Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 17 - Irritated Jiang Feng

Chapter 17: Irritated Jiang Feng

Translator: Wu Xinyu

Proofread by May Zou


His words sounded like an invitation, but his sense of superiority was self-evident.

Lin Qi responded nonchalantly, “Please don’t go to any bother, I’m also going to the conference later.”

“You’re going there too?” Jiang Feng was surprised for a moment, then said with disdain, “Come on, Lin Qi, how could you brag about it? As your senior, I am the only designated one in Jinhai University to attend the medical conference. Now you tell me that you’re going there too. Don’t try to have egg on your face.”

Every year Jinhai University would recommend a most excellent student to attend to the conference, and Jiang Feng was of course qualified.

But this medical conference was the highest academic conference in Jinhai city, but the seats for attendees were limited. How could Jiang Feng believe it when Lin Qi said he would attend?

Lin Qi, who wasn’t attending on behalf of Jinhai University, only smiled without a word.

Without receiving any response from Lin Qi, Jiang Feng said scornfully, “To tell you the truth, Lin Qi, in this university, I think only you can be considered as my rival. But now you’re boasting like this, I really despise you!”

Lin Qi closed the book and suddenly raised his head and asked, “My senior, what do you think is the purpose of studying medicine?”

“To cure the sickness, of course.” Jiang Feng answered without thinking.

Lin Qi recalled something about Jiang Feng’s behaviors and said coldly, “But I suppose you study medicine only to show your talent in medicine and make it your eligibility to show off and insult others out of your pride and insolence.”

“What did you say, boy?” Jiang Feng’s face fell, as if some of his secrets had been revealed. He said hastily, “I study medicine to cure the sickness and save others’ lives, I deserve the praise and admiration of others!”

“Then why do you often compete in medical skills with others and post pictures of your victories on the Internet?” Lin Qi mocked.

Jiang Feng was furious and roared, “I did this in order to further improve our medical skills. What’s wrong with that?”

Lin Qi could not help shaking his head, “We apply our medical skills to serving the society and curing the patients, not to compare with the higher. Haven’t your elders taught you this?”

“You!” Jiang Feng pulled his face. His elder sister always educated him by saying this. But when it came out from Lin Qi, someone about his age, he felt extremely aggrieved.

“I am to prove the medical skills of our Jiang family, which we have imparted and inherited from our ancestors, are the best in Jinhai and in the whole city no one can compare! So what of it?” Jiang Feng said loftily.

“So what if you have proved your skills are better than those of others’?” Lin Qi questioned.

Jiang Feng craned his neck and said, “In that way, more people would know me, and then they would come to me and beg me to treat them.”

“And more money, I suppose.” Lin Qi said with a sneer, “It was rumored that, if I remember correctly, last time you treated an entrepreneur and you charged a fat fee of two hundred thousand yuan, who, however, just caught a cold.”

“It’s quite natural for a doctor to charge for his service, and my patient didn’t care about the little sum since he’s so rich.” Jiang Feng went outraged.

“So why don’t you go under a pedestrian overpass and treat the beggars? You only use your medical skills for the wealthy, don’t you? I suggest that you’d better not describe yourself as that noble. You’re preaching about the major principles but cannot go without one word: ‘money’.” Lin Qi snorted.

Jiang Feng flushed with shame but could not refute on hearing Lin Qi’s words, He could only stare at him, gnashing his teeth.

While Lin Qi waved him away and said, “You can go now, senior schoolmate. You are going to the medical conference only for an undeserved reputation rather than exchanging medical experience. Even if you invite me to go with you, I won’t!”

“You fucking boy, didn’t you have the guts to compete with me in medicine right now, didyou?” Jiang Feng roared.

“I’ve just said that medicine is not for competition. You don’t even understand the basic truth of being a doctor. To compete with me, you’re not qualified. You’re not qualified to be a medical student, either.” Lin Qi said icily.

Jiang Feng pointed at Lin Qi. Trembling, with his face going pale, he yelled, “How can you say I don’t understand the basic truth of being a doctor? I don’t think you dare to compete with me. You stupid coward!”

“Shut up, Xiao Feng!” Suddenly a cold voice came.

Jiang Feng looked back astounded, only to see a Porsche stopping beside, and a slender leg stretched out, followed by an icy face.

It was Jiang Ruoqing to pick up Lin Qi.

“Sis, he vilified our medical skills of Jiang family.” Jiang Feng immediately got off his car and went forward.

His salutation made Lin Qi slightly startled. He had not expected that Jiang Feng was Jiang Ruoqing’s brother.

Jiang Ruo-qing knitted her arched eyebrows slightly, and rebuked in a low voice, “Was anything wrong with what he said? We study medicine for the purpose of serving the society and curing the patients, not for going around competing and matching with others. If you’re carrying with the thoughts of showing off, it would be worthless even if you are good at these skills!”

“My elder sister, I am your younger brother; why would you rather turn to the wrong side to protect an outsider than help me?” Cried out Jiang Feng.

“All I know is that no matter who he is, he must be bound by medical ethics as a doctor. Besides, Lin Qi is not an outsider.” Jiang Ruoqing nodded to Lin Qi.

“What do you mean, sis?” Jiang Feng froze for a moment.

“Lin Qi, it’s about time. Get on.” Jiang Ruoqing said, opened the door of the car to invite Lin Qi to get into the car.

“Well, I’m moving house this afternoon…” Lin Qi said and got into the passenger seat.

Time was really tight. Jiang Ruoqing also got on and started the car.

Jiang Feng couldn’t help standing in front of the car and asked in astonishment, “Sis, what are you going to do with this boy?”

“To attend the medical conference.” Jiang Ruoqing beeped the horn, “get out of the way, we’re in a rush.”

“Medical conference”, these two words harshly grated on the ear of Jiang Feng. His eyes wide open, he said incredulously, “Sis, how can this boy have the qualification to attend the medical conference? On what grounds can he attend?”

“Did you know what happened to Senior Long the other day?” Jiang Ruoqing asked suddenly.

Jiang Feng quickly answered, “You mean the premier doctor of our Jinhai Hospital?”

“That’s right. The patient that he couldn’t cure before was cured by Lin Qi. And after he chose to retreat to the woods, Lin Qi would attend the conference on behalf of our hospital. Any problem?” Jiang Ruoqing said calmly.

“This, this is impossible!” Jiang Feng was shocked.

Jiang Feng knew the best about Senior Long’s medical skills. With more than 30 years of medical practising experience, Senior Long was renowned in Jinhai Hospital. And Jiang Feng himself had once followed him to study medicine.

When Senior Long chose to seclude, Jiang Feng was not on the spot. Later when he looked for him to ask about the whole thing, he could not find him anywhere.

Never had he thought of the possibility that Senior Long’s seclusion had a lot to do with Lin Qi!

“Aren’t you going to represent Jinhai University to attend the medical conference? I’m sure you will understand everything at the conference!” Jiang Ruoqing drove away fleetingly without another word, leaving Jiang Feng stunned behind.

From behind, Jiang Feng watched the two driving away, grinding his teeth with red eyes, then he slammed his fist onto his car with a loud bang.

“Lin Qi, I’d like to see what in medicine you can outdo me at the medical conference! Let’s wait and see!”

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