Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 2 - Send a Message to the Directress by Mistake

Chapter 2:  Send a Message to the Directress by Mistake

Translator: Gu Chaoxun

Proofread by May Zou


In a daze …

Lin Qi felt his vision blurred, and to his surprise he came to an unknown space, dark and wild around, with a vast expanse.

Soon afterwards, the old heirloom book suddenly occurred to him.

The book opened automatically. On the first page, a shadow of a priest in black Taoist robe jumped out.

“I’m a ghost of the Lin’s, who created the Ghost Medicine sect. Today I’ll pass on my academic skills to you because you are the only heir to my skill, 13 Needles of GM Sect. Now, watch carefully!”

Astonishingly Lin Qi saw that several silver needles in the hands of the Taoist priest flied as dancing butterflies among flowers, which made him feel mysterious and incomparable.

Momentarily Lin Qi  seemed enlightened with wisdom, feeling that he suddenly understood the obscure medical knowledge on the first page thoroughly in an instant.

So that accounted for it, and the old heirloom book needed blood for initiating the inheritance.

Lin Qi seemed to understand something. He rolled his eyes and the second page of the book automatically turned. A shadow of a Buddhist monk in cassock jumped out.

“I’m a ghost of the Lin’s, who contributed the whole life to ferrying people out of abyss of misery. Today I’ll pass on the Buddhist Medicine to you, you are the only heir to the nine methods of applying Huiyang Needles. Now learn them thoroughly!”

The monk used the needles so skillfully as if he were picking up them randomly, and he could even turned down the fate and bring the dying back to life with the needles. How amazing it was!

Although Lin Qi found it extremely difficult to understand, the knowledge was drilled into him, allowing him no chance to deny it.

On the third page, jumped out a very scruffy sectarian .

“I’m a ghost of the Lin’s, who exorcised all ghosts and evil spirit. Today I’ll pass on my magic arts to you, and every demon and evil spirit will be afraid of you. Watch the Wuxing Battle Array to seize the evil souls! Don’t blink!”

A mysterious pentagonal flashed in the sectarian’s hands, which could expel all evil spirits and penalize the vicious creatures.

Jumping out of  the forth page was a sophisticated godlike person.

“I’m a ghost of the Lin’s, who can tell everyone’s fortune. Today I’ll pass on the art of fortune-telling to you, and everything in heaven and earth will be in your hand, and you can hold everyone’s fate in hand. Be serious and learn the Astrology Spell by heart!”

On the fifth page…

“I’m a ghost of the Lin’s…”

…The old heirloom  book had 108 pages in all, and from each page a person j

Such as Medicine, Astrology, methods and pithy formulas for immortality cultivation, heaven and earth, ghosts and evil spirits, Fengshui and metaphysical magics, Acupuncture…

The knowledge was of all kinds. Lin Qi hadn’t seen them ever before. He just felt each of them was mysterious and ingenious.

And the massive information concerning all kinds of knowledge rushed into Lin’s brain so that he couldn’t bear it any more and finally fell fainted with blurred consciousness.

Not knowing how long it had passed before he woke up. He hurried to look at his hand, only to find the wound had healed.

He rubbed his eyes, and turned the pages of the old bloody book again. But  at this time, the book unexpectedly burnt up spontaneously without fire, flying to the sky slowly, flaring.

In the meantime, there were 108 voices in chorus: “Be the Lin family member in our lifetime and the soul of the Lin’s after death; If you, the younger generation of the Lin’s, being lucky enough to wake up the divine pupil of millennium rare in Lin’s blood and be able to see something ordinary people cannot see, which shows you are the only inheritor of  the Lin family!”

“Receiving our inheritance, practising medicine to benefit the society, ferrying all living creatures out of misery and curing people all over the world. Those will be of boundless beneficence and God may bless your descendants.”

With the last voice falling, the old book burned to ashes and blew away with wind.

Rubbing his stunned head, Lin Qi recalled what happened just now.

Those inheritances contained a lot. Lin Qi found himself immeasurably full with mysterious spells and the fantastic metaphysical magics were indeed amazing.

Stunned for a long while, Lin Qi and couldn’t help doubting that he was dreaming. Did these things really exist?

But looking at the ashes of the book, he knew all the things were so real: the scenes, the voices,all these images and sounds were rooted deeply in his mind.

As long as he could recall, one inheritance conveyor instructed him in Hunyuan Zhenqi Pith. Lin Qi followed the instructions to sit in meditation and take breaths. Soon, he felt a trace of Zhen qi surging in his body.

“It’s really true.” Lin Qi exhaled a breath of turbid air to stop the exercise, feeling refreshed and energetic, and his blood vessels all over the body unblocked.

Unknowingly, it was broad daylight, but Lin Qi did not feel fatigued at all, instead, he was full of vigor, and left behind all the unhappy things.

Lin Qi took out his cellphone. Relaxed with relief, he sent a message to Li Wanyun: “The grove in the park, I want to get something back from you.”

Some of his medical books were taken away by Li Wuanyun. Now that they had no relationship, he wanted to take his books back. And the grove in the park was a familiar place for both of them.

Since Li Wanyun didn’t answer the message at once, Lin Qi washed up casually, then hurriedly went to the security room to work his shift.

The work as a security guard was very boring, which involved sitting in a place of a few square meters, looking at people come and go. There was also no communication between the guards. Lin Qi felt oppressed because it seemed that he had excellent kung-fu in vain for he had nowhere to put it to practice.

Just at this moment, his phone buzzed. Lin Qi picked up his phone to see what attitude on earth the other would show.

However, when he turned on the phone and checked the message, he was utterly stunned.

“Oh my god, how could I be played within this way!” Lin Qi even wanted to slap himself. He was so careless to send the message to Jiang Ruoqing the directress by mistake!

What’s more, the key point was that Jiang Ruoqing went so far as to respond with the message: “You want to have outdoor sex with me? ”

Lin Qi was stupefied.

Jiang Ruoqing was well known for her coldness, severe management and imperious way of act. She never showed sympathy when dismissing an employee.

The message was sent unexpectedly and she must have taken the message as a text of sexual harassment.

How could he respond to her?

Lin Qi took a deep breath. He soon found out that Jiang didn’t have his phone number at all!

Almost every doctor had Jiang’s phone number. But Lin Qi hadn’t contacted her before. He just kept the number in case he needed it. So she didn’t know who he was.

Thinking of this, Lin Qi got bolder. Yesterday this woman confounded right and wrong to decide that he plagiarized the report only based on her own personal opinion alone. This made Lin Qi resentful.

Anyway, she didn’t know who I was!

So Lin Qi sent a message back straightly: “Yes I want to make outdoor sex with you. What’s wrong?”

She replied as soon as the message was sent, with an emoticon of shyness: “Hum, You are so bad, l hate you!”

Honestly, Lin Qi was totally stunned immediately. Was this Jiang Ruoqing the arrogant and cold goddess?

Isn’t she always arrogant and cold? What’s the matter now? She is longing for love, isn’t she?

For a moment Lin Qi couldn’t get it, so he replied with a question: “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I’ve never had a boyfriend. I just want to have a chitchat with a stranger.”

“So you feel lonely and want to have a love affair with somebody, don’t you?”

“Honestly, I’m a normal woman, and at night, well, I admit that I feel somewhat lonely, empty and cold, and want to have such affairs, but…, I’m afraid…, by the way, send me your picture. I don’t want to chat with a sluttish old man.”

Reading Jiang’s message, Lin Qi’s heart pounded. He had not expected that she was so bold and daring. To think that she even wanted to have love affairs!

“It will be OK to send out my pictures to you, provided you send some of yours to me first.” Lin Qi’s heart went pit-a-pat. Who could imagine that this cold and arrogant superior would send such blatant messages to him.

As expected, within half a minute, Lin Qi received a MMS, which made him almost nosebleed.

Jiang Ruoqing sent 5 or 6 pictures in all, each of them hot and sexy in short pants, in pajamas, or in silk stockings and high-heels. With the curves of her slim waist and the beautiful shape of legs, she was surely a stunner.

Lin Qi recalled her lofty images when she reprimanded him, and thought of the tremendous contrast in the pictures she sent to him now.

He suddenly felt intense pleasure, and on impulse, he sent a last message to her: “One more picture, naked, send me one quickly!”

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