Doctor Player

Chapter 83:

Chapter 83

‘He will be so embarrassed that he won’t be able to speak properly. And as a result, he will also be an embarrassment to my parents.’

In that case, this disgrace will be no ordinary disgrace.

It will be an absolute disgrace of the devil.

His disgrace will forever be talked about among the people.

Just imagining it made Seytil feel good and it was hard to hold back his laughter.

‘If he’s kicked out, I can go up instead and wrap up the speech.’

In contrast to his ugly man, he had a chance to let everyone see his coolness, so it was a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Just then, something happened that Seytil did not foreseen.

“Your Highness, the king is here!”


At the right time, King Oden stepped into the banquet hall!

And with the envoys of the Kingdom of Peninsular.

“Your Majesty!”

“That’s all right. I’m just stopping by, so don’t mind me and enjoy the banquet.”

Originally, it was rare for the king to attend the eve of eating, drinking, and enjoying.

On the look of it, it seemed that he had deliberately taken a short step to make an appearance in the banquet to personally meet the envoys of the Kingdom of Peninsula, who had come from a long distance.

Anyway, heaven was helping.

‘Since the envoys of the Kingdom of Peninsula have also come, perhaps his ugly face may spread far away to other countries even more.’

‘How can it feel even better?’

Seytil spoke to Raymond as if urging him to give the speech even more.

“What are you doing? Come on up.”

“Are you sure I can give a commemorative speech?”


Seytil paused for a moment.

Something was wrong with Raymond’s tone.

It’s supposed to be a frozen, embarrassed voice.

On the contrary.

‘Why did he sounded so happy?’

It wasn’t an illusion.

Raymond was actually delighted.

‘Wow! I can’t believe Seytil gave me this great opportunity to promote! Why did he do such a pretty thing?’

It’s an opportunity to promote medicine out of nowhere.


Raymond has been fully prepared to promote medicine over a large audience.

In addition to learning the ‘social arts’ skill, he has also prepared a public relations speech.

It was really a preparation for one thing.

‘I can’t believe this is such a golden opportunity?’

That was not all.

The message came to his mind as if cheering him on.

[The opportunity to speak for patients has come. The ‘speech’ skill is revealed!]

[We are going to promote medicine! It has a synergy effect with ‘Heart of Steel’]

[Grade A’s Social Art skill is on the rise! ‘Charisma’ permeate ‘speech’!]

Raymond stepped to the podium.

Just a little bit.

The expression of the heart of steel did not completely dissipate the tension. Still, he clenched his teeth and strengthened his will. “It’s Raymond de Penin. First of all, thank you very much for this glorious opportunity.” Raymond paused and looked around the nobles.

When Raymond thought that each and every aristocrat was a preliminary household purse, his will completely overwhelmed his fear.

“Then, I will begin my speech on the eve of the founding of the country.”


“Hundreds of years have passed since King Konkuk founded the Kingdom of Houston with one sword. Since then, our kingdom of Houston has made great progress as a member of the League of Cross Empire…….”

He started off with no problem.

‘Because there is no specific topic for the commemorative speech.’

Long live the kingdom of Houston!

Let’s work hard this year too!

Raymondcan lead the story in this way and secretly promote the treatment center.

‘If I promote it openly, it will have the opposite effect. Let’s spice it up with noblesse oblige.’

Raymond decided to emphasize “Noble’s Oblige.”

This is the legendary thing that all noble emphasizes but no one puts into practice!

“Thanks to the efforts of His Majesty, The King and the countless people gathered here, our Kingdom of Houston is growing stronger day by day. However, from my experience meeting many people, there are still many of our citizens who needed our help.”

He made a slightly dark expression.

Emotions were evidently added to the speech.

“I ran a treatment center with a lack of body and tried to help the people, but I felt only a big shortage. Oh, no! How difficult it is!”

Penin Treatment Center is a place to practice ‘Noblesse Oblige’!

So the promotion of the treatment center passed by.

Raymond added more strength to his voice.

“I don’t think the format is important in regards of helping people. The important thing is practical help for the people! It is a big mistake to be caught up in the form and forget essence.”

Whether it is medicine or healing, the form is not important.

What’s important is the real cure and it’s actual effect!

Such an indirect message was preached.

So Raymond was mixing it with Noblesse Oblige to promote the treatment center.



People listened to the speech with astonished eyes.

‘That’s amazing. How he make such a speech?’

His speaking skills were not overwhelming.

Of course, it was a great speech, but in terms of speaking skills, it wasn’t something an aristocrat could not do.

The overwhelming power was the content.

‘Noblesse oblige’

‘I tried to laugh at the kind of speech he was giving, but i ended up being an embarrassment. He is talking about the nobles’ obligation.’

‘How selfish have I been as an aristocrat?’

Is it because the speech was filled with earnest sincerity?

Raymond’s words penetrated the hearts of the nobles.

‘Even the illegitimate Baron Penin tries to practice the spirit of Noblesse Oblige, and I, born an orthodox aristocrat, did not at all.’

‘I’m embarrassed.’

Of course, not all nobles were so repentant.

However, not a few of the conscientious nobles thought so.

At that time, an old man, who was listening to a speech next to King Oden, opened his mouth.

“Huh, there is a great young man in the kingdom of Houston.” Marquis of Langham.

It was an aristocrat who came as an envoy to the Kingdom of Peninsula!

“I think you’re still young, but it’s amazing. The future of the kingdom of Houston seems bright.” The rave reviews made the surrounding aristocrats smile awkwardly.

The Marquis of Langham, a foreigner, does not know Raymond’s complications. That’s why he admired him so purely.

“I wonder which family’s son he belongs to. It must be a great family to produce such a young man.”


The aristocracy was at a loss when asked.

Everyone couldn’t find anything to answer, but only looked at Oden’s face.


The Marquis tilted his head and looked at the reactions of the people watching the king.

‘I heard the king has an illegitimate child. Was it that young man?’

He turned to the podium again.

No, to be honest, there will be few royals who look as good as him.

‘If there was a prince like that in our kingdom, I would live in honor of him.’

The Marquis Langham sighed when he remembered the royal families messes in the Kingdom of Peninsula.

As in any country’s royal family, the Peninsula’s royal family also had many problems.

The problem with the Houston family here is a cute children’s prank compared to the absurdity of the Peninsula family.

‘At least, this place doesn’t commit the crime of killing their parents and children without hesitation.” Peninsula royalty really fought and killed each other endlessly.

No wonder 70% of all royals died during the Great Blood War 30 years ago.

‘But it’s amazing. His eyes are very similar to Seongan’s.’


It means emerald eyes, a symbol of the royal family of Peninsula royalty.

‘It must be a coincidence. Because emerald eyes are not only found in our royal family’s castle.’

Emerald eyes were a light that often appeared among ordinary people.

Not all of them are considered peninsular royalty.

There is a more important distinction in distinguishing the royal family of Peninsula in addition to the color of the pupils.

‘Anyway, he is an impressive young man. It would be nice if we had a chance to talk separately.’

Unfortunately, however, that is unlikely.

Because Langham and Raymond had no contact.

At that time, the speech just came to an end.

“……That’s it for my speech.”

Raymond carefully looked at the people’s faces.

‘I tried my best, but how was it?’

But somehow, the reaction was strange.

There was still silence.

‘Did I mix in way too much advertisement? Did I ruin it?’

It was a moment when his heart sank, a small round of applause rang out from the corner of the banquet hall.

A round of applause.

It was an admiring applause for Raymond’s speech.

The sound, which began quietly, gradually resonated in every other corner of the banquet hall, and soon spread throughout the banquet hall as if waves were spreading.


Considering the characteristics of the noble class, it was a tremendous response.

The merry music rang out and the banquet resumed.

The banquet that started again changed the mood from before and there were aristocrats approaching Raymond one by one!

“Greetings, Baron Penin. My name is Jones, the successor of South Moonlight.” Raymond received the greeting with surprised eyes.

It was the first time that an unknown aristocrat approached first.

‘I bet he had always looked down on me like a bug.’

“I was impressed by what you showed today, so I came to meet you. I think I’ve misunderstood you so far. I hope we can have a chance to talk from time to time in the future.”

‘This is awesome!’

Raymond suppressed his trembling heart.

“As much as you want. Oh, aren’t you curious about medicine?”

That’s how the venue for full-fledged medical promotion unfolded!

The nobles listened to Raymond’s explanation with interesting eyes.

“So, medicine is an ancient secret art that approaches diseases with scientific and logical reasoning.”

“Oh. Is it a dialectical approach?”

“Dialectics? Oh, yes, that’s right. That’s right!”

Raymond’s eyes shone.

The faces of the nobles appeared to be money.

‘Finally, there is light for me!’

It was when they were cheering like that.

Suddenly a cold shower happened.

“Then let’s begin the highlight of the eve, the rain festival.”

It was an event where princes went up to the stage and nominated a person to show off the skills they had honed over the course of a year.

It was a special event unique to the kingdom of Houston in honor of chivalry.

The first order was Seytil, the youngest.

Of course it was a story of no interest to Raymond.

‘Is it a non-title problem?I can hear the money rolling in.’

But then.

An unexpected cry broke out from the platform.

“Raymond, come up! I’ll point you out as a duel! I’ll teach you a proper lesson!”


All the nobles in the banquet hall opened their eyes wide at the sudden request for a duel.

Sword genius Seytil applies for a secret duel against the corrupt Raymond? Raymond, the person concerned, pointed his finger at himself.


What kind of crazy.

‘No way. I don’t think so. No matter how crazy he is.’

Seytil shouted viciously again with red-hot eyes.

“Raymond, raise your sword!”

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