Don't Destroy the World

17 - A New Seedling

A murmur went through the crowd at her announcement. There was some confusion and a few dissenting voices. Others looked around, searching for the mysterious Patricia. Ember purposedly looked away from Patricia at least for now. She didn't want the crowd to rush the poor girl. Besides, she knew that her announcement wouldn't be the end of it.

"How generous," Lord Felis said with a smirk. "But you can't just give away your blessing. That's not how this works."

Ember ignored the noble as her eyes met Priest Beslen. The priest's eyes were shining with delight and it was clear he had gathered what her plan was.

"Not necessarily," Priest Beslen said and gave her a wink.

She felt a wave of relief. She hadn't been sure if the priest would catch on. She knew not all priests had delved deeply into the Treaty of Brotherhood and Priest Beslen was quite young so he might not be aware of its intricates. She only knew about the loophole due to a situation in a past life when a boy gave up his Blessing to his brother. Something that would repeat itself in a few years. Still, she was lucky Priest Beslen was knowledgeable. Maybe all Blessed priests studied the treaty in the Order. In any case, it made things that much easier.

The priest turned to face the crowd. "Under the Treaty of Brotherhood giving a blessing to an another during the Choosing is only allowed when nothing is asked for in return and proof that no coercion has been used directly or indirectly. Proving such a thing is almost impossible and so giving a Blessing to another is usually not allowed."

Priest Beslen's eyes twinkled. "Luckily for us we have the honorable presence of Knight Vantosia, the knight of truth."

A new murmur went through the crowd. Ember glanced at Lord Felis. The noble looked annoyed but not too upset. In the long run, it was probably safer for him if she wasn't a Seedling since it was clear she had the attention of the knights already. Since he hadn't had the chance to threaten her with her parent's debt like before, her not taking the Blessing worked in his favor. She looked forward to crushing that thought later for him.

"Maiden Ember."

She blinked and quickly turned her attention to Knight Vantosia who she hadn't realized had stepped forward. She looked at him waiting.

The knight frowned and then his eyes began to glow.

"Maiden Ember, daughter of Mister Zeris and Matron Camila. Do you willing give your Blessing to Maiden Patricia, daughter of Mister Hans without coercion and without exchange of goods, money, and material or immaterial benefits?"

"Yes, I swear it."

Knight Vantosia's blue eyes blazed in front of her and she could feel something push against her as if examining her soul. It was different from the times before. She found herself jerking back before the knight abruptly turned.

"True. You may proceed with the Blessing."

Ember just stood there. What the hell was that?

The sound of a commotion went through the crowd, drawing her attention back off stage. She turned to see Patricia being dragged to the stage by Rowan. Rowan had a determined look on his face. Ember couldn't help watching him. She wondered if he would resent her for giving the Blessing to Patricia instead of him. She was sure he must be wondering why she did this and even if she said he wasn't ready it wouldn't take away the bitterness of not giving it to him. She would check on him later. For now, her attention turned to Patricia.

The girl's eyes were wide and she was looking around her like someone was playing a trick on her. Ember smiled at her gently before taking her hand and pulling her to the stage.

Ember leaned closer to her, whispering. "I told you I would make an opportunity for you."

Patricia looked at her in amazement and Ember grinned before turning to leave the stage only for Patricia to grab her.

"Please stay with me," she said, her voice shaking.

Ember blinked and then looked at Priest Beslen.

"I'll allow it," the Priest said with a kind smile.

Patrica looked relieved and Ember got the feeling the girl was near tears so she gave her a hug before gently but firmly pushing her towards Priest Beslen.

"Are you ready?" Priest Beslen asked Patricia.

The black-haired girl nodded, her brown eyes still wide as if still coming to terms of what was happening. She turned back to look at Ember, checking if she was still there before turning back to the priest.

"I-I am," she squeaked out.

This caused some laughter from the crowd though there were still a few people grumbling, obviously not pleased at just who had been chosen. Ember glared at the crowd. They were no more deserving than Patricia.

"Maiden Patricia, daughter of Mister Hans, do you accept the Blessing of the Akashic Tree?"

Patricia closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before looking at the Priest. "Yes...please."

Ember couldn't help smiling. She really hoped that the training she gave Patricia as well as her studies before this would help her to at least not turn out a dud. She knew Patricia was aware of the risks but she couldn't help feeling worried.

It's fine. Even if she turns out to be a dud I will help her.

With that promise in mind, she watched Priest Beslen take Patricia's hands. For a moment, nothing happened and then a soft golden glow covered the priest. The glow grew brighter around him and with it a familiar sensation. It was like a warm hand touched her shoulder and with it came a feeling of peace and strength. Ember knew the sensation would be even stronger for Patricia.

A hush settled around the crowd. Those that were close to the stage were probably feeling the warmth of the Blessing while others were entranced at the sight. Most had never seen a Blessing before.

Finally, the glow stopped and Priest Beslen pulled away but when he did she didn't expect what she saw. There was awe on his face as he stared at Patricia. Then he bowed to the girl.

"Sun's light to you, Oracle of the Akashic Tree."

Patricia's face was covered in tears but there was a look of happiness on her face. Her gaze looked faraway like she was watching something no one else could see. Ember didn't think she even heard Priest Beslen.

On the other hand, the others did.

At his words, Priest Octorin and the acolytes on the stage immediately bowed.

"Sun's light to you, Oracle," the priest and acolytes said in unison.

This seemed to finally break Patricia out of her daze. Patricia looked around her with wide eyes before her attention turned to Ember with a pleading gaze. Ember took a step forward and then froze. Lord Felis was looking at Patricia and his gaze was glowing. She was sure he must be using his inspect ability.

Damn it. If she went to Patricia now he might see she was a Seedling. Still, she didn't want to abandon her.

'Meet me at the temple,' she mouthed to the girl and then hurried off the stage and into the crowd. She felt a mixture of guilt and relief as she distanced herself from Lord Felis and his skill. That was close. All he had to do was turn his head and he would find out the real reason she had tossed away her Blessing. If he found out he would try to claim her as Lord and since it would be outside the terms of the Choosing it would be even more difficult to slip outside his grasp. Of course, she would still manage it but she could guarantee she would still be able to save her family in the process and more.

She was so lost in her thoughts and making her way to the temple that it took her a while to realize someone was calling her.

"Ember, why are you running off?" Her mother called out, hurrying to catch up with her. Her father and brother not far behind.

Ember gave her parents an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I promised to meet Patricia inside."

"You should stick with us," her father said. "You still have a target on your back."

"Zeris!" Her mother gave her father a disgruntle look but there was no steering around it. She did have a target on her back.

"Sorry. Do you mind if we wait for Patricia at the temple?" She paused.

Her parents shared a look but nodded. With Knight Van still with the Choosing delegation and them so close to their freedom they all were probably waiting for something to go wrong.

"I need to go to the toilet," Ember blurted out.

"What is wrong with these kids?" Her mother rubbed the bridge of her nose. "We'll come with you."

Ember and her family headed behind the temple to the sege house. She quickly went inside and had to wait until another person finished their business before she was alone. She quickly called up Finder, knowing she would have to be quick.

"Finder, where is the inspect ability located in Goros."

A single dot appeared on the map. Ember let out a sigh of relief. Lord Felis was no longer on the stage which meant she was able to find him. That was the biggest drawback of her ability. If she knew a location of something she wasn't able to take it with Keeper. She had to find it. It was the only reason she hadn't taken Lord Felis's ability when he as on stage.

Now that she had him on Finder, she could take his ability away. Honestly, she had never tried before and so she wasn't sure if she could take it away permanently or temporarily. She would have to be careful. If he suddenly lost his ability that might cause problems as well. She glanced back at the dot. It was moving towards the temple.

Ember dismissed Finder and stepped out of the sege house. Rowan and her parents waited for her. Rowan was suspiciously quiet and refused to look at her. Yeah, she would definitely need to talk with him later.

Together they returned to the temple standing around awkwardly as they waited for Patricia and Knight Van. They didn't have to wait long.

Patricia and a group of priest and acolytes stepped into the temple. The group surrounded Patricia like a group of bodyguards. Ember still wasn't sure what to make of their reactions. Obviously, an oracle seemed to be incredibly important person but in neither of her past lives had she encounter one or even heard of them.

Patricia's entire face brightened when she saw Ember and she rushed over. One acolyte followed behind her but stopped a respectful distance away, giving Patricia her privacy. Patricia stopped a few steps way from Ember and her family. She politely greeted Ember's parents before her attention turned to Ember.

Patricia didn't say anything. The girl sucked on her bottom lip looking anxious.

Ember smiled encouragingly. "Congratulations on becoming a Seedling."

The widest smile she had ever seen spread across Patricia's face. Before she knew it Patricia threw herself at Ember, hugging her tightly. Ember was startled. Patricia had always been to timid to show such affection.

"Thank you, Ember," Patricia said and her voice was thick with unshed tears. "I'm so happy. I finally have a chance to be more."

Ember wrapped her arms around Patricia. "You were always more but now you can show it to everyone."

Patricia pulled back, and her brown eyes were glistening. "I have so much to tell you. The things the Akashic Tree revealed to me and you are right in the middle of it."

Ember blinked. "What?"

"Oracle Patricia," Priest Beslen's voice called out. "I'm sorry to disturb you but it's time for the meeting."

Ember looked at the priest. His lighthearted attitude was gone and there was respect and even some nervousness. Beside him stood Lord Felis. She hadn't even noticed his arrival but the man was smirking. She didn't like it. She considered taking his inspect ability right then but she worried that he might notice it was her. Having an inspect ability had to mean he had high magic sensitivity. Fortunately, he wasn't actively using it and she didn't think he would use it on her unless she gave him a reason. He already used the ability on Patricia back on the stage so he probably wouldn't need to use it again.

She really hoped she was right. She calmed herself. Now that she had technically found him, as long as she stayed in the vicinity, she could take his ability whenever she wished.

"I want Ember to come with me," Patricia said. Her voice was timid but there was also a firmness that hadn't been there before.

Ember tried not to groan. Well, this got a bit more dangerous.

Priest Beslen nodded and then looked at Lord Felis.

Lord Felis grinned. It was almost feral. "I'll allow it. In fact, why doesn't Ember's family join us?"

Patricia looked at Ember questioningly. Ember slowly nodded. She didn't trust Lord Felis. He was definitely up to something. He had to have a reason for suggesting that they all go together but she had to let this play out. Ember looked over at her parents. Their expressions were grim but they nodded in agreement. It was clear that none of them wanted to be separated, not when they were so close to escaping from Lord Felis's grasp.

Patricia looked relieved and she kept close to Ember as the group followed the priests to the back rooms of the temple. As they entered the room, Ember realized that Welks hadn't joined Lord Felis. She suddenly had a bad feeling. It looked like whatever plan Lord Felis had was already in motion.

I'm ready. I'll win this.

With those thoughts in her head, Ember joined Patricia as the meeting began. It was time for Patricia to choose and Ember to fight for her family's freedom.

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