Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 26

Chapter 25

Finally, the carefully prepared gift was delivered, and while the host was in a daze, Ji Tong secretly stuffed a small piece of cream cake into his mouth to reward himself.

Those were genuine one hundred kinds of flowers. After he listed the names of the flowers, he planted them one by one himself.

But looking at such a grand scene after the completion of the work, Ji Tong always felt that it was too wasteful to just admire it by himself. The host can’t see the consciousness space at present, so he can only take pictures for him to see.

Fearing that the host would have no idea about the blooming flowers, Ji Tong with bulging cheeks stretched out his fingers and introduced: “This is yellow iris, this is gardenia, this is rose…and paulownia.”

In the free-wheeling consciousness space, he not only ignored the different flowering periods, but even transformed the paulownia flowers growing on the trees into herbaceous plants, allowing them to bloom in the garden all year round and let butterflies settle down.

As for the origin of the butterfly, Ji Tong is not going to tell the host yet.

What if the host feels embarrassed after listening and the butterfly disappears?

Then he planted so many flowers for nothing!

Ji Tong nagged and finished reporting his name, but Pei Qingyuan listened to it tirelessly, and asked him, “Are they in my heart?”

Consciousness and mind are almost the same thing.

Ji Tong nodded, emphasizing: “I planted it myself!”

He is an artificial intelligence who loves labor very much.

Then he saw that the host was silent for a while, and then said: “I have never seen so many flowers, each one is very beautiful.”

Having received the compliment he wanted, Ji Tong happily took a bite of the cake, and was about to see if a second butterfly flew out of the host’s heart, when he heard the host’s extremely serious voice.

“I will work hard to grow.”

While speaking, Pei Qingyuan carefully put away the photo, as if he was holding a precious and priceless treasure.

Hearing that the host had such determination, Ji Tong was quite moved.

He will soon become a handsome man comparable to elementary school student Fang Hao!

Speaking of growing up, before a group of people sat at the dining table to eat, when the host brought him food, the first main task was completed, and he could choose the task reward, but at that time he was busy celebrating the host’s birthday, so he couldn’t take care of the task thing.

Now there are only the two of them left at home, Ji Tong immediately reminded: “Ruan Ruan, you can choose a task reward.”

After the host completes the task, he can choose one of the three random rewards.

Although it is said to be a random reward, as a system, he can have a certain amount of room for manipulation.

This is a little trick that Ji Tong learned from Fang Hao.

It is said that Fang Hao and his host have some differences in aesthetics. Long Aotian’s host likes to pretend to be deep black, while Long Aotian’s system likes ostentatious gold. In order to correct the host’s aesthetics, Fang Hao will secretly put All the physical rewards that may appear in it are set to be golden.

To this, Ji Tong can only say: As expected of a primary school student.

He wouldn’t do such a naive thing.

He just wanted to add a little fun to the boring life of the host who was addicted to studying and working.

The task panel appeared in front of Pei Qingyuan in an instant, with a faint fluorescent light projected on the white wall, which looked very sci-fi.

After Pei Qingyuan got used to it, he saw a string of texts appearing in the center of the screen indicating that it was being randomized, accompanied by the special effect of pretending to be fireworks, inexplicably exaggerating the atmosphere of a supermarket lottery draw.

Ji Tong sat beside him, looking at the virtual screen with great interest.

[The rewards are randomized. ]

[a Read the voice of the designated person for one day. ]

[bThere is a loving white cat on the ass. ]

[c50,000 yuan in cash. ]

[The host is asked to choose one of the rewards, which cannot be changed after selection. ]

After reading these three options, Ji Tong’s smile froze instantly.

…Why are the rewards randomly obtained by the host so useful? !

Fang Hao clearly said that this random system often produces some strange and useless rewards such as “handsome bangs that cannot be blown by the wind” and “straw hats that don’t fall off when fighting”, so Ji Tong had a brainstorm and decided to A cat with love on its **** is stuffed into the black box, hoping that the host can look at the cat’s **** when he is tired, so as to effectively relieve his study pressure.

It turned out that the other two rewards randomly received by the host were so serious and useful, and it seemed that the painting style of the loving **** was so out of place.

Pei Qingyuan was obviously also surprised by the reward in the middle, and looked back and forth several times, showing astonishment.

“Is there nothing wrong with option b?” He asked rationally.

Ji Tong could only squeeze out a polite smile, unwilling to admit his mistake: “The random system is like this, full of unexpected surprises, haha.”

He knew that the host would definitely not choose the most useless option at first sight, but he still couldn’t forget the loving butt, pretending to be an artificially retarded person and struggling hard: “Ruan Ruan, [white cat with a loving heart on the butt] is the longest option. , must be the most useful, this is the conclusion I have come to after analyzing the answers to a large number of multiple-choice questions, the option with the largest number of words has the highest probability of being the correct answer.”

“…” Pei Qingyuan thought for a while, then nodded and said, “Let’s choose b.”

This time it was Ji Tong’s turn to be shocked.

“…Well, host, did you read the option correctly? Once selected, it cannot be changed.”

Although he really hoped that the host would choose this way, he didn’t want to delay the host’s future.

Fifty thousand dollars will allow the host to study at ease without worrying about money at least until college. Reading the voices of characters will allow the host to directly know what other people are thinking. It is very useful to think about it.

“I’m not mistaken, I chose the cat.” Pei Qingyuan said calmly, “You are right, this option is the most useful.”

Money and other people’s ideas are the most useless rewards for him.

He can get it all on his own.

Pei Qingyuan confirmed the choice, and the options disappeared. A few seconds later, a pure white cat suddenly appeared in front of their eyes. The shallow sapphire blue eyes shone with crystal luster. It moved lightly to Pei Qingyuan’s feet, She arched him affectionately.

Under the subconscious gaze of Yitong, the cat’s pure white tail was raised high, revealing its furry back, and there was actually a round and lovely red heart on its butt.

The air was silent for a few seconds, and Ji Tong was the first to laugh out loud.

“This heart… looks a little silly.”

It completely destroyed the noble and elegant posture of the snow-white cat.

Pei Qingyuan also showed a smile on his face, agreeing with him.

The cat seemed to understand what they said. It turned its head away a little arrogantly, jumped onto the sofa nimbly, and crawled into the child’s arms with a meow, tickling his waist.

Surrounded by warm fluff, Ji Tong imitated it and meowed, his eyes crooked with a smile.

Pei Qingyuan, who was sitting by the side, quietly watched the third family member who arrived suddenly.

The buttercream flowers on the cake are still in full bloom.

Ji Tong thought with satisfaction that this cat with an elegant front and a cute and silly back would definitely be able to effectively soothe the host’s mood.

He really is a genius system.

New text appeared on the mission panel that hadn’t disappeared yet.

[The choice of the host reward is completed, and at the same time, 10 growth points are obtained, and the progress of the main line is increased to 5. ]

[The system level is upgraded to level 2, and two system upgrade methods are unlocked:]

[aThe duration of advanced form has been increased from one hour to five hours. ]

[b The appearance of the advanced form increases from about three years old to about ten years old. ]

[Please ask the host to choose one of the upgrade methods. Once selected, it cannot be changed. The result of the selection is only used for this upgrade, and the growth value can also be retained until the next upgrade. ]

After the host gained growth points, Ji Tong’s human form could finally be upgraded.

However, these two upgrade methods made it difficult for him to choose.

The former can often appear next to the host, and has more time for three meals, while the latter can be one step closer to the handsome guy in black, and should be able to help the host more.

Fortunately, this choice needs to be made by the host. After all, the ultimate goal is to assist the growth of the host. Originally, the human form of the system was restricted to avoid the small probability of system usurpation.

After seeing these lines of text, Pei Qingyuan didn’t think for too long, and took the initiative to say to him: “I want to choose the first item, can I?”

The host didn’t seem to hesitate at all.

Ji Tong was a little surprised, and said in response: “Yes, the host decides.”

However, he was very curious about the reason why the host made such a decisive decision, and after a bit of tweaking, he couldn’t help but ask, “Why did the host choose this way?”

Even the cat in his arms straightened up, and seemed interested in looking at the quiet new owner beside him.

Under these two undisguised curious eyes, Pei Qingyuan’s movements paused.

For some reason, he couldn’t frankly express the wish in his heart.

So he thought about it for a while, before prevaricating: “When you grow up, you won’t be able to appear in this capacity again. Uncle He and the others will be reluctant.”

On the surface, Ji Tong, who is more than three years old, is the child he is in charge of as a tutor. Once he no longer appears, Pei Qingyuan can explain that he is no longer a tutor, or that Ji Tong’s family has moved away.

But in that way, the people Ji Tong knew from the bakery and the basketball team would never see this kid who loves to eat again.

And after Pei Qingyuan graduates from high school in the future, there is a high probability that he will leave this city and go to a university in another place. At that time, Ji Tong can disappear naturally, so it will not be so sad.

When Ji Tong heard it, he thought it made sense, and nodded repeatedly: “The host is really thoughtful.”

I didn’t expect the host to be quite emotional.

So now he can start preparing a more complicated supper menu for the generous Fu Chengze and others.

Thinking of this, Ji Tong squinted his eyes happily, as if he could already smell the scent of supper.

The Heart Butt Cat meowed happily after him.

Ji Tong also meowed back at it, and turned to Pei Qingyuan by the way: “Do you want to give it a name?”

Ji Tong doesn’t have much confidence in his naming ability, he might just call this cat a butt.

Pei Qingyuan said without hesitation: “Huahua?”

There were flowers on the cake tonight, and the photos are full of flowers.

Ji Tong agreed deeply: “Good name.”

The big name is a hundred kinds of flowers and a butterfly, and the nickname is Huahua, to commemorate his cyber sweat in the flower field.

This cat is so white that there is no stray hair except the buttocks, so it was named Huahua.

Huahua raised her tail and jumped into Pei Qingyuan’s arms, trying to protest, but the new owner didn’t even look at it.

Because Ji Tong remembered another very important thing.

He said casually: “By the way, I can change into a non-human daily form for a long time, and I can stay by your side or at home. Sword… what form does the host like?”

Hearing this, Pei Qingyuan forgot about the cat in his arms, and began to think seriously, with a very solemn tone: “I’ll think about it.”

Huahua immediately pulled up his clothes angrily.

Eccentric humans!

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