Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 407 Red Lotus


Dozens of giant tree-like palaces have been destroyed in the battle just now. This is not Lin Xiu's wish, but this group is obviously more sensitive to the common language of the universe.

Before he spoke the lingua franca, they could still maintain harmony, but after hearing the lingua franca, they didn't give him a chance to explain further, and immediately started a crazy self-destruct mode.

Lin Xiu could see the fear in their eyes, so after suppressing the Spirit Race with absolute strength, he changed his clothes and came out, explaining in the first sentence: Don't get me wrong, I am a human race, the reason why I understand Cosmic Language, There are other reasons, this time I came to the Spirit Race, not to trouble you.

The Elders of the Spirit Race showed a very calm look at the moment.

They had no choice but to remain calm. The tree gods summoned by the entire spirit clan were destroyed so easily by him. He destroyed the entire spirit clan in just one thought.

Lin Xiu didn't talk nonsense with the Spirit Race.

He stretched out his hand, and a phantom of a planet appeared in the palm of his hand, and asked, Do you know where this is?

An old spirit clan said: The moon and stars that the humans call.

In Lin Xiu's hands, the phantom of the moon continued to grow in size, and the local details gradually became clear. Not long after, a monster made of bones appeared in the eyes of everyone in the Spirit Race.

After a moment of silence.

Bone Clan!

How could there be Flamebone Race on Moonstar!

This is obviously a galaxy that they have never set foot in...


When the monster appeared, all the Elders of the Spirit Race, after being stunned for a moment, changed their expressions at the same time, staring at the figure with deep fear in their eyes.

Lin Xiu looked at them and said, Since you know this thing, you must also know why I came to you.

The Great Elder of the Spirit Race took a deep breath, and said very solemnly: Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely must not let him leave here alive, otherwise, the Spirit Race, Human Race, Sea Race, and all races on this planet will be enslaved by them...

He said three absolutes in one sentence, which shows that the spirit clan attaches great importance to this matter.

Although there were some conflicts at the beginning, Lin Xiu's subsequent communication with the Spirit Race was very smooth, and there was no need for him to explain anything, because they knew more than Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu looked at them and asked, Where are you from?

The Great Elder of the Spirit Race was silent for a long time, and said: We are from the Tiannv Galaxy, we fled here three thousand years ago...

From the elders of the Spirit Race, Lin Xiu confirmed his guess.

The spirit race is not a race born and bred on the earth, but came later. They were once slaves of a certain cosmic clan, and later they opened the way of exile in the universe for freedom.

The spirit clan who defected was soon hunted down by that cosmic clan.

Afterwards, most of the strong spirit race died in battle. Under the escort of the few remaining powerhouses of origin, the last spirit race scattered into several branches, fled to different galaxies, and searched for planets suitable for their survival.

This Eldar family was lucky. They discovered this planet by accident in a remote inferior galaxy, and then settled down here.

However, the strong man in the source realm was seriously injured in the process of escorting them, and soon died. Since then, no source realm has appeared in this branch of the spirit clan.

Because the ethnic group had suffered painful pain that cannot be recalled, when facing the native races on Earth whose strength is far inferior to theirs, the Eldar did not enslave them, but lived in seclusion, and did not have too much contact with the races on this planet. touch.

Tens of thousands of years of enslavement caused the Eldar to lose their original language, and it also made them fear the race that speaks the common language of the universe. Even after three thousand years of peace, the tribe has continued for many generations. This fear , still undiluted.

Lin Xiu looked at them and asked curiously, How did you know the Flamebone Clan?

Although the lifespan of the spirit race is a bit longer than that of humans, it is limited in length. The first batch of spirit races who came here should have died long ago, but when Lin Xiu conjured up that picture, they still saw it at a glance. Recognized the origin of the alien race.

A moment later, an Elder of the Spirit Race found a huge book from the ruins of a tree palace, held it in both hands, and walked up to Lin Xiu.

This is the ancestral book of the Spirit Race, written by the ancestors of this Spirit Race three thousand years ago.

The racial talent of the Spirit Race is the magic of wood. After three thousand years, this wooden ancestral book has not decayed. Lin Xiu gently turned a page with her thoughts, and her eyes lit up slightly.

This page turned out to be a star map.

What was drawn on the star map was a structure similar to a feather. Lin Xiu knew that this feather was the Thousand Flame Starfield, and each light point that made up the feather was a galaxy, and the surrounding dark place was nothing. The cosmic void of a thing.

The matriarchal line of the Spirit Race is also in the Thousand Flame Starfield.

There are hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of galaxies in a star field. The vast majority of races cannot leave the star field they are in for a lifetime. Unlike the general situation of the star field that Xiao told Lin Xiu, the star map of the spirit race is very detailed. .

Pages of star maps not only marked the names of some important galaxies, their affiliations, but also gave detailed introductions about some powerful families in the Qianyan Starfield, and even had pictures and their abilities...

Lin Xiu found the portrait of the Flamebone Tribe, which was exactly the same as the one he saw on the moon.

The ancestral book of the Spirit Race is something that every Spirit Race has to learn from birth, so they are familiar with every kind of alien race recorded in the ancestral book, and they will never forget the appearance of these alien races, nor will they forget their mothers. The position of the galaxy in the universe.

After reading the ancestral home of the Spirit Race, Lin Xiu gained a little more understanding of the Qianyan Starfield.

Although this is a book of three thousand years, the universe is different from the earth. In three thousand years, the power of the human race may have changed wave after wave, but for the entire universe, three thousand years is just a flick of a finger.

Many of those cosmic powerhouses have existed for millions of years.

Compared with them, the human race is still too young.

The spirit clan's determination to fight against alien races is stronger than Lin Xiu expected, and they only encountered obstacles at the beginning. After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three elders of the spirit clan said that the spirit clan would cooperate with them Everything is planned.

Because it has been experienced before, this race knows the seriousness of the matter better than any race here.

Great Xia King's Capital, when nearly a hundred Spirit Race people came here, it caused quite a commotion.

The arrival of everyone from the Spirit Race made Akatsuki very happy.

On this planet, the spirit race and him are both outsiders from the universe. Their languages ​​are interlinked, and the ethnic groups have the same experience, which naturally produces a feeling of sympathy.

The Royal Capital is now the political center of the entire planet. After the arrival of the Spirit Race, all intelligent races on this planet can be regarded as reaching a unified front.

After Lin Xiu and Ling Jun's cultivation broke through to the upper realm of the heavens, the ability to absorb the lower realms of the heavens no longer had much effect on them. Apart from them, the three elders of the spirit clan were the only ones on this planet. Some of the three upper-level heavenly ranks are far from meeting the requirements to speed up their cultivation in terms of numbers.


On a certain volcano, two figures slowly descended.

Originally, there were geniuses from all over the world practicing here throughout the year, but now there is no one here.

Soon after, the strong aliens will come. Once they fail, the creatures on this planet will usher in a dark future. Perhaps this will be their last two years of freedom.

No one wants to spend these two years in a boring practice.

Although Lin Xiu also wanted to live in seclusion in the south of the Yangtze River and play with the girls and children, he and Lingjun carried everyone's hopes, and any slack in the slightest would be a disappointment to those who gave everything.

He and Lingjun entered the fiery magma hand in hand.

Strange to say, with their cultivation base at the upper level of heaven, the volcanoes in Daxia, Dayou, and other places on this planet have not played a big role in their cultivation. Only Fusang, a volcano, It can still make them feel the feeling of speeding up their practice.

As you dive deeper and deeper in the magma, this feeling becomes clearer and clearer.

It seemed that there was something attracting him under the magma.

Lin Xiu pinched Ling Jun's hand and signaled her to wait for him here.

The temperature here is extremely high, and even with their strength, they can't continue to dive. Lin Xiu escaped his body into a different space, and he was able to stay here for a long time at the top of the sky.

That way, he wouldn't feel any heat.

Lin Xiu dived all the way, surrounded by flowing and unchanging magma. After descending for some time, something suddenly appeared in Lin Xiu's eyes.

With magma all around, that thing is particularly conspicuous.

It was a huge lotus flower with no roots and no neck. The petals were spread out, with a radius of several feet, suspended in the magma like this.

There is a lotus flower growing strangely in the magma that is unknown how many miles underground, which is undoubtedly against common sense.

But it does grow there.

Lin Xiu faintly felt that this lotus should be the reason why this volcano could speed up their cultivation. Xiao once said that certain planets in the universe will give birth to some special treasures by chance and coincidence. These treasures may come in various forms. The existence of form is very useful for the practice of some special abilities. If it is sold, it can be sold at a very high price.

There is no rule for the appearance of this kind of treasure, and it requires a certain amount of coincidence and luck. Lin Xiu's intuition told Lin Xiu that this lotus should be a treasure.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, take it back first and then talk about it.

The temperature and pressure here are very high, Lin Xiu can't stay for a long time, but there is no problem for a moment, his body flashes out from the different space in an instant, and before he has time to feel the temperature and pressure here, he disappears again.

What disappeared with him was the lotus flower in the magma.

Lin Xiu didn't delay and returned to the capital immediately.

When he came to Xiao's residence, he threw something directly without saying anything.

A huge red lotus fell in the courtyard. With the appearance of the lotus, the temperature in the courtyard rose sharply, and even the ground melted slightly.

The moment she saw the lotus, Akatsuki was stunned.

His eyes were wide open, even his breathing stopped for a moment, and he said in a trembling voice, This..., where did you get it?

Lin Xiu looked at the huge red lotus and asked, Is this thing very expensive?

Xiao pursed her lips and said, If it grows for another thousand years, it can replace a planet like yours...

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