Doctor Player

Chapter 84:

Chapter 84

Seytil had no intention of challenging him to a duel.

He was going to be satisfied on being able to humiliate him in his speech.

However, rather than being humiliated, he received splendid spotlight. Not to mention the fact that he even saw that the lady of the noble family he had secretly harbored dark intentions was looking at Raymond.

His eyes rolled back.

He had to make an extreme choice.

During the duel, he will point out the guy and beat him up in front of everyone!

It is not good for Seytil himself because it is a picture that persecutes the weak, but he was not a person who cared about such things in the first place.

All he wanted to do is beat him up.

“Hurry and raise your sword!”

Several people tried to dissuade this ridiculous duel.

“Your Highness, Baron Penin is a healer. You can choo-…….”

“You’re too noisy!”

The person incharge of the security happened to be Sir Walton, the superior of the Royal Knights who had known Raymond during the previous exploration of the ruins.

Since King Oden had already left, he had to handle this difficult situation.

“Your Highness, Baron Penin will not be able to handle your sword.”

“Shut up! Can’t you just get out of my way instead of making unnecessary noises?!”

Royal Knight Walton clenched his fist.

‘You shameless son of a bitch.’

Seytil’s rudeness was also famous among the royal knights.

There was no answer when he began to act recklessly, but Walton did not retreat.

‘Baron Penin is a benefactor to the Royal Knights! I must protect him at all costs.’

Meanwhile, then.

Raymond was shivering behind Walton.

‘What kind of duel is this? This guy is nuts!’

‘Of course, I have no intention of accepting it.’

But then, Raymond felt a strange stare.

‘You’ve been pretending to be good but look at you now, you scaredy cat.’

‘I hope you’ll get a good beating on this opportunity.’

Naturally, not everyone at the banquet hall was impressed of Raymond.

There were still a lot of people who looked at the situation with savory eyes.

‘If I get scared and run away, the reputation I have managed to build today may be in vain.’

As I say repeatedly, the kingdom of Houston honors chivalry.

It was considered the best shame to run away in fear of a duel.

‘If I run away, I’m sure those who hate me will spread all kinds of bad rumors.’

Then today’s goal of attracting aristocrats to the treatment center was also likely to fail.

‘What should I do? God, why is that bastard so crazy about self-destructing together?’

An idea flashed into Raymond as if on cue.

‘Maybe this can be a chance?… For me to be a hero.’

Avoiding a duel is the best shame.

On the other hand, challenging the strong with courage is the best virtue.

If you stand tall, you can get the highest glory even if you lose!

‘I can surrender right after I get hit.’

This is a friendly duel so using mana is not allowed.

‘We will even use a wooden sword and not a real sword.’

Moreover, Raymond had a secret means of not getting hurt.

‘When I get hit, I can use the shield secretly!’

‘Then I can be a hero safely!’

If Seytil makes a bad move, then the head of the department, Walton, will come forward.

‘I helped him during the last exploration of the ruins, so he will protect me with the best of his abilities.’

On reflection, it was a duel with more to gain than to lose!

He will be the unlucky hero who fought against the wicked prince!

The nobles die in honor, and they live in honor.

It was clear that aristocrats would flock to the treatment center with more favorable feelings for his struggling to protect his honor.

‘Let’s take a moment of hardship for tomorrow’s wealth movie. Safely, of course!’

“I see. I accept your request for a duel.”


Everyone looked at him in surprise.

“No way!”


Not only Walton, but also Christine and Lao reacted worriedly.

But Raymond shook his head with a sad face.

“Of course I am afraid. But I, too, am a man of honor. I can’t let it go under unfair persecution.”

Although they argued several times, they didn’t break Raymond’s insistence on protecting his “honor.”

Of course, the nobles admired Raymond’s appearance.

‘I’m sure he is no match for him, but he is so brave to step forward.’

‘That is not to be laughed at. Houston’s knight is also a spirit itself. As expected, he is illegitimate, but is it the blood of the knight king that is running through his veins?’

Walton worried about Raymond a lot. “Why don’t you reconsider? It’s dangerous.”

Raymond shook his head with a sad look.

“As an honorable aristocrat, how could I do that? I believe Lord Walton will prevent any unexpected occurrence.”

‘Please, protect me!’

He said with this mind, and fortunately, Walton nodded firmly.

“Don’t worry. We will intervene as soon as there is any danger.”

“I trust you!”

So Raymond stood on the stage of the steaming duel.

When he saw, Seytil’s red eyes. Raymond had gotten scared. So he tried to calm himself first.

‘Let’s surrender right after one hit. I should ready my shield magic.’

It was not long before a duel began.

Seitil rushed in with his wooden sword raised.

“Be prepared!”


‘Oh, my. I know you are strong! You crazy punk! Are you really going to kill me?’

When the wooden sword flew in his direction, he was so scared that he would get hit.

Raymond unwittingly dodged the wooden sword.




At that moment, there was silence in the banquet hall.

It was a strong attack, but Raymond avoided it too easily.

Raymond blinked too.

Then a message slipped into his mind.

[This is a crisis!]

[Self-defense skill, “The therapist’s self-defense skill” is manifested!]


Stamina: 34 → 44

Sense: 32 → 37

In addition, his stats went up further.

[The opponent’s power is strong!]

[The perks of “Achievement: A Dwarf Who Knocks Down a Giant” will be manifested]

[You will ‘slightly’ become stronger!]


Stamina: 34 → 44 → 47

Sense: 32 → 37 → 40

At that moment, Raymond felt a strange sensation.

‘I feel light.’

It seems as if he threw away a sandbag that had been restraining both his arms and legs.

His sense of his hand seemed to be on high alert as well.


Then, Seytil stormed back in anger, attacking him again.

“How dare you!”

Surprisingly, Raymond dodged again this time!

That was not all.

“Argh! Help me!”

He wielded a wooden sword in a reckless manner.

He didn’t swing it rationally.

It was instinctively wielded in fear.

However, it flew into Seytil’s face exactly.

“Ha! Funny!”

Seytil’s eyes, which were laughing with carelessness, grew angrier.

The flying wooden sword was faster than he thought.

And he was strong-minded man.


Only then did he try to avoid it, but he was a step late.

The speed at which the wooden sword flew was much faster than the speed at which he tried to avoid it.

As a result.

Raymond’s wooden sword hit Seytil’s face with a straight punch!

“Kku, kku”

Seytil made a deflated noise.

Double nosebleeds trickled down.

“You, you…….”

Seytil’s voice trembled.

And there it was, he fell flat on his face.

His brain was ringing and he fainted!

“Uh, huh?”

Raymond looked at Seytil, who had collapsed in embarrassment.

‘What? Is he acting to make fun of me?’

He lightly stabbed him with a wooden sword, but he just wriggled and didn’t wake up.

He was truly stunned.


Only then did the waiting healers rush to carry the Seytil.

“Your Highness! Wake up!”

“His nose is broken!”

“One of his front teeth fell out too! Your Highness!”

[‘The Dwarf Who Defeated A Giant’ has been achieved again!]

[Achievement strengthened to +2!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Accumulated additional 20 skil points!]

[Privilege: When you fight against someone stronger than you, you demonstrate mysterious power and ‘slightly’ strengthen your small attack!]

“Well, did I really win?”

Raymond saw the message, but he still couldn’t believe it.

Who is Seytil?

He was a sword genius who reached the level of a sword expert beyond the mana user.

The ‘primary’ status of an expert.

Moreover, since he had sealed his mana and went into the duel completely careless, he probably wouldn’t have been able to show even half of his original skills.

But he still fainted with a wooden sword that was wielded recklessly?

‘Did the heaven helped me again because i lived a good life?’

Raymond had no choice but to think so.

That thought was the same for others who watched the duel.

The power gap between the two was too big to say that they won with their skills.

They could only think of it as luck.

However, it was different with one person.

Only Lord Walton was surprised to question it.

‘It’s already the second time. What happened?’

He witnessed Raymond’s fighting power twice already.

When defeating the devil at the ruins. And this time.

‘Let’s say it happened once or twice. Can I really see this as a coincidence?’

Of course, it was hard to see it as a skill.

Raymond’s attack was literally just a wild swing.

But Lord Walton, the strongman of the Sword Expert ‘intermediate’, felt something at a loss.

‘It was very heavy and fast considering that he swung it recklessly. How could that be?’ It’s clear Raymond didn’t learn swordsmanship.

Then there is one possible answer.

‘……Is Baron Penin a genius of swordsmanship? That’s also incredible.’ Walton looked perplexed.

Raymond is a sword genius.

But there was no other way to explain than this conjecture.

‘……I’ll check it out next time. If Raymond is a genius, then he’s overpowered the Sword Expert with his talent alone.’

He won’t be a normal genius. It could have been a talent able enough to shake off the kingdom.

Maybe he was destined to become the next generation sword master.

It’s just a guess, though.

At that time, applause spread from the banquet hall.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

It was an applause for Raymond, who bravely fought a duel against the strong and eventually won.

“That’s amazing. You’re so courageous.’

‘I can’t ignore you anymore because you’re illegitimate.’

The kingdom of Houston adores the brave.

Raymond’s name was deeply imprinted on everyone’s head. And at this moment, everyone applauded sincerely.

[Achieved: The Highest Reputation!]

[Quest: ‘Main Character of the Banquet’ has been achieved!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Bonus level up!]

[30 additional skill points is gained]

[Your reputation rises!]

[Your reputation rises!]

Raymond clenched his fist.

There have been ups and downs, but they have achieved their purpose. In accordance with their elevated reputation, the nobles will look at medicine with less prejudiced eyes.

But that wasn’t the only thing to be happy about.

Raymond opened his eyes wide when he saw the message that followed.

[Your reputation has surpassed the standard!]

[There is a readjustment of titles!]

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