Don't Destroy the World

16 - The Choosing

The days up until the Choosing had been busy. The warmth and excitement of the Choosing had not been fully dampened by the attack. This was in part due to the traveling merchants that arrived. They had set up stalls around the town square which had spurred a competitiveness among the local merchants. Each one trying to outdo each other with their decorations and goods.

A festive air began to fill the town and once again colorful cloths and painted stands filled storefronts and houses. Small stalls of trinkets and food popped up around the town square. Visitors began to arrive, staying in the town's only inn or renting out rooms at the local's home. The wealthier and more distinguished guests were even invited to stay at Lord Felis's estate.

It was easy to forget an attack even happened but then Ember would see a person with a missing leg or an unsettling gap where a person normally stood. The more she looked the more she saw the holes the attack left behind but the townspeople tried all the harder to immerse themselves in the festivities.

Ember had heard that even more people had signed up for the Choosing after the attack. People who had realized just how powerless they were. Most had made deals with Lord Felis and were set to take him on as their Lord if chosen, promised positions either with the guard or in Lord Felis's estate.

She hated how Lord Felis was using the attack to benefit himself but there was nothing she could do about it except hope that the attack wouldn't change the outcome of the Choosing. She was so close to escaping with her family and she needed to make sure everything moved without a hitch. She felt jittery from the upcoming events. She had everything plan but the biggest hurtle would be Lord Felis who probably had just as many plans to them from leaving.

"It's almost time," her father said, glancing at the stage that had been put up in the town center.

Knight Garrick and Knight Vantosia were walking up the stage with Priest Beslen. Knight Vantosia had stayed with them most of the time in the market but had left midway. His departure had been reluctant since it would be an opportunity for Welks and his group to try to attack her but they had promised to stay in sight of the stage just in case. Fortunately, nothing had happened.

She glanced at Rowan as his attention was split between the stage and the goose legs that a stall was selling. The savory scent wafted through the air and succulent juices dripped off them. Even Ember's stomach rumbled. After some thought, she walked over to the stall, fishing out 4 copper tons to pay for 8 goose legs for her whole family. She handed a pair to Rowan.

Rowan tore into his with glee before bouncing towards the stage. "Come on. We have to get to the front."

Her mother hurried to catch Rowan before he got lost in the crowd, while her father looked at Ember and then at the goose legs she handed him. He raised an eyebrow and she simply shrugged.

The usual salary for the loggers were around 5 copper flats a week. One copper ton was equal to 10 copper flats, so she had spent 8 weeks of her father's salary in one sitting. It was definitely a lot. Honestly, the goose leg was ridiculously expensive but meat usually was for commoners. Her father didn't question her about where she got the coins but she knew that wouldn't be the last of it.

Her parents had been holding back on questioning her. She thought it was a combination of her being sick and having Knight Van always looming close. Though her father seemed to like the knight he wasn't taking chances with him. Their family was in a precarious situation and their best bet was to wait until they were on the road or settled in Hekral. At that point, she would have to decide just how much she was going to tell them.

Right now, she had other issues to focus on. A loud shout went up as a carriage drove through the town. People hurried out of the way as the black carriage turned into the crowd, just missing several people. It then drove up through the square until it arrived on the left of the stage. Once parked, a coachman hooped off the carriage and opened the door. Lord Felis stepped out.

His clothes were high-quality without being gaudy. His golden hair seemed to shine in the sunlight and at the sight of him Ember heard several girls giggle and swoon. Her face twisted up at the sound. She wanted to tell them to not fall for his pretty face. The man was vile. But she held back, her attention turning back to the stage.

Lord Felis climbed up to the stage with Welks following close behind him. The noble sat down in the chair prepared for him, facing the crowd and to the left of the Choosing delegation. Welks stood behind him in a mimic of the knight's stance. Ember rolled her eyes at the display, but her attention turned to Lord Felis. His gaze slid over the crowd, searching. His eyes finally found what they were looking for, landing on her mother. There was a glint of what could only be called obsession in his gaze.

Disgust rose in Ember's stomach and she found herself moving closer to her mother. Lord Felis's gaze snapped towards her and his green eyes snapped with rage before turning his attention away. Ember shuddered and squeezed her mother's arm. Her mother curled her arm around Ember's waist and gave her a slight squeeze.

Ember looked up at her mother.

Her mother smiled at her. "We'll be fine."

Ember nodded. They would be. She would make sure of it.

More people began to gather around the stage as knowledge that the Choosing was about to begin spread. Voices rose in excitement and rivalry. Some people prayed. The noise grew even louder and a cheer went through the air as Priest Octorin ,with two acolytes on either side of him, came forward with a large bowl filled with stones. He sat the bowl in front of the stage.

Knight Van stepped forward. "Has this vote been tampered with to your knowledge?"

"It has not been tampered with."

Knight Van's eyes glowed and he nodded. "True."

Ember was always curious about this part. To her knowledge, Knight Vantosia was the only knight with the ability to see the truth. In other Choosings, the knight, the priest, and the lord had to verify the truth but it was different with Knight Van and his ability. With such an important knight, why had Knight Van been chosen to come to a small town such as theirs?

The Priest then picked up a list with names upon it and handed it to the knight. The knight took it, flipped through it and nodded. Then he handed it to Priest Beslen who glanced through the list nodded.

"I confirm."

He handed the list back to Knight Van who then took it to Lord Felis. The Lord took his time looking through the list and Ember got the feeling he was dragging it out though she wasn't sure why. Finally, the man nodded and handed it back to Knight Van.

"I confirm."

Knight Van took the list and handed it to Priest Octorin. Once again asking if it had been tampered with. Once it was confirmed, Priest Octorin stood to the side and Knight Van stepped forward, his gaze cut across the crowd and they grew silent.

"Within the terms of the Treaty of Brotherhood, today the divine Akashic Order and his Majesty Vincent Galari, present a coming together to provide opportunity for the common people, so they might have the opportunity to thrive in the blessing of the Akashic Tree."

"With such blessing comes power and that power must be tied in order to help strengthen the people, the order, and the kingdom. In order to guide and strengthen, the newly blessed Seedling shall dedicate themselves to the kingdom by uniting with a noble or through the divine by dedication to the Akashic Order. Let none interfere in their choices."

Knight Van's gaze scanned over the crowd and then upon the men on the stage before continuing.

"On this day of Choosing, Lord Andres Felis, Baron of Goros stands for the kingdom. Those who chose that path will dedicate their service to him and he will reward his new Seedling with guidance and strengthening their ability."

Lord Felis looked upon the crowd, his gaze lingering on certain people. Probably those who he already promised positions to if they picked him.

"Representing the Divine stands Blessed Priest Beslen. Those who choose the path of the divine will dedicate their service to the Order as acolyte and to follow in their teachings."

He paused and Priest Beslen smiled warmly at the crowd giving a wave.

"With this, let the Choosing begin!"

A roar went up through the crowd. Knight Van stepped aside as Priest Beslen stood. The priest walked over to the bowl and stuck his hand into it. Everyone watched with wide eyes and a deep silence filled the air.

Priest Beslen pulled out a stone with a number. "Number 42."

When Ember heard the number, she felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. The same number had been pulled so it should still be her but what if the name has been changed? It was a possibility because there might be people who had been dropped from the list due to death or injuries. She thought about that. It wouldn't be a bad thing if she didn't get chosen. It would keep attention off her and as long as she and Rowan didn't get picked then everything would be fine.

Her attention returned to the stage as Prist Beslen was given the list and flipped through it. His eyes widened and his lips twisted into a strange smile. He handed the list back to Knight Van who looked at it and frowned. Then the knight gave the list to Lord Felis.

The Lord looked at the list and a mixture of feelings crossed his face, like he was unable to settle on one feeling. Tension filled the air as Lord Felis continued to stare at the list for much too long.

"Is there a problem?" Knight Van asked the Lord.

"I'm not sure," the Lord said before handing the list back to the knight. "Please proceed."

Knight Van gave the lord a wary look before taking the list and handing it back to Beslen.

"The Choosing has been decided. Ember of Goros, daughter of Mister Zeris and Matron Camila, please come forth to be blessed."

The sound of her name echoed across the square. Ember stiffened but she took a step forward and was pulled back by her mother's grip on her arm. She looked at her and her mother's face was pale as she looked at the stage. She followed her gaze to see Lord Felis was looking in their direction, grinning.

Ember ignored the man to look at her mother. "It'll be okay."

"I'll walk her to the stage," her father said.

Her mother finally let her go and as soon as she did her father took her hand. Ember looked at him in surprise but didn't question it. She knew it was as much to comfort her as it was to comfort her father.

"You don't have to accept," her father whispered to her. "You still have that mage that is interested in you."

"I know," she said and glanced over at her father. "Don't worry. I have a plan."

He looked at her, somewhat doubtfully, before sighing.

Once she reached the stage her father reluctantly let go of her hand but he didn't look too happy about it. She was a little surprise at just how much her parents were worried. It hadn't been like this in her past life. Then again, a lot of things changed. Lord Felis had never gotten the opportunity to promise to clear her mother's debt if she chose him. With Knight Van guarding her he wouldn't be able to make such a blatant ultimatum without being considered interfering.

In the past there was no one to stop him from doing such a thing. She could have gone to the delegation for help but back then she had been intimidated by the noble. Besides, going to the delegation wouldn't remove her family's debt.

What a naive girl I was.

Once she was on the stage, Priest Beslen smiled at her as she approached. He looked at her curiously and she realized there was something almost expectant in his eyes though she wasn't sure why.

"Maiden Ember, do you accept the blessing about to be bestowed upon you?" the priest asked.

Ember smiled. "I do and I don't."

There was a stirring in the crowd at her words.

In contrast, Priest Beslen looked highly amused. "What do you mean by your words, Maiden Ember?"

"I would like to give my blessing to another," Ember stated and she looked out onto the crowd until she saw who she was looking for. "I would like to bestow it on Patricia of Goros, daughter of Mister Hans."

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