Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 14 - The Cattiness of Liu Xingming

Chapter 14: The Cattiness of Liu Xingming

Translator: Gu Chaoxun

Proofread by May Zou


Five million yuan?

Lin Qi was extremely excited, he didn’t expect that someone would like to buy the box at such a high price.

While the people around were even more dumbfounded. Just now it was only a high-quality counterfeit to be belittled, but after Lin Qi had fiddled with it, it had changed into a treasure of value.

“Senior Fang, are you sure you want to buy it?” Lin Qi was amazed.

“I’m absolutely sure. Actually, even if I pay five million yuan for it I still owe you one, because this eaglewood rouge box is worth much more than five million.”

Saying this, Senior Fang took out a membership card and a simple designed visiting card and handed them to Lin Qi.

“This is  our diamond card for Taste Pavilion membership. With this card, you can enjoy all our services free of charge in any of our subsidiaries. What’s more, if you need help, you can call me at any time.”

It could be seen that Senior Fang liked this box very much, and at the same time, he knew the unique value of this box clearly.

While for Lin Qi, this five million yuan was enough for him to pay his daily expenses and to care for his grandfather in his retirement. And the most important thing was that he could get help to stand firm in Jin Hai City. That was all that he could wish for.

“Since Senior Fang like the box so much, I would sell it to you to fulfill your wish and ” Lin Qi took the two cards and put them into his pocket. Then he looked at the stunned Liu Xingming and said, “By the way, Senior Fang, will you please deduct five hundred thousand yuan from the sum you’ll pay me and give the money to Mr. Liu? I haven’t paid him yet.”

“You can count on me for that. Tell me your card number and I will transfer the sum directly into your card. As for Liu’s money, I can pay him by cash.” Senior Fang said.

Lin Qi gave his bank card number and Senior Fang sent for the computer. Soon the money was transferred to his account.

Lin Qi’s bank card was bound to his mobile phone. After the transfer, a beep was heard and he received a message on his old phone: “A sum of four and a half million has been deposited in your bank account at 12:36 on X day X month online.”

Looking at the number, Lin Qi felt almost dazzled. He had never expected that he would have so much money in his account one day.

On the other side, Senior Fang’s assistant took out five hundred thousand yuan in cash directly from the counter, packed the notes in a suitcase and gave it to Liu Xingming.

Liu Xingming took over the money and put on a gloomy face. Losing 5 million in one second, he felt like weeping but failed to shed tears.

Although Liu Xingming was considered as a rich man, he knew five million yuan RMB was quite a large sum. In particular, Lin Qi had won a favor from Senior Fang.

In Jin Hai City, perhaps few people knew who Senior Fang was, but almost everyone who knew him would show respect to him. If one won his favor, he would gain much more advantages than what he could get from this five million yuan.

He never dreamed that he would hand over the treasure to another person without getting any benefit. At this very moment he really had the urge to hang himself on a small tree.

“Lin Qi, you got the treasure from me. Now I don’t want to sell it to you, I’ll give the money back to you, ten times…” Liu Xingming yelled with envy.

People around looked at Liu Xingming as if he were a fool. Want your treasure back now? If you were Lin Qi, would you agree?

Lin Qi said coldly, “Mr. Liu, I have sold it to Senior Fang. If you want it back, you could buy it from Senior Fang.”

Senior Fang held the eaglewood rouge box tightly and frowned, “Liu, you have sold it. Would you want to go back on your own word?”

Everybody could see that Senior Fang liked this treasure as if it were his own child. Taking it away from him would be equal to killing him.

Jiang Ruoqing, who stood by, didn’t expect things would end in this way. She had worried needlessly about Lin Qi just now, so she gave Lin Qi a look of anger and said, “Lin Qi, now everything is over, let’s go.”

“Don’t leave, Ruoqing. I…I can buy another blue and white porcelain for you next time. I promise it will be a real one.”

“It’s not necessary. I can buy one by myself if I like it.” Jiang Ruoqing took her bag and stood up.

With a malicious glance at Lin Qi, Liu Xingming stopped Jiang Ruoqing and roared as a madman, “Ruoqing, tell me honestly, what on earth the relationship between this guy and you is? Why would you rather have a meal with him than with me? Do you think I am out of your league?”

“Shut up!” Jiang Ruoqing just felt a fly buzzing in her ears, so she took Lin Qi by the arm and said straightly, “He is my boyfriend. Are you satisfied with my reply?”

“What?” Lin Xingming was muddled.

Lin Qi was also astounded. What happened?

“I don’t want to repeat my words. I have already had boyfriend. So please don’t bother me anymore.” A faint flush coloured Jiang Ruoqing’s cheeks, and she took Lin Qi by the arm and walked out of the door directly.

Soon after the two left, the story spread throughout the whole upper class circle in Jin Hai City. Liu Xingming directly became a joke in the circle because he not only gave up the treasure to Lin Qi without getting any benefit, but also tried to woo Jiang Ruoqing but failed in the presence of Lin Qi, her boyfriend.

Liu Xingming felt nothing but an extreme humiliation. How could he stay and develop in Jin Hai from now on?

Liu Xingming went to a secluded alley,  and looked stealthily around. When he saw no one was near, he showed a malicious look and dialed a phone number.

A few moments later, an ugly and ferocious fat man came up to him. The fat man’s upper body was covered with blue tattoos, as if he was wearing a scary tattoo T-shirt at first sight. He had a hideous scar on his neck. Obviously he was a person who had had cruel experiences of fighting and killing.

The fat man bowed to Liu Xingming and said, “Anything I can do for you, Mr. Liu?”

“Take a few people and teach Lin Qi a hard lesson at Jin Hai University!” Liu Xingming said fiercely.

“A student? Do you really think it is necessary to have me attend to the matter personally, Mr. Liu?” The fat man looked dismissive.

“I do like your cruelty. Remember, cut off one of his hand and let him enjoy the pain.” Liu Xingming said with a venomous smile and the flesh on his cheeks shook.

The fat man sneered, “No problem. Just a student, I can let him go down on his knees within one second.”

Liu Xingming nodded with satisfaction. Only in this way could he vent his anger.

Riding Jiang Ruoqing’s Porsche, Lin Qi returned to Jin Hai University. He only felt that he had a dream today. Now he didn’t have to worry about his accommodation, and what was more, he had four and a half million yuan on his bank card.

He decided to give four million yuan to his grandfather so that his grandfather would not have to worry about his old age. He had been working hard to bring Lin Qi up, and now he could finally enjoy his old age by doing nothing.

But Jiang Ruoqing didn’t say a single word all the way. She just flushed a little, as if she were drunk. Not until they arrived at the gate of Jin Hai University, Jiang Ruoqing said, “Lin Qi, are you free tomorrow?”

“I don’t think I’ll be free tomorrow.” Lin Qi planned to pack and moved to the house at Beautiful Land Community tomorrow.

“No.” Jiang Ruoqing’s face fell, “Tomorrow you must spare the time, because we have to attend a medical conference on behalf of Jin Hai Hospital.”

“The people who attend the medical conference are all elites in medical community. How can I be eligible to attend?” Lin Qi said.

“Originally, it is Senior Long who attends this conference every year, but now he has retreated because of you. So you have to represent Jin Hai Hospital to attend the conference this year.” Jiang Ruoqing said seriously.

“I am only a student. Won’t you lose face if I attend the conference on behalf of the hospotal?” Lin Qi said.

“I believe that your medical skills are as brilliant as Senior Long’s. As for your eligibility, you do not have to care about. Anyway, you can surely benefit from this conference when you participate in it, and your medical skills will also be improved.” Jiang Ruoqing said seriously.

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