Don't Destroy the World

15 - Soul Weapon

Ember slept for two days. It was a fitful sleep where she woke up from time to time, just enough to drink some water and have a bit of broth shoved down her throat. On the third day, Ember recovered enough to sit up and though she felt somewhat exhausted the fever had broken. Ember learned that during her time unconscious a funeral had been held for the people that had been killed by the blood leeches.

On top of that, the guards paired with Knight Garrick had hunted down the other blood leeches in the vicinity. Ember was a little disappointed that she had been asleep all that time but it was her own fault. She had pushed her magic too far. Magic drain was a dangerous thing and Ember hadn't even realized she was doing it.

Sure, she knew she was weaker than before but even if she knew that she didn't feel it. Even now, she could feel her magic wasn't even close to being exhausted. The problem was that her body only had a limited amount it could contain and she drained it before it could fill back up. It was frustrating. It was like having an ocean at her beck and call but only being allowed a cup at a time.

The only way to access it fully was to improve her body. She could also build her mind but she still had to wait for her brain to grow to full maturity which wouldn't happen until her twenties. Her soul she was pretty sure was already at its peak and the reason she had so much access to magic. She was even sure it had grown even larger after her death from her previous life. So that left her body. Getting it healthy and strong would probably give her the access she needed.

"And then Knight Van slammed his mace into the ground and told Lord Felis to leave. You should have seen his face," Rowan said, laughing. "He ran away like the ice hounds were on his tail."

Ember turned her attention to her brother who had been telling her stories about the knight. "This happened when Dad was carrying me home?"

Rowan nodded his head. "Yeah, Mom thinks they searched the house while we were at the temple because things were moved around."

"Probably," Ember said.

"He's an asshole," Rowan said.

Ember blinked. "Where did you learn that word?"

"That's what Knight Van called him. A proper noble asshole."

Ember stifled a laugh. "You shouldn't say that. If someone hears you, you can get in trouble."

"I know. But it's just you and me here," Rowan said, grinning. "But one day I'm going to be a knight and tell Lord Felis to his face that he's an asshole."

Ember reached forward and patted Rowan's head. "I look forward to it."

Rowan batted her hand away. "Mom was worried that they might have found your soul weapon." Rowan added. "But I told her you hid it in a really good place. I don't know if she believed me but you should probably show it to them."

Ember tilted her head. Her mother knew her weapon was soulbound so there was no way the weapon could be taken from her unless she was dead. Then again, her mother probably had never seen a soul weapon so she might not fully understand.

"Hey, can you show it to me?" Rowan's eyes were bright as he asked her.

"Okay, but tell Mom and Dad to come in here. I want to show it to you all together."

"Great! I'll get them now." Rowan raced from the room.

Ember chuckled and then called up Keeper's Hold and pulled out Mally. She sat it into her lap, keeping it in its form as a gray ball. She knew her parents would have questions so it would best to take care of it all at once.

It didn't take long for her parents to arrive in her room. She knew it wouldn't since she knew both were here instead of working. Her mother's gaze was a little worried when she looked at Ember while Rowan was bouncing with excitement. Her father examined her with his gaze and seem satisfied that she wasn't going to fall into a coma.

Her parents had been a lot more frazzled when she first awoken but now that several hours had passed with no sign of her slipping back into a fever induced sleep they had calmed down.

"Knight Van asked if he might join us in seeing your weapon," her father said.

"Knight Van?" Ember asked. She understood her brother shortening the knight's name but even her father.

Her father shrugged. "Vantosia is too long."

Ember shook her head. It was clear her father liked the knight. Still, she was cautious of him but she supposed it didn't matter. He knew she had a soul weapon so hiding it from his sight wouldn't change anything. It would also give her a chance to observe his reaction. She still wasn't sure if he could be trusted.

She nodded her head. "He can join us."

"Are you sure?" her father asked.

She raised an eyebrow. "Do you think it is a bad idea?"

Her father looked thoughtful, considering. "I think it's already too late and if we must trust someone, he is the best choice."

Ember nodded. "Then, I'm sure."

Her father left and a few seconds later he returned with Knight Vantosia. The knight's face was still as stone-faced as ever but his eyes gleamed with interest. It looked like even the knight was not immune to curiosity. She raised the gray ball.

"This is Mally."

Rowan frowned. "It's just a clay ball. I thought it would be a cool sword."

"You're going to hurt Mally's feelings." Then with a thought Mally shifted into a short sword.

Rowan's eyes widened. "It can change!"

She nodded and then she had Mally shifted into a war hammer followed by a shield and then back to a ball again.

"And it remains strong despite its ability to change," Knight Van asked, his eyes bright with curiosity. It was the most emotion she had seen on his face.

Ember nodded. "Stronger than steel when it wishes."

"Can I hold it?" Rowan asked, brimming with excitement.

"You can try," Ember said with a smirk.

Her brother frowned and went to grab the weapon but when he did his hand passed straight through it. He tried again and once again his hand passed through it.

"So you're soulbound to it already," Knight Van said flatly.

Ember nodded, watching the man closely. The knight looked thoughtful and then seemed to come to a decision.

"I suggest you hide it and don't tell anyone you are already soulbound to it. Even those who find out, keep hidden that it can change shape. Even people with their own soulbound weapon might be tempted. Besides, that sort of information would be priceless in battle."

"She's not going into battle," her mother said firmly.

"It might be good for her to be trained to use it if she is already soulbound," her father pointed out, looking at her mother. "You never know when she might need to use it."

Her mother glared at her father. "She's twelve. She's still a child."

"She's almost a woman," her father countered.

Ember could basically see the sparks shooting between her parents and interjected. "Maybe we should hold off on that conversation. We don't even have anyone that could give me lessons."

"I'll do it," Knight Vantosia said, stroking the flames she tried to douse.

Everyone turned to stare at him. Ember couldn't believe that he would make such an offer. It was no small thing to have a knight train her.

"Train me too!" Rowan shouted out. "I want to be a knight."

Her mother looked embarrassed as she pulled Rowan to her side. "We'll have to decline. We don't have the money to pay you."

"Then she could work it off," the knight said. "There are many chores she could do around the training grounds."

"Like a squire?" Rowan asked, obviously excited and then turned to Ember. "Are you going to be a knight?"

"No, I am not," Ember said, smiling. She met Knight Vantosia's eyes. "I have no desire to be a knight."

Her mother let out a sigh of relief.

"You should consider it," Knight Vantosia said. "You have shown you are brave and honorable in the face of danger, plus you have a soul weapon bound to you. If you were a knight, it would afford you some protections."

The offer wasn't a bad offer. The problem was that she already had other plans and being a knight under the oppressive royalty wasn't on the menu. Still, she didn't want to turn away a possible resource.

"It's a lot to take in. Is it okay if I think on it?" She asked, making her voice just a bit timid. It was possible she could offend him with her indecision but fortunately, the knight simply nodded.

"You can tell me your decision once we reach Hekral." He glanced at Mally but didn't comment further on the soul weapon. "If you'll excuse me." Then the knight stepped out of the room, leaving them alone.

"Are you really not going to be a knight?" Rowan asked, obviously confused about her earlier words. Cause of course who wouldn't want to be a knight.

"I plan to be a mage, remember?"

Her mother nodded. "A regular mage. Hopefully something safe with a good wage."

"I believe we should let Ember decide," her father added. "There are many options for her though whatever one she decides on she should learn to protect herself."

Her mother looked thoughtful but eventually she nodded. "I don't want her to be defenseless I just don't want her to throw herself in the middle of danger. It's best to avoid it if she can."

"I agree," her father said. He looked like he had more to say but decided not to speak further on the subject. It was probably for the best. It was no point in her parents arguing about it.

Ember decided to change the subject. "Has the day of the Choosing been decided?"

"It'll happen in two days," her mother answered. "Did you still want to go?"

She nodded her head firmly.

"We figured you would," her mother said with a sigh. "Still, I won't stop you from going, though...It seemed like Bloom Larisel would awaken you even without the Choosing."

Ember thought about it. It would make her life easier to not participate in the Choosing but if she didn't her brother would be chosen and come out a dud. She needed to prevent that from happening. She was sure Rowan hadn't pulled his name out from the Choosing despite what she had told him. "Yes, but it's better to have more options."

Her mother smiled. "Smart girl."

The whole time the conversation went on Rowan had a pensive look on his face. She could already imagine where his thoughts were.

"Don't think so hard, Rowan," Ember said to her little brother. "You'll have the entire trip to Hekral to convince Knight Vantosia to train you."

Rowan nodded his head but he looked nervous.

"I'll also try to convince him," Ember added.

Rowan's eyes brightened at that. "Really? Then we'll have to make a plan of attack."

Her parents laughed.

"We'll leave you both to your plotting," her mother said.

Then her parents left them. She was sure her parents were in the midst of making plans of their own. It was no small thing to just pick up and leave their life behind. Still, she was worried about Lord Felis and Welks. Neither man was the type to back off and though Knight Vantosia was a strong blockade she doubted that would be the last of things.

The gold she gave to Priest Octorin would work as a way to pay off the debt she was sure that the Lord would bring up. It was what he had done in her previous life. Still, she doubted it would end there, not with the soul weapon and her mother about to leave hanging in the balance. She had to prepare for the man's trickery or if that didn't work, she would have to kill him.

"Ember, are you listening to me?" Rowan asked, leaning in until they were almost nose-to-nose.

Ember jerked back. "What?"

Rowan pouted at her and then drew out his words. "We need to go over the plan."

"Oh. Do you already have one in mind?" Ember said, amused. She tucked her hand under her chin.

Rowan nodded, his expression serious. "Now listen closely."

Then Rowan began to go into detail about his plan and Ember put thoughts of Lord Felis and Welks away. She would think on it later tonight. For now, her brother had her undivided attention. It wouldn't hurt to help her brother reach his dreams.

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