Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 132

Chapter 131 – Five Years Later (1)

In the science and technology park, the glass curtain walls of high-rise buildings reflect dazzling sunlight.

On the morning of early spring, rushing office workers poured out of the subway station, bought a cup of American style when passing by the crowded coffee shops in the park, and started their day’s work with the slightly bitter and refreshing aroma.

Among the non-stop crowd, a long-haired girl walks lightly, looking forward to the buffet breakfast of the new company in her heart.

When she walked into the luxurious building located in the center of the park, the strangers passing by her cast envious glances.

This is the second day that Lu Anqi joined Two Trees Technology Company. Yesterday she bought breakfast downstairs in the community to fill her stomach. After arriving at the company early, she found that all the workstations were empty.

She sat in the front desk of the president’s office with a dazed face for nearly half an hour. When the working hours came, she saw her colleagues coming out of the elevator one after another. Most of them were smiling and looked… full?

When the manager of the personnel department saw her, he immediately reminded her not to forget that the company restaurant has a rich buffet of meals throughout the day, and she can go there at any time without delaying her work.

Lu Anqi did not forget the benefits promised during the interview, but she didn’t take it seriously.

Putting some fruits and snacks in the restaurant can also be called a self-service.

For such a large company, the essence of benefits must be to improve the work efficiency of employees.

As a result, when she was having lunch that day, looking at the professional chefs lined up in the huge restaurant, she realized that she was completely wrong.

The restaurant of this company seems to be serious about cooking food for employees.

So she came to breakfast on an empty stomach today.

Lu Anqi walked into the elevator, while expecting, she was also a little nervous.

A few days ago, the president went on a business trip abroad, and it is said that he came back today. I don’t know if this real young president who is often seen on the news is also so cruel.

Before the elevator doors closed, a young man in a black suit walked in. Lu Anqi looked over and moved away a little embarrassed.

This is a subconscious reaction to seeing a handsome guy.

The other party’s skin was fair, his facial features were handsome, and there was a bright smile in his eyes, as if he had just heard a good thing, and the strong joy was very contagious.

Lu Anqi peeked out of the corner of her eye, and always felt that the other party looked familiar.

The elevator started to go up, and in the reflection of the smooth mirror-like car wall, the man noticed her and said proactively, “You are the newly hired president to run the front desk, right?”

Lu Anqi was taken aback, and quickly said: “Yes, hello!”

She remembered that on the day of the interview, the other party was sitting next to HR. Because she wasn’t wearing a suit and looked different from today, she didn’t recognize her right away.

And he didn’t speak the whole time that day, but when she talked about the reason why she wanted to work at Two Trees, he showed a nice smile.

As a domestic technology company with the fastest development in recent years, Two Trees competes with the foreign brand Zart, accounting for half of the domestic household robot market. A large number of young talents have poured in here, not only attracting graduates from famous local universities, but also attracting Many talents from outside the province and even overseas.

Compared with those competitors with bright resumes, Lu Anqi’s resume is not outstanding. When she submitted her resume, she actually had the feeling that she could live the best, and if she couldn’t, she would be a pilgrimage.

The year Lu Anqi graduated from university was not going well, and she was depressed for a while. At that time, the second product of Two Trees, the robot Mark, became popular in China, which also drove the popularity of the first product, the jelly bean robot.

Lu Anqi, whose life was in a mess, was sitting alone in a daze at the bus stop, looking at the silly-looking jelly beans on the promotional poster at the stop sign opposite, and decided to buy one for some reason.

Maybe because it looks silly than itself.

Compared with the large robot Mark with complex workmanship, the price of small robot jelly beans is very cheap, priced at less than two hundred yuan, which is similar to high-end toys for children.

This robot that can dance, chat with her, and tell fairy tales is indeed like a toy, but it has a unique name for Lu Anqi, and when it hears her sigh, it will take the initiative to tell her stories one after another that she has never heard of before. Heard the bad jokes until she finally laughed.

It accompanied her through many nights that she thought she could not survive, and saw the sun rise again and again.

During the interview, Lu Anqi didn’t say much about these past experiences, but only said that she wanted to be a colleague with the person who designed the jelly bean robot.

The fair-skinned young man sitting across from him smiled.

Standing in the elevator car at the moment, he also smiled, and stretched out his hand to Lu Anqi: “We are colleagues now.”

Lu Anqi didn’t understand the meaning behind this sentence for the time being. She thought that the other party should be the personnel or the management of another department. In short, the level must be quite high, so she will participate in the interview.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also very kind, and he still remembers her.

Most of the management of Two Trees are very young, because the initial entrepreneurial team consists of a few college students, and the president is only 24 years old, which is not surprising to her.

Lu Anqi quickly shook hands with him: “Thank you for remembering me.”

“I remember every colleague.” The other party said with a smile, and then seemed to remember an important thing, and said to himself, “But you probably don’t have a deep impression of me, so I can’t ask you.”

Everyone sat down during the interview.

Lu Anqi was startled, thinking about what this sentence meant, when the elevator arrived, it stopped at the floor where the restaurant was.

The young man politely waited for her to get out of the elevator first, and the two of them walked through the corridor one after the other to the restaurant.

Lu Anqi also heard the other party answer the phone.

“I’m going upstairs, I just arrived at the entrance of the restaurant.”

“No, I can’t wait for a second. I’m very anxious. Come up quickly…”

His voice was light and bright, with a little coquettish feeling, as if he was talking to a lover.

Lu Anqi touched her feverish ears, walked into the restaurant, and noticed that the strange colleagues she came in greeted her friendly and said good morning to each other.

Most of the people were wearing work badges. When Lu Anqi glanced over the colleagues, she remembered that the colleague she met just now didn’t wear a work badge, and she didn’t know which department he was in.

This buffet breakfast is extremely rich, almost the size of a five-star hotel. It includes special breakfasts of different styles from all over the world. There are even foreign faces among the chefs, and the craftsmanship is probably very authentic.

No wonder the park exchange group she just joined said that TT is a company that makes products with heart and cooks meals for employees with soul.

TT is the abbreviation of the company’s English name TwoTrees, which is more concise and easier to type than the Chinese name.

Astonished Lu Anqi was about to pick up the dinner plate when she heard a slight commotion behind her.

She turned her head and saw the young man who had hung up the phone coming in. The colleagues around him obviously knew him, and they all greeted him, “Mr. Ji, good morning.”

Lu Anqi:! !

What did she hear? !

Under Lu Anqi’s shocked eyes, Ji Tong smiled and said good morning to everyone.

A more lively employee asked: “Ji Dong is back from a business trip, why didn’t Mr. Pei come with us today?”

“He’s parking the car.” Ji Tong said, “He’ll be here in a while.”

Today he didn’t go straight to pick up the dinner plate, but stood and chatted with the group of colleagues, chatting about everything from the beautiful weather to the taste of breakfast.

Because the employees are generally young, there is no generation gap when chatting, and the company culture encourages equal exchanges and communication. The overall atmosphere is very good.

However, everyone gradually discovered that today’s Director Ji is very kind, and he is very keen to chat with everyone, and some old employees immediately understood what was going on.

Ouyang Yu, who was sitting in the seat by the window, looked back and wondered: “Why hasn’t he gone to get breakfast? It’s been a long time, it’s unscientific.”

Five years have passed, and the once young college students have matured a lot.

Xie Yuchi expressed a kind of indifferent wonder with an iceberg face: “You can’t even see this?”

Ouyang Yu tried to think: “Is he not hungry now?”

Xie Yuchi thought for a while, and clicked his tongue: “As expected of you, Manager Ouyang who is often punished to go on business trips because he stepped into the company with his left foot first.”

The scene of Ji Tong walking into the company in formal attire is basically repeated every year. The first two times they didn’t know why, but later they finally understood the reason behind it, and the old employees would cooperate tacitly.

It’s a pity that Manager Ouyang, who often travels on business, always misses this day perfectly, so he still looks confused.

“…” Ouyang Yu, who was poked in the sore spot, straightened his waist, and said stiffly, “What’s wrong with the business trip? I like business trips the most. It’s so comfortable to stay in a hotel.”

Cui Yinan shook his head and didn’t even need to think about it: “I have a feeling that you are about to go on a business trip to a place with very difficult conditions.”

“No, master, don’t scare me…”

Ji Tong, who walked towards their table, was tall and straight, and his steps were brisk. He was elated by the discerning employees, but there was never too much praise.

The experienced Cui Yinan and Xie Yuchi said at almost the same time: “You look very different today.”

Ji Tong looked forward to it: “What’s different?”

Xie Yuchi said succinctly: “Bigger than before.”

Cui Yinan’s tone was sincere: “Have you grown taller again?”

Only then did Ji Tong sit down contentedly, and rolled his eyes with a smile: “I’m 1.8 meters tall!”

To be precise, it should be that his height has grown to 179.99998.

There were too many decimal points, so Ji Tong rounded up confidently.

Over the years, the host’s main plot tasks have been going on. Every time the system rewards, Ji Tong chooses to grow in appearance, and the originally childish boyish face gradually becomes mature.

Only the height range can only increase at a small interval of 0.2 cm each time.

Ji Tong went to the mastermind to protest, but the ruthless mastermind with a white ponytail said: Considering the age, this is a reasonable height growth curve.

Therefore, from 179 to infinitely approaching 180, it took five tasks.

The latest increase in height came from the task he and Pei Qingyuan completed when they were on a business trip abroad a few days ago.

When he saw the long string of decimal points behind 179, Ji Tong had reason to suspect that the mastermind definitely did not let him grow to 180 on purpose.

Be wary of malicious artificial intelligence.

That’s okay though, smart humans will round up.

The two of them came to the company together in the morning, and after parking Xiao Hei in the garage, Pei Qingyuan answered a phone call that happened to come in. Ji Tong, who couldn’t wait to let the whole world discover how tall he was, simply came up first.

Hearing the good news of his 1.8 meter announcement, the two friends and colleagues applauded respectfully: “Congratulations.”

Ouyang Yu, who had been kept in the dark, suddenly realized, and blurted out: “Is the change so obvious? Why didn’t I see it?”

After his words fell, Cui Yinan and Xie Yuchi immediately cast gloating glances.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ji Tong held his chin to look at him, his tone seemed normal, “Xiao Huang must have worked very hard at the construction site, do you want to go on a business trip and visit him?”

The company is building a series of large-scale robot-themed buildings in neighboring provinces. As an engineer, Huang Wen spends every day on the construction site in pain and happiness.

“…” Thinking of Xiao Huang who was getting darker day by day, Ouyang Yu couldn’t help shaking, “Although I don’t know where I was wrong, I must be wrong, give me another chance to reorganize the language.”

Amidst the laughter, there was another commotion at the entrance of the restaurant.

This time it was Mr. Pei who came.

Not far away, Lu Anqi, who had just searched for Director Ji with her mobile phone for a long time, looked up.

The man who walked in had the same stern face as in the news screen, and he was also wearing a well-tailored suit. On Ji Dong’s body, it was refreshing and bright, but on him, it was sharp and gloomy, with a strong aura, which made people dare not Easy to approach.

Lu Anqi noticed that as soon as President Pei walked in, his eyes fell on Director Ji who was sitting by the window.

When he saw that Ji Tong was talking excitedly with his friends, and the table in front of him was still empty, there was a trace of gentle helplessness in those calm eyes.

Amidst the greetings from the employees, he nodded slightly and walked towards the buffet table.

Lu Anqi looked curiously at the young president and the even younger chairman.

After searching, she found out that the original chairman and president of Two Trees Company was Pei Qingyuan, and other members of the core team held certain shares. Later, Pei Qingyuan suddenly transferred almost all the shares in hand to the name of one of the shareholders. , the chairman naturally changed.

This incident once sparked outside discussions, thinking that this emerging technology company has also caused internal strife among the veterans, or that Pei Qingyuan, who has become famous in this field, wants to cash out and look for the next track.

Among the various speculations, the most outrageous one is that it is said that the news from internal employees said that the reason why Mr. Pei took the initiative to hand over the shares was because the shareholder thought being called the chairman was very handsome.

…The editorial reason should also talk about the basic law.

Of course Lu Anqi didn’t believe it either, but when she thought of the gentle gaze that passed over others, and the chairman who had a good smile, she suddenly felt a little unsure.

She saw Boss Pei walking towards the window with a plate full of various foods and sitting down beside Director Ji.

In the warm sunlight that continuously streamed in, those bright eyes were extraordinarily bright.

Pei Qingyuan knew that he must be busy showing off his height when he came up, so he gently put the dinner plate in front of him: “Eat breakfast first.”

After saying hello to Pei Qingyuan, the smart colleagues who were already full decided to kick the dog food away and leave space for this stinky couple.

“It’s all my favorite food.” Ji Tong inspected a circle of dinner plates, and thanked him very politely before he was about to start, “Thank you, Mr. Pei.”

When you grow up, your breakfast should not be the same every day.

Every time he heard Ji Tong call him that, Pei Qingyuan would feel a strange feeling in his heart, as if countless beautiful time passed by his heart.

He saw Ji Tong undo the first button of his shirt, revealing the fair skin around his neck and the golden key pendant.

So Pei Qingyuan leaned over slightly, reached out to tie him up, and the voice that fell on Ji Tong’s ear was smiling: “Serve the chairman.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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