Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 6 - Poisoned Due to Mutual Restriction of Food

Chapter 6: Poisoned Due to Mutual Restriction of Food

Translator: Gu Chaoxun

Proofreader:May Zou


“Because, spring is coming, flowers are blossoming red.” Liu Jiang-wei answered, almost crying.

“Get out of here!” Lin Qi swung his arms and threw Liu Jiang-wei out disgustedly.

Although he had honed Hunyuan Zhen Qi Pith for just one night, he not only had a trace of Zhen Qi, but was much stronger than ordinary people as well. He couldn’t imagine what he could achieve if he kept on a persistent cultivation of Hunyuan Zhen Qi Pith.

Senior Long hurried to help Liu Jiang-wei up, whose face was swollen like a pig’s head. Seeing this, Senior Long’s face became blue with fear. Finally, he clinched his teeth and yielded: “You guy, what if I Senior Long beg you, ok? I can give you an internship report directly, so that you can turn it over to your college.”

Senior Long did have such capability. A certification autographed by the chief doctor would be very convictive.

To be honest, this would be much labor-saving for Lin Qi, so he became slightly softened.

“That Miss Su, she’s OK, isn’t she? Is it necessary for me to go back? ”

“After your departure, we gave her some food…” Senior Long said, wearing a hangdog expression.

“You haven’t given her seafood, have you?” Lin Qi was shocked.

“Just some crays.” Senior Long said, almost begging: “Little brother Lin, I will kneel down to you as long as you do something kind to save Miss Su, or we two will be all up.”

Nobody could bear the responsibility for the medical accident. What’s more, they were directly involved in the accident.

Lin Qi’s face slightly changed. He had warned them not to give Miss Su any food, let alone crays, which could possibly kill her.

And the last sentence in the old heirloom book reads: “…practicing medicine to benefit the society, and ferrying all living creatures out of misery!”

Whatever happens, the patient has no fault. Lin Qi thought it over, then he took out the internship report, screwed it up, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it hard…

“Pick up my internship report, and follow me back.” Lin Qi said coldly.

“Well…” Looking at the dirty internship report on the ground, Senior Long felt utterly humiliated. He had been the chief doctor for ten years, proud and arrogant. When had he ever been insulted in such a way?

Yet it seemed that now he could do nothing but invite Lin Qi to go back.

He hesitated for a long while. After a hard mental struggle, he finally bent down, picked up Lin Qi’s internship report with clinched teeth, and wiped it up.

“It’s just a little punishment for you. As a medical practitioner, you should not be arrogant because of your ability. Man must learn to be humble.” After saying this, Lin Qi turned around to the emergency room.

“Yes,…” Although he said this, Senior Long was unwilling to submit.

When Lin Qi was back to emergency room, Su Ming-yu already had an oxygen tube in. Her electrocardiogram varied at times, being strong or weak, but almost became a straight line.

When Jiang Ruo-qing saw Lin Qi back, she asked anxiously with a cold face: “Why are you back so late?”

This woman, even when she was anxious, still had a certain charm, and her frowned eyebrows attracted one so much that he would come over and smooth them.

Especially the faint virgin fragrance on her body made Lin Qi’s heart beat faster. He tried to calm down: “How is the patient?”

“She is in great danger. After eating crays, she frothed at the mouth and convulsed all over…” Jiang Ruo-qing seemed to be confused: “By the way, the crays were examined and we are sure they are not poisonous. Why she was suddenly poisoned?”

“The crays themselves were non-toxic, but she had vitamin C before, and when they are combined, toxins will be formed!” Lin Qi said coldly.

Jiang Ruo-qing didn’t catch it: “Why?”

“Have you ever heard of a poison called Duanchang San?”

“It’s a kind of poison used in ancient courts, isn’t it?” Jiang Ruo-qing asked modestly. She thought what he said was very peculiar.

“Yes, indeed. The recipe of Duanchang San contains several Chinese herbal medicines. They become highly toxic when mixed up. Now that Chinese herbal medicines combined can become poisonous, let alone crays and vitamin C?” Lin Qi said slowly: “Many things in this world cannot be taken together, such as anti-cold medicine and cola, or sweet potato and persimmon, they cannot be taken together…”

“I see.” Jiang Ruo-qing was suddenly enlightened: “The so-called ‘method of attacking poison with poison’depends on interactions between ingredients, right?”

“That’s almost what you said. But Miss Su was born with poor health, and has had nothing for several days, so her intestines and stomach haven’t recuperated yet. Now she is poisoned, it’s really like adding frost to snow!”

“So are you sure you can cure her?” Jiang Ruo-qing glanced at Lin Qi and wondered why she trusted this intern, perhaps because he could explain the thing neither Senior Long nor she could understand.

“The treatment has been delayed for too long a time, so I’m not sure whether I can cure her. Moreover, I’m just a security guard.” Lin Qi’s words meant more.

It was this woman who indiscriminately relegated him to security, how could he not be angry?

“Whatever happens, treat the patient at once!” Jiang Ruo-qing gave a cold look, putting on airs as the directress again, apathetic and prideful.

But for Lin Qi’s wrongly sent message, he could not have known that this woman was very passionate under her cold mask.

Lin Qi looked at her, and his eyes flashed: “It will be ok for me to treat her, but I have a request.”

Jiang Ruo-qing said coldly: “If you want to become a full member, I’ll arrange it at once after the treatment. This can be regarded as your compensation for your previous mistake.”

Make up for his previous mistake?

For what previous mistake had he made?

Lin Qi looked at her arrogant face and brilliant lips, abruptly said: “Kiss me if I cure her.”

“What?” Jiang Ruo-qing was stunned.

Usually, nobody dared to be disrespectful to her, and people would stammer when they saw her.

She was totally unexpected that Lin Qi was so daring as to make such a request.

Jiang Ruo-qing’s charming body quivered. She pointed to Lin Qi ashamed and angry, unable to say a word. However, the blush on her face was like rosy clouds in the sky, which made one highly delighted.

Senior Long and Liu Jiang-wei finally came after they tidied themselves. When they saw Jiang Ruo-qing’s face, they were dumbfounded at once. They had never seen Jiang Ruo-qing blushing like this, which really dwarfed all flowers.

In fact, Lin Qi just wanted to get Jiang Ruo-qing off her high horse, and made her experience the feeling of anger. Even if she refused, Lin Qi would treat the patient at once.

“You, you…” Jiang Ruo-qing’s face flushed, and she thought over for quite a while, and said with her teeth gnashed: “I can promise to kiss you as long as you can cure her. But if you fail, I’ll throw you into jail!”

Lin Qi was startled a moment. He didn’t expect that she would accept. He took out the silver needles quickly and said with a smile: “Keep what you said…”

Those were his grandfather’s silver needles. Lin got them when he left home to study afar.

Lin Qi disinfected the needles. Without looking at them, he took one needle and punctured it in Su Ming-yue’s body.

And the needle seemed to have a soul, quivering slightly after landing on Su Ming-yue’s body. The shadows of the needle seemed to follow a particular trajectory, which was very mysterious.

“This is… Huiyang needle on nine acupoints?” Senior Long’s facial expression suddenly changed. Trembling with excitement, he widened his eyes and said: “Is this actually the legendary Huiyang needles on nine acupoints?”


Senior Long had read about this acupuncture therapy from an ancient remnant scroll. The therapy had nine needles totally, which was extremely mysterious. It was said that it could save anyone from death as long as he had one breath left.

But unfortunately, the remnant only recorded the first three needles. They seemed very simple but actually were extremely complicated. The depth, the strength and the location of the acupuncture were even more mysterious. He observed it over and over again for nearly ten years, but only understood the first needle till now.

“Huiyang needles on nine acupoints, dividing Yin and Yangon with the first needle!” Lin Qi punctured the needle in Su’s body and took out the second needle, and yelled in a low voice: “The second needle, vibrate every artery and vein!”

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