Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 107

Chapter 106

Fragile, dream-like voices floated in my ears.

The lovers around rubbed their ears and temples together, wiped away their tears with makeup, and the occasional mobile phone screen was dimly lit, all of which were lost in the diffuse piano sound in the stereo.

The light and shadow on the screen change, the world is black and white, only the fingertips are brilliant.

After a short moment of astonishment, Pei Qingyuan tightly held the cool body temperature without waiting for the people around him to repent.

Ji Tong didn’t move, he even forgot to eat the popcorn, he froze and stared straight at the screen in front of him, his cheeks flushed slightly.

Fortunately, in a dimly lit movie theater, no one else would notice.

This is not the first time he has held hands with the host.

The feeling is completely different from before.

The ever-progressing movie images flickered in his vision, and he still tried hard to watch the ups and downs of the storyline, even though his mind was full of the still meeting of the palms.

People in the ambiguous period often take that small but crucial step in a movie theater with a good atmosphere.

The touching skin became hot until the story ended, and the white subtitles began to scroll on the pure black background, and the fingertips were exposed to the sudden light.

Ji Tong still didn’t dare to look down.

He looked up into the blinding lights, and slowly followed the audience out, holding the unfinished bucket of popcorn in his arms.

The figure merged into the crowd, like a fish swimming into the vast ocean.

When passing by the cinema canteen, Pei Qingyuan asked him, “Do you want to buy a new one?”

Ji Tong shook his head: “I don’t want to eat.”

In the face of the sweet taste that wraps the heart, the popcorn loses its original aroma.

He just couldn’t bear to throw away the popcorn bucket.

And holding something in his hand will make him look less silly.

“Okay.” Pei Qingyuan responded softly, “Tell me when you get tired.”

“No.” Ji Tong looked down at the ground, “very light.”

Bland dialogue and a slow-down landscape elevator.

Everything is the same as usual.

Hands never parted except hidden under the sleeves.

Hosts are always smart.

Not discussing this initiative in the dark with him will give him no chance to escape again.

The moonlight is soft, just like the night when the host dragged her into the moonlight.

Ji Tong was fascinated by the two figures elongated by the street lamps on the ground, very close to each other.

That day the host said, stop calling me brother.

Then he didn’t say any more, letting the voice disappear in the silent air.

Only later did he gradually understand those unfinished ripples.

Love doesn’t have to be confessed out loud.

It sneaks out of everyday words, tender looks, quiet breaths.

So Ji Tong thought that he would love someone too.

People who came out of theaters and shopping malls walked on the streets at night. Occasionally, some people looked at the pair of boys holding hands. More people were immersed in their own stories, chatting with their companions or staying silent.

It’s time to go home after watching the movie.

But such a quiet night, I always hope that it can be extended indefinitely. People hang around idly on the brightly lit streets, talking about the signs of the shops on the street, the delicacies that they missed tonight, and the strangers passing by. without thinking about the ever-changing tomorrow.

Ji Tong is not familiar with this kind of moment, but the search results tell him that this is called pressing the road.

It is an exclusive entertainment activity between couples or good friends.

The night was hazy and yellow, he looked at the elongated shadow on the ground, and at the grand city in front of him, the towering Ferris wheel in the distance was shining in the night.

Normally, Ji Tong would talk endlessly, filling the host’s ears with ramblings.

But today, he felt that it was good to be quiet.

He likes to press the road.

Pei Qingyuan, who didn’t talk much, became the first to speak: “Do you want to ride the Ferris wheel?”

The Ferris wheel standing in the center of the city is one of the landmark buildings of the city.

Whenever Ji Tong’s eyes stay on something for more than three seconds, he will be keenly caught.

Ji Tong’s footsteps paused, and he looked away as if nothing had happened: “Do you want to ride the Ferris wheel?”

Pei Qingyuan was very cooperative: “Well, I want to sit.”

“Okay.” Ji Tong said generously, “I’ll sit with you.”

He nodded slightly, and the golden popcorn in his arms shook accordingly, making a soft crashing sound.

Considering that the distance is too close at this moment, for fear of being discovered by Ji Tong, Pei Qingyuan originally didn’t want to smile, but seeing the popcorn bouncing around in the paper bucket, a faint smile still climbed to the corners of his brows and eyes.

Laughter, like love, cannot be hidden.

Ji Tong didn’t want to pay attention to him, turned his eyes away with a stern face, and stepped on one after another autumn leaves falling from the treetops.

The crisp sound rang all the way.

There was always a warm heartbeat in his palm.

Today is the first day of the long holiday, and there are extraordinarily many citizens and tourists who come out to play. There is a long queue under the Ferris wheel whose opening hours have been temporarily extended, and everyone is waiting to have a glimpse of the splendid night view of the city on the Ferris wheel.

The autumn night is warm and cool, the waiting people are in groups, the children are running around, laughing loudly, and the toy vendors are walking back and forth in the open space of the square.

There was lively chatter all around, Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan stayed quietly in the team.

In front of them was a pair of old people, as if smelling the alluring aroma, the silver-haired grandmother turned her head to look at them from time to time.

Seeing the grandma keep looking back, the grandpa next to her touched her and said in a low voice, “You’re queuing up, why are you always looking at other people? Don’t bother them.”

The old grandma answered him with a smile: “Oh, popcorn.”

“What kind of flowers?” The old man was deaf, squinting his eyes and carefully searched around, “Where are the flowers?”

“Popcorn!” The old woman moved closer to his ear and raised her voice, “I ate it more than ten years ago! It’s so sweet.”

“Sweet?” The old man heard it clearly and shook his head again and again, “I can’t eat it, so it’s better to have something lighter.”

“It’s not for you to eat.” The old lady complained, “I don’t care whether the popcorn is sweet or not. Is it called popcorn if it’s not sweet?”

Ji Tong, who was listening to the conversation between the two, couldn’t help laughing: “It’s a pity that this one is cold, it’s not delicious.”

If I had known that I would meet such a lovely old man, I should have bought a new bucket of popcorn just now.

Seeing Ji Tong lively, the grandmother immediately chatted with him: “You bought this at the cinema?”

Ji Tong nodded: “Yes.”

The old lady sighed, “Then you guys just came out after watching the movie, are you on a date?”

Hearing her keep talking to strangers, the serious-looking grandfather quickly stretched out his arm and bumped into her: “Why do you always quarrel with others…”

The old lady stared back: “Why do you always quarrel with us?”

Now even Pei Qingyuan, who was watching quietly, laughed: “Well, it’s a date.”

It takes less than ten minutes to ride a Ferris wheel. There are quite a lot of cabins on this giant Ferris wheel, and they are quickly lined up.

There are four people in one room, and Ji Tong happened to sit in the same swollen cockpit with the old couple, with a couple on each side.

When the cabin door was closed and the Ferris wheel was slowly turning, Ji Tong asked curiously, “Are grandparents coming on a date too?”

The cheerful and talkative grandma finally felt a little embarrassed, and whispered: “Yes.”

The old man didn’t hear clearly, and looked at the night scene outside the window solemnly: “The construction has been good in the past two years, and the city is getting more and more beautiful.”

The old lady chuckled: “He said he came to inspect the place during the holidays, but he’s too old to be embarrassed.”

When the old man turned his head, he saw everyone laughing. He didn’t know what happened. He said proudly, “Is it? How’s the scenery?”

“Yes.” The strange young man answered him with a smile, “Do you want to take a group photo with your grandparents?”

With this more shy old man by his side, Ji Tong suddenly looked generous.

In the bright and quiet atmosphere of happiness, many photos were born.

In the photo, there are elderly couples cuddling each other, and the lights illuminate their faces. Ji Tong took the photo very seriously, making the silver hair full of brilliance.

In the photo, he and the host were sitting side by side. It was taken by the grandmother, and it was also very well taken.

There is a boundless landscape behind him, and the popcorn bucket is stuffed into Pei Qingyuan’s arms, which looks very unsuitable for him. When the camera freezes, Ji Tong smiles brightly when he thinks of this, and stretches out his hand to make a gesture as usual.

He converted every photo into data and stored it in the core of the system.

When the Ferris wheel reached the highest point, he heard a voice ringing in his heart.

“Ji Tong.”

The host’s tone sounded very solemn, as if he was about to say something particularly important.

His heart skipped a beat, and he responded in a low voice, “What are you doing?”

On this night where everything is going well, there is only one key sentence missing.

But Pei Qingyuan’s next sentence was beyond his expectation.

“You are no different from anyone else.”

He spoke slowly, but firmly.

Ji Tong instantly forgot all his fantasies a second ago, and turned his head to look at the people around him in a daze.

He looked into the gloomy eyes of the host that were always calm in the past. At this moment in the sky, there seemed to be something more than love surging in them.

Pei Qingyuan still remembers the cross-species love tragedy novel that his system secretly put into the data pile a few days ago.

He didn’t care about the ending of those stories, but he was aware of Ji Tong’s hidden worries.

The heartless robot housekeeper became a pile of scrap iron, and the young girl who loved it fell into eternal loneliness.

At the end of every story one party disappears, leaving the other waiting hopelessly.

Is this what Ji Tong is worried about?

“Anyone can have love,” he said. “Don’t worry about the future.”

Regardless of age, regardless of gender.

The old man looked at the scenery outside the window for a while, then took the initiative to move closer to his wife, and said casually, “Where can I sell popcorn?”

Whether human or artificial intelligence.

On the glass windows in the cockpit, the vivid faces of the people around them are reflected, overlapping with the distant lights, no different from ordinary people, and the warm breath is swaying on each other’s necks.

Ji Tong thought about it for a long time, and then he asked nonchalantly, “Really?”

Is it also someone who could leave at any time?

Before he took the initiative to hold the host’s hand, he actually buried this fear that he couldn’t bring up to others, but in such an atmosphere and environment, he felt that he should be brave once.

But the fear is still there.

Two different lives with similar predicaments.

In the seventeen years he lived in another world, he didn’t feel that he could have love, and he didn’t dare to bring the pain of sudden parting to those who gave his heart, so he didn’t dare to yearn for this beautiful-sounding word.

What awaits him is only the oblivion after disappearance.

Ji Tong turned his head suddenly, his fingertips touched the cool glass.

A huge colorful city floats outside the window.

Staying in the small glass house, he heard Pei Qingyuan’s short and powerful answers.

“I’ll prove it to you.”

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