Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 108

Chapter 107

[October 1st, the weather is fine, and the mood… is a secret. ]

[Today is the first day of the holiday. Went to the movies, pressed the road, and sat on the Ferris wheel. ]

[The first time I went to a romantic movie with someone, the first time I walked on the road with someone, and the first time I rode a Ferris wheel with someone, it turned out that doing these things felt like this, my heart beat like it was about to fly out. ]

[Actually, the host is also very good at comforting people. ]

[Probably got a little of my authenticity. ]

[October 3rd, light rain, eat crayfish. ]

[The host’s cooking skills are getting better and better. Fortunately, I won’t gain weight, but in order to match the objective fact of eating snacks every day, shouldn’t the shape be rounded? ]

[I’m a little embarrassed to continue living with the host. Although the way of getting along is basically the same as before, the atmosphere is always very ambiguous. My temperature control module has been upgraded many times, and it will still break. ]

[Every day is like having a secret puppy love, maybe it won’t be like this after the official confession? ]

[…But I dare not try it, what if the task panel cheats? ]

[Fortunately, Huahua is here, rounded up, there are three people living in the house, right? ]

[There are three people in the family! Did you see the task panel! No cheating! ]

[October 6, cloudy, the penultimate day of the holiday. ]

[Holidays go by so quickly, tomorrow is going to celebrate the host’s birthday. After thinking about what to give for a month, I finally decided. ]

[This year’s gift is also a thin piece of paper, so it can’t be too exaggerated, I hope it won’t disturb the sleeping mausoleum. ]

[I also thought about my birthday. ]

[Not in time for my eighteenth birthday. ]

On the early morning of the 7th, when Pei Qingyuan, who was used to getting up early, was replying to a message on his mobile phone, he heard a polite knock on the door.

Because Ji Tong was asking everyone for suggestions on birthday gifts in the dormitory, the two roommates and Ouyang Yu knew about his birthday, and because Ouyang Yu is a very enthusiastic and friendly monitor, the whole class knew about it.

This caused Pei Qingyuan to get up and wash up, pick up his phone and see a lot of messages, including messages from his high school classmates and basketball team friends, as well as new college classmates and friends, as well as teachers and so on.

The screen is full of red dots of unread messages. He has received all kinds of blessings and is thanking them one by one.

Among them, Senior Xie’s blessing is the most distinctive.

[Xie Yuchi: Happy birthday, don’t forget your original intention, forge ahead, for a long time. ]

Considering Xie Yuchi’s deep resentment towards his ex in daily chats, the translation of this sentence should be: Don’t turn bad and become a scumbag even if you are a year older.

…a very cautionary blessing.

Pei Qingyuan put down his phone and got up, guessing that Ji Tong got up, but the knock on the door didn’t sound like Ji Tong’s style.

He opened the door and was about to go to the kitchen to make breakfast, when he saw Hua Hua, a pink cat with a red ribbon bow around her neck, raising one front paw and knocking on the door, with happiness written all over her face.

On this happy day, it finally got the pink cat fur that is limited today.

Pei Qingyuan: …

so weird.

Not as cute as mushrooms.

In view of Master No. 2’s obedient use of magic to turn herself into a beautiful pink, Huahua willingly became a messenger. It lowered its head docilely, revealing the gift that was also tied with a bow on its back. Happy birthday.

Pei Qingyuan was a little surprised. He bent down to pick up the thin gift, unwrapped the bow and the outer packaging, thinking that it might be another photo.

Contrary to his imagination, it contained a watercolor painting.

There is a clear glass window in the painting. In front of the window is Ji Tong, who is smiling and gesticulating with scissors. The weather is bright, and the bright sunlight blurs the scenery behind him.

It seems to be an adaptation of the photos taken that night on the Ferris wheel.

I didn’t expect Ji Tong to be able to draw.

Pink Huahua finished the task, walked out with her tail up, bit the pant leg of Ji Tong who was hiding in her room and refused to come out, and dragged him over for inspection, trying to get the master’s praise.

Ji Tong was dragged over slowly, and whispered: “It’s not generated by data, I drew it, although the drawing is so-so.”

He had nothing to do, and wrote a diary for a whole year. Because he always inserted photos and drew stick figures in it, he turned the host domestication diary into a gaudy handbook, and gradually learned to draw.

“It’s beautiful.” Pei Qingyuan said seriously, “I don’t think I’ve seen you draw before.”

Because it is all drawn in a notebook that cannot be seen by the host.

Now the host has the authority to enter the consciousness space, so that he dare not write a diary anytime and anywhere, and can only write secretly in the garden after the host falls asleep.

Ji Tong looked away guiltily, and said foolishly: “Drawing is so simple, you can learn it in a day or two.”

Pei Qingyuan had no doubts, turned around and walked to the desk in the room, came out with a small box, and handed it to him: “Exchange presents.”

Ji Tong looked surprised: “Is it for me? It’s your birthday.”

“I said it last time, today is your birthday practice.” Pei Qingyuan said, “So you also have to receive a gift.”

Ji Tong took the light box in a daze.

The crowd of onlookers Huahua raised one of her front paws, looking expectant.

“Meow?” What about me?

“…” Pei Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, trying to perfunctory, “You already have pink cat hair.”

“Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!” That was not sent by you!

Pei Qingyuan had nothing to do with the cat that jumped into his arms and acted coquettishly, so he could only say: “I will supply you next year.”

“Meow meow meow meow!” I want it tomorrow!

“We’re going back to school in the afternoon, and we won’t be home tomorrow.”

“Meow…” Eccentric human QAQ

Seeing the cold host trying to reason with the cat, Ji Tong couldn’t help laughing, held this small gift in his palm, and responded, “Thank you… Ruan Ruan.”

At this moment, the host was too unfamiliar, and the elder brother was embarrassed.

Since Pei Qingyuan graduated from high school, he hasn’t called this childish name for a long time.

Initially, he was trying to comfort the host who was at a low point in life.

This long-lost title brought back memories, and after a moment of trance, Pei Qingyuan said softly to the boy who was a little shorter than him in front of him: “Let’s go to celebrate our birthday together.”

Ji Tong didn’t know the host’s arrangement for today, so he could only be a small follower honestly.

He put the small gift box in his pocket and didn’t open it immediately. He kept imagining what would be in the box, and the temperature of his palm covered the surface of the box.

The feeling of guessing the gift is wonderful.

The first stop of today’s birthday drill was close to home.

Being led by Pei Qingyuan into this familiar street, Ji Tong was inexplicably a little nervous.

There is still a long queue in front of the sugar shop, and there are still beautiful cake models in the window of the bakery next door, and the colorful signs are full of childishness.

Ji Tong saw He Shiwen busy in the store from a distance.

When entering the store, he subconsciously hid behind the host.

He Shiwen doesn’t know him now, and because of the rules of the world, he has forgotten the little Jitong he used to be.

The wind chime rang softly, and He Shiwen, who was sweating profusely, looked back and said habitually: “Welcome to—”

A joyful smile burst out on his chubby face: “Hey, Xiao Pei is here!”

“Happy birthday!” He Shiwen, who celebrated Pei Qingyuan’s birthday with a group of high school students last year, of course remembered this day, and sent a message to Pei Qingyuan in the morning, “I didn’t expect you to come, I thought you would celebrate your birthday at school!”

“Go back to school in the afternoon.” Pei Qingyuan spoke softly, “Long time no see, Uncle He.”

“That’s just right! I’ll make you a cake and take it home to celebrate with my classmates.”

He Shiwen immediately told the chef loudly, and the familiar pastry chef also came out to greet Pei Qingyuan.

Last year, the photo of Xiao Jitong eating the croissant with custard milk was taken by the pastry chef.

Ji Tong couldn’t help but look at the wall behind the cash register, where there were many photos put by He Shiwen.

Among them is the photo of Ji Tong who looks like a child, which has turned yellow and faded prematurely.

So he moved a little behind the host.

He Shiwen happily asked Pei Qingyuan to sit down. Seeing the strange young man Pei Qingyuan brought, he said enthusiastically: “Are you Xiao Pei’s friend? Welcome to the store, sit down quickly.”

“I told Xiao Pei before, let him often bring friends to play, and then I will take you to eat delicious food.”

He recalled the past and said regretfully: “It’s a pity that I didn’t make preparations in advance today. Do you have other arrangements? I’ll get you some bread to taste first. If you like it, you can bring some back to school later.”

He Shiwen took the tray to pick up the shop’s signature bread, popped milk yellow croissant, small dinosaur biscuits…

His movements paused slightly, and he couldn’t remember why he developed this little dinosaur-shaped biscuit.

This biscuit sells very well, and almost every customer who enters the store will be attracted by this lively and playful little dinosaur shape.

A little at a loss, Ji Tong took the tray from the bakery owner, and heard his laughing voice: “Although it’s the first time I’ve met you, I always think you’re very kind. Come and play more in the future.”

A familiar guest next to him laughed at him: “Boss He, your solicitation words are too old-fashioned.”

“No, I’m sincere.” He Shiwen quickly helped the glasses that had slid down, and waved his hand, “This is my friend’s friend, that is, my friend, not a guest.”

Looking at the colorful little dinosaur biscuits on the tray, Ji Tong pursed his lips slightly: “Thank you, Uncle He.”

The anxiety faded away, and his mood suddenly became better.

Pei Qingyuan has been observing every subtle change in his expression, and at this moment he is finally relieved.

When he accompanied Ji Tong to find Shen Yiming that day, he discovered the natural intimacy that Shen Yiming, who was born introverted, treated Ji Tong.

So Pei Qingyuan thought, maybe no one will really and completely forget Ji Tong.

He is such a special person.

In the deepest part of Pei Qingyuan’s bookshelf, there is a picture of a little robot standing in front of the garden, an ugly white butterfly doll, and a newly acquired watercolor painting.

They are not empty data, they are real gifts.

His system has left an indelible mark on this world, and it has also left a deep imprint in the memory of others.

No matter what his identity is, he exists in the emotional **** of human beings, and he will not be the machine butler who is going to be turned into a pile of scrap iron.

While Ji Tong was concentrating on eating the little dinosaur biscuits, Pei Qingyuan handed a bag brought out from home to He Shiwen: “Uncle He, this is a gift for the stars.”

He Shiwen looked at the pattern on the gift bag and asked in surprise, “Is this… the robot that can dance?”

“Yes.” Pei Qingyuan nodded.

Deng Shu just set the day when the jelly bean robot will go on sale today.

“Thank you, thank you, Xing Xing must be very happy. She was still talking about why Brother Pei didn’t come to the store a few days ago.” Speaking of this, He Shiwen slapped his head, “By the way, anyway, she doesn’t go to school today, so I asked my wife to take her away.” send over.”

A quarter of an hour later, the little girl with two braids bounced into the store: “Dad, what good thing do you want to give me?”

“It’s not from me, it’s from someone else.” He Shiwen said with a smile, “Look at who this is?”

He Xingxing looked at Pei Qingyuan, blinked his eyes, and was about to speak, when he was suddenly attracted by the strange brother beside him who was taking pictures of small dinosaur biscuits of different colors one by one.

A few seconds later, the little girl stroked her braid and said shyly, “Hi big brother, my name is He Xingxing, and I like to eat this biscuit too.”

This time, the eyes of He Xingxing, the face-controlling sunflower, did not focus on Little Brother Pei.

She started to circle around the newly-acquainted little brother Ji.

He Shiwen laughed out loud at his daughter’s reaction, and joked, “Why did you change your mind so quickly? Don’t you remember brother Pei?”

“Remember, I’m not stupid.” He Xingxing pursed his lips, and said confidently, “But I’ve grown up, and I’m in the big class, so I don’t like cold boys so much. I like cute ones the most now.”

Everyone in the room couldn’t stop laughing.

Among the lively laughter, only brother Pei, who had been cast into the cold palace, seriously agreed with her opinion.

“I would also like.”

Taking advantage of other people’s inattention, Brother Xiao Ji quickly stuffed a biscuit into the mouth of the person around him, preventing him from continuing.

He clearly only owned one butterfly, but at this moment, there are overwhelming waves of butterflies flying violently on the surface of his heart.

When he left the bakery, He Shiwen made an appointment with Pei Qingyuan, saying that he would send cakes and other snacks to school in the evening, so that he would not have to carry so many things through the day.

The next stop was the shopping mall. Pei Qingyuan took him to see the counter full of jelly bean robots. The robot with a cool peaked cap, round body and flexible long legs attracted the attention of many children, and many young people stopped to try it out.

This is the shape he designed on a whim, and now it has been seen by many people.

The sound of music and chatter echoed everywhere.

In the crowd, a single child stood on tiptoe, curiously looking at the weird looking robot in the cabinet, wanted to touch it, but timidly withdrew his hand.

Without parents around, the short kid lingered in front of the glass cabinet, unwilling to leave for a long time, and the busy counter salesperson didn’t notice him.

Ji Tong stared blankly at this scene.

He felt like crying a little bit.

“Can you give him a jelly bean?” He asked the host beside him.

Pei Qingyuan didn’t ask the reason: “Okay, wait for me.”

The tall host walked over, knelt down in front of the child, and softly asked him what color he liked.

Ji Tong stood aside and watched quietly.

He remembered many things.

But what he wants to do most now is to open the exchanged gift.

While the host was talking to a strange child, Ji Tong lowered his head and took out a small box from his pocket, and opened it carefully.

Inside the box was a necklace.

A delicate golden key is strung on a delicate chain.

The surface of the key is dotted with a few stars with soft lines. The overall shape is not complicated, and it has a simple and romantic atmosphere. At the same time, it conforms to the completely different aesthetics of Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan.

There is a card under the necklace, with the host’s familiar handwriting on it.

[Should look better than gold cufflinks. ]

Ji Tong immediately remembered that the day after the high school parents’ meeting, the host found Fang Hao who had turned into cufflinks from the “Ji Ban Xing” he was pretending to be.

Certainly better than cufflinks.

Cufflinks can only be used as decorations on clothes, but keys can be used to open treasure chests.

Thinking this way, he carefully hung the necklace around his neck, and then carefully straightened the key pendant.

He likes this gift very much.

Wearing it on your body will give you the feeling of an interstellar pirate with a secret treasure map.

The necklace can be worn every day, and the box and card should be stored away.

Ji Tong turned over the gift card in the box to see if there were any other words or patterns on the back.

The back is not blank.

He really saw a line of writing again.

[The treasure chest is hidden in the future. ]

The golden key hanging beside the white collarbone swayed gently, shining with gentle light.

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