Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 15 - Revenge

Chapter 15: Revenge

Translator: Wu Xinyu

Proofread by May Zou


The medical conference was held in Jinhai city once a year. The attendees were all outstanding figures in medicine circle. Once Lin Qi’s university had organized the students to sit in on the conference. Lin Qi had not expected that he could have the opportunity to participate in person one day.

Lin Qi did not hesitate and instantly promised Jiang Ruoqing that he would attend. She nodded with satisfaction, and, biting her lips, she finally said, “Er, well, thank you for today’s incident.”

Finishing the words shyly, Jiang Ruoqing drove away, without listening to Lin Qi’s answer.

Lin Qi just zoned out a bit. This woman’s bashful face, unexpectedly, was like a azalea in the spring breeze in March, which made Lin Qi a bit absent-minded.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi walked toward the school gate. All of a sudden something blinded him. There were five people blocking his way, maliciously and grimly laughing at him.

They were led by a hard-featured fat man. He disdainfully cast a glance at Lin Qi and said with a heavy voice, “Hi, sonny, Go with us.”

“I don’t know you. Why should I go with you?” Lin Qi’s brows knitted together. The five were clearly not good folks.

“Boy, you’ve offended the wrong people, so you’re going to have to face the music right now. Be clever, and we can let you have a less rough time.” The fat man sneered.

“Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. If you have to stop me, I’ll call the police.” Saying this, he immediately took out the phone.

But the fat man said indifferently, “Just call the police as you like, anyway, all I do was only let you go with me. Do you think the police will care about this?”

These people were really knavish enough. Lin Qi mulled the situation over for a moment before putting down the phone. These few were here to rock the boat anyway, and he might run away today but he could not hide forever.

“Where do you want me to go with you?” Lin Qi asked.

“Just go to the derelict factory not far from your university. Let’s solve the problem as quickly as possible.” The fat man grunted and went straight with the other gangsters to the factory.

It was a remote area, basically a wasteland, surrounded by weeds. The empty factory was rusted all over. Because of the abandoned chemical material that emitted an overpowering stench, few people would go there.

Lin Qi never looked for trouble, nor was he afraid of it.

After arriving, the guys headed by the fat man grinned hideously, “Boy, I didn’t expect that you dare to go with us.”

Lin Qi was not in the least afraid of them but stared at them coldly, “Tell me who sent you, and I’ll consider making you feel less painful.”

The coldness in his pupils made the fatty quiver and go blank for a while. He thought to himself, “Isn’t he only a student? How could he have such terrible eyes?”

“Big bro, this buster is too arrogant, I just want to do him over to death.” Said a bald-headed guy.

Other people also put on their sinister face and said, “That’s right. Anyway there’s nobody here. When we have put him to death, we can just torch this place.”

Lin Qi’s heart gave an abrupt thump. These gangsters were extremely cruel and merciless. They didn’t look like ordinary delinquents, but criminals whose hands were stained with blood.

At this time, the five hooligans pulled out their machetes from behind of their backs, and the fat man said viciously, “Come on, buster! I heard that you have millions of dollars on you, which is just prepared for us to run away with when we kill you. You can only blame yourself for being so courteous to come with us today.”

Saying, he shouted in a low voice and swung his machete toward Lin Qi in the neck. The other four stood in four corners, preventing Lin Qi from escaping.

This chop was so quick and resolute that Lin Qi felt a chill in his neck. If it were for an ordinary person, then he would have been scared silly on the spot.

But Lin Qi had practiced Hunyuan Zhenqi Pith, since then he was twice as strong as ordinary people and his reaction was even more out of their reach.

At such a life-or-death moment, Lin Qi’s eyes focused. Instead of backing up, he ruthlessly pounced on the wrist of the man. With a click sound, the fat man’s wrist was dramatically snapped backwards, and the next moment one of Lin Qi’s knees hit him in the stomach. The fat man flew upside down, hit the wall, and fainted with his eyes rolling up.

Before the rest of them could react, Lin Qi grabbed one of them by the collar with his right hand and punched him up with a fist. The man fell to the ground with a hum before he had understood what was going on.

The other three were also ruthless and tough men. But Lin Qi had given them a show that scared them to sweat, wondering on what kind of feed the beast was fed, is he really a human being to have such a great strength?

“What’s up—you did want to solve the problem as quickly as possible, didn’t you?” Lin Qi crooked his finger.

The three were pale around the gills and subconsciously backing away, but behind them were heaps of bottles filled with chemicals. Seeing Lin Qi slowly came over, one of them was almost directly frightened to piss. Suddenly he saw the icon of “flammables” on the chemical bottles. He put on a malicious expression and roared, “You mother fucker, go to hell with me!”

He took out a lighter, ignited a bottle and hurled it at Lin Qi.

These chemicals were not only flammable but also very corrosive. Lin Qi did not dare to be careless about them. He quickly pulled off his clothes and shook it to cover himself and moved away.

Coincidentally, Lin Qi was not hurt. Instead, when the man threw the bottle to him, the chemical liquid in the bottle suddenly spilled down on the man’s head. Immediately his hair began burning like a torch.

“Ah-ah-ah…! Help, help…! I’m burning to death!” Hearing the painful cry, the other two quickly took off their clothes to cover his head. But his face was already burned charred and his hair as frizzy as if in an African hairstyle.

“Fuck! There’s a fire!”

One of them pointed to the pile of chemicals,which no one knew when had caught on fire. There were hundreds of bottles of them in the factory and now it was too late to put it out.

“Damn it, we’ve gone too far. Quick! Let’s help the big bro run away!” The three men scrambled to pick up the wounded two and were going out.

The fierce fire surged up, and black smoke came out. The five gangsters helped one another to go out of the derelict factory. Lin Qi quickly caught one of them, “You’ve caused such a big trouble and you’re going to get out of the way?”

“Bro, we know we were wrong. Would you please forgive us this time…” The other three villains all wanted to get down on their knees. How could they expect that a student could be so strong?

“Shut up!” Lin Qi cut down with his hand on the back of the man’s neck. The man fainted.

Then he focused on another man, and raised his brow.

“Bro, you don’t have to do it. I’ll do it myself.” The other man’s face turned pale immediately. Picking up a stone from the ground, he hit it toward the head mercilessly. The blood all splashed, but he hit several times, until he became unconscious.

Lin Qi looked at the only man left and said, “Call the police!”


“I order you to call the police and get someone to put out this fire!” Lin Qi said coldly, “and, when the police come, you’d better come clean and tell who sent you here. If not, you know…”

That man’s legs trembled with fear. Nimbly taking out the phone, he hurriedly called the police and explained the situation.

Lin Qi looked at the flaming derelict factory, thinking to himself, it was fortunate there weren’t many people here, otherwise there would be a real disaster.

After the man called the police, Lin Qi knocked him out and left.

The firemen soon arrived. The derelict factory had been useless originally, so they dug a deep ditch around it and successfully put out the fire.

Then the five gangsters were awakened right away by the police. Under stern inquiry, they finally honestly confessed everything…

At this moment, in a luxurious office, Liu Xingming was thinking with doubt. He had made a few calls to the fatty but incredibly no one had been answered. In the ordinary course of events, the problem should have been solved with such a long time.


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