Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 55: 055 Yuan Wu\'s first phase

“It’s very likely that this is the reason why the demon’s castle was abandoned.” Zhuang Zimo said in a deep voice, “The parasitic demon will not only parasitize on humans, but the demon cannot avoid being parasitized. The various forms of the parasitic demon may also be due to different parasites. The alien monsters we are looking for may be parasitic in the bodies of other monsters.”

“Why did this horse monster survive for so long before it died? After humans were parasitized, tentacles stretched out from their mouths. The appearance of this horse monster is not abnormal.”

“Maybe the spread of parasitic demons is point-like, and even the parasitic demons come from the magic mountain. The demons thought that they had welcomed a new partner, but they were parasitized and lost their original order. The horse monsters usually patrol the periphery. , I rarely go back to the castle, those machines stopped running, the castle became silent, and the horse monster ran back to see what happened, and was parasitized at the latest.” Zhuang Zimo recalled the old things in the memory of the human body, “According to the activities of the horse monster The law speculates that the castle was completely occupied by the parasitic demons a day or two ago.”

An Yizhen wondered: “Why haven’t I seen other parasitic demons? Those demon slaves who fled to the door also seemed to be torn apart instead of being parasitized.”

“I don’t know, maybe the monsters who weren’t parasitized would run along the pipeline back to the Magic Mountain when they saw something was wrong. The parasitized ones were either killed or chased back to the Magic Mountain?”

An Yizhen’s expression changed: “So there may be demons or parasitic demons in the pipeline leading to the magic mountain?”

“Well, that’s what it means.” Zhuang Zimo sighed, “So when we enter the pipeline, don’t take it lightly. I’ll open the way, follow me, and kill everything you encounter.”

The two returned to the floor above the ground while talking.

There was no instruction from the devouring system, indicating that there are no monsters above D rank in the castle for the time being. An Yi made a rational mind and said loudly to everyone: “There should be no other large monsters in the castle. We just killed a parasitic monster. It is parasitic on the horse monster. It is more dangerous than the parasitic monster we saw outside before. There may be other monsters or parasitic monsters in the pipeline to the magic mountain, everyone be careful.”

“The demons have heavenly eyes, maybe it’s the demon star that Master Fu said. Our demons may already know about our every move. But the parasitic demons are parasitic even the demons, and they may be in a mess inside. It may be a good opportunity for us to take advantage of it.” Zhuangzi Mo added, “I suggest everyone to go together. An Yi and I really open the way. Don’t keep people here. There are not enough people, and it may not be safe here.”

Li Jifeng from Feiyumen asked suspiciously, “Don’t you leave someone to help you? If you go to the Magic Mountain, you have to go back. All of a sudden you enter the pipeline. In case, I mean if you are attacked before and after…”

Fu Qiming said: “We are now cleaning up the dangers inside and outside the castle. I will set up a magic circle to prevent other demons from entering. We will go to the magic mountain again, which will be more secure.”

Master Fu has spoken, and there is no more controversy.

Li Jifeng followed Sect Master Fu to explore the rooms in the entire castle, let the pet out first, and then enter without danger. There is no problem on the ground, so I started to search the layers below the ground.

As Zhuang Zimo said, there is actually a greenhouse under the ground, in which many green plants are planted, and there are many vegetables and fruits.

Don’t demons eat people? Who do they grow these things for?

There are also several warehouses where black stones, colorful crystals, and buckets of black liquid are stacked in different categories.

Zhuang Zimo checked it and confirmed that the black pieces were coal, the colorful ones were radioactive, and the black liquid was oil. He hastily closed the warehouses.

Li Jifeng found a room and called everyone: “Come and see that this place is full of white ice.”

Zhuang Zimo said, “Don’t go in with a torch!”

Fortunately, Li Jifeng listened to the persuasion and stopped in time at the door.

Zhuang Zimo led everyone over and explained, “That’s not ordinary ice. Those things will burn when they encounter an open flame. It’s a poisonous gas discovered during mining, and it’s likely that the demons use special equipment. Collected and made into this transparent solid.”

An Yi really thought that this feature seems to be very similar to combustible ice, so he also collected some. She took a radiation protection pill just now and touched the coals, crystals, and oil. The coals and oil could not be collected, which is probably more common in the real world. But that crystal can actually collect 2 pieces, 10 times the real world. Now this “combustible ice”, she has also collected 2 pieces, 100 times the realization of the real world.

When she collected materials, she suggested that crystals can be forged to generate enhanced stones, and “flammable ice” is one of the high-grade fuels for forging. Including the hard armor that was dropped from monsters before, all of them are forging-related materials. Why can’t I order something that can be cooked and made into medicine, alas! After working for a long time, she only had 300 stamina points left, and she didn’t get any materials that she could use. Next time, let Zhuang Zimo touch the materials and hand them over to her.

Going to the bottom of the castle, there are five passages, four of which can see the traces of mining, and there are sporadic corpses of demon slaves scattered. Another passage is closed by a metal gate.

Zhuang Zimo said: “Behind the door is the pipeline leading to the magic mountain as I said. But I have never been in it before, and I vaguely remember that the monsters use some special equipment to control the access path inside. When they transport the collected energy, go to the If you send things inside, the pipeline will automatically swallow the materials; if it is a newborn monster, the pipeline will automatically spit out something.”

An Yizhen felt that according to this description, this kind of pipeline is more like some kind of automatic throughput transmission device, and couldn’t help but wonder: “So where is the controller? If we don’t have a controller, can we get in and out smoothly?”

Zhuang Zimo replied, “There are special demons in the castle who control the controllers. If they evacuate, the controllers should also be on them.”

In fact, no matter whether the pipeline can move on its own or not, as long as there is a passage, it is more comfortable than walking on the ground in the extreme cold of ice and snow. In the castle without the heating equipment, the temperature under the ground is much warmer than that on the ground.

Li Jifeng was an activist, he used a tool to poke a hole in the metal door, and let his spirit pet go in to explore the way.

Everyone was not in a hurry to break the door open, fearing that there was really a monster or something weirder hidden in it. Fu Qiming also quickly made a defensive magic circle to seal the castle so that no other demons would approach and intrude.

Zhuang Zimo looked into the pipe through the small hole. It was pitch black, and ordinary people couldn’t see anything, but his sight could detect the situation farther away, and he could also hear more subtle sounds.

It was quiet in the pipe, too quiet.

Except for the sound of the spirit pet running, there is no other noise.

Suddenly, the spirit pet made a sharp cry, as if encountering something terrifying, turned his head and ran back, but unfortunately it stopped making a sound after a few steps.

Li Jifeng spat out a mouthful of blood, opened his eyes, and said in a trembling voice, “There seems to be parasitic demons and other demons in the pipe. My spiritual pet has been swallowed.”

“Did the demon in the pipeline chase after him?” An Yizhen asked.

Zhuang Zimo said, “No, that thing swallowed the spiritual pet and then ran forward. Maybe there is something better ahead.”

Fu Qiming immediately said: “It’s not too late, we will catch up. Zimo, can you open the way? I’ll stop.”

Zhuang Zimo nodded, opened the metal door and walked into the pipeline first, An Yizhen followed closely behind him. The remaining 16 people left a distance to give the people in front a space to retreat before they filed in.

The pipeline is not wide, just like a large sewer pipeline, less than 3 meters high, and the width can only accommodate two people in parallel. There is a conveyor-like device under the pipe, which is stationary and not running at this time.

The pipe smelled of blood, and there was a suspicious dark red on the ground. It is very likely that some of the demons were injured, or perhaps the demons after being parasitized changed their temperament and devoured other demons ferociously.

Zhuang Zimo raised his sword and walked forward, An Yizhen followed behind him and said, “You try not to kill the monster with one knife, let me touch it, I need that energy. In addition, if you touch it, maybe it will drop something good, save it. It’s in my bag. It’s been a long time since I lost something edible.”

When it comes to food, Zhuang Zimo is also hungry.

In fact, the food along the way was much better than in Fengming’s restricted area, but the taste of those dry food was far less delicious than the hot food cooked by An Yizhen in the main **** space. Well, it seems that he needs to take action and try to pick up some more ingredients.

The road ahead was much smoother than expected, and I did not encounter a monster. Even the one that swallowed the spirit pet disappeared.

There is no fork in the long pipeline. The only inconvenience is that it is too dark. Probably the demons don’t need light to transmit things. They have a light-emitting talisman that is posted on the wall not far away to illuminate the road for a while, so they are not afraid.

After walking for nearly three hours, everyone finally walked out of the pipeline and came to a circular hall.

There are more than a dozen pipe exits in the hall, but it doesn’t look like the terminal of the magic mountain, it should be an intermediate node.

Judging from An Yizhen’s eyes, this is a hub station with a large number of vertical freight elevators. There are conveyor belts between all freight elevators. But now these conveyor belts are all stopped, and there are sporadic corpses of demon beasts.

Everyone was on guard and quickly inspected the corpses, and found that they were similar to the horse monsters killed before. Except for the cracked chest, the monsters had no obvious scars on their bodies.

But where did the parasitic demons that escaped go?

While everyone was studying whether to climb up the elevator shaft, strange sounds came from the pipes in all directions. It’s as if something is converging here along the pipeline.

Zhuang Zimo has the strongest ear, and reminded: “It seems that they are all demons, everyone be careful.”

Fu Qiming threw out a large defensive array, and 18 people lined up in turn to form a circle, and they all took out their weapons and magic weapons in unison. More than a dozen pipelines, except for the one they came, almost all moved.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, and you don’t need to look to know that these things are extremely dangerous.

The first one to emerge was a horse monster, but it spit out long tentacles from its mouth, which was parasitized by a parasitic demon. The demons that appeared one after another were all common ones, mainly fish demons, and occasionally some bear demons. . There are mixed monsters that have not been parasitized. They look panicked and watch each other. They don’t know when their companions will become monsters who don’t recognize their six relatives.

Zhuang Zimo and An Yizhen specialize in picking on the parasitic demon. Soon the progress bar of Story Mission 3 was brushed to 120/1000.

The rest of the monks used various magic weapons to deal with common demons, and the results were not bad, and the corpses accumulated more and more. The monsters chasing these demons finally showed their signs.

It turned out that the larvae of some parasitic demons did not escape from the parasitic demon, but directly alienated the body of the demon. They devoured wildly, and their bodies became larger and weirder. They were compatible with the characteristics of many demons, and they were extremely brutal. This kind of monster is no longer something that ordinary monks can deal with.

The combination of Zhuang Zimo and An Yizhen was not affected in the slightest. Zhuang Zimo first split the demon, trying not to split to death. An Yizhen touched a handful of energy and fed it to the Devouring System. Most of the harvest is D-level, and only dropping the treasure chest will no longer increase the player’s attributes. And that kind of alienated monster is rated B-level, which is liked by the swallowing system. After killing it, it will drop a B-level treasure chest.

There were a total of 10 B-level monsters, and An Yizhen took 9 of them. After all, the reward attribute is that all players have improved, and it is the same for whoever kills them. Another one was killed by Fu Qiming.

I don’t know if Ai Xiangying will notice that her body is getting better and better, her strength and agility have also greatly improved. Anyway, An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo’s physique, strength and agility have increased by 3 points respectively. There are 108 D-level reward chests, 4 C-level treasure chests, and 10 B-level ones that have not been opened. In the future, just opening the box will be soft, and An Yizhen finally found some sense of accomplishment. Even if it is a golden drug, this amount alone is enough.

Pooh! What the **** was she thinking, how could it be Jinchuangyao! She wants all kinds of high-end materials, edible and usable, or some scraps of general skill books.

Although not every monster can drop meat, but Zhuang Zimo has a very high chance of finding ingredients from the monster’s body. The bear demon, horse monster and fish demon can all drop meat, and they can still be eaten. An Yi She has never touched it once, which fully proves that her luck is too dark.

After finally killing this wave of monsters, everyone finished cleaning the battlefield. Just as they were about to rest for a while, there were rumbling sounds coming from several pipes again.

“It’s the water flow! Everyone, go up!” Zhuang Zimo reminded, and climbed up the vertical transport ladder shaft first.

In his hand was the military thorn that he had imagined in the wrapping column, which served as a fulcrum for climbing, and it was very easy to pierce into the inner wall of the well. He tied the safety rope on the way again, leaving the people behind to borrow.

In An Yizhen’s view, this is the elevator shaft, but the elevator car should have floated up to the higher transfer station. Climb up as fast as possible, otherwise the car above will fall and they won’t be able to run.

There are three such wells side by side, An Yizhen followed Zhuang Zimo up, and the other monks were divided into three groups and went up along the three wells respectively. Eggs can’t be put in one basket and God knows which one will get to the top.

Only after climbing up a dozen meters, I saw that a huge amount of sea water had poured into the hall below, with a cold salty smell, quickly submerging the corpses on the ground.

Other pipeline outlets seem to have automatic induction devices. As long as there is no water, the nozzles are closed in time, and the water in the entire hall accumulates and rises higher and higher.

A large number of small black snakes emerged from the water. They poured into the vertical shaft with the inflow of seawater. Some jumped out of the water and adhered to the smooth stone walls of the shaft, but did not fall. These little black snakes can not only walk along the shaft, but also can be suspended in the air for a period of time without falling.

If it is contaminated by these black snakes, it is afraid that parasitic demons will hatch.

Soon, the monks in one of the wells were all recruited. Fu Qiming has his magic circle and magic weapon to protect him, and he can barely resist.

Zhuang Zimo originally opened the way above, but when he found the problem below, he wanted to go down to help, and suddenly saw a black shadow fall from the top of his head.

An Yizhen shouted: “There is a car coming down from above. Zimo, you get rid of that thing.”

The monks behind them also sacrificed their magic weapons to try to stop the little black snake climbing up. Unfortunately, their cultivation is not as good as Fu Qiming, and the defensive magic circle didn’t last long before the little black snake broke through.

An Yizhen shook Xiao Hei out and threatened: “Spray fire, spray down.”

Xiao Hei was so frightened that he hurriedly spewed fire, but when he saw the little black snakes clearly, he spread his wings and stumbled down.

An Yizhen thought it was because he didn’t grasp it firmly and let the little guy fall. Just as he was about to go down to fish, he found that the little black snakes had bypassed Xiao Hei one after another.

Xiao Hei screamed to peck, although a large number of small black snakes dodged, but there were too many, Xiao Hei could peck at random, and swallowed it with his head up.

The more it ate, the happier it seemed, as if it had discovered a new game. While breathing fireballs, it ate the little black snakes, and quickly wiped out more than half of the little black snakes below. The remaining little black snakes have realized the danger and dare not venture up.

Xiao Hei’s body became more and more bulging, like a balloon blowing bigger and bigger, after all, so many little black snakes entered his stomach.

An Yizhen sighed, thinking that this greedy foodie doesn’t know that he will become a parasitic demon? Suddenly, Xiao Hei’s whole body burned.

Maybe Xiao Hei will be the first spirit pet to die. An Yizhen didn’t care about it, and dragged several other monks to climb up quickly.

At this time, Zhuang Zimo’s knife had already slashed at the bottom of the falling car. His speed was also very fast. He drew a circle at the bottom and knocked it out with one punch. Break through. Jump to the top, set up safety ropes on both sides of the well wall, pull hard, and the five people below are dragged up by him at once.

The car quickly fell into the sea water pouring into the pipeline, and the little black snakes and the flaming little black were also pressed underneath.

Just when An Yizhen was in a low mood, a fire flew up from below.

In the fire, there was a faintly spreading bird, emitting a dazzling red light, opening its mouth and chirping. It wasn’t a silly, cute cry, but a melodious cry like the sound of a piano.

An Yizhen was overjoyed: “Could it be that Xiao Hei is really a Phoenix cub?”

After Xiao Hei shouted, the flames all over his body gradually went out, but his body was no longer like a chicken. Although the hair was still black, the wings spread out two or three meters long, almost filling the entire shaft, and flew high in the sky. .

An Yizhen hurriedly threw a rope and put it on Xiao Hei’s claws. This free hoist does not need to be used in vain, it will definitely save effort than climbing by yourself.

Xiao Hei only felt his claws sink, and when he looked down, he saw that it was An Yizhen’s rope.

Having said that, the speed of this phoenix is ​​actually no slower than that of Zhuang Zimo’s crawling, and it is not difficult at all to drag 6 adults.

Soon, they reached the next platform.

This platform looks black at first glance, but in fact, if you look closely, it is actually covered with dense black bugs. Fortunately, Xiao Hei took the lead. It opened its mouth and breathed fire, burning the insects directly, revealing the flat ground.

The floor of this platform is of a completely different style from the hall below. There are no traces of masonry splicing on the ground, just like a whole piece of smooth huge stone.

When other people sighed, An Yi really didn’t take it seriously. Isn’t this a polished concrete floor, at best, a layer of stone-like coating has been added. This can be achieved by modern architectural techniques, but the place where the people of Yuanwu mainland live is extremely rare. Even in the most luxurious room in Xianfu, only conventional building materials such as wood and masonry are used.

More amazing than the ground is that the surrounding walls are made of hard white plastic. It is definitely not a large and well-carved white jade in the mouth of others. It is a hard plastic for industrial products. The main material can be extracted from petroleum. Exquisite patterns are also poured out.

It seems that the demons are more modern than ordinary people in Yuanwu mainland. However, the construction style of the castle here is so different from the castle below. Maybe it was not built in the same period, or even the construction results of the same group of people?

After the black bugs were burnt out by Xiao Hei, everyone walked along this passage for a while, and saw several forks, and for a while they didn’t know where to go.

An Yizhen had noticed just now that when they were halfway along the shaft, the other two shafts had already turned to other places and were no longer ascending at the same time as them. All in all, it seems to be able to reach a higher place than those two.

Fu Qiming sent a sound transmission, which was received by one of their group of disciples. He said, “Master Fu said that they entered a dark cave and encountered a group of demons, so it will take a while.”

“Send the message to him, let’s go from here to the magic mountain. It should be very close to the magic mountain.” The reason why An Yizhen said this is that the swallowing system that has just been upgraded to the third level already has a wider range of detection. ability to measure.

The Devouring System could only be found when the monster was about 1,000 meters away from An Yizhen, but now its induction system can scan a range of 10,000 meters, and as long as the mood is good, the position of the energy body below D level will also be changed. said. For example, where there are some small black snakes and small flying insects.

At the same time, the devouring system can also sense abnormal energy, not just living energy, but dead objects that store a lot of energy, such as power generation equipment and energy equipment, all within its detection range.

With the navigation system of swallowing, An Yizhen easily led everyone straight to the largest energy body. As a magic mountain that can float slowly, it is definitely not driven by aura magic weapon, but should use some kind of conventional energy system. To find the largest energy body, it should be not far from the core of the magic mountain.

Along the way, there are countless forks, and An Yizhen can choose the safest path without hesitation at all. She is not afraid of little black snakes and insects, she has little black to open the way. Along the way, Xiao Hei’s mouth was not idle, either breathing fire or eating little black snake.

An Yizhen stroked its feathers worriedly and sighed: “Did you eat too many black worms and black snakes, so they are black? I thought that the phoenix is ​​also a bright and bright color of golden white. Woolen cloth.”

Xiao Hei pouted aggrievedly, and rolled his eyes at Zhuang Zimo, who was dressed in black. Obviously that human is also black, why doesn’t the master dislike it?

When approaching the largest energy core of the Magic Mountain, An Yizhen and the others entered a super large space with countless artificial incubators arrayed in it.

Those devices are filled with transparent liquid, and the larvae of bear demons, horse monsters, and fish demons are connected to artificial umbilical cords to live in incubators. However, these monsters are not exactly the same in appearance, and some of them look different from the monsters seen below. They have sharper teeth, taller and more powerful bodies, or have no human features at all.

So the human-like monster is a defective product, is it thrown into mining? So where are the remaining qualified demons hidden?

It’s like a large factory for making monsters, except that all the incubators seem to have stopped working. Those monsters that have not yet developed fully are soaked in the nutrient solution and look half-dead.

Going further inside, some incubators shattered, leaving only the remnants of the demon beasts, and the liquid had long since evaporated and dried up.

An Yizhen whispered to Zhuang Zimo: “Perhaps there is a problem with the manufacturing process of the demon, and a mutant species such as the parasitic demon was accidentally produced.”

Zhuang Zimo pointed to the transparent pipeline that was connected to the feeding of nutrients. There were small black snakes cruising there, heading for the incubator: “You can’t keep them here, destroy these demon larvae in time.”

“Come and see, here is a piece of jade, which can show a clear image! But the picture seems to be stuck.” A monk greeted everyone.

An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo flashed over, took a closer look, and recognized that this was an LCD screen, and there was indeed a frozen picture on it.

The cultivator said angrily: “The spiritual energy and magic weapon have been used, but these pictures still do not respond. The monsters are really weird.”

An Yizhen looked at the console under the LCD screen. There were some buttons there. The symbols on the buttons were strange, but they were not logically different from the operation mode of electronic products in her memory. After researching for a few seconds, she finally made the screen Continue to move.

The first thing that appeared in the picture was not a monster, but some normal human beings, and even the material and style of the clothes were not much different from those on the Yuanwu Continent. There are no subtitles and no sound. It seems that there is a problem with the device that plays the sound. It is just a documentary-like picture, where the light and shadow change and time passes silently.

After everyone watched for a while, An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo, who were not natives, first realized that this was not an introduction to the magic mountain, nor was it simply about the origin of the monsters. This may be the historical truth of the formation of the Yuanwu Continent civilization.

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