Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 123

Chapter 122

Two hours ago, the large classroom next to the courtyard office.

“This year, the team of University C is very strong. It is said that there has been a breakthrough in the walking system. The robots participating in each event may have improved…”

All the students from the School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence who are about to participate in this year’s RS Cup are sitting under the stage. Xiao Jianping is telling everyone what he has learned recently. He and his colleague Sun Peiwei are the instructors in charge of this competition in the School of Electronic Intelligence.

Of course, it wasn’t just these two teachers, many teachers in the courtyard were present today.

After Xiao Jianping’s general introduction, the captain will start to demonstrate the robots of each team, and can communicate with classmates and teachers at any time during the process.

In order to avoid unnecessary competition in the courtyard, the specific competitions that each group participates in are different, so as to avoid troubles such as making poker robots in the next courtyard before, and it is also convenient for everyone to learn and communicate with each other.

Although the focus of different competitions is different, the core is the intelligent algorithm used to realize various functions, and they have something in common. For example, a football robot walking on a football needs to be autonomously positioned at all times, and it is developed for disaster scenarios. Rescue robots are also needed.

Due to the limited time and space, most of the human robots tonight are unable to perform a complete demonstration consistent with the content of the competition. The team leader can only introduce the latest developments and demonstrate some key functions at the same time.

The only exception is the entertainment-type omnipotent robot Mark of Pei Qingyuan’s group.

It now has a basically complete shape. Although the built-in algorithm is still being upgraded and improved, and the bionic materials that make up its body are also being tried and optimized, it can already play various chess and card games against humans, and the most outstanding one is of course. It is the main function: mahjong.

This is almost the demonstration session that everyone is most looking forward to tonight. Anyway, playing mahjong only requires one table.

Mark was placed on one of the chairs, and he was using his rather flexible manipulator to code mahjong.

At the same time, the teachers and students who actively participated decided three lucky ones to participate in the competition through finger guessing.

When the three lucky human opponents sat down, Mark, who uses the friendly personality mode by default, stretched out his mechanical hand, and at the same time made a voice very similar to Ouyang Yu: “Competition is second, friendship…”

Xiao Jianping, who won the boxing game, was also among them. While shaking hands with Mark, he smiled and gave instructions: “Mark, please switch to hedgehog mode.”

In the next second, Mark’s mechanical hand was released in an instant, and his originally gentle voice immediately became yin and yang, and the sentences were seamlessly connected: “You’re just kidding, don’t you believe it?”

It even stretched out its other hand, dusted the palm of the hand it had just shaken with Xiao Jianping, and said proudly: “The competition is second, and Mark is the first.”

Such a natural and smooth mode switching amazed the onlookers and burst into laughter at the same time.

Ouyang Yu, who was watching from the side with his teammates, laughed very loudly.

He seems to have a bit of talent as a voice actor.

Thinking that Mark might use such a voice to talk to all kinds of bosses in the future, I don’t know why it’s a bit cool.

Maybe it’s a stand-in attack.

Ji Tong next to him also smiled happily, but Pei Qingyuan remained expressionless as always, and was not amused by Mark’s arrogant tone at all.

Terrible self-control.

Ouyang Yu sighed sadly while laughing.

Forget it, he doesn’t understand people in love.

Ji Tong, who contributed the advanced version of Mark AI, has not participated in the follow-up optimization since the Spring Festival, because Pei Qingyuan proposed to do it by himself.

Pei Qingyuan has made rapid progress in this field, and Ji Tong has already laid the foundation, so he didn’t think much about it, and handed it over to him with confidence.

Ji Tong looked seriously at Mark who was fighting fiercely with humans at the table, and he never stopped smiling the whole time.

He couldn’t wait for the day when Mark played against the poker robot in the yard next door.

When the conference ended, almost all the teachers and classmates were talking about Mark.

“Fortunately, this group was the last demo. If I was behind them, my mind would be empty.”

“It’s so awesome, I feel like I can announce the ranking of the major life events in the domestic competition area in advance…”

Amidst the noisy discussions, the three of Ji Tong were surrounded by the students asking non-stop, and even the teammates Xie Yuchi and Lin Rui who came to have a small meeting with them were surrounded.

Xiao Jianping, who had just finished chatting with the teachers, walked over, his tone full of appreciation: “The effect of today’s demonstration is very good, completely beyond our expectations, without any obvious shortcomings…”

Looking at the smiles on the faces of his teammates, Ji Tong felt quite emotional.

Although he has cheats, he only opened some not-too-excessive plug-ins on the AI, and all other parts were completed with the efforts of his teammates.

Xiao Jianping briefly talked about a few areas that can be improved, and asked Pei Qingyuan casually: “Xiao Pei, why didn’t you introduce the new module that you discussed with me before?”

Pei Qingyuan said succinctly: “I’m still immature, and I won’t use it in this competition.”

“He’s too ambitious.” Xie Yuchi interjected, “I don’t let go of anything related to AI. He wants to learn everything. He definitely wants to compete with me for the title of Almighty.”

The other teammates laughed, and Ji Tong was a little curious: “What new module?”

“According to Xiao Pei, it can be regarded as a remote control function for Mark. Adding a port allows users to remotely control Mark. It is similar to taking over the machine manually. It is still just a prototype.”

Xiao Jianping half-jokingly said: “However, in my opinion, in order to realize the complete control of a high-precision robot like Mark, we can only use the chip implanted in the nerves, and our most mysterious and powerful brain nerves directly dominate the machine. .”

“This is not just something in our field. It belongs to the field of brain-computer interconnection. There is still a long way to go…”

Xiao Jianping was feeling emotional, but Ji Tong’s expression gradually changed, and he didn’t know what he thought of.

He looked at Pei Qingyuan beside him, and said in a stubborn voice, “This function is not allowed.”

Pei Qingyuan didn’t speak, his eyes remained silent, and the surroundings suddenly became silent.

This is the first time that Ji Tong showed such an almost angry expression, and it was also the first time that he denied Pei Qingyuan’s idea without hesitation.

He usually always smiles, so everyone was surprised and surprised at the moment.

Ouyang Yu tried to smooth things over: “If you don’t like this module, you can discuss it again. Actually, Brother Pei didn’t explain it to us in detail, and we don’t know what form the remote control function will take…”

As he was talking, he stopped himself, a little afraid to continue.

Ji Tong’s skin was already fair, but at this moment it looked strangely pale, revealing an unbelievable panic.

Maybe this isn’t just an argument over a feature module.

There may be something hidden behind them that they don’t understand.

“Sorry, let’s go out for a while.”

Ji Tong apologized to everyone in a low voice, obviously wanting to solve this matter alone.

Pei Qingyuan remained silent, letting him drag his arm and walk out without any hindrance.

The wind in the corridor was surging by his side, time seemed to flow backwards, this time it was Ji Tong who led him all the way to the moonlight.

The window in the stairwell reflected the night under the starlight, and the light gray fire door was closed heavily. There was no one else here, and it was extremely quiet, only the sound of breathing intertwined with each other.

The young man who was close at hand shook off his hand, his face was full of anger, and his tone was sharp: “Pei Qingyuan, are you crazy?!”

It was the first time Pei Qingyuan saw Ji Tong angry, and it was also the first time he heard Ji Tong call his name like this.

But his gaze became very soft because of this.

“Do not be angry.”

Now it’s him who said it.

In this acquiescence without any excuse, Ji Tong’s expression gradually changed from anger to sadness, his eyes became moist, and his voice became quieter, but his tone remained persistent: “I won’t agree.”

It doesn’t matter to add a remote control function to Mark, but Pei Qingyuan’s purpose is obviously more than that.

The essence of brain-computer interconnection is to connect brain signals to the Internet. Through this technology, the human nervous system can be extended infinitely, no longer limited by the body, and can control a computer sitting at a mahjong table through consciousness across tens of thousands of kilometers. robot.

Furthermore, consciousness flows in the data and becomes an independent existence out of the body.

Just like the current state of the system Ji Tong.

This is human immortality in a sense.

It is also death in another sense.

Pei Qingyuan originally had a clear plan for his career and a foreseeable bright future in this world, but now he is suddenly interested in this field, and there is only one answer.

He wants to give up everything in this world, just like Ji Tong, let his consciousness reside in the data forever.

This is his decision about the future.

Ji Tong rubbed his red eyes, lowered his head, and muttered to himself: “I disagree, you are the protagonist of this world, you cannot become data…”

Pei Qingyuan held his shoulder and made him look up at himself: “I know you won’t agree.”

“But you also know that I’m a stubborn person, from a long time ago.”

He was never willing to entrust his fate to other people’s hands, waiting for others to deal with it. Whether it is the person who gave him life, or the “person” who dominates the entire world.

What Ji Tong is worried about is that the world will be destroyed, and the host and others will disappear as a result.

Even if there are many problems in the projected world and high-level alarms are triggered, as a system, he will not receive too much blame and is safe.

What Pei Qingyuan is worried about is, if he really disappears, what kind of reaction will Ji Tong have?

After Ji Tong left that idiot AI that only talks according to a fixed program, he missed it for a long time, even to this day.

His feelings are slow and long, and the future life is always full of fragments belonging to the past, because he quietly collects and counts all the warmth he has received.

He is the cutest system Pei Qingyuan has ever seen, and also the person he likes the most so far.

Pei Qingyuan actually didn’t know which novel the little prince and rose that Ji Tong mentioned that day were the characters in, and what kind of past they had. It was a story in another world.

All he knew was that on a seemingly ordinary day, a lonely child met Xiaomei, the only one who existed for him in this world, and never forgot her.

In the clear and warm moonlight, he lowered his head and gently kissed the tears overflowing from the corners of the eyes of the person in his arms.

“I hope you can have a little beauty that never goes away.”

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