Dog of War

Even the Finest Sword, Plunged in Brine, will Rust

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site.

Camila's vines knotted together in distress. "Has his genetic code really been modified that much?" 


Xander nodded. "Take a look here. This is his genetic sequencing, and this... " the monitor went split screen, pulling up another image, " a standard Terran. As you can see, this is far outside the normal deviation range."


"I thought Terrans preferred technological augmentation?" Camila asked. "I've never heard of them making edits to their genome like this." 


"Yes, it is rather strange. I've seen a few splices, some light tampering, but this," Xander motioned towards the monitor, "is extremely unusual. I'd say with this level of genetic rewriting, it's rather likely Beckett here was made within a lab." 


Camila couldn't help but recall how Beckett mentioned that he didn't wish to be property again. Oh, stars... "I see. Can you tell what's been altered?" She asked.


Xander sighed, "I'd need some time to thoroughly examine these readings but it may be faster to list the things that haven't been changed." He looked over the readouts again, humming as he pondered them. "A few things stick out, however. Muscle and bone density have been improved, his lack of taste was likely by design, and he seems to be able to produce new stem cells for improved healing ability. The immune system seems to have been bolstered as well." He frowned, grumbling as he added, "this likely means that the damage from the scarring was even more severe than I initially thought."


The thought of how much Beckett must have suffered did not sit well with Camila. He had no one to lean on in those moments, forced to tend to himself. She tried to calm down; Beckett was in the compact now, he'd never hurt again. She would see to that personally. "What about Xenodrugs? Would Terran based ones be fine?"


Xander paused to think once again, "We should be able to alter most Xenodrugs to be effective with little effort. He has a lot of differences, but he's still Hominid. I'd avoid giving him anything standard. However, if you have to, smaller and more frequent doses are likely the best bet. His body is rather aggressive about breaking chemicals down," he explained. "You haven't given him anything yet?"


Camila shook her head, "Captain Flint advised against it, xe said his neuro imbalance and emotional disconnect could cause a reaction."


"The Captain was right, of course," Xander nodded. "It's rather fortuitous that he didn't cause any problems. A normal sized class Z dose may have lowered his heartbeat to dangerous levels, possibly even stopping it altogether."


Camila was definitely not going to entertain that thought. "How long do you think it will take to re-engineer the basic classes?"


"Oh, not long," Xander smiled. "I’ll send these readings to a few xenopharamicists and we should be able to make adjustments to most of them soon enough. We do love a medical novelty. It'll be maybe a day or two. He's not too different, same bits in different measurements. I doubt he's at risk of becoming a cotyledon. In the meantime, I'd recommend hypnosis for any emotional instability, or if he needs help sleeping."


What a relief to know he wasn't at risk. It'd be devastating if the little one became a cotyledon; he deserved so much more. Camila eyed Beckett's sleeping form, the lollipop still in his mouth, "What about the sedative? And the surgery?' 


"The sedative doesn't work the same as a Class Z, it temporarily halts higher level brain processes. Beckett’s operate the same way as a standard Terran. It's only tricky when trying to get them to do something specific," Xander explained. "The surgery can continue as planned, but I'm not going to be able to give him a normal painkiller. The one I'll need to use is rather strong, tantamount to a Class-M. He'll be rather groggy and need assistance at every moment until tomorrow at least."


That he could still be treated was nice, but the thought of Beckett utterly helpless in her vines made her core race. Camila was about to get the chance she wanted. She could show Beckett just how good life as a floret could be- how good life as her floret could be. At the very least help dispel his misgivings about having an owner. "W-well," she stammered, poorly trying to hide her excitement. "I suppose I'll manage."


Xander chuckled, "I'm sure. Now, do you have any further questions?" 


Camila thought about it for a moment, trying to think of anything the Vet could actually tell her presently. "Is there anything you could tell me about the scarring on the neck, or the rectangular one between his shoulder blades?"


Xander hummed, turning Beckett over on the table, examining both scars briefly. "The one on the back is simple enough. That patch of flesh was removed with a sharp implement, clearly deliberate. The one on the neck seems to be a powder burn from a small explosive, along with damage from the explosive itself. I'd say the origin was less than five centimeters away, likely right up against his neck. This would have resulted in rather extreme hemorrhaging, he's very fortunate to have survived." 


He sighed, "Honestly there are no less than a dozen wounds here that should have been fatal. It's rather incredible he survived in the wild so long."


Was this what Beckett meant when he said he was lucky? Oh dear, no wonder the little one was so jumpy. "Thank you, that's everything I wanted for now. I'll give you the room." Camila bowed her head in thanks. 


"Of course," Xander smiled, placing his vines on hers. "It'll only be a few hours, and he's in good care. Feel free to play with Alex if you're feeling anxious or get bored." 


Camila nodded, and exited into the lobby. Logically, she knew that Beckett was well taken care of. However, given that he was apparently different enough from his fellow Terrans that he couldn't use most of their Xenodrugs, she couldn't help but worry. What if there was an unforeseen complication? She began to fidget nervously. 


"Heyyy." A dazed voice called out. She turned to find Alex waving at her, "Master said it's going to be a while and I'm supposed to help keep you company if ya want?" 


What a delightfully adorable offer. She smiled down at the Terran, "That would be lovely, cutie. Is it fine if I hold and pet you a bit?" 


Alex gave a lazy thumbs up. "That's A-Okay Miss!" 


Camila gently picked Alex up, cradling them in her vines. Stroking the precious little sophont, she felt her worries begin to drift away. Soon, Beckett would be in her vines, maybe even truly hers in the not too distant future. Perhaps she should take this opportunity to start filling a notice of intent? It was rather unlikely another Affini tried to make their move, it was normally considered a bit uncouth to do so on another's ward. There was a reason the Notice of Intent existed, however. It would be best to do it sooner, rather than later.


Camila roused Alex from their blissed out state. "Petal, do you mind if I fill out some paperwork while I pet you?" 


Alex merely whined and grasped at Camila's vines, causing her to laugh. "I suppose that's a 'no,' then." She rewarded the cutie by redoubling her efforts, causing them to go slack again. 


Camila pulled out her pad and saw that Beckett's bed had been delivered, that was good. The little one would certainly need plenty of rest. Her pad dinged as a message from Cordelia came through. That was convenient, talking with Cordelia should occupy her long enough for the Vet to finish. She sent a request for the paperwork to be delivered to the Hab and opened the chat. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Heyyy how was the vet? 


[FrequencyFlower]: We're still there. The Vet is busy pulling nearly half a kilo of shrapnel out of Beckett. 


[FrequencyFlower]: Additionally, it seems that he was genetically engineered in a lab. The vet is going to have to alter most Xenodrugs for him.


[ComfyPlamnt]: :o 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Wait what???


[ComfyPlamnt]: I didn't know Terrans did that!


[FrequencyFlower]: They don't, typically. It seems that Beckett is strange in more ways than initially thought. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: well no wonder he's so- hold on


A minute passed before another message dinged through. 

[ComfyPlamnt]: Daisy was being cute wanna see?


[FrequencyFlower]: As though that's even a question, of course I do!


[ComfyPlamnt]: okey one secco


[FrequencyFlower]: That does remind me- I need to send you a picture I snapped and the feed from the Hab last night.


An image of Daisy came through. She was laying down. One hand half open near her head, the other entangled in vines above it. Her hair sprawled out radially behind her. A carefree smile that melted Camila's core on her face. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Oo do share


[FrequencyFlower]: So cute!!! 


Camila sent through the picture she snuck of Beckett hugging Daisy. A surprised look on Daisy's face as Beckett gives her a powerful embrace. Beckett's back to the camera. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Awwwww


[ComfyPlamnt]: It's always so precious to see the little ones warm up!


[ComfyPlamnt]: And Beckett has a lot of warming up to do! You should consider yourself lucky to be there for it!


[ComfyPlamnt]: Speaking of, I got distracted before I could finish my thought earlier. It's no wonder Beckett is like that if he was made in a Terran lab!


[FrequencyFlower]: I suppose. It does explain why he said doesn't want to be property again for example. I can't help but feel there's more to it however. Like if he was hiding that, what other things could he be hiding? What if he's been lying?


[ComfyPlamnt]: Hmmm


[ComfyPlamnt]: Well you can try asking!


[ComfyPlamnt]: Beckett didn't try to lie when I asked him about last night's dinner! 


[ComfyPlamnt]: I don't think he cares about straight up lying, but I dunno, I could be wrong.


[ComfyPlamnt]: Or you could just wait until the Class Ds are ready and go that way~


[FrequencyFlower]: Hmm, you do have a point. He seems to be rather forthcoming when confronted, for the most part at least.


[ComfyPlamnt]: Oh? 


[ComfyPlamnt]: I guess he was pretty resistant when we mentioned that he has a disability.


[FrequencyFlower]: Exactly!


[FrequencyFlower]: I don't think I told you but it seems Beckett may have some gender issues as well. He got rather agitated when I tried to explain he might not fully identify as a man if it doesn't make him happy.


[ComfyPlamnt]: Ooo 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Helping the cuties find themselves is so much fun!!!!!!


[ComfyPlamnt]: I'm a little jealous ;^;


[FrequencyFlower]: Well, it's not like Beckett seemed to enjoy much of anything. It might just be his general anhedonia. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: That's a good point


Alex adjusted themselves under her vines, settling into a new position. Sighing contentedly as Camila shifted her vines to accommodate them. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Speaking of, is the Vet fixing that today too?


[ComfyPlamnt]: Or just the surgery?


[FrequencyFlower]: Aurelius said the functions of the brain are the same so he should be able to correct them. Oh, I forgot to mention this earlier, but since he can't use the normal Xenodrug painkillers, he's going to use something that should be safe for Beckett that's much stronger. The effects are going to be tantamount to a Class-M, though he'll retain some amount of muscle control.


[ComfyPlamnt]: !!!!!!!!!


[ComfyPlamnt]: :o


[ComfyPlamnt]: Oh stars!


[ComfyPlamnt]: You've GOTTA send me pics!!!!


[ComfyPlamnt]: aaaaaa that's so exciting!!


[ComfyPlamnt]: He's gonna be all doped up in ur vines!


Camila smiled at Cordelia's infectious excitement.

[FrequencyFlower]: I will, don't you worry. 


[ComfyPlamnt]: Be careful though!


[ComfyPlamnt]: Beckett will probably be out of it today, but he'll likely be less than pleased tomorrow if you overstep! 


[FrequencyFlower]: Just what he needs and nothing more. Well maybe a little petting. But just a bit!


[ComfyPlamnt]: Just try not to overdo it and it should be fine!


[ComfyPlamnt]: Also lemme know when his xenodrug grafts are ready, I suspect I'll need some when I'm pet sitting for you!


[ComfyPlamnt]: It's time for Daisy's lunch now tho so baiiii


[ComfyPlamnt]: We'll talk soon!


[ComfyPlamnt has disconnected]


Lunchtime? Checking the clock she noticed it was in fact just past noon. Stars, had it been that long already? Beckett should be ready any moment now. Camila checked in on Alex, to find them snoozing adorably. All the petting had really tired the little one out it seems. She gently scratched them under the chin, "Alex, cutie, it's time to get up." 


Alex made a sound rising in pitch, questioning why they were being roused before realization dawned. "O-oh, hello Miss Verdun. Is Master done?" They blushed.


Camila gave the adorable little cutie another scritch on the head, "He should be done soon. Do you want help back to your desk?" 


"Mhm!" Alex nodded. Camila gently placed the little one back into their seat, in front of their adorable little desk. Maybe once Beckett was domesticated she could-


The sound of the door opening interrupted her thought, "Ah, Miss Verdun, I'm done with little Beckett now." Xander announced. He motioned behind him. "If you would follow me, I can wake him up."




Everything was... Swimming. Fuzzy and warm, like they had been wrapped in a warm blanket. It felt like their body was light-years away. Thoughts were slow and ponderous, like trying to draw something up through tar. Consciousness dawned at the same pace as the sun breaking over the horizon. 


"Beckett? Little one?" They knew that voice, didn't they? It seemed familiar at least. Was it talking to them?


"Who's Beckett?" they mumbled. The name seemed familiar, but they couldn't place it. "Do we know 'em?" 


The first voice said something in a language they couldn't understand. It sounded concerned. It was answered by a second, deeper voice. The two voices continued to converse as they tried to collect themselves.  


They realized they couldn't move. The same weight in their head was in every muscle, every tendon. They could twitch a few fingers, wiggle their toes, but no more. Sitting up was out of the question. 


A voice in the back of their head was shouting, but it was too far away to hear. 


The voices talked to each other for brief while before the softer one spoke in Standard again. "Little one, do you remember who I am?" 


"Nuh." Their tongue felt lazy too. "Sound familiar, though."


The voices conversed in that weird language again. It was kinda nice to get a break from talking. Words weren't easy at the moment, and neither were thoughts for that matter. They tried not to drift to sleep, just in case the voices wanted to ask them something again. "Okay dear, I'm going to pick you up now."


Oh that was nice, there was no way they could walk. They felt... Ropes? Very soft ropes pushed themselves under them before wrapping around them, turning them and lifting them up. Ohh, she was made of plants! Those were vines around them. "Woah..." The word slipped out of their mouth, she was so pretty! And smiling at them! And her eyes...


She looked away, presumably facing the other voice as they talked in that language again. They drifted for a moment. "How are you feeling dear?" Oh, she was talking to them again.


How were they feeling? Good? Definitely not bad. "Like there's goop in all of me. Everything's all... Fuzzy. And far away. Okay, I think? I dunno." 


She sighed in relief, "Yes, you'll probably be fuzzy until you wake up tomorrow. I'm gonna take you home and get you ready for bed, okay?" She explained.


"Okay." They tried to nod. They wished they could remember her name, or their own for that matter. It felt like it was just out of reach, on the tip of their tongue. 


She exchanged a few more words with the other voice that they couldn't understand. "Okay cutie, let's go home." Home? Did they live together? How lucky!


They were moving. They could feel the slight bob of the woman's walk. The wind moving over them. The comfort of the vines.. "


You're soft..." They mumbled, unbidden. That voice in their head said something again, still too distant to make out. 


"Thank you! And you, my dear, are absolutely adorable." She softly stroked a few vines through their hair. 


They flinched, or tried to at least. Their muscles had no strength with which to spasm. "D-don't." They couldn't place why, the sensation itself was actually quite nice, but it was just wrong. Too much. Too intimate. 


"I- sorry." She apologized. "I simply couldn't help myself, I'll keep the touching to a minimum, okay?" 


They felt rude. She was helping them, and they couldn't return the favor in any way. Tears started to well up in their eyes, which was strange. They weren't normally this emotional, were they? They lacked the strength to reach their own memories. They sniffled, trying to fight back the tears. 


"Aww, no, it's okay sweetie. Shhh." She said, "It's okay. Look, we're home." The vines helped them up, letting them see... a rather large living area. Palatial even. 


Was this their home? It seemed a little familiar, but it didn't feel like home. "Home?"


"Yes dear, your home for as long as you'd like. Our home." She turned them so they could see her smile.


Stars, she was so, so, "Pretty..." They mumbled.


She giggled, and what a wonderful sound that was. Like a warm summer breeze coming through on a cool night. "Thank you, little one. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm going to help you eat and wash up and get ready for bed, okay?"


Well, they certainly weren't in position to do any of that right now. "'Kay..."


The lady carried them into another room. Just how big was this place exactly? "Now, the Vet said your neurons are still reforming connections which is why your memory isn't functioning normally. He also said that you won't be able to taste for a few more hours as a result of your brain still forming those pathways, so I'm going to compile you something." They heard a few beeps, followed by a gentle fwoosh accompanied by a wonderful scent. Wait, did she say Vet? 


"Uhm, Miss, why was I at the Vet?" They asked. 


"Well, that's just where adorable little cuties like you go when you need medical attention." She explained as she sat then upright in her lap, vines supporting them. A bowl of wonderful smelling soup was placed in front of them. 


Something wasn't adding up. Vets were for animals, weren't they? They weren't an animal... It then dawned on them, the other main purpose of a Vet. "Miss, am I a pet?"


"Beckett?!" She sounded alarmed, vines underneath them twitching. That name again. It was... hauntingly familiar. They had upset the nice lady, hadn't they? Tears started to well up again. They couldn't even accept help right.




They cried, tears now flowing openly. It felt strange, like it had been ages since they last actually cried. 


"Dear? What's wrong?" She was concerned now.


"I can't... I can't do anything." They sniffled, forcing words between tears. "You're helping me and I can't do anything. I can't remember your name. I can't even sit there and let you pet me. I-" they broke down, weeping.




"Listen to me," her voice rang clear, pushing through the darkening fog. She lifted them out of her lap, tilting their face up until their eyes met. Her eyes were pools of light, deeper than space itself, drawing them in. "You were at the Vet because that's where all sophont species go, not just the ones that are pets. You are not a burden, and you do not need to do anything. You are recovering from an extensive medical procedure and I am more than happy to take care of you. Do you understand?"


The words pressed themself into their mind. Objective truth. "Y-yes." They sniffled, calming down as the tears faded. 


Miss used a cloth to dry off their tears and smiled. An infectious happiness radiated out from her. "Feeling better?" 


They still felt a little bad about being such an emotional wreck, but... she said it was fine, so it had to be fine, right? "Yeah, thank you Miss."


She giggled, "Goodness, even without any of your memories you're always so formal." Miss lowered them back into her lap. It was nice that she seemed to be in a good mood. 


"I suppose..." It was just basic manners, wasn't it? "What is your name anyways?"


"I am Camila Verdun, First Bloom," She answered, "and you, little one, are Joshua Beckett, and you prefer to go by Beckett. You normally call me Miss Verdun, but 'Miss' works just fine." 


"Ohhh," no wonder that name sounded familiar. There was a nagging feeling that  'Beckett' wasn't right either. However, that's what Miss Verdun said, and they had nothing to say otherwise. "That's why you asked about 'em..." 


A spoon held by vines dipped into the soup in front of them, stirring it. "Yes, dear, that is why. Now I'm going to need you to help you eat, so open your mouth when I bring the spoon up, okay?" The spoon lifted out of the bowl, full of broth, and moved towards their mouth.


Warmth flushed their cheeks, they really wished they could move. Being carried and sat up was one thing, but being literally spoon fed was just... embarrassing. Again, they saw no alternative. They were completely at Miss Verdun's mercy. "...Okay." They opened their mouth and the spoon slipped inside, depositing the warm liquid.


"Very good," Miss Verdun praised as they fed them another spoonful, "I know you don't like this, but it's just one meal. Tomorrow you'll be able to eat on your own."


Right. Just one meal. They just had to finish the bowl, then they'd get to go to bed and wake up better. The meal progressed in silence for a few more spoonfuls, before the growing awkwardness prompted them to break it. "How long have we known each other?" 


Miss Verdun hummed as she fed them another bite, "Not long, about three days." 


Three days?! She was feeding them and they were basically strangers! They swallowed, "I-I see." They mulled over the information as Miss Verdun fed them another spoonful of soup. "Can I ask why?" 


Miss Verdun paused. "I'm afraid I don't understand, why what?"


"Why are you so nice? Why are you doing all this stuff for me?" They asked, "I can't imagine we really know much about each other, and you said it's fine but-" 


The spoon was gently but forcibly inserted as they spoke, silencing them.


"None of that now, cutie." Miss Verdun softly scolded, "We may still be getting to know each other, yes, but that doesn't change a thing. I would be happy to do this for you if we met only today. I think you deserve at least a bit of kindness." 


Something inside then ached. 


"Dear, is something wrong?" Miss Verdun asked.


"I don't know," they replied, fighting back tears yet again. Every emotion since they woke up had felt so amplified, it was nearly impossible to decipher what, exactly, they were feeling. "Everything feels really intense."


Miss Verdun sighed as she fed them the last of the soup, "Yes, I'm afraid that part might take a bit longer to correct." She cleaned their mouth of the small bit of soup that had found it's way there. "Your neurochemistry was... very far off from that of an emotionally healthy Terran. You'll likely experience elevated emotions and mood swings for a while yet."


She lifted them out of her lap, cradling them in her arms. "Don't worry though, I'll be there to help you every step of the way." 


Geh, that felt... nice, but also awful? Like it was so sickeningly sweet it threatened to make them hurl. Miss Verdun was very insistent about helping them, despite them being unable to return the favor. "Now, let's get you washed up." 


"What?!" They needed to move NOW. Their muscles failed to twitch at command, they quickly moved to their only option as of late: bargaining. "I-is that necessary? Surely one missed bath isn't-"


"It is absolutely necessary," Miss Verdun interjected. "I will not put a smelly Terran in a new, clean bed. I thought you weren't shy about being naked around me?" 


Did they say that? It was vastly unfair that only Miss Verdun had any information. "Naked is one thing, but you're talking about washing me!" Panic was setting in. 


Miss Verdun stopped moving and thought for a moment. "I think I understand the problem. If I touch you in a way you don't like, or that's too much for you, let me know and I'll stop okay?"


That didn't exactly stem their fears, but it did assuage them. "If I say anything -"


"I'll cease immediately, and move on." Miss Verdun raised a vine, as though she was swearing an oath. "Is that acceptable?"


Honestly, they were basically at their limit of physical contact as-is. They steadied their breathing and reminded themselves that it was just one bath. Afterwards, they could go to bed and wake up feeling like themselves again. They could do this. "Okay. Let's get this over with." 


Miss Verdun directed their attention up to her face with a vine. She made eye contact, smiling at them as she spoke, "It'll be okay, sweetie. There's no need to feel nervous."


They let out a sigh as they fell into her eyes once more, the slight bit of tension they managed leaving their body. It was okay. It was going to be okay. 




"I'm going to have to undress you now, okay?" Camila kept her biorhythm up. It seemed like Beckett responded well to this level. 


His heart rate accelerated just a tad, "O-okay." Beckett stammered, closing his eyes in anticipation.


Stars, the little one was too cute! The moment he got over his touch aversion Camila would make up for lost time- and then some. That the issue was deeply rooted enough to be present even when he was unable to remember anything was a fairly poor sign. Beckett needed an owner to help him, and give him the love he needed. Sooner, rather than later. 


Camila wondered as she removed the little one's hat; Maybe the Captain was wrong, maybe it would be better to end this farce early. It was far more difficult to address his issues with her vines tied. There was clearly a loving pet just beneath all the hurt and heartache that made up 'Beckett.' 


As Camila untied and removed his boots, she recalled the advice of both Cordelia and Flint: he needed time, and a chance. He'll likely come to the right choice on his own. If he didn't, he'd be collared in the end, and better suited to accept it. She just needed to trust Beckett and prod him along the right path.


Camila removed Beckett's jacket, shirt and pants, relishing in the treat. It would likely be quite a while until the little one was in her vines again, and even longer until she got another chance to bathe him. He remained quiet, his eyes closed and a slight blush on his face. "Okay little one, almost done," she comforted.


Beckett made a small grunt of discomfort as Camila removed his underwear. Oh, he was blushing furiously now! How adorable! It was so cute how Terrans got flustered by the simplest things. "There we go. That wasn't so bad, was it?"


"Can we just get through this?" Beckett's voice was teetering on the edge. Best not to push it. 


Camila stepped into the bath and lowered Beckett into the water, placing him in her lap, "Okay petal. Remember, if any place is too much, just let me know." 


"Mhm." Beckett affirmed. Stars, seeing this nervous, vulnerable side of him was too much! 


Camila started by pouring some warm water over him, filling up a makeshift bucket formed from her leaves. She placed a modest dollop of shampoo onto his head, and slowly started working it in, giving him time to object. Beckett grunted softly several times, prompting her to slow down for a moment. Fully lathered, she poured water over him a few more times, rinsing it out. 


She repeated the process with the conditioner, but didn't rinse it out. Grabbing the luffa Camila gave Beckett a warning, "I'm going to start with your face and work on down, okay?" 


Beckett didn't say anything as she gave him time to respond. It seemed like he was focused on remaining silent. Camila lathered up the luffa and titled his head up, gently scrubbing his face. No complaints there. She moved onto the neck-


"Stop!" Beckett yelped as soon as the luffa touched his throat, his body tensing the small bit it could. 


Camila pulled away immediately, "Okay dear, we'll move onto your back." It seemed like the little one was very sensitive about his scar there. Some sort of small, close explosive... it was strange. She'd have to press Beckett about it after she got the Xenodrugs. It was doubtlessly some deep seated trauma, and pressing him on it without a class E on hand was a recipe for disaster. 


Cautiously, Camila started on Beckett's back. A few soft grunts, but no objections. The chest and arms were much the same. A few scrubs, some water to rinse off, more scrubbing. She started on his rear, finding no complaints. With nothing else higher, she gently touched the luffa to his crotch. 


"Absolutely not!" Beckett exclaimed. That was to be expected, she supposed. Terrans were so finicky about being touched there. 


"Okay little one, tell me when I get to a place that's good to start from." Camila started slowly lowering the luffa down his thigh. 


About midway down, Beckett spoke out, "There's fine." 


Well there shouldn't be any further resistance at least . Camila scrubbed down the rest of him, before pouring more water over him and rinsing out the conditioner. "There we go," she smiled, lifting Beckett up out of the water. "That wasn't so bad was it?" 


"I really hope I won't remember this." Beckett grumbled. 


Ah. There... probably was going to be some significant fallout tomorrow when Beckett regained himself, wasn't there? He would doubtlessly take incense at being treated in this manner. "Well we're almost done, so bear with me, okay cutie?" 


Camila retrieved some nearby towels and pat Beckett dry, leaving the two areas that seemed off limits to dry on their own. She applied paste to his toothbrush and brought it a few centimeters from his face, "Say 'ah.'" 


Beckett looked conflicted, for a moment Camila thought he was going to cry again. Then he took a long breath in and exhaled, opening up. It was quite admirable how he was doing his best to take things in stride. The brushing went without incident, and gave the parts she couldn't towel off time to dry. 


Camila carried him through the kitchen, compiling some pajamas and underwear, retrieving them before heading into his room. They were simple, primarily orange with white floral designs, light and breathable. "I'm going to dress you for bed, okay?" 


"Whatever." Beckett mumbled, resigned to his fate. A bit uncharacteristic, but Camila could hardly blame him. The poor thing had been through a lot. "Sorry," he apologized a moment later, "We're really exhausted. Didn't mean to be rude." 


'We?' That was the second time Beckett had used 'we' today. She had thought it might have been a slip of the tongue the first time, or been meant to describe Beckett and herself. This time, however, he definitely was talking about himself. It could still be nothing, perhaps a slip up due to being tired? Now wasn't the time to press it. 


Camilla manipulated Beckett in her vines so he could see her smile. "I know dear, don't worry. Let's get you to bed, and then you can rest." 


Beckett made an intonation in response. The warm bath had clearly tuckered the poor thing out more than she thought. Dressing him was easy, he was far beyond having the energy to protest at this point. 


Camila laid him down in the bed. He was already starting to doze off as she tucked him in. She took one last good look at the little cutie before turning off the light, "Goodnight, Beckett." 


"Night..." Beckett replied, his voice so soft she barely heard it. 

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