Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 56: 056 Trial in another world

The Yuanwu Continent is indeed in the core of a planet.

The surface of this planet was once, like Earth or LL star, suitable for human existence. Human civilization has stably multiplied into the farming era, and there is spiritual energy. Human beings can prolong their life through cultivation, and even move towards an invisible energy body that abandons the flesh to complete some kind of evolution. There are precedents.

But suddenly one day, a monster wearing a hard armor cracked a stone and was born. They devoured all flesh and blood and grew bigger and bigger. Ordinary people in Yuanwu Continent became the rations of monsters without even having the chance to escape. Cultivators could only build some small enchantments to temporarily avoid the attacks of those monsters.

Later, a loose cultivator named Xuanyuandu appeared. His technique was strange and powerful, and he could even kill and injure monsters. However, monsters are very reproductive, and the environment on the surface is also occupied and demonized by monsters, making it no longer suitable for human habitation. Fortunately, Xuanyuandu discovered the geocentric space, and after all the hardships and dangers, he united all the great powers at that time, and created a large enchantment in the geocentric space, simulating the sun, moon, and stars on the surface throughout the year. Yuanwu Continent.

The current Xianfu jurisdiction is the ruling territory divided by the great powers who moved to the center of the earth together at that time. In order for ordinary people to forget those painful pasts and live and work in peace and contentment, the great powers sealed up this history after completing their migration. They built magic circles in each immortal mansion, and all the magic circles were activated together to form a solid defensive cover over the Yuanwu Continent to resist natural disasters.

What are natural disasters? Now it seems that it may not be a monster, but to prevent the original magic circle from being damaged, the magma pouring into the ground, and the sky fire falling like rain, destroying the creatures on the ground. The depletion of spiritual energy in the extreme north has already caused the phenomenon of sky cracking, and a similar situation will occur sooner or later in the sky above the major immortal mansions in Yuanwu Continent.

But in the beginning, the geocentric world was definitely an existence outside the world. The aura is more abundant than the surface, and it will not be disturbed by monsters. The founders of Yuanwu Continent soon achieved perfection of merit and deeds. They abandoned their physical bodies, soared into the sky, and became high-level energy bodies, guarding this new world. However, their successors did not have the same unified ideas as their predecessors, and were more comfortable with the status quo and a good and comfortable life.

The differences between Xuanyuandu and them continued to grow. He ignored everyone’s dissuasion, gave up ascension, and insisted on building a laboratory in the extreme north, where the aura was the most sparse. He believes that human beings can’t hide in this shell forever. They must be prepared for danger, find a way to completely eliminate those monsters on the ground, and return to the surface.

On Yuanwu Continent, many machines powered by spiritual energy transformation, novel house building methods, various theoretical books related to magic, and even the laws and regulations of Xianfu were all implemented by Xuanyuandu, and they have indeed improved. the lives of ordinary people.

When An Yizhen saw this, he guessed that Xuanyuandu was probably a traverser, or a player from another world who came to the proving ground. As for the monsters on the surface, maybe they are also players, just non-human races. In the otherworld trial field, players of the same race and the same planet may not necessarily compete. Maybe in the future, she will also encounter a duel copy of different races.

Now the 90-day time limit for this kind of dungeon feels very long. If that Xuanyuandu is really a player in the Otherworld Proving Ground, a thousand years have passed. So far, has he completed the mission and left, or has the mission failure been obliterated? An Yi is really curious.

The video continues to play.

The mainstream of the cultivation world does not agree with Xuanyuandu’s approach, because the spiritual energy on the surface is getting thinner and thinner, there are monsters raging, and the climate has become extreme, which is far less safe and comfortable than in the inner world.

In addition, they also discovered that Xuanyuandu’s laboratory created all kinds of demons, half-human and half-beast. They thought that Xuanyuandu had gone crazy.

But Xuanyuandu insisted that he was doing the right thing and that his experiment was progressing smoothly. Demons can survive in harsh climates without using aura. They use the coal and oil dug out of the ground, as well as those colorful crystals as energy, to replace the aura, generate electricity and light for heating and heating, maintain the operation of the entire laboratory, and have excess energy storage. The demons built greenhouses one by one to grow food and vegetables in extremely cold places. No matter how bad the surface environment is, human beings will definitely be able to survive.

This is only the first stage of Xuanyuan’s return plan. Even demons that do not need aura can survive, and humans can certainly rebuild their homes on the surface without being restricted by aura. These demons are also regularly released to disturb the lives of the people in the south. He wants human beings not to forget the skills of fighting demons, and to learn how to resist or control demons.

He also planned the second stage, to fuse the monsters on the surface with the monsters to create more powerful monsters, forcing the practitioners to continuously strengthen their cultivation, until they can easily kill the monsters, humans can rule again. surface world.

An Yizhen still agreed with Xuanyuandu’s approach.

But the question is when did this place become a magic mountain? There is no Xuanyuandu’s name in all the ancient books of Xianfu. His sect has no disciple inheritance, and there is no trace of the origin of Yuanwu Continent. The heads of the major immortals only know that the combined activation of the magic circle can form a more powerful defensive cover. All the truth seems to be deliberately hidden, and all traces of Xuanyuandu’s existence have been erased.

Could it be that Xuanyuandu is really a player in the otherworld proving ground. If his mission fails, the traces of existence will be erased? So, if she or other LL star players fail the death mission, will they disappear without a trace as if they never existed?

Today, the laboratory in the extreme north has become a magic mountain, and the trials of demon infestation seem to be out of control. The major immortals have sent people to build a heavy barrier to seal the demon in the extreme north and prohibit them from leaving. In this way, people can live and thrive in a comfortable environment for hundreds of years without being disturbed.

The film stopped at the picture they first saw, and the experiment has reached the second stage, and a more powerful monster is about to be born. Starting the movie again will start from the beginning, and the recording will appear as if the pause button was pressed.

There is not a single living person in the huge laboratory in the entire mountain, and there is no intelligent device that can communicate with each other. The demons were swallowed by the parasitic demons. Perhaps earlier, Xuanyuandu was gone. The demons had left the original plan, had their own leaders and their own will, and were no longer willing to be controlled by humans.

The audience of Longguo watched the video through Zhuang Zimo’s perspective, and they talked a lot:

[It turns out that the magic mountain is not a flying magic mountain, but a laboratory for making monsters. So why is the magic mountain rising at this time? ]

[Although Xuanyuandu’s approach is a bit extreme, it is definitely right to be vigilant at all times, so as not to let human beings indulge in a comfortable life. The monsters on the surface are so powerful, sooner or later they will exhaust the resources on the surface and break through the inner world, right? ]

[Could those monsters have already come? The parasitic demon has no social order of other demons at all, and only knows how to devour and massacre. ]

[A few pictures just now were of monsters, which looked similar to the aliens of a certain sci-fi film. Are those the alien monsters? Players have to find a way to get to the surface to complete the mission? ]

[Upstairs, you forgot that there was a sound before. After the parasitic demon’s larvae transform into a certain form, there is a probability of alien monsters appearing. There is no need to go to the surface, there are probably alien monsters in the magic mountain. ]

[What you said is not contradictory. The parasitic demon may be the means by which the monsters on the surface invaded the space in the center of the earth. The appearance of those monsters looks very alien, which is very different from the traditional monsters. ]

[Then why did the players kill so many parasitic monsters just now, but did not encounter a single alien monster? ]

[How can alien monsters be so easy to be born, it would be good to have 1 in 1000, and may also need more advanced parasites? Demons with too low levels are transformed into minions, right? ]

[Official suggestion: Concentrate on killing more parasitic monsters, or find alien monsters. In the same dungeon of the Xiong Kingdom, the alien monsters have appeared, and their appearance is very similar to the monsters on the surface of Yuanwu Continent, and they also have the characteristics of parasitic multi-morphic evolution of all species. Speculation: The more powerful the parasitic monster, the higher the possibility of transforming into an alien monster. ]

Zhuang Zimo quickly told the news of the barrage in An Yizhen’s ear.

An Yizhen said: “Is it possible to cultivate a wave of these incubators? Let’s also brush the progress of the third task of the plot.”

Zhuang Zimo said: “The progress is to be brushed, but I don’t think ordinary monsters can be transformed into alien monsters. We killed so many along the way, but we didn’t encounter a single alien monster. Is the conversion rate too low, or These parasitic monsters are not high-level? According to official analysis, perhaps more powerful monsters can easily be transformed into alien monsters. Do we spare some effort to kill higher-level monsters?”

“Some of the monsters in these incubators already look different from the common monsters in the outside world. They may be elite monsters. And the legendary leader of the monsters who will not die and will wake up after falling asleep will have a higher level. Let’s put this here first. After all the elite monsters are cleared, go find the leader of the monster.”

After An Yizhen finished speaking, let the swallowing system scan the surrounding situation. The C-level energy bodies in the hall basically correspond to the uncommon monsters that have not been parasitized, and there are more than a dozen B+ energy bodies above a few hundred meters, which should be monsters controlled by parasitic monsters. She weighed it and said, “There is still room above, and there are more powerful monsters. We should only be in the middle or lower part of the magic mountain. Or should we go up and kill?”

“Can you feel the magic mountain rising?” Zhuang Zimo asked the people around him.

The crowd shook their heads.

An Yizhen understood in seconds, and said, “Everyone kills the monsters in these incubators first. Zimo and I quickly catch up. There are even more powerful monsters in the upper part of the magic mountain.”

As long as it is not a parasitic demon, it is not difficult for the other monks to deal with the demons still in the incubator.

An Yizhen no longer covets the monsters here. After all, once the rising part of the magic mountain is detached, God knows where it will go, and they will not be able to chase after it. Compared with the third task of the plot, of course, the task of the main line is more important to kill alien monsters.

“This place is more like a large launch tower base.” Zhuang Zimo followed An Yizhen, looked around and said, “The energy collected from the ground is eventually sent here, not all to support the normal operation of this place. I have seen a lot of energy transmission pipelines going elsewhere, it should be that the stored energy has been processed into more advanced things, and the upper part of the magic mountain is lifted into the air, either to the surface or to be launched, and it can fly free from here.”

“According to Xuanyuandu’s plan, they still have to return to the ground in the end. This magic mountain may be the way back to the ground.” An Yizhen was very worried, “A spaceship monster, no matter where it goes, it is very dangerous. ”

According to the instructions of the swallowing system, An Yizhen found the upward elevator shaft. The car was already going up, and there were no conventional elevator buttons. up.

At this time, everyone suddenly heard that the progress bar of the plot mission 3 changed rapidly, from 120 to 150 in a short time.

“It’s Ai Xiangying, they were attacked by parasitic demons.”

The audience of Longguo were also very worried. They could see Ai Xiangying’s picture and sent a message to Zhuang Zimo with a bullet screen:

[Another crack in the sky, burning through an ice field, and a large number of small black snakes emerging from the ground. Some of the people who stayed behind to build the seal were parasitized. ]

[After they are parasitized, they can attack others with aura! ]

[But it seems that there is no consciousness of being a human being, and killing the same kind is not relentless. ]

[Ai Xiangying and the others are in a bad situation. ]

[Yu Haoxuan disagrees with Ye Shenghe, Ye Shenghe wants to lead people to retreat. ]

[Ye Shenghe also followed the instructions of Sect Master Fu. They left for so long without any news at all. The magic mountain was still rising, and the parasitic demons were besieging them. They could only retreat to the outermost sealing wall, which was at least reinforced. pass. ]

[Ai Xiangying pulls Yu Haoxuan to retreat. ]

[Hey, if Ai Xiangying recovers her memory, will she regret it? ]

[Half of them died, and when they retreated, they encountered a group of demons controlled by parasitic demons. It was too miserable. ]

[Ai Xiangying killed so many parasitic demons, why is there no treasure chest reward? ]

[Probably because she didn’t regain her memory? ]

[What time is it, still thinking about the treasure chest, life is more important! ]

In fact, An Yizhen was also thinking about the treasure chest. Even if Ai Xiangying killed ordinary parasitic demons, she could still have a D-level treasure chest. Could it be that the memory has not been restored, and the rewards have been deducted? It is still necessary to hurry up and complete the third task of the plot.

When An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo flew to the top of the shaft at the top, they found a thick black tail flashing with metallic light flashing by.

The tail is extremely thick, and the end is as thick as the waist of an adult. It looks like an alien monster on the surface of the documentary.

Prompts sounded one after another in the minds of the Longguo audience:

[Main player Zhuang Zimo found traces of aliens and monsters. 】

[The main player Ai Xiangying was parasitized by a parasitic demon. Please kill the parasitic demon accurately within 10 minutes, otherwise the parasitic demon will be randomly found in the Dragon Kingdom, please pay attention to safety. 】

The first piece of news just made people happy, and the latter piece of news immediately made the people of Long Kingdom panic in the real world. If parasitic demons appear randomly in the real world… that would be too terrifying and impossible to guard against. The key is that the land of the Dragon Kingdom is too large and the species is extremely rich. The parasitic demons indiscriminately parasitize on any living body. Humans can pass the inspection and investigation. How about so many animals? Once it erupts, will it be like the cultivators on the icefield who are running for their lives in a hurry.

The progress bar of the third plot mission has only reached 180/1000, and even if the mission can be completed immediately, it is only a clue to restore Ai Xiangying’s memory. This description is not 100% able to restore her memory. At present, Ai Xiangying, who has amnesia, can’t hear the prompt tone. An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo are not by her side, and obviously they can’t go back and help her within 10 minutes. She was in a coma, unable to take care of herself, and the parasitic demon would soon break out of her body or turn her into a demon that lost her human consciousness. what to do?

When everyone was tangled, Yu Haoxuan picked up Ai Xiangying’s sword with tears in his eyes and stabbed it into Ai Xiangying’s throat.

Ai Xiangying’s picture turned pitch black again, and the prompt sounded: [The main player Ai Xiangying died completely, and the parasitic demon in her body was successfully beheaded. All the items in Ai Xiangying’s parcel will perish with her. In the dungeon of intermediate difficulty, after the death of the main player, the physique attribute points of all personnel in the country to which the player belongs will decrease by 1 point. 】

As the sound of the parasitic demon’s countdown disappeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded:

[The physique only loses 1 point, and the feeling is that I don’t feel it. ]

[Fortunately, the physical attributes have increased a lot before. ]

[Senior Brother Yu, I wrongly blamed you, you are a good seedling who cultivates the ruthless way! ]

[He was probably just afraid of death, so he killed Ai Xiangying directly to save trouble. ]

[There were other cultivators who were parasitized just now, and those who did not dare to take action against the same door were already dead. ]

[Yu Haoxuan should know that An Yizhen is not dead, that’s why he wanted to survive so much, but he was parasitized by the parasitic demon and had no way to survive. He was also helpless. ]

[I didn’t expect the NPCs in this instance to be so powerful. ]

[Although he killed our player, I still thank him for killing the parasite. ]

[Ai Xiangying is completely dead this time! ]

[I feel sorry for Captain Ai, my memory has not recovered yet, just a few days after being resurrected, it turned out to be a goodbye. ]

[Ai’s family has made so many contributions to the country, and this time they lost an excellent junior, which is really sympathetic and regrettable. ]

There are countless barrages that pay tribute to Ai’s family.

The Ai family also immediately issued a relevant statement, stating that the living people of the Ai family will continue to uphold their original aspirations and contribute to the development and construction of the motherland. No matter how the outside world is guided by public opinion, within the Ai family, Ai Xiangying is only a marginal figure who is not too prominent among the many successors. Compared with other candidates, Ai Xiangying has many shortcomings in addition to being a direct descendant. It was her chance to enter the otherworld trial ground, and dying there to earn a wave of prestige for the Ai family might be the best destination for her in this life.

[Official reminder: One of the main players of the Bear Country died, and the entire strength attribute of the country decreased by 1 point. The alien monsters are extremely fast and have extremely high attack power. Visually, the main players of the Xiong Kingdom, whose attributes are similar to Zhuang Zimo’s, failed to resist the attack, and just hung up. Magic, heat. Weapons have no effect on alien monsters. It is recommended that Chinese players try cold weapons or other special props to protect themselves. ]

Although the barrage reminded that the conventional protective measures were not effective, An Yizhen quickly opened a bunch of magic weapons and small defensive arrays. In addition, she secretly used a death doll on Zhuang Zimo.

In the last dungeon, Zhuang Zimo once opened a doll for the dead. Although it was not used in the end, as long as it was opened, the durability would drop a little. Now the durability of the doll for the dead is only the last point, and after opening it, the item disappears directly.

After An Yizhen finished the operation, he said, “Zhuang Zimo, I used a surrogate doll for you. If you are blamed for rushing in front of you later, you can kill directly without waiting for me. You will come back to me when you die. There are only 2 left in the Great Huan Pill, let’s each one and seek more blessings for ourselves.”

Zhuang Zimo didn’t ask why An Yizhen didn’t need to die for the doll himself. He had no time to say more. He heard the sound of a huge object moving.

Xiao Hei shivered and did not dare to show his head out of the well. Zhuang Zimo walked in the front with a white bone armor-piercing knife, An Yizhen followed closely, and Xiao Hei shrank and followed the master, looking like he would turn around and run away at any time.

This coward! An Yizhen murmured, but the devouring system has already reminded enthusiastically: At least 6 B+ energy bodies, a very huge and delicious meal. Host, you have to be careful, remember to touch it directly!

An Yizhen sighed and said: The system has swallowed so many B-level energy bodies, why hasn’t it evolved advanced skills to absorb energy remotely? Just being a navigator detector and encountering a monster higher than me, wouldn’t I still be a dead end?

Devouring system quibble: Host, you have such a high dodge attribute, and you have the skills of Shenyin and tortoiseshell, so your escape speed is definitely faster than Zhuang Zimo, let him bear it in front, and you can run away when you see that the situation is not good.

An Yizhen is currently an intermediate level [God Hidden] skill, which is activated automatically after the HP is reduced to 50%, and has a 60% chance to block the perception of most monsters in the trial field for 1 minute. The other defensive skill, Tortoise Armor, is a passive skill, with a 10% chance of resisting 50% attacks. With these two skills, plus +11 for evasion and 47 for agility, she felt that she was still able to persevere.

But they soon realized the difference between an alien monster and a litter of alien monsters.

There are a total of seven animals in this nest. They were originally restless and gathered in the large space that was slowly rising. They didn’t know the path to leave, and they were hungry. Seeing Zhuang Zimo and An Yizhen still have the bird, so many living creatures appeared, and they couldn’t help drooling. When their saliva dripped, it gave off a strange stench, corroding the originally flat ground.

“The strong acid saliva, be careful.” An Yizhen reminded, and made a decisive decision, “Try to divert one, let’s pick up the one who is alone and kill.”

After she finished speaking, she took out a piece of demon meat from the parcel bar and handed it to Zhuang Zimo, saying, “You attract monsters, I will attack.”

Zhuang Zimo threw the meat at a short-looking alien monster.

Unexpectedly, although this head is short, he has a great temper. The provocation of the meat makes it show his fierceness, and he summons several other big men to come straight to Zhuang Zimo.

An Yizhen said in a trembling voice: “Zhuang Zimo, you are lucky, that one might be the female queen, and the other tall ones are her male companions. You have made a mistake, so you can do it yourself! I will run first as a respect.”

However, the speed and attack power of these alien monsters far exceeded An Yizhen’s expectations. Although they were B+-level energy bodies, they were definitely different from the underdeveloped juveniles before, and they might have unknown skills.

When they moved, An Yizhen could only see a phantom with the naked eye, and the surrounding magic weapons had no time to sound the alarm. The tortoise shell had been successfully activated, resisting 50% of the attacks, and then she entered the intermediate state of [God Hidden].

If she didn’t have the tortoise shell skill, she would probably just hang up.

Do these alien monsters bully her with little blood? Before she had time to complain, she saw that Zhuang Zimo, who was rushing in front, had also died on the ground, **** and rotten.

He played a role for the dead puppet. He recovered his human form beside her, only a little **** skin was left, and he struggled to eat a big repayment pill without saying a word. He quickly regained his blood and spiritual energy, and charged up again with a knife. .

Taking advantage of the 1-minute perceptual shielding period of the [God Hidden] skill, An Yizhen, with the mentality of seeing death as if at home, put on a leg of the acceleration amulet, and rushed directly to the nearest alien monster.

There was pleasant music in the minds of everyone in the Dragon Country, and the prompt sound happily broadcast:

[An Yizhen, a player from the logistics group, successfully killed 1 alien monster, and the Dragon Country player successfully cleared the Magic Mountain dungeon, making him the first country in the LL star to clear the intermediate difficulty dungeon. All citizens of the Dragon Kingdom will receive a bonus of +3 Strength. A 24-hour rest period for in-field players to receive additional rewards. There will be no live broadcast during the break. The Dragon Kingdom team will enter the next dungeon after 24 hours, and the live broadcast will be started again at that time. Please pay attention to the rest of the audience.

The rest of the rewards are as follows: surviving players in the field +3 all attributes; free allocation of attribute points +3; players’ existing second-level skills (including but not limited to life skills, combat skills) that have been comprehended at random to upgrade to third-level. 】

The whole country celebrated in the Longguo live broadcast room, and of course there were also envy, jealousy and hatred voices from other countries:

[Don’t be too happy for the people of the Dragon country, our players from the Oba country are also there, and they have cleared the isolated island copy. ]

[The Empire of Wood Day wishes the players of the Oppa country to survive the next multi-country hostile dungeon. ]

[The next dungeon of the Java players is also a multi-national hostile type, and it is already waiting for you inside. ]

[The United States and the United States issued a statement: Longguo has approved the export of 2 large shield machines to my country, and the resurrection of Chinese players is imminent. ]

[what? Why was the project of a large shield machine approved so quickly? ]

[Is there an inside story? The United States and the United States must be cutting flesh and blood, giving other interests in exchange for large shield machines. After all, the task of resurrecting their other main player is to develop a vaccine, and the vaccine research and development has not been in a hurry for a year and a half. There is still more hope for digging a tunnel. ]

[Official notification: The Quinn Manor on the territory of the United States and the United States has been successfully taken over by my country, including a free lease period of 99 years within 100 kilometers of the surrounding area, and my country can send troops to garrison. During the lease period, Chinese citizens can enter the concession area without applying for a visa to the United States and the United States. Non-Chinese citizens can only enter the concession area after submitting an application for approval. ]

An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo reappeared in the pure white main **** space, and their clothes changed back to what they had imagined when they left. If it were a few seconds later, the whole body would be melted by the alien monsters.

086 greeted the two with a smile and offered to say, “Welcome to the return of the two players. After the intermediate dungeon is cleared, I will also provide you with more services. For example, the follow-up situation of the world you have experienced will be played for free. Another example, paid Predict information about the next world.”

In fact, An Yizhen has not yet recovered from the emotions of the previous world. After all, if it is not a virtual world, but the real world of another plane, once the monsters and even the alien monsters are freed from the seal, will they be given to the people of that world? Inflicting horrific casualties?

But if it is the real world, they have only left soon, what can happen, just read it in a few seconds. Seeing that Zhuang Zimo didn’t object, she asked first: “I want to see what happens in Yuanwu Continent.”

“As you wish.” 086 unfolded a light screen in front of the two, and introduced, “The time flow rate of the main **** space and the outside world can be adjusted, just like boating in water. The initial setting is the same as yours. The LL star’s time flow rate is quite similar, and it can also be adjusted according to needs. For example, if you want to see the situation of Yuanwu Continent, I can adjust it to 10 years at most. Then return to the current time point. ”

An Yizhen said curiously, “Let’s see ten years later.”

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