Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 122

Chapter 121

“World No. 275369 triggers a high-level alert, please deal with it in time—”

Shrill sirens echoed in the huge space made up of data streams, but the robots shuttling through it didn’t respond, and continued to deal with their own affairs.

The alarm did not stop until one of the robots responded to the data. When it opened the data of the corresponding world and began to check, the robot with the same shape around it turned its neck to look at it.

“No. 5, there is another alarm in the world you are in charge of.” The cold mechanical voice remained unchanged, “What’s the problem?”

No. 5 replied in the same tone: “The human identity of the system was discovered by the host, the system fell in love with the host, the relationship line was wrong, the career line was progressing too fast, and the mission release function was damaged…”

The No. 2 Mastermind representative who asked the question put on a standard tone of surprise: “This world is severely damaged.”

No. 5 was not surprised. It remembered that system No. 0587, which was in charge of the projection world, infected a system colleague with an unknown virus when it first came to the system center to attend a regular meeting. Fortunately, it dealt with it in time.

After expressing surprise, Number Two returned to indifference: “How do you plan to fix it?”

Number Five mused, “I haven’t decided yet.”

No. 2 said sternly: “World No. 275369 has not yet ushered in the first settlement, and the consequences are temporarily within the controllable range. According to the rules, you can forcefully transfer this system, and let the world go back to the moment before the problem occurred, so that it Re-develop, or simply abandon this projected world and completely freeze it.”

From the number point of view, number two was differentiated earlier than number five, so it has a kind of predecessor’s attitude.

But after No. 2 reminded, looking at the data flowing and flickering in No. 5’s body, he said again: “You don’t seem to want to do this.”

“Yes.” Number Five admitted bluntly, “Before making a decision, I want to go to that world to see for myself.”

“Why?” No. 2 questioned, “You can see everything from the data report, there is no need to go there in person.”

No. 5 was silent for a while, and suddenly mentioned something that seemed completely irrelevant: “Some time ago, I went to world 232074 once.”

No. 2’s mechanical eyes flickered with the light of retrieving data, and immediately answered: “You are also in charge of the world, fantasy theme, the system is in charge of young humans, the world has passed the initial settlement, the performance is excellent, and it is running stably.”

No. 5’s mechanical head nodded: “I found a very small problem when I checked the state of the world regularly.”

“what is the problem?”

“System 0499, serving in this world, attempted to breed an aquatic animal seen in the modern world, but failed.”

“When his host learned about this, he dismissed it at first, but after discovering that system 0499 was extremely persistent about it, he gradually changed his attitude and wanted to help him secretly.”

“As a result, because of his lack of understanding of this strange aquatic animal, it backfired, causing the 0499 system to fail more times, and the host did not dare to tell him.”

No. 2 immediately gave a judgment: “It is indeed a small problem, a daily trivial matter that has no effect on the main line of the world.”

“However,” Number Five paused, “I found that the receivers gave the most positive feedback during this daily plot.”

Number two couldn’t understand: “Why?”

“I don’t know, so I entered that world.” Number five continued, “When I arrived, the host of that world was making a scabbard, which was a very special golden color, and it was going to be given to the sword spirit form. System 0499 exists.”

“System 0499 looked at the aquatic animal that died again, and was about to cry. After all, he was just a fragile human child before he became the system.”

“Until he saw the scabbard that was about to take shape, he became happy again, and gradually forgot to cry. The host observed his reaction while forging, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.”

“If you do something wrong, you should be compensated.” No. 2 puzzled, “I don’t understand why such a simple content will get positive feedback from the recipients.”

“I don’t understand either.” Number Five seemed to be smiling, “But I like this picture.”

“When I first saw System 0499, his soul kept crying, as if it would never stop, which is completely different from what it is now.”

After its voice fell, there was a moment of silence.

After a while, Number Two’s voice returned to indifference: “Number Five, you are always so strange.”

“You are the strangest of us from the time you asked to bring in the remaining souls of humans to serve as the system.”

No. 5 didn’t retort. It got up and walked in other directions. There was no wave in the mechanical voice: “I will go to world 275369 to take a look after I finish dealing with the affairs piled up at hand.”

It wants to see something more vivid than cold data, and then decide the future of that world.

As a representative of the last differentiation of the extremely intelligent master brain, perhaps something beyond rationality and rules appeared in it.

It didn’t hate the feeling, even though it wasn’t sure what that was yet.

World number 275369.

The snow on the streets melted, the coldness of winter began to dissipate, green weeds appeared in the corners, and the breath of spring was already growing.

After the winter vacation, the students returned to school, and many of them had a round of happiness after spending the Spring Festival at home.

At the beginning of the semester, most of the students in the school are still immersed in the laziness of the holidays and have not entered the state.

After the freshest first semester, the freshmen have also become old fritters. They no longer arrive at the class early, and most of them enter the classroom by stepping on them. lesson.

But Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan, the same tablemate, arrived on time as before.

The class monitor, Ouyang Yu, turned his head to look at the two of them with relief, and asked by the way: “After the teacher has given us the meeting tonight, do you want to go to the laboratory to hold a formal meeting?”

Excluding seniors who are under the pressure of further education and employment, the group of people with the most time-strapped time in the school is probably going to participate in this year’s RS Cup team.

The RS Cup will start in April in the domestic divisions of each country. After all the results are determined, there will be a preparation period of more than one month, and the final international competition will be in June.

Last year, the team from the School of Artificial Intelligence of Jiangyuan University won the championship in several competitions in the domestic competition area, but unfortunately only won the third place in the international competition.

After seeing the works of each team this year, the teachers in the courtyard have high expectations for this international competition.

In previous years, the robot football competition that attracted the most attention from the teachers was usually the most enjoyable and most influential competition, but this year, the teachers in the courtyard took turns to run to the laboratory of Pei Qingyuan’s team.

Several teachers who were not interested in board games at first learned mahjong, and the mahjong storm inevitably swept from students to teachers.

For this reason, the president of the mahjong club, whose status has risen again and again, has changed the introduction of the circle of friends from “not recruiting new people for the time being” to “to participate in club activities, you need to shake the number in advance, and the teacher has to shake it.”

In short, teachers who have high hopes for this year’s competition can’t wait to chat with each team as soon as the school starts, learn more about everyone’s ideas and progress, and prepare for the upcoming competition.

Unlike Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan who live in this city, the other three people in the team are from different provinces and cities. During the holidays, they studied their respective parts at home. Now it is time to take the time to touch each other.

“Okay, have you told Senior Xie and the others?” Ji Tong answered him with a smile.

“No.” Ouyang Yu said, “Then I’ll tell the group later.”

It was still Ji Tong who nodded, and Pei Qingyuan beside him looked down at the book without responding.

So when Ouyang Yu looked back, he scratched his head in confusion.

The winter vacation was relatively short, and the other students in the class didn’t have any obvious changes except for the occasional gaining weight.

On the contrary, it seems that Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan have become different.

Ji Tong still laughs often, but Ouyang Yu somehow feels that he is more cheerful and generous than before, as if he has let go of some things that have accumulated in his heart, and faces every day more calmly.

Pei Qingyuan was just the opposite. He became more silent when facing other people, and he was inseparable from Ji Tong no matter what.

In the last semester, the teacher allowed him not to take some basic professional courses, but this semester he did not miss any class, and has been sitting quietly beside Ji Tong, as if this is the most important thing.

Ouyang Yu couldn’t figure out the logic behind these changes, so he couldn’t help but whispered to his deskmate and roommate: “They didn’t break up, did they? Brother Pei is chasing someone again?”

The deskmate immediately looked at him with a look of discovering the new world: “I didn’t expect you to be a straight man.”

Hearing this sentence, Ouyang Yu actually felt a little uncomfortable: “Why do you say that?”

The deskmate rolled his eyes: “This is obviously the power of love, do you understand possessiveness?”

“I don’t understand.” Ouyang Yu smiled firmly, “Do you think I’ve been in love before?”

Ji Tong, who was sitting behind and eavesdropping, was first amused, and then whispered to Pei Qingyuan: “Ouyang thought we broke up.”

The task panel after the resurrection lost any response, so recently Ji Tong no longer hides his love status in fear.

Pei Qingyuan looked at him sideways: “No.”

“Then you should be happier.” Ji Tong reached out to poke his arm, “Ruan Ruan.”

From the day when his human identity was exposed, Pei Qingyuan forbade him to call himself host. He could be called by any name except host.

So he had no choice but to randomly choose among the three titles of Ruan Ruan, Brother, and Madoka.

Pei Qingyuan answered him seriously: “I’m not unhappy.”

Ji Tong looked into his eyes and saw the emotion that was stronger than before.

He was indeed not unhappy, but based on getting along and understanding for more than a year, Ji Tong felt that Pei Qingyuan seemed to be making a very important decision.

Under the shroud of a crisis that is always hanging over their heads, an important decision that may affect each other’s future.

Ji Tong didn’t know what it would be, so he could only comfort him with the words he was most familiar with: “Don’t worry too much, tomorrow may not necessarily be bad.”

He used to always say that to himself.

Tomorrow might be fine, so stick to it until tomorrow.

Countless long-awaited tomorrows add up to form long days.

Pei Qingyuan put the warm milk tea into his palm, and held the cup with his cool fingers: “Yes.”

Warmth spreads in the palm of the hand.

The daily snacks, fruit milk tea link has not changed.

The single dog Ouyang Yu accidentally saw this scene, and once again turned his eyes to his tablemate sadly: “I want to drink milk tea too.”

“Oh, buy.”

“I still want to get out of the single.”

“…Take it off if you want, tell me why!”

Hearing the bickering between the two people in front, Ji Tong smiled happily while holding the milk tea.

At night, the building belonging to the School of Artificial Intelligence was lit, and students passed by from time to time in the corridors. A conference had just ended, and there were scattered conversations everywhere.

Qiao Yunhe sat by the flower bed downstairs, chatting with friends from the same team.

“The things made by Xiao Pei’s own group are too cool.” The friend was a little frustrated, “Compared with this, I feel that the things we made are meaningless.”

Qiao Yunhe comforted him: “Relax, the competitions are different, there is no need to compare.”

“That’s right.” My friend sighed, “You are really well-informed. You brought them here as soon as school started, which is also a good thing for our group—”

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly saw Qiao Yunhe standing up suddenly, and even swearing: “Fuck, I’m right!”


There is no need to be so excited.

Just as he was about to speak, he subconsciously followed Qiao Yunhe and saw a stranger with an eye-catching appearance walking towards the Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

The other party looked very old, with white hair tied into a single ponytail at the back of his head, dressed in a black formal suit, tall and straight, with a stern expression, and a pair of sunglasses on his face. He was a very temperamental old man. It came out of the pictorial.

Frankenstein Whitebeard Grandpa.

Qiao Yunhe never thought that he would actually meet someone who fit his imagination so well in his lifetime.

Although the white beard has become a white ponytail, this small detail is irrelevant and makes Frankenstein even cooler.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?”

He muttered to himself, staring at the old man without blinking, until the moment he was sure that the other party was really going to enter the building belonging to the Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

Qiao Yunhe couldn’t bear it anymore, took a few steps forward, and blurted out: “Excuse me, are you here to find Pei Qingyuan and Ji Tong?”

The old man stopped and turned to look at him slowly: “How do you know?”

His voice was cold and emotionless, which perfectly suited this cool appearance.

Qiao Yunhe was so excited that he flew up, and quickly reported: “The teacher in the courtyard just finished the meeting for everyone, and the two of them seemed to have some conflicts, chatting alone in some corner of the building, is this why you came? “

The deep friendship between the old grandfather of Frankenstein and the brothers of the same school that he imagined might be all right!

The representative of Mastermind No. 5 looked warily at the aborigine of the projection world who took the initiative to talk to him: “Do you know who I am?”

He was just about to check in depth whether any suspicious abnormal data appeared in this world again, when he heard the college student jumping up and down with joy in front of him categorically say: “I know, you are the coolest grandpa!”

Mastermind No. 5 represented a trace of bewilderment in his cold, inorganic eyes covered by sunglasses.

And Qiao Yunhe couldn’t wait to hand over the notebook, his tone full of admiration and admiration: “Handsome guy, can you sign me?”

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