Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 18 - Adding Two More Words

Chapter 18: Adding Two More Words

Translator: Wu Xinyu

Proofread by May Zou


“That’s just the way my younger brother behaves. Please don’t take offense.”

Jiang Ruoqing said this to Li Qi with apology when they arrived at the entrance of the medical conference venue after she parked the car.

“It doesn’t matter. Jiang Feng did possess great medical skills. He has come top in the university every year.” Lin Qi had not expected her to make an apology. He just answered by waving his hand as he really didn’t care much about it.

“Well, I hope it won’t interfere with your exertion at the conference.” Jiang Ruoqing had attached great importance to this medical conference.

She did not care much about the ranking, but Jinhai hospital was a well-known hospital in the city anyway, so there should be someone or something convincing that would prove the hospital worthy of the name. Even if they couldn’t make a great coup, at least they wouldn’t make an exhibition of themselves as a laughing stock.

When they walked into the venue, there were already quite a lot people sitting down in the hall. Lin Qi’s eyes swept the hall to see there were more than two hundred people and among them he caught a glimpse of some familiar faces that seemed to be celebrities people could see on Jinhai’s TV programs or in newspapers and magazines.

And there was a row of seats on the platform. As the starting time of the conference was approaching, five doyens in the medical field of Jinhai City took their seats on the platform.

It was worth mentioning that on the left side was an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who was over 70 years old. He was actually the most famous Luo Tianwen. It was said that he had learned medical skills since childhood, and had unique insights into the clinical skills and had even created a traditional Chinese medicine school.

However, except Luo Tianwen, the next four were all doctors of western medicine.

Jiang Ruoqing led Lin Qi to sit in the front row.

When Lin Qi saw this situation, he couldn’t help frowning. It hadn’t occurred to himt hat nowadays the western medicine had almost dominated in medical circles, even the banner on the platform only said “Medical Conference of Communication of Western Medicine”, showing no place for traditional Chinese medicine.

As several well-known doctors of western medicine expressed their views and brought down the house, Lin Qi’s face clouded.

“Directress Jiang, I’m studying traditional Chinese medicine. I may have come to the wrong place today.” Lin Qi said.

Naturally Jiang Ruoqing could also see the unusual situation. But she could only lower her voice and said, “We’re unable to do anything about it. The traditional Chinese medicine has been on the wane, and you know, on the other hand, western medicine does have its advantages…”

“I can’t agree with you. Chinese medicine is not inferior to western medicine, instead, it’s ten times, even a hundred times better than western medicine!” Lin Qi said seriously.

As the old saying goes, “The speaker has no intention, but the listener will mind.” Lin Qi and Jiang Ruoqing were sitting extremely close to the high platform, and these word fell word for word into the ears of the four doctors of western medicine.

“Who is this young man? Is he here to make trouble?” a doctor of western medicine on the platform raised his eyebrow and said.

“I suppose he’s just taking this opportunity to push himself forward, nothing more.” another doctor sneered.

“Who are you to say that traditional Chinese medicine is better than western medicine? Are you sure you’re not telling a joke?”

On the stage, the doctor who was delivering the speech turned grim-faced.

“I can tell everyone here clearly that Chinese medicine is the quintessence of the country and the essence inherited from history. It is indeed ten times, a hundred times better than western medicine!” Lin Qi simply stood up and said.

These remarks were loud and powerful like a bomb thrown into the quiet conference hall and Lin Qi became the focus of the entire site. Hadn’t he known that ninety percent of the participants in this medical conference were western medicine doctors?

Yet diametrically opposite to the reaction of the others, on the stage, Luo Tianwen’s eyes lit up at the moment. He looked at Lin Qi and slowly said, “Young man, do you have any original view on Chinese and western medicine?”

“I cannot say it’s my original view, but I know that some diseases can be cured with no need of western medicine or injection!” said Lin Qi.

These remarks instantly made a doctor of western medicine on stage speak with scorn, “What a joke! How can you cure the sick without taking medicine or getting an injection?”

“You’ve had a stuffy nose for quite a few day, haven’t you?” Lin Qi pointed to the speaking doctor.

“That’s true. I’ve stayed up late these two days to finish the speech drafts, so I caught a cold. I did have a stuffy nose repeatedly.” The doctor snuffled while talking and he sounded a bit strange. People around him all recognized it.

“Do you believe that I can cure you by giving you a few massages now?” Lin Qi said.

“Hehheh, you must be kidding. I have already taken pills for my stuffy nose. Do you think I can’t cure myself?” The WM doctor snorted.

Lin Qi questioned him with a smile, “then why hasn’t the medicine worked since you took it?”

“It… How can the medicine take effect as soon as you have it?” the doctor fumed.”

“If I’m not mistaken, you are so weak that you will catch a cold in an unguarded moment. And what’s more, once you catch a cold, you take the medicine, which causes resistance to the drugs in your body. So whatever medicine you take now, it’s hard for you to take effect.”

It was well-known by all that a common ingredient that western medicines usually contain is antibiotics, which was very effective when used at the first time. Yet if these medicines are used over a long period, their effects will be getting weakened.

What Lin Qi said was exactly the same as his symptoms, the doctor got irritated, “Good. Young boy, you said you could cure me by giving me a few massages. Then you can give it a go.”

“In fact it’s really easy to treat a stuffy nose.”

Lin Qi said as he stepped forward, holding the doctor’ nose between his fingers and rubbing Yingxiang acupoints on both sides of the nose.

Yingxiang acupoints are an important point on the nose. With stimulation of the massage, the doctor only felt a little pain and then came a sense of coolness on the nose. In less than two minutes, Lin Qi ceased.

Shortly afterwards, the doctor sniffled, only to feel unimpeded, refreshed and then he could breathe smoothly.

“Is, is that all?” the doctor was shocked.

As soon as he began to speak, all those present could hear clearly that he spoke smoothly and unimpeded due to his breathable nostrils, which marked a sharp contrast with his condition a few minutes ago.

The four WM doctors on the spot all looked sullen, as if they were slapped hard in the face, burning in the cheeks.

“If you want to get over your cold quickly, put a few cloves of garlic in your mouth when you are back at home, until they are tasteless, then cover yourself with a heavy quilt and sweat, and you’ll recover tomorrow.” said, Lin Qi returned to his seat.

That doctor gave dry coughs; with his cheeks still burning, he said, “Boy, it’s nothing but a snuffle. How can you take this as a case in point to prove traditional Chinese medicine is better than western medicine?”

“Exactly. Chinese medicine is a trick to cheat people, and you didn’t really cure him of his cold.”

“You are right. In Jinhai City, there are no doctors of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) at all except Luo Tianwen who has inherited the traditional Chinese medicine skills of the royal court!”

Not willing to admit defeat, the other four WM doctors were echoing, and attacking Chinese medicine severely.

There were also many Chinese medicine doctors on the scene. But they had no confidence to refute them now that Chinese medicine had been declining.

Only Lin Qi was aflame with indignation and spoke out what they thought in their mind, “You said that traditional Chinese medicine had declined, it is because you are crazy about foreign things and have blind faith in them without trying to do our nation credit. The traditional Chinese medicine has developed for more than a thousand years. When your ancestors fell ill, they all relied on Chinese medical treatments. I shall not suppose that you mean your ancestors were to stay alive relying on this deceptive trick, shall I?”

Lin Qi didn’t speak in a loud voice, but all the western doctors fell silent.

Everyone knew that from three generations up only the traditional Chinese medicine doctors who inherited the medical skills of our ancestors could treat patients because at that time there was no western medicine in China at all. It could be said that it was the lasting continuation of traditional Chinese medicine that had brought the healthy growth of our nation.

“But now, not only are you dismissive of our traditional medicine, you also trample on our nation’s cultural essence inherited by the older generation. Don’t you feel shameful? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

“Well, I’ve said all I want to say. I just hope that in the future two more words can be added on this banner, these are: ‘Chinese medicine’!”

Lin Qi pointed to the “Medical Conference of Communication of Western Medicine” banner with forceful remarks.

There came the sound of clap.

Someone unknown started to applaud.

In the hall, there was sparse applause at first, then the applause became louder and louder, and finally it was deafening, prolonged and resounded throughout the building!

“That’s a good point, young man.”

“Oh, go to hell of the western medicine! I’m a doctor of Chinese medicine myself, so what? Why should I be belittled for being a Chinese medicine doctor?”

“Yes, I think we shouldn’t give up the TCM heritage of. Even if I am a western medicine doctor, I will not deny TCM.”

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