Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 131

Chapter 130

Outside the glass window, the floating dusk turned into dots of stars, shining in the night sky.

In the dimly lit room, a snow-white cat walked in quietly, and it carefully rubbed the legs of the second owner.

Owner No. 2 was holding a beautifully bound book, and kept crying, and the dripping tears fell on its fluffy hair, making Huahua stiff.

Tears are warm and moist sensations.

It blinked its blue eyes like the ocean, and decided to coax this fragile-looking human being.

“Woof woof.” Don’t cry.

Huahua barked like an exception, and then arched to the No. 1 owner next to him who was holding a tissue, her caring buttocks swaying under the light.

“Meow meow meow meow.” Bullying is not allowed.

There were only two humans present, so it must be the fault of Master No. 1.

Immediately afterwards, Huahua saw Master No. 2 crying and laughing, and Master No. 1 also had a smile in his eyes.

“Huahua barked just now.”

There was a hint of joy in the slightly trembling cry, like light feathers across the tip of the heart.

Pei Qingyuan stood up, this time he hugged Huahua with gentle movements.

Then put the comforting cat on the sofa in the living room.

“I won’t bully him.”

He rubbed Huahua’s head, turned and went back to the room.

The cat huddled up on the sofa foolishly, thinking about how the No. 1 owner is so gentle today.

I don’t know how long it took before Huahua suddenly woke up.

Why is the door of the room closed again? !

Another cat was left alone in the living room.

Fortunately, it also has a little yellow duck.

When the night was getting darker and Huahua was about to fall asleep in the little yellow duck’s arms, the two masters came out of the room.

Master No. 2’s eyes were red, and his face was also red. He sat quietly at the dining table, waiting for a sumptuous birthday dinner.

While Master No. 1 was going to the kitchen to warm up the dishes, Hua Hua rushed to Ji Tong’s feet and asked him.

“Meow meow meow meow meow?” Are you being bullied again?

Master number one is really abominable.

How can you close the door and bully others without admitting it!

When it asked like this, Ji Tong’s face turned even redder.

He tried to change the subject: “Can you bark again for me?”

With pity in her heart, Huahua said, “Wow.”

When the tears stop, all that is left is the air of happiness.

So Ji Tong hugged Hua Hua and looked at it with a smile: “Why are you so cute?”

Being stared at so enthusiastically by the beautiful humans, Huahua suddenly felt a little shy.

It let go of the cat’s arrogance and reservedness, and rubbed its furry face against the owner’s cheek, as if wishing him a happy birthday.

A sumptuous and delicious dinner, a planet-shaped cake, a soft and obedient cat, and a lover by your side.

This is Ji Tong’s nineteenth birthday.

As he blew out the candles, he made a birthday wish.

He hopes that he can stay in this world longer and longer, preferably forever.

Make a wish and cut the cake.

Ji Tong cut the planet cake and carefully separated the piece where the little robot stood.

Then take a photo and send it to the mastermind.

[This is the happiest birthday, thank you. ]

The time node agreed with the No. 5 mastermind representative was after the task of winning the RS Cup International Championship was completed. Logically speaking, the mastermind would come at the moment the task was completed.

But the mastermind promised to wait until his birthday was over before announcing the settlement.

Ji Tong originally wanted to send a photo to the mastermind, but now he really wants to share this cake with it.

The representative of Mastermind No. 5 replied quickly.

[Is it for me? ]

[Yes. ]

But the Mastermind definitely has no interest in human food like cake.

Ji Tong was about to describe the taste of the cake to the mastermind in detail, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was even, regular, and rhythmic. It was either an obsessive-compulsive disorder or a robot outside the door.

He and Pei Qingyuan were startled at the same time.

This is also too fast.

…He wanted the Mastermind to have a taste of the cake, but he didn’t want to meet the Mastermind so soon.

That means the future of this world will be decided.

When Ji Tong was worried, Pei Qingyuan got up to open the door.

Standing outside the door was a man who was both unfamiliar and familiar.

A black-haired man with a high ponytail in a formal suit who seemed to have stepped out of a fashion magazine.

Pei Qingyuan looked at those cold inorganic eyes for a few seconds, and couldn’t help saying: “Today is much younger than last time.”

The image of the mastermind last time was a cool white-haired grandpa, and today it is the middle-aged version of the cool white-haired old man.

Ji Tong’s reaction was more direct, he widened his eyes in shock and said, “Where’s your white ponytail?!”

How did it turn black!

No. 5 has no expression on his face: “Humans generally have gray hair in their old age.”

Ji Tong suddenly forgot his worries just now, and said sadly: “But human beings can dye their hair, and it can be dyed in any color.”

“Oh.” No. 5 put on the slippers that Pei Qingyuan handed to it calmly, and walked into the room.

It saw the planet cake with the little robot standing on it, the dishes on the table, the alert cat, and the faint moonlight pouring into the room.

This is the happiest birthday that No. 0587 system thinks.

No. 5 turned his head and caught the ever-changing complex expression on Ji Tong’s face, probably feeling uneasy about the fate of the world he was about to announce.

It took the initiative: “Do you have anything to say?”

Will he ask it to keep everything in this world?

As a result, Ji Tong blurted out: “Your white ponytail is really handsome, can you change it back to white?”

Number Five: …

No. 0587 is indeed the strangest system it has ever seen.

“Okay.” Number five’s black hair really turned white immediately, and it said at the same time, “You used up a wish.”

Ji Tong didn’t have time to be happy, with a blank expression on his face: “What wish?”

Number five stared at the piece of cake cut for it: “Three wishes will be rewarded after the settlement is passed.”

System 0587 is weird, and so are the recipients.

They love the projected world where the plot goes off track.

Pei Qingyuan reacted faster: “The settlement has passed, Ji Tong doesn’t need to leave, right?”

No. 5 nodded: “Theoretically yes, he can always exist as your system. Your current relationship has been approved, the emotional line task is completely cancelled, and the career line task will continue.”

“This projection world can continue to operate stably until many years later, when the natural birth, old age, sickness and death are ushered in, the host dies, the system ends its work, and it goes to the next world.”

No. 5 added: “Your settlement results are good, so the range of rewards you can wish for is relatively large, such as allowing the system to truly possess a human body, no longer restricted by any rules, and only exist in this world from now on, with the same lifespan as ordinary humans. Or after the host dies naturally, it will also become a system, and enter different worlds to serve their respective hosts in the future.”

Be human and grow old together, or be immortal together but not see each other all the time.

Each option sounds good, and at the same time has a little bit of a flaw.

After No. 5 finished speaking, the room was silent for a while, and Ji Tong suddenly said, “The cake is filled with ice cream, which is almost melting.”

He didn’t seem to care about the two starkly different options, only that the little matcha-chocolate robot fell off the melting planet cake.

“This piece is for you.” Ji Tong looked at it with a smile, “It doesn’t taste good when it melts.”

Number Five hesitated for a moment, then sat down on the third chair pulled by Ji Tong.

It has never tasted human food.

When No. 5 was struggling silently, Ji Tong turned to look at Pei Qingyuan: “There are two more wishes, one for each of us, okay?”

Of course Pei Qingyuan would not refuse his request: “Okay.”

Ji Tong will ask the mastermind what reward he wants?

In the room where there are always only two people and one cat, there is an extra breath of elders.

The young man rested his chin and looked at the cold-faced middle-aged man beside him. He was staring at the cake in front of him and did not dare to touch it easily. Under the light, the ponytail glowed with silvery white light.

“It’s delicious.” Ji Tong encouraged it, “You will like this taste.”

When he watched TV through Xiaomei before, he had never seen such a cool middle-aged man on the screen.

If he had ever seen it, it would have made the fictional father Ji Yanxing also have a white ponytail.

Therefore, he didn’t regret at all that he used a precious wish on the mastermind’s hairstyle.

Five finally raised his fork and scooped up a bit of ice cream.

It was a cold, sweet, strange taste.

Not to mention liking it, nor hating it.


Fives are short and to the point, not ready to share their feelings.

But it remembers the taste.

Number Five raised his head, and saw System 0587 staring at him with extraordinarily bright eyes.

“My second wish is, can you pat me on the shoulder?”

In fact, Ji Tong struggled for a while, and finally chose a method that was more in line with the image of the main brain among hugging, touching the head and patting the shoulder.

The mastermind froze.

It didn’t expect Ji Tong’s second wish to be so simple, it’s hardly a wish.

But it didn’t ask again, but really stretched out its hand, and slowly patted the thin shoulder of the young man in front of him.

Number Five has never done this kind of movement before, and it is a bit unfamiliar and stiff, which reminds it of some scenes it has seen in human life for no reason.

The taciturn father patted his son on the shoulder, silently placing all his joy and hope on his palm.

“Thank you for bringing me into this world.”

Ji Tong said to it with a smile.

The little pea-green robot still stands on the sweet-smelling tan planet.

There is the brightest moonlight outside the window.

In the data on the 5th, there is an extra piece related to the moon.

The third wish is blank.

Pei Qingyuan said that he hopes to keep this wish and wait for it to be fulfilled in the future.

Five agreed.

Number five found that tonight he seemed to be extra patient.

Before saying goodbye to these two humans, it even gave an extra reward.

Naming rights for this projected world.

Each main brain representative is only distinguished by a number, but cats, watches, robots, and even cars in this world all have names.

System 0587 apparently has a penchant for naming living or non-living things.

Think of it as giving back that scoop of ice cream cake.

A middle-aged man with a white ponytail walked into the boundless night, and the warm room was still filled with the voice of a teenager.

“Ruan Ruan, haven’t you thought about your third wish yet?”

“Not yet.”

Should Ji Tong become a real human being, or make himself a system that needs to serve other hosts?

Pei Qingyuan didn’t want to make a hasty decision.

If Ji Tong has a human body, they can grow old together like ordinary people.

However, maybe Ji Tong is no longer used to the life of ordinary people. He will worry about eating too much and getting fat, and he will worry about injury and pain. Without a treasure chest that can hold things casually, he can no longer suddenly become a white mushroom.

He didn’t want Ji Tong to go back and miss his life as a system.

Ji Tong blinked: “I thought you would want to turn me into a human being.”

Pei Qingyuan rubbed his hair: “You are fine now.”

Maybe he can find a third answer besides these two options.

The world is still running steadily, his career has just begun, there are uncertain opportunities or enemies ahead, the days will continue to move forward, and there are still many things to do.

Before cashing in the reward, Pei Qingyuan wanted Ji Tong to fully experience it.

Live in a bionic body without treasure chests and transformation functions, and experience ordinary human life.

Or get along with yourself who puts your consciousness on the Internet, and experience an unusual system lover.

Or a more perfect answer to the problem.

That’s what he’s going to start working on tomorrow.

As for tonight, all he cares about is the extremely beautiful moonlight.

In the quiet night, Ji Tong hugged Huahua and went downstairs for a walk with Pei Qingyuan.

Because Huahua went for a walk in the community in the afternoon, and at night she lay down in front of the glass window of the balcony, looking at the dog strolling downstairs from time to time.

In Mark’s words, this is probably a dislike of integrity.

The noble-eyed cat nestled gracefully in Ji Tong’s arms, hiding its red loving buttocks. It was completely different from the little white dog that hopped around like a toy in the afternoon, attracting the attention of many dogs.

Ji Tong smiled all the way with crooked eyebrows.

He has a lot to say about his nineteenth birthday, and he wants to tell everyone who can hear it.

But in the end it was just one sentence.

[Ji Tong: I have the best cat in the world. ]

The comments were immediately filled with neat “let me see”.

Ji Tong replied one by one, giving each comment a system default expression of a little white dog.

Then I got a lot of question marks.

After showing off, Ji Tong put down his phone and said to Pei Qingyuan in a low voice: “When the next task is completed and the random reward is shaken, should I do something else and turn into a little white dog?”

Pei Qingyuan was thoughtful: “At that time I asked you if there was a mistake in the reward option, and you said it was a random result.”

…I got carried away for a while, and took the initiative to expose it.

Ji Tong said in a hurry: “Well, guess what the receiver and settlement mean?”

Pei Qingyuan did not expose the little liar’s system, and cooperated: “I don’t know, what is it?”

Ji Tong said confidently: “I don’t know either.”

He just wanted to change the subject casually.

Pei Qingyuan: …

He looked helplessly at the boy holding the cat until he met the starlight shining in those eyes.

“It’s not written in the workbook, but I asked Sister Yinyin and Xiaohao.” Ji Tong said, “They told me that the recipients are a group of people far away from us, maybe humans or machines.”

“Receivers will see a lot of things, some will let them stay, some won’t. Our settlement passed, it seems to mean that there are enough recipients to stay for us.”

Pei Qingyuan tried to digest the meaning of his words: “Is staying the same as staring at the world?”

Ji Tong scratched his head: “It should be.”

“Then they will know that today is your birthday.” Pei Qingyuan said, “They will also wish you a happy birthday.”

Staying for a planet in the vast universe, people inside and outside the planet seem to have spent a period of life together, whether it is short or long.

Ji Tong seemed inspired: “I suddenly feel that the extra reward given by the mastermind is very precious.”

The name determines the sound it makes when called, and those syllables last forever.

Pei Qingyuan nodded: “Well, this world doesn’t have a name yet.”

Ji Tong immediately said: “I’ve made up my mind.”


Ji Tong imagined the distant happy birthday that might exist in that sentence, and couldn’t help but think of the happy birthday that sounded hot in his ears when he was secretly alone at dusk, so he said firmly: “Don’t covet the beautiful system!”

“…” Pei Qingyuan reached out to pinch his slightly flushed cheeks, with a deep smile, “No.”

But the world heard his voice.

The air is filled with invisible particles, converging into flowing data, and the smell of summer night is as colorful as a dream, leaves, cicadas, and recalled memories.

The little robot that fell from the tornado is full of stars, the desert becomes a garden, the seasons change, snowflakes bloom in summer, and butterflies fly out of the white snow.

The man with the white ponytail is about to disappear at the edge of the world, it recalls the taste of ice cream, a gentle moon rises in the void of data, and the moonlight shines on the lovers walking at night.

Then, the story has a name.

—End of text—

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