Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 27

Chapter 26

Pei Qingyuan was not used to being in close contact with animals. When he found the cat making a fuss in his arms, he returned Huahua to Ji Tong at a loss.

Ji Tong stared at this particularly humane cyber cat with a smile, lowered his head and poked its face, proudly said: “No competition for favor.”

As the host’s most reliable and reliable system, how can a newcomer cat have the same treatment as him?

He also emphasized in a low voice: “Just call Huahua, call Huahua, call Huahua.”

Huahua: …

It drooped its innocent tail limply, and decided not to compare itself with the stupid person in front of it.

Pei Qingyuan pretended not to see the strange behavior of his system trying to bicker with the cat, and concentrated on thinking about what form Ji Tong should turn into.

He hopes that Ji Tong can see the same scenery as himself every day.

Turning into a sword is a good choice, but unfortunately this is not ancient times.

Pei Qingyuan’s belongings are not many, and he only carries his schoolbag with him when he goes to school every day. Among them, Ji Tong’s mobile phone, which seems to be the most suitable, can’t be taken out in public at school, but can only be hidden in his bag.

You can’t let Ji Tong become his clothes, right?

He will sweat when he plays basketball at night, so it should not be suitable.

Pei Qingyuan thought for a long time but couldn’t figure it out, so he simply asked his own opinion: “Do you have any favorite form?”

Speaking of this, Ji Tong became energetic.

His eyes lit up, he conjured up a blueprint out of nowhere, and handed it to Pei Qingyuan graciously.

“Before, I made some small designs for the host’s reference.”

This is an idea he had many days ago. Since the idea was born, he has designed several drafts of light drawings.

Pei Qingyuan took the blueprint with an unexpected expression, thinking that he would be entangled with others, so he might as well respect the system’s preferences.

Just when he was about to say yes, his eyes froze on the very complicated drawings, and he suddenly stopped hesitantly.

A huge hemispherical object with four long mechanical arms of rather complicated design extending from the lower end, and it seems to have retractable grippers.

He asked confusedly: “What is this…?”

“Can’t you see it? This is a big bowl with legs!” Ji Tong said proudly, “I have absorbed a lot of knowledge about mechanics and mechanics, and the finished product is absolutely in line with the current level of technological development in the world, and will not be rejected by the center. “

The system cannot show too abnormal abilities and states in front of ordinary people, such as flying broomsticks or transforming into living people, otherwise it will easily lead to the collapse of the world view, so of course the daily form of the system should not be too outrageous.

Pei Qingyuan: …

A large bowl with legs.

His worldview collapsed and reorganized once again.

The profound ideas of artificial intelligence are indeed beyond the comprehension of human beings.

Pei Qingyuan tried his best to look away from the mysterious drawing, and said calmly: “I’ll think about it again.”

Ji Tong heard a very euphemistic refusal from the host’s pretended calm tone.

The dream of long-legged bowls was shattered.

The loose straps slipped down like his mood, and Ji Tong also slumped on the sofa with a listless face, staring at Hua Hua who was curled up in a ball of melancholy.

The warm yellow light illuminates the two pools of molluscs on the sofa, as if in a wonderful dream.

Pei Qingyuan watched from the side, and for some reason stretched out his hand out of nowhere, and gently rubbed Ji Tong’s short, soft hair.

The neglected Huahua meowed a little aggrieved, Pei Qingyuan had no choice but to stop the movement of withdrawing his hand, and carefully patted its head.

Huahua immediately narrowed her eyes in satisfaction and swung her tail.

Ji Tong criticized in a low voice: “Childish!”

Huahua: “Meow meow meow!” You are so childish!

The soft moonlight outside the window poured into the house like fog.

Pei Qingyuan was in a trance, and he remembered that fairytale photo again.

This moment is also like a fairy tale.

He casually pressed the phone that vibrated again in his pocket, thinking about what to do now.

He seemed to be the only adult human in the family, presumably the head of the family.

The clock on the wall was about ten o’clock in the evening.

What should ordinary people do at ten o’clock in the evening?

Pei Qingyuan thought about this question unskillfully.

In view of the busy day, he was not sure: “Shouldn’t it be time to take a shower and go to bed?”

Ji Tong, who was forming a ball on the sofa, was taken aback when he heard the words, thought for a moment, and suddenly became excited again: “It makes sense, it’s time to take a bath!”

After getting the approval of family members, Pei Qingyuan relaxed, and a strong sense of responsibility rose in his heart inexplicably.

“Before going to school tomorrow, I will think about the daily form that suits you.”

Every day’s time is precious and should not be wasted.

Ji Tong nodded again and again, completely forgetting the disappointment that the long-legged bowl proposal was rejected, he took the cat into his arms with one hand, and grabbed the host’s clothes with the other hand, rushing into the bathroom in a hurry.

“Ruanrou, let’s go, let’s take a shower!”


“That’s right, the host is responsible for extending a helping hand in a timely manner.” Ji Tong said seriously, “I want to see if Huahua and I will get water and fail when we take a bath. After all, our bodies were created out of thin air, so we should be able to follow There’s a difference between a normal human or a cat.”

Huahua’s eyes widened in horror.

“Meow meow meow meow!” Master save me!

As a result, its apparently smart owner agreed thoughtfully: “It should be tested.”

“Let’s wash the cat first.” He deliberately added.

Huahua:! !

This home can’t wait!

The hour hand ticked toward ten o’clock.

On the other side of the city, the huge mansion was also brightly lit.

Not long after the grand coming-of-age ceremony ended, there was still a lively atmosphere in the air.

Pei Yan unbuttoned the top button of the shirt collar a little tiredly. He smiled cautiously in this subtle sense of confinement all night, and now finally ushered in the moment of relaxation.

However, even though his body was exhausted, he felt an indescribable satisfaction.

Surrounded by the doting of his parents, grandpa and all the guests tonight, he received a birthday gift that was completely unimaginable in the first seventeen years of his life, so many and expensive, it simply gave him the illusion of being in heaven.

But when he was excited, Pei Yan couldn’t help but wonder, did Pei Qingyuan accept such a gift for seventeen years?

The resentment of being robbed of a happy life deep in my heart will quietly surge up.

Fortunately, there is someone around who understands his feelings.

Sitting beside him, Xiang Jinyang, who was also well-dressed, was looking through the list of gifts recorded by the servant with great interest, and chatting lazily with him: “Is your adoptive mother going back very late?”

Pei Yan nodded, and then saw an undisguised mockery on Xiang Jinyang’s face.

“It seems that he can’t have a happy birthday today.”

Xiang Jinyang didn’t mention the specific name, but both of them knew very well who he was referring to.

The family teacher had taught Pei Yan the etiquette of speech and behavior. He was not allowed to say such offensive words in public, nor should he show real and strong emotions unscrupulously.

So Pei Yan could only silently agree in his heart, and felt a little pleasure in Xiang Jinyang’s contemptuous expression.

“The thief always has to pay the price.” Xiang Jinyang said casually, his eyes suddenly lit up, “I remember this sports car is very good-looking, Xiaoyan, has Uncle Pei already given you a more expensive one?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how to drive, and my mother hasn’t arranged for me to learn.” Pei Yan has long been used to such generosity in getting along with this good friend, “If you like it, just take it and drive it.”

“Great, I can finally change car and drive to school.” Xiang Jinyang immediately put his shoulder on his shoulder affectionately, “Next time I will take you for a drive.”

Pei Yan smiled and talked to him, chatting about the trivial things and gossip that happened in the school, until Yu Guangli, the group of adults who were talking in the distance dispersed, and Pei Huaishan, who was gray-haired and energetic, called Pei Minghong away. The atmosphere in the room didn’t seem to be harmonious.

What is grandpa going to say to daddy?

The smile on Pei Yan’s face stopped and gradually faded.

In a corner far away from the crowd, Pei Minghong, who was over forty years old, frowned impatiently, and raised his hand to look at his watch as soon as he stood still: “Dad, what’s the matter?”

Pei Huaishan immediately widened his eyes: “What’s your attitude?”

Facing his father’s dissatisfaction, Pei Minghong didn’t back down: “Dad, I’m really busy. I have several investments in place, and there is a transnational meeting to be held in the evening. Today, because of Xiaoyan’s birthday, I have already delayed a lot of things.”

Tiredness was written in his sharp brows and eyes, and he wasn’t very interested in today’s huge birthday party. He wasted time here and stayed the whole time, more to appease his wife’s mood and stop causing trouble.

Pei Huaishan looked at his son who only had work in his eyes, and sighed, “Today is also Qing Yuan’s birthday.”

“He’s not my son.” Pei Minghong remained unmoved, “His mother will celebrate his birthday.”

“His mother has come here to attend Xiaoyan’s coming-of-age ceremony!” Pei Huaishan was annoyed when he heard that, and asked, “Which of you asked her to come?”

“I don’t know.” Pei Minghong showed his usual indifference, “Probably Xiaoyan.”

Pei Huaishan was furious: “You should hold this woman accountable! She killed two children, how can she appear here so grandly?”

“It’s not that our Pei family can’t afford to raise two children. If this irresponsible mother is punished, Qing Yuan can still be raised by us!”

Pei Minghong raised his hand and looked at his watch again. He was obviously indifferent to this set of rhetoric that he had heard many times in recent days, and said bluntly: “Pei Yan pleaded for her, saying that it is not easy for her, what can I do?”

“Besides—” Speaking of this, his eyes were slightly ironic, “at least it proves that this child is emotional, unlike the other one, who is not familiar with it.”

Pei Huaishan stared at his son’s cold expression, and remained silent for a while.

“Qing Yuan is a good boy.” He sighed, “It’s because you didn’t treat him well since you were young, and you blame me for not teaching you well and making you what you are now.”

Pei Minghong never liked his words, and retorted: “I don’t think there is anything wrong with me. Do I want to be like you? It’s this era, and you still stick to the so-called industry. Dad, you are really old. It’s outdated, and people can’t see clearly. Fortunately, I didn’t listen to you, otherwise I should be guarding the hills and planting trees like you.”

The contradictions and disagreements between father and son have been going on for a long time. Pei Minghong’s tone is full of superior pride: “At least in terms of the company’s market value, it has been proved that I am more successful than you. So stop treating me like a child, and teach me how to How to do it.”

“Besides, I also made two preparations.” He changed his tone and wrote lightly, “Qing Yuan is indeed a smart child, maybe he will achieve something in the future, and by then, he can still be a child of the Pei family— His surname is still Pei, and the woman promised not to let him change it.”

Pei Huaishan looked at him in astonishment.

He always thought that Pei Qingyuan didn’t change his surname because he still had nostalgia for the Pei family, but he didn’t know that it was Pei Minghong’s request.

He has nothing to say to this selfish and stubborn son.

“Xiaoyan can’t stay with you two anymore!”

Pei Huaishan trembled with anger, left the last sentence in disappointment, and walked away.

Seeing this, Pei Yan, who was eavesdropping not far away, quickly lowered his head and retreated behind the corner.

His palms were wet with sweat, and the words he heard just now replayed in his mind repeatedly.

Grandpa really missed Pei Qingyuan, and even wanted him to stay at Pei’s house.

But what did grandpa’s last sentence mean?

He suddenly remembered the message he had just received from Luo Xiuyun, saying that Pei Qingyuan ran away from home and refused to answer her calls, so she didn’t know what to do.

Where did Pei Qingyuan go?

Is it related to grandpa?

He returned to the hall in a state of confusion, only to see Pei Huaishan frowning and talking to Ye Lanting.

Seeing him come back, his mother showed a gentle smile and waved to him: “Yanyan, come here, Grandpa has something to tell you.”

Pei Yan walked over anxiously, with countless thoughts that made him panic, but he didn’t dare to show it.

Pei Huaishan watched his docile and well-behaved expression with complicated eyes, and asked softly after a while, “Do you want to live with grandpa?”

Pei Yan looked at Grandpa unexpectedly, and repeated cautiously: “Together…to live together?”

“Yes, grandpa is old, and I’m afraid of being alone, so I want to spend more time with you.” Pei Huaishan advised kindly, “Just live with grandpa for a few months, and I can come back often to see my parents.”

He has not been back to China for a long time, but he has keenly discovered that this child is quietly changing.

He saw that Pei Yan did not have Pei Qingyuan’s tenacity and precocity, but instead had an innocence and fragility that were out of season in this family.

Pei Huaishan didn’t want this ill-fated grandson to grow up to be completely different from when he came.

In the past, he was also busy with work. Although those businesses with weak profits and heavy assets were not worth mentioning in Pei Minghong’s eyes, there were fewer and fewer things to say between father and son, and the gap between them was getting bigger and bigger. There are many chores that are not easy to interfere with.

By the time Pei Huaishan fully realized the wrong way of educating his son and daughter-in-law, the quiet Pei Qingyuan had already passed his supposedly happy childhood. This has always been a deep pain in his heart.

The other child has only just arrived, and there may be time to save it.

Pei Minghong, who had just finished a work call, also returned to the room. He listened to his father’s words and did not protest. He just raised his eyebrows, thinking that his father’s whim was futile.

Faced with this unexpected invitation, Pei Yan was at a loss, and he subconsciously looked at his mother who usually gets along the most.

Sensing his gaze, Ye Lanting stretched out her hand with a smile, and fastened the button he had loosened, with a gentle and decent tone: “Yanyan, you have to look good.”

She looked at the collar that had returned to order with satisfaction, and said softly, “Mom loves you very much, and grandpa loves you very much. You can decide for yourself.”

The elegant scent of his mother’s perfume brushed his neck, reminding him of the days and nights of living in a spacious room.

Grandpa loved him, and would ask him how his life in the Luo family was, and would touch his head and ask him what gift he wanted.

My mother loves him, hires him the best teacher, lets him receive the most comprehensive education, and hopes that he can become a better person.

Mom only loves him alone, but grandpa has more than one grandson in his heart.

After he was taken by his grandfather, will Pei Qingyuan fill the vacant position next to his parents?

Is this grandpa paving the way for Pei Qingyuan?

Pei Yan wasn’t sure.

His family members surrounded him, very far and very close, he lowered his eyes, afraid that he would be shaken, and he didn’t want to look into anyone’s eyes, so he just whispered: “I have been separated from my mother for too long…”

He chose his mother.

Fate, like the spring breeze blowing and turbulent, finally found a certain path.

Pei Minghong gave a rare laugh, and said to Pei Huaishan, “Dad, is it okay? I didn’t stop you.”

Ye Lanting glanced at him disapprovingly: “Ming Hong, how can you talk to Dad like that?”

Then she smiled earnestly and said to Pei Huaishan: “Dad, Yanyan just came home, and now he is very clinging to me, and I’m afraid he doesn’t want to separate from me. If you are free, come to eat at home anytime.”

Pei Huaishan didn’t respond, his eyes wandered over the seemingly happy family in front of him, and after a long time, he sighed: “Alright, if you miss Grandpa, just tell me, Grandpa is always here.”

Pei Yan didn’t know the deep meaning behind these words. At this moment, he just let go of his clenched hands and nodded obediently: “Thank you Grandpa, I will definitely come to see you often.”

The intimate and polite words made Ye Lanting smile approvingly at his son, while Pei Minghong took out his mobile phone again and distracted himself openly.

Only Pei Huaishan suddenly looked a few years older at this moment, and the housekeeper who was waiting at the side quickly handed him his seldom-used crutch.

“I’m old, I can’t control you anymore, everyone has his own life.”

He seemed to be talking to himself, then turned his head and looked solemnly at the profit-seeking son: “Minghong, I still don’t want you to make the plate so big. When a tree grows up, it must be steady time and sweat, but what the gods give you is to charge interest.”

Pei Minghong didn’t even lift his eyelids, picked up the phone and hurried out: “Dad, don’t worry, I’m the only one who collects interest from others.”

Thinking that his father and grandpa were discussing business matters, Pei Yan stopped listening attentively and let his grandpa’s words slip past his ears lightly.

The dazzling light above his head fell into his eyes, as if it would never go out, illuminating the imaginary future with incomparable brilliance.

The next day, Xiang Jinyang got up early to play with the brand new car keys excitedly, urging him to go out to school together.

Xiang Jinyang did not study at Chengde Private High School at first. It is said that Ye Lanting originally wanted him to attend this high-fee private high school so that he could take care of his son, but Pei Qingyuan, who had been at the same school with him for three years in junior high school at that time, refused. Yes, it also became a catalyst for him to hate Pei Qingyuan.

Now he and the new young master of the Pei family are as close as brothers, so naturally they should go to and from school together, and they can be a companion on weekdays.

Xiang Jinyang is one year older than Pei Yan, has already passed the driver’s license test, and has good driving skills. Today, he persuaded Ye Lanting to let the driver rest and let him drive Pei Yan to school in a new car.

Ye Lanting watched the two children go out side by side with a full smile, and did not hold back the watery smile until he heard the sound of the motor far away.

After the birthday party last night, Luo Xiuyun called her suddenly, asking her eagerly if she knew Pei Qingyuan’s whereabouts.

How would she know?

Ye Lanting was about to hang up the phone coldly, but after hearing Luo Xiuyun say that Pei Qingyuan had moved away suddenly, he stopped the perfunctory he was about to say.

How could a child who had just grown up think of moving away?

Where did he get the money and courage?

Ye Lanting clearly knew that the money in Pei Qingyuan’s card had not been touched after he left, and he had not taken any valuables from Pei’s house.

Although Pei Qingyuan is working part-time, how much money can he save with a part-time job on weekends and a small bakery?

Ye Lanting almost instantly thought of the child whose origin is still unknown.

She thought of the rare smile on her husband’s face just now, and thought of his increasingly busy state recently, and she was full of doubts.

So she suppressed the emotions in her heart, and pretended to be relieved: “Qing Yuan moved out? Don’t worry, I’ll ask someone to check for you.”

It was the first time Luo Xiuyun heard her such a patient tone, she couldn’t speak well, and could only thank her repeatedly.

And Ye Lanting hung up the phone expressionlessly, stood in a daze for a long time, and then slowly walked back to the luxurious and spacious bedroom.

On the big bed behind her, her husband, who seldom stayed at home overnight, had already fallen asleep on his own.

After staring at him for a moment, she silently sat down in front of the dressing table and calmly removed the delicate makeup on her face.

Sleepless nights.

Ye Lanting remembered that the private detective said that the kid seemed to go to the gymnasium of No. 2 Middle School every night to find Pei Qingyuan, who was training on the basketball team.

She has seen the only photo of the child. He is eating cheap bread with a smile on his face in the camera. At first glance, he does not look like his husband, but after looking at it for a long time, she feels that there is a shadow of her husband everywhere.

Ye Lanting didn’t want to toss and turn in front of a photo that might be distorted.

She wants to confirm it with her own eyes.

Today is the first day of school after the holidays.

She should also go to school formally to care about this former son.

The always elegant and dignified woman got up from the dining table and walked to the bedroom where she had become silent again.

She wants to choose a suitable dress for today.

New cars with shiny paint whizzed around the corner, startling the birds parked in the trees.

Xiang Jinyang held the steering wheel firmly, and the wind blew in from the open skylight, messing up the hair of the two teenagers, bringing the coolness and comfort of the morning.

Amidst the rumors, he recalled the delicate conversation with Pei Minghong’s family last night, his eyes widened with interest, and he suddenly said, “Xiaoyan, for Chengde’s cultural exchange week this month, do you want the school to invite him over? “

Chengde is a well-known private high school in the whole province. It regularly holds cultural exchange weeks and invites students from other schools to participate.

Pei Yan didn’t react immediately: “What?”

“Pei Qingyuan is a big celebrity in the school, before and even more so now.” Xiang Jinyang said with a smile, “Inviting him to come to Chengde’s hometown to revisit, and see friends from the past again, must be a very commemorative birthday gift. “

This time Pei Yan heard it clearly, and even more clearly heard the obvious malice.

He fell silent for a while and asked, “Will the school agree?”

“Of course, for such a small matter as choosing an exchange school, your dad can just say hello.” Xiang Jinyang teased, “You don’t know that your dad has shares in Chengde, right? Young master.”

These three words made the remaining hesitation in Pei Yan’s heart disappear suddenly.

The sunlight in front of him was extremely bright, and the pedestrians who were left far behind outside the car window were so insignificant and contemptible.

His breath was suffocated, and he gradually sank into the overwhelming wind.

“…Okay.” Pei Yan responded shortly, “I’ll ask my friends from No. 2 Middle School first.”

He quickly took out his mobile phone, let go of the dazed apprehension and anxiety of the last time, and simply opened a dialog with Lin Zihai.

He wanted to know how Pei Qingyuan was doing in No. 2 Middle School now.

The mobile phone hidden in the schoolbag lighted up silently, and then slowly turned off.

However, the owner of the schoolbag did not sit in his seat.

It was the ten-minute break after the morning self-study, and the classroom was filled with unusual restlessness.

The first class was about to start soon, but Lin Zihai didn’t race against time to do the questions as usual. Instead, he sat in a seat in the last row of the classroom and chatted with his classmates.

“…I went to the office to deliver homework just now. Teacher Zhou looked very happy. It seems that our class has achieved a new high in the monthly exam results this time, and some students have a particularly high grade ranking.”

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at the seat next to him.

Pei Qingyuan was not at all affected by the lively atmosphere of waiting for grades in the class, as usual, flipping through the books in his hands calmly.

The only difference is that he is wearing a watch today. It looks very handsome, with neat and smooth lines, and the body of the watch is quite high-end black.

When Pei Qingyuan was reading, he would glance at the watch on his wrist from time to time, turning a blind eye to the noise around him.

Lin Zihai couldn’t believe it.

Today, the whole day of class basically has to report grades and lecture papers, why is he not worried at all?

Aren’t you afraid of losing face after scoring?

The classmates who were chatting with him looked envious when he finished speaking: “You must be the number one in the class. You are so good. Unlike me, you should go home tonight when you get the paper and get beaten.”

Lin Zihai pretended to be modest: “It shouldn’t be me. When I answered the answer that day, I just made a mistake in a multiple-choice question in mathematics. I don’t know who is so good at it.”

This time the math paper was so difficult, he only made a mistake in one of the multiple choice questions, and of course he was the first in the class with a record high score!

Pei Qingyuan, who was close at hand, was still indifferent, playing with his watch with peace of mind.

What’s so special about this new watch? Although it looks good, he has never seen a similar style before, but why keep looking at it!

Lin Zihai gritted his teeth secretly, and it turned out that the watch, which was nothing but handsome, seemed to be able to see his expression, and it actually flashed light regularly, and the flickering white light flowed, which was very technological.

“You’re the only one wrong?” The classmate who didn’t realize that he was showing off was surprised, “I seem to be right only one… It’s over, it’s over, I’m gone.”

Lin Zihai inexplicably felt that he was being ridiculed by this cool watch, and immediately stepped up his efforts: “Not necessarily, maybe I did something wrong and don’t know, after all, this time is so difficult.”

This time, Pei Qingyuan finally made a move.

He still had no expression on his face, only the corners of his lips were slightly raised, as if he was smiling.

In this subtle smile, Lin Zihai was forced to think of the two wrong questions pointed out by Pei Qingyuan that day.

… so **** angry.

With a serious expression on his face, he decided to hit the straight ball regardless: “Speaking of which, I don’t know how the class monitor’s grades are. Maybe the class leader is the class monitor this time?”

The other students next to him looked over curiously.

Pei Qingyuan, who was directly called this time, finally looked away from his watch and looked at the chattering study committee member.

Outside the window behind him, the smiling English teacher was holding a stack of thick papers, walking briskly through the corridor, and was about to enter the classroom.

Before the class bell rang, under Lin Zihai’s expectant eyes, Pei Qingyuan opened his mouth as he wished. When he spoke, his eyes were clear and his tone was light.

“You messed with my watch.”

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