Doctor Clairvoyant

Chapter 7 - Acupuncture of Nine Huiyang Needles

Chapter 7: Acupuncture of Nine Huiyang Needles

Translator: Wu Xinyu

Proofreader:  May Zou


With the second needle sticking on the relevant acupoint, Su Ming-yue jerked all over as if she had got an electric shock. And then the third needle…

“The third needle stagnates Qi and blood, the forth moves bones ligaments, the fifth blocks sense organs, the sixth stops the action of the five viscera, the seventh makes herun conscious, and the eighth needle brings her to temporary death!”

Sticking eight needles into Su Ming-yue’s body successively, Lin Qi had been dripping with sweat.

Senior Long watched aside, not daring to blink his eyes at all, as if he were afraid of missing anything. And sometimes he imitated Lin Qi’s movements but showed a look of wonder on his face, then finally shook his head.There seemed to be something he did not understand.

And as soon as the eighth needle stuck on the acupoint, the electrocardiogram at the bedside turned into a straight line.

At this moment, Su Ming-yue’s breathing even stopped. She looked like a dead person, lying in bed lifelessly.

“Lin Qi, what exactly is going on?” Jiang Ruo-qing went pale. She quickly grabbed Lin Qi’s hand.

This was not to heal her at all. It absolutely was killing her.

“Don’t grab me. I could not afford to make any mistake at this moment!” Lin Qi had the ninth needle in hand but almost pricked it in the wrong acupoint unawares.

“Stop it! What the hell are you doing?” Jiang Ruo-qing rebuked winsomely.

“If you don’t let go of my hand, then don’t blame me for my rudeness!” Lin Qi turned his head and roared, with furious flames in his eyes.


For a moment Jiang Ruo-qing felt Lin Qi was like an angry beast—if she dared to do anything more, she would encounter a stormy rage. This made her trembling with fear.

She could hardly imagine that the ninth needle was the most crucial one. If there was any mistake, then even God could not save the life of Miss Su.

“Directress Jiang, let Lin Qi continue. Once the ninth needle is done, Miss Su will come back to life!” There was a craze in Senior Long’s eyes. He could finally witness the legendary ninth needle on Acupuncture of Nine Huiyang Needles.

According to the remnant paper he had read, the first eight acupoints of Huiyang Needles were all acupoints of death that cut off all vitality of the patient.

While the ninth needle on the acupoint was a marvelous creation which reversed the results of the former eight needles into a huiyang (bringing back to life) approach.


Once the ninth needle done, the dead is surely brought back to life!

“Why should you be that fierce…” Jiang Ruo-qing bit her lip, with both hands covering her chest and backed away, looking with grievance at Lin Qi’s serious expression.

Lin Qi wiped off the sweat and concentrated all his energies on the ninth needle.

In this ward, all he saw was only the needle in his hand, as well as the acupoint corresponding to Su Ming-yue’s heart.

“The ninth needle, change the transmigration, destiny would be reserved!”

Lin Qi burst into a yell, bending his finger with a flip, and the silver needle fell steadily.

Soon after that, Su Ming-yue suddenly sat up as if a corpse bounced up, opening her mouth and spitting out a gulp of stinking black blood. Then she lay back on the sickbed, breathing heavily, as though she had been rescued from the jaws of death, with lingering fear deep inside.

“Hasty, it was really too hasty for me to see clearly at all.” Senior Long was puzzled with confusion in his turbid eyes. For the first eight acupuncture needles he could scratch the surface yet, as to the ninth and the most critical needle, he could not even see it clearly.

All of a sudden, Senior Long found that he was incredibly insignificant, indeed! Much as he had practised medicine for a whole life, he couldn’t even tell Su Ming-yue’s malinger, not to say to fathom the mysteries of Acupuncture of Nine Huiyang Needles.

“However strong you are, there is always someone stronger. It now appears that I am really getting old…”

All at once Senior Long became weak with a stooped figure. He walked towards the door, shaking his head and sighing.

“Where are you going, Senior Long?” Jiang Ruo-qing called softly and unexpectedly found that Senior Long looked several years older than before.

“To retreat to the woods, and no longer practise medicine in the rest of my life!” After his words Senior Long disappeared directly from their sight.

Lin Qi carefully checked Su Ming-yue’s physical condition to make sure that she was really ok, and finally felt relieved. Then he raised his eyebrows and said o Jiang Ruo-qing, “Directress Jiang, is it time for you to fulfill your promise?”

“I…” Jiang Ruo-qing’s icy-cold face reddened. Her watery pupils stared fiercely at Lin Qi.

“Directress Jiang, you can’t do this. Lin Qi just said it on purpose.” Covering his inflamed cheek, Liu Jiang-wei was flaming with anger. Jiang was the goddess of their hospital. She must never kiss Lin Qi.

“Forget it, I just said it casually.” Lin Qi was a bit weak after the therapy. He glanced at Jiang Ruo-qing and turned and left.

“Stop!” Jiang Ruo-qing stamped her foot and caught up with Lin Qi. She bit her lip and after hesitating for a long time, she closed her eyes shyly, marking Lin Qi’s face with her pink lips.


At this moment there was not a slightest bit of icy-cold frost on that cute face, only the bashful blush, as if there were water trickling down.

Lin Qi was slightly startled but immediately felt that happiness had come all of a sudden so that he was almost floating in the air with joy.

You know, she was the goddess of all male beasts in Jinhai Hospital, and now she kissed Lin Qi voluntarily.

Yes, it was delighted, extremely delighted!

Smelling the sweet scent on Jiang’s body, all Lin Qi could feel was to be lit up. But he deliberately pretended not to care: “Hey, is it enough? You can stop…”

“Ah…” Jiang Ruo-qing hastily looked up and separated herself from Lin Qi. “How shameful it is! I was absent-minded for a short while just now.”

But, seeing this just now, Liu Jiang-wei turned wild-eyed. His fragile heart almost broke to pieces.

“Miss Su needs to be under observation for a few days. Don’t pull out the needles yet. She can have some rice porridge tomorrow. Now, I’ going. I’ll see myself out.” Lin Qi laughed it off and strode out of the hospital.

Jiang Ruo-qing took several deep breaths before regaining control of herself from the shame and anger. She quickly arranged the medical staff to give Su Ming-yue intensive care.

Just at this time, a young nurse who knew Lin Qi suddenly walked to Jiang Ruo-qing and whispered, “Directress Jiang, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” Jiang Ruo-qing wore a frosty expression on her face once again.

The young nurse felt the rapidly increased pressure in a flash. Bowing her head, she said, “It happened like this…the night before last, I saw Lin Qi stayed up late to write a medical report. After he finished it, he dozed off at the desk. When I was to cover him with a blanket, Liu Jiang-wei unexpectedly came back to get something. When he caught a glimpse of Lin Qi’s report, he told us all to go away. While leaving, I secretly saw him taking pictures of the report written by Lin Qi with his cell phone…”

“Is what you said really true?” Jiang Ruo-qing furrowed her brows tightly.

If what the young nurse said was true, then Liu Jiang-wei was the one to be penalized, while Lin Qi had been wrongly blamed.

“What I said was absolutely true, Directress Jiang, and the surveillance camera at that night might capture it. What’s more, there were several other nurses on duty who were passing by…”

“Okay, I see. Go ahead with your own business.” Saying this, Jiang Ruo-qing looked at Liu Jiang-wei, who had intended to run away, sneering, “Ho Ho, you can get off today, but can you get off forever?”

Liu Jiang-wei froze where he was and broke out in a cold sweat.

“First, let’s not say that you should take the responsibility for Miss Su’s accident. What a good job of a thief crying ‘Stop thief’? Even I was fooled.” Jiang Ruo-qing’s voice was extremely cold.

“Directress Jiang, I, I momentarily lost my head that night, that’s why…”

Liu Jiang-wei still wanted to make some explanation, but Jiang Ruo-qing took on an icy face. Even without a look at him, she said, “You are Senior Long’s nephew. Now that Senior Long has left, it’s not necessary for you to stay here…”

“Please, please don’t, Directress Jiang. I know I was really wrong. I dare not do it again.” Liu Jiang-wei knelt down directly.

“Heaven may be forgiven for its iniquities, but man should not live for his sins. Think over the matter.” Jiang Ruo-qing showed a look of disgust and went away immediately.

Liu Jiang-wei had no real talent but drifted along only by his relationship with Senior Long. Now his prop had collapsed, so he lost his job. He felt his qi and blood stagnated, a bloody taste came to the throat, and a gush of blood spurted out of his mouth right after that. After all, all he suffered was to drink as he brews.

“How is my daughter?”

Before long, Su Tian-lei finally arrived at the ward. When he learned that his daughter had been in hospital, he hurried back in no time.

Su Tian-lei looked very anxious. The Su family merely had this daughter who was especially precious.

“Miss Su has been all right now, lord.” The middle-aged man who brought her to the hospital quickly came forward and answered with respect, “Thanks to that boy called Lin Qi.”

“Lin Qi?” Su Tian-lei didn’t quite catch what he said, “ Chief Steward, what on earth happened?”

“Lord, it was this…”

The middle-aged man was the steward of the Su’s who had worked for the Su family for a lifetime. Naturally, Su Tian-lei had no doubt about what he said.

After being informed of the whole story, Su Tian-lei showed a hint of surprise and then nodded, saying with appreciation, “This young fellow is kind of interesting. He saved the life of Su Tian-lei’s daughter but left without a single word instead of asking something in return. Now, send someone to find him right away. I’m going to thank him in person.”

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