up, I came to see something of great value. Do you know how much the gold bracelet cost? Possibly, you will never be able to afford it for your whole life!”

“What do you mean, Wanyun? If I try my best, I can also buy you these things. Lin Qi set his teeth.

“Stop telling jokes! You have neither money nor connections. No matter how much efforts you make, you are always only a doctor. Never will you understand a rich man’s life…”

Her cold voice made Lin Qi feel like falling into an ice cave.

“Wanyun, give me a chance, and I will prove myself.” Lin Qi almost shouted.

“Prove? Oh, prove that you are working as a hospital security guard? Can’t you see what I mean?” a sneer spread over her face, “We’re done. It’s impossible.”

“That’s it. Mr. Zhou is waiting for me outside. See you. No. There’s no need to see you again.” Said, Li Wanyun turned away and went to the gate, and got on a red Ferrari.

Sitting in the Ferrari was a young man who seemed to be getting impatient for waiting, “Wanyun, what took you so long? What is there to talk about to such a bastard who even doesn’t know his parents?”

“Let’s go , Mr. Zhou. Don’t worry, I have deleted all his contact details. What future can a loser have?”

Lin Qi was stocked still, as if struck by a thunderbolt, watching his girlfriend flirting and snuggling in another man’s arms, and going away in the car. His brain buzzed and went blank.

Living in the countryside, when he was a child, Lin Qi was heartlessly abandoned by his parents, not even knowing their names.

Thanks to his grandfather, Lin Qi was brought up. Grandpa was getting on in years. Lin Qi worked part-time while attending school. Sometimes he could send his savings to Grandpa.

Li Wanyun grew up with him in the village. The childhood sweethearts hid nothing from each other. It was just not expected that everything had changed since they came to Jinhai provincial capital. Even this had become her reason for breaking up.

“Why? Why is it…” Lin Qi yelled at the sky furiously, with his fist hitting down.

His fist, landed a punch just on the pointed corner of the ancient book.

His hand was skinned. The scarlet blood spilled out, oozing onto the book. Then, something odd happened.

It looked like that the book woke up suddenly. It quickly opened and closed, just like beginning to breathe. It absorbed Lin Qi’s blood constantly, voluntarily.

Lin Qi was startled. For a moment, he felt that the book was going to drain all his blood.

But the faintness of losing blood gradually blurred his awareness. He opened his mouth but could not make any sound, only to watch the book, sucking his blood, getting redder and redder.

Finally he blacked out immediately.

In a state of trance, vaguely, there was a voice sang across his brain: BLOOD OF THE LIN’S, IMPART AND INHERIT BEGIN, SUPERNATURAL EYES SEE, THE WORLD RELIEVE.


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