Don’t Be Afraid, the Last Meal Has Not Been Digested

Chapter 57: 057 Fanatic Beasts - Part 1

The seal trip ten years ago was extremely tragic.

Fu Qiming led the eighteen warriors to the Magic Mountain and successfully prevented the Magic Mountain from floating in the air. But of the eighteen warriors, only Fu Qiming came back alive, and the others were buried in the Devil’s Mountain. He only brought back a black phoenix. He gathered several surviving elite monks in the extreme north and returned to the south with difficulty. They fled in a hurry, followed by demons they had never seen before, as well as parasitic demons who ignored the barriers of magic weapons and magic circles.

Beilu Xianfu is the closest to the extreme north, and has become the front line of fighting against demons. The surviving Yu Haoxuan had no face to return to Fengmingmen, and stayed at the northern foothills with the black phoenix to fight the demons.

The black phoenix gradually grew up, and it was big enough to carry people across the entire Yuanwu continent. As long as the monsters and monsters hear its cry, they will all run away. It specializes in eating the larvae of parasitic demons, and the fireballs it spew can burn the monsters to death. It has become Fengmingmen, and even the divine bird in the eyes of the northern people. There are also legends that it was formed from the souls of those cultivators who died on the magic mountain, so it has such a powerful power.

The sky fissure continued, and a large piece of the sky above Donglai Immortal Mansion in Yuanwu Continent also cracked open. Ai Jingzhi, who lost his beloved daughter, had no chance to indulge in grief, and led his disciples to resist the natural disaster and rescue the victims. The merits accumulated in disaster relief and fighting against demons turned out to be faster than expected. In less than ten years, Ai Jingzhi ushered in the test of the catastrophe, and he was able to soar when he passed. It’s a pity that Ai Jingzhi was wiped out in the calamity without Zimo, who suffered for his death.

Yu Haoxuan inherited the Fengming Sect, and he was the only one in the Yuanwu Continent with ruthless Taoism.

Zhuang Zimo did not forget the torture in Fengming’s gated area, and commented lightly: “Yes, Ai Jingzhi made me swear a blood oath to bear the death and injury for him, and he might be alive for someone else.”

An Yizhen sighed: “Retaliation for retaliation, no amount of merit can offset the evils that have been done in the past, and the evil spirits who go astray for a while are really terrifying. And I am more concerned about the lives of those people. If they are not What about the NPCs? We just finished the mission and left, but they continue to live in dire straits.”

Zhuang Zimo said solemnly: “Don’t think they are so fragile, Xuanyuandu’s purpose may be achieved in such a violent way. The crack of the sky is irreversible, and neither magic nor spiritual energy can compete with the power of nature, only human beings themselves. Only by learning to adapt to the harsh environment and being able to no longer be afraid of demons can you become the real master. Hiding in a shell and pretending to escape is just a moment of comfort.”

“086, will the traces that we have appeared gradually be eliminated? People we met died, and written records were accidentally destroyed. Maybe it won’t take a few decades, and no one in the world will know our name. It’s like Xuanyuandu. ?”

086 replied solemnly: “Player An Yizhen, do you suspect that the otherworld proving ground is the real world?”

An Yizhen nodded: “Yes. And I suspect that Xuanyuandu is also a contestant who participated in the trial.”

086 did not answer clearly: “This is beyond the scope of information I can provide, I’m sorry. Do you want to ask anything else?”

This sloppy eye skill is far worse than the Devouring System. An Yizhen complained, and could only change the subject: “So what currency or materials do you need for paid consultation in the next world?”

086 replied: “All kinds of materials can be used, but the price is up to me.”

“Okay, do you see anything valuable on us?” Of course, the information about the next world has to be inquired. Intermediate dungeons are so dangerous, and knowing some of them in advance is more useful than carrying dead objects on your body.

086 said: “Unfortunately, the materials on the two players are relatively cheap. It is suggested that the unopened treasure chest can be used to offset the consultation fee.”

“How much?” An Yi really thought, this time they got more than 100 treasure chests, which is enough to squander, and they may not be able to open good things by themselves.

When Zhuang Zimo thought about the last time he opened 9 golden medicines in the main **** space, he also said, “I agree with the treasure chest.”

“The information I can provide this time is equivalent to the value of 180 D-level treasure chests. 1 C-level treasure box is equal to 2 D-level treasure boxes, and 1 B-level treasure box is equal to 4 D-level treasure boxes, and players can still pay. ”

Monopoly! The other party has the final say on the price, it really is… woo woo woo, An Yizhen glanced at Zhuang Zimo, Zhuang Zimo sighed and nodded.

“Okay, exchange, but we don’t have enough treasure chests. There are 108 D-level treasure chests, 10 B and 4 C-level treasure chests have been replaced with D-level treasure chests, and only 156. Can you discount it?” First, try to see if the information provided is useful. If it helps a lot, I will also accumulate some unopened treasure chests in the future.

086 asked back: “Can you accept the discount information?”

Of course, An Yizhen couldn’t accept the discounted information: “Then we can’t deduct the other materials on our body?”

“Adding all the materials and materials on you two, it’s barely enough.” 086 took the opportunity to peel off the skin, and even sold it when it was cheap, “Do you want to exchange it?”

An Yizhen, who was looking forward to a full bag of meat for a big meal, and Zhuang Zimo, who was looking forward to a pile of monster materials to improve his forging skills, finally compromised and accepted the exchange condition of clearing his body. Anyway, the materials that are useful to the country have already been realized, and now they have no more money on them. Knowing the information of the next world in advance can make targeted preparations, which is more conducive to the completion of the task.

086 waved his hand and emptied the parcel bar of the two people on the opposite side, leaving only the bound equipment, the Dragon Kingdom Barrage Player and the Bone Armor Breaker.

An Yi sincerely said that it seems that the skills are more reliable, at least the skills learned cannot be taken away.

“The next proving ground is likely to be from the background of interstellar civilization, which is of intermediate graduation difficulty. The technological level in this proving ground exceeds the current technological level of LL star by 800~1000 years. And you will encounter players from other intelligent races, hostile competition. The law, you die and I die.”

“The level of technology is so advanced, we can’t imagine preventive measures or equipment in advance! By the way, it won’t be amnesia or confiscated items, right?” An Yizhen is full of worry, “What characteristics or other intelligent races do you have? weakness?”

“Don’t lose your memory, don’t confiscate your belongings. Friendly reminder: Although the materials on your body have been emptied, you can use the third-level life skills to undertake the tasks issued by the mall in exchange for materials suitable for the next dungeon. In addition, other intelligent races are inhuman forms, What about the weakness…how to say, it is probably that the intelligence is slightly lower than your current attribute points, and the rest of the attributes are higher. Forgive me to be more specific. I can’t disclose it.” After saying this, 086 will not say much, just list one that can be used. List of tasks undertaken.

An Yizhen said happily: “I just randomly realized that the level three is cooking. It seems that someone needs delicious food on the list. I am good at this. The reward is actually a strengthening stone?”

Zhuang Zimo said: “I’ve upgraded to the third level of forging. I saw that there are several tasks for making weapons and equipment. The materials are provided by the person who issued the tasks, and the reward is 50% of the same materials. Get something good.”

“Then it’s up to you.” An Yi really thought that if she still had time to complete the task, she wanted to imagine the daily life of people in the interstellar age. Movies on Earth and so many science fiction novels are actually good references. She will have it all ready.

In addition, the Quinn Manor is completely controlled by the Dragon Kingdom, and Zhuang Zimo can put things in the package at any time.

“Remember what I said before? What I wanted to tell you in the Demon Mountain dungeon, do you still want to hear it?” Zhuang Zimo asked suddenly.

“Come to my field in 12 hours and chat while eating.” An Yizhen didn’t expect Zhuang Zimo to take the initiative to bring this up again.

“In Yuanwu Continent, the books in the library you brought me have also inspired me a lot. Let’s meet and chat when the time comes.”

In the Immortal Mansion of Yuanwu Continent, An Yizhen ate a lot of exquisite delicacies, and she had read all the recipes in the library. When doing tasks, you can imagine more ingredients by the way. Sometimes cooking can produce two results at a time, hand over one task and keep one for yourself, saving time and effort.

She completed two dishes, handed in the quest, and returned 2 strengthening stones, thinking that the knife that she gave to Zhuang Zimo to strengthen should be usable.

Zhuang Zimo was quite satisfied with most of the dishes that An Yizhen cooked this time. They were full of color, aroma, and flavor. Many of the dishes were replicas of Yuanwu Continent’s food. There are only two dark dishes, and they don’t look like things that humans can like.

Zhuang Zimo wondered: “What is this? If you fail, don’t take it out and try it with me, right?”

An Yizhen took out two strengthening stones from the package, and said with a smile: “Enhancing stones, do you want to? It’s the exchange of these two dishes. I was lucky when I completed the cooking task, and the dishes were served in double. , the customer feedback is very satisfactory, do you want to try it too?”

Zhuangzi Mo Xin said, that is, only dark dishes can be served twice. Why don’t those dishes that look more delicious don’t have double servings? An Yizhen is a black hand! He frowned and tasted it with the mentality of trying the poison, except that the taste was a little terrifying, probably not poisonous, after all, his physique was already 43 o’clock. And it was much better than the last time An Yizhen cooked with the flesh and blood of demons. After eating it, his physique was only reduced by 5 points, and the negative state only lasted for an hour.

Zhuang Zimo finished eating the dark dishes with tears in his eyes, and took out a piece of soft armor: “This is soft armor made from the remaining materials after completing the task. There are too few materials, so I can only make clothes this big. I can’t wear them. You wear it. It can rebound 30% of the attack, in case your tortoise shell skills are not used, this will save your life.”

“Thank you.” An Yi really sincerely thanked him. For the sake of this soft armor, he would not be forced to taste those dark dishes in the future.

“This soft armor can also be inlaid. Let me inlay the strengthening stone for you.”

An Yizhen originally wanted to try putting on the soft armor, but now she just touched it, and immediately retracted her hand, thinking anxiously that since she wants to inlay, she should not touch it yet.

As a result, the inlay failed the first time. Fortunately, the second strengthening stone was inlaid, which increased the rebound of this soft armor by 5%. But it was a waste of a strengthening stone! ! ! Next time she will definitely not touch precious equipment casually.

She thought about it and said, “Tell me about what you should have told me in the last dungeon.”

When Zhuang Zimo was interrupted by her, he immediately forgot to complain about the black hand, and talked about his discovery: “You must have been curious, what kind of martial arts I am practicing, right? I always thought it was a lost martial arts mind method. That’s all, but in Yuanwu Continent, I found that that is the way to control the spiritual energy. It’s just that in the real world of LL star, the spiritual energy is extremely thin, and it may not be the spiritual energy but another unknown energy source.”

An Yizhen was surprised: “Can you practice in the real world?”

Zhuang Zimo hesitated: “There is indeed some kind of energy in the real world, which cannot be explained by current science. Humans can feel more sensitive after cultivating, and using that kind of energy can also make the speed and strength surpass that of ordinary people. This exercise is very picky. At that time, a group of us participated in the cultivation practice, and in the end, I was the only one who succeeded. Many people fell into mental obstacles, and some people were killed and injured by retrograde qi and blood.”

“You said that you didn’t study in a regular school, did you practice with an expert in the deep mountains and forests?” An Yizhen asked curiously.

“That’s right, but not voluntarily. They used my mother’s life to force me to participate in that experimental project. Thankfully I thought they were good people at first, but who knew they also threatened my mother with my life to participate in a more terrifying experiment. I finally broke away from that organization with the help of agents from the Dragon Kingdom, only to find that my mother was sent to Quinn Manor. When I found her, she was no longer in full human form.”

Zhuang Zimo smiled bitterly, “On the surface, the United States of America and Benefit abandoned the Quinn Manor to exchange the shield machine, but in fact, the two logistics team members who returned to the real world should have brought more information. Among the tombs, the removed cultural relics may be the key to unlocking the ancient civilization.”

“You said, is the Pingshan civilization also tried by players from other worlds? Are those fairytales, legends, magic weapons and miracles in the ancient books not false?” When An Yizhen asked this way, he remembered the similarities on the earth. The unsolved mysteries of the motherland, the “Shan Hai Jing” of the motherland, the pyramids of Egypt, and many magical civilizations that have disappeared in the long river of history.

“You’re right. And I believe that there should still be those magic weapons or otherworldly props in the real world, which cannot be explained by the technology we know, but are infinitely powerful. Many black technology products of the United States and the United States may not It was not invented out of thin air, but probably developed through the study of those peculiar ‘artifacts’.”

“Let’s go, take me to your field.” An Yizhen rarely lay flat after a full meal, and actively asked to train. A copy of intermediate difficulty in the era of interstellar civilization, and other intelligent creatures participate in hostile competition. Can she and Zhuang Zimo handle it? She must not be the one holding her back.

“I’m glad you have this realization, and I have prepared a brand new virtual training scene.” Zhuang Zimo showed an inscrutable smile.

For the remaining 11 hours, An Yizhen was in high-intensity training. As she expected, Zhuang Zimo’s imagination was quite rich, and he constructed a weightless environment and all kinds of disgusting monsters. All attacks are simulated again. She recited all the experiences of death. At the end of the training, her hands and feet felt weak, dizzy, and crawled out.

Zhuang Zimo also said innocently: “In the interstellar era, I think at least a weightless environment will be encountered. People who are used to walking on flat ground are the most difficult to adapt to.”

An Yizhen’s face was pale, resisting the feeling of vomiting, and weeping weakly: “It’s all interstellar age, so wouldn’t the high-tech set the gravity field more perfect?”

Zhuang Zimo sophistry: “Since there are intelligent creatures from other worlds, and it is the interstellar age, humans may not be the masters. Perhaps the standard of interstellar civilization is established by other intelligent creatures, and humans are only weak members, and they can only adapt to it. perish.”

Now An Yizhen has four attributes of 37, intelligence 32, constitution 33, strength 30, agility up to 53, hidden skill dodge +14, before training, I think it is more than enough to escape, but if the sense of space is poor in a weightless environment, agility No matter how high it is, there is no advantage. In all fairness, 11 hours of intensive training was quite effective for her.

When Zhuang Zimo is currently equipped with the White Bone Armor Breaker, his four attributes are as high as 43, intelligence 31, constitution 43, strength 53, agility 45, and breaking defense +20. If you encounter alien monsters again at this time, maybe you will be able to survive for a few rounds without dying.

Even so, according to 086, they still do not dominate other attributes except intelligence. Facing more powerful non-human intelligent creatures in the next dungeon, they must be the first to save lives.

The two were right again about the things and belongings that were conceived in the parcel column. Since I can carry it with me, I got two sets of many light living materials, one set is kept in the parcel bar for backup, and the other is carried in the backpack.

As for clothes, Zhuang Zimo’s conception is mainly to prevent cold, keep warm, light and close to the body, An Yizhen refers to some more functions of science fiction, such as water circulation, self-made oxygen, solar power and so on.

There are also various styles of communication equipment. Even the original radio long and short wave walkie-talkies have been considered. The shape is smaller and portable. It is expressed in the form of earrings, necklaces and bracelets, which are highly decorative and confusing.

Regarding weapons, Zhuangzi Mobian is also very good at it, and even prepared a double copy of the electromagnetic Xiaoxing pulse wooden warehouse. An Yizhen thought about something that looked like a dagger that could be inserted into a boot, and when it was opened, it would stretch out into a laser. The sword would have exhausted its brain cells.

Leaving the private area, the two packed their bags and said goodbye to 086.

When they regained consciousness again, they appeared in a moving carriage.

It was like a container, with ten people sitting scattered apart from the two of them. Everyone wore what looked like a bluetooth headset in their left ear. This is not an equipment conceived by Zhuang Zimo or An Yizhen, it should be something given in this world.

The people in the carriage also brought backpacks or carry-on luggage, and they were dressed in different clothes, some of which looked like fabrics or some like plastic. These people’s skin color and hair color are also all kinds of strange, but fortunately, they are generally human-like.

Most of their expressions were dejected. There was only a red-haired young man leaning in the corner, secretly looking at An Yizhen and Zhuang Zimo.

Zhuang Zimo stepped forward and chatted with the red-haired man, “Excuse me, where are we going?” Dingding

He was speaking in Long Guoyu, but the other party could clearly understand it, maybe it was the equipment on their ears that played a role.

“Unfortunately, we were assigned to the fanatical Colosseum of Lyle Star.” The young red-haired man replied slightly warily, and then asked, “The two of you don’t look depressed. Where are you from? Is there any stunt to win?”

“We’re from LL star.” Zhuang Zimo replied intentionally and honestly.

“Star LL? That wild and backward place. There is no live broadcast of the Colosseum. The ignorant are fearless. No wonder you are not afraid at all.” The red-haired man suddenly lost interest in the two and turned to talk to someone else.

This time the man he found had a thick robotic arm. Listening to their whispers, that one is from the M star who is more popular with modified people. His robotic arm is 20 times stronger than a conventional human arm, and can easily lift 10 adults and kill a terrifying beast with one punch.

Wait, Dread? Isn’t that the monster that players from other countries have experienced in the desert dungeon? Is the Colosseum they are going to fight against those terrors?

An Yizhen took out a sauced beef from his bag, handed it to the red-haired man, smiled slightly, and asked softly, “We are really backward there, can you tell me what the Colosseum is like, eldest brother? ”

The red-haired man actually looked at An Yizhen at first.

This girl has long hair, she is weak, and she is so beautiful. It is a pity that she was drawn to this Colosseum. I don’t know if I can leave the whole body behind when I die.

The red-haired man looked suspiciously at the thing in An Yizhen’s hand, and pretended to be calm: “What did you give me?”

“The specialty food of my hometown, the sauce beef I made myself.” An Yizhen lied without blinking, “If you don’t worry, I’ll eat it first.”

After she finished speaking, she opened the vacuum packaging, and the aroma suddenly filled the whole compartment.

“God, what’s this smell, why is it so fragrant?” Not only the red-haired man, but also the man with the robotic arm beside him couldn’t help drooling.

“Tell me about the Colosseum.” An Yizhen broke a piece of meat to eat first as a respect, and handed the rest to the red-haired man.

The red-haired man took a bite of half a piece of meat, and his expression was like a slap in the face. He was completely different from the calmness just now, and praised unabashedly: “Absolutely, this taste is better than high-end artificial steak. Eat it 10,000 times! Girl, don’t take it out easily in the future, do you know that it will be robbed?”

Before the red-haired man could finish speaking, the robotic arm touched his hand and tried to **** the beef away.

The red-haired man hit an electric spark with his other hand, tapped it lightly on the robotic arm, and said coldly, “I am an electrical power. If you still want the robotic arm, don’t mess with me. This is what a girl gave me. food.”

The man with the robotic arm smirked and stepped aside.

When the red-haired man was about to take another bite of the meat, An Yizhen had already used the speed advantage to take the meat back into his hands. She still clearly remembered the reasoning that Zhuang Zimo taught her in the last dungeon. In order to successfully trade with strangers, the remuneration cannot be given in advance. Leave some sweetness and wait for the other party to answer the question, and then she will pay the balance.

The red-haired man’s eyes lit up and smiled: “It turns out that the girl has a speed-type ability, so that’s fine. Just now I was worried that you would be the first to feed the monsters. What kind of ability does your friend have? If you don’t dislike it, the three of us will People can take care of each other.”

“I am the power type.” Zhuang Zimo replied lightly.

“Strength-type abilities are relatively common. Forget it, they are more practical than other garbage abilities.” The red-haired man recognized Zhuang Zimo, but kept his eyes on An Yizhen and said, “I have lived through two years of fighting. Veterans of the colosseum, you and I will definitely not suffer. Although it is rumored that the death rate of the fanatic Colosseum of Lyle is the highest, the bonus is also high. Money and free exit can be achieved. This time if I If you survive, you can also obtain immigration qualifications to the core star field.”

Zhuang Zimo asked in confusion, “Immigrants from the core star region?”

“It seems that you really don’t understand anything. Humans who have successfully survived in any of the three colosseums will be granted first-class interstellar citizenship and will be fully protected by the interstellar law. They will no longer need to participate in any colosseum and digging in their lifetime. The lottery for the mine has been drawn, and the immigrant eligibility is immediately approved.”

At this time, a prompt sounded in the minds of everyone in the Dragon Country:

[Intermediate Graduation dungeon, Beast dungeon is officially opened.

The clearance condition is that the Colosseum survives for 28 hours (starting from the first game of the first round). If all players die in the Colosseum within 28 hours, the mission will fail. Players who have the chance to be resurrected will be resurrected in a dungeon after the country meets the resurrection conditions. After 28 hours, if the number of surviving players is less than that of other planes, it will be judged that the mission has failed, and the players will be forcibly obliterated.

special reminder:

1. In addition to the 2 players of LL star, there are 4 players from other 2 planes, a total of 6 testers participated in this dungeon.

2. The remaining plane players are in non-human form, and they are in a state of hostile competition with our players. You can communicate with the universal translator distributed in the proving ground.

3. The rest of the organisms inside and outside the Colosseum are copy NPCs. Killing NPCs will accumulate bad luck. The team’s accumulated doom value reaches a certain standard, which will trigger a copy of Nightmare difficulty. Please use weapons of mass destruction with caution. 】

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