Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 408 Arrival

The appearance of this red lotus made Akatsuki a little excited.

This is indeed a fire-attribute treasure. The reason why the volcano in Fusang can speed up the cultivation speed of fire-attribute geniuses in various countries is also because of it.

This kind of strange thing bred by chance between heaven and earth has a unique advantage since its birth. They will absorb the source power of the same attribute between heaven and earth by themselves, while human race and other races, before entering the source realm, are Can't feel the existence of source power.

In the final analysis, it is not the Fusang volcano itself that can speed up Minghe and the others' practice, but the faint traces of source power escaping from the lotus.

And this red lotus is not actually a plant, it is condensed by pure fire power.

For the fire attribute race, its value is extremely high, directly absorbing the fire source power, just like Lin Xiu absorbed Xiao's source power crystal in the Dayou underground palace.

To break through to the source realm in two years, Lin Xiu actually had no idea.

This requires him and Lingjun's practice speed to be more than a hundred times that of ordinary geniuses, not counting the time stuck in the bottleneck.

The appearance of this fire attribute treasure greatly increased their possibility of breaking through.

Although continuing to breed this treasure would undoubtedly maximize its value, they ran out of time.

At the same time, inspired by this red lotus, another thought quickly flashed through Lin Xiu's mind.

Polar ice cave.

Fusang Volcano is not the only special place that can speed up the cultivation speed of different magicians of a certain attribute. There are similar places in the polar region, and that is the polar ice cave that Lingyin has visited many times.

Could there be similar treasures born under the polar regions?

The more Lin Xiu thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. Speaking of which, among the two poles, the South Pole is colder than the North Pole, but there is no place in the South Pole that can significantly speed up the practice of ice magic, and there is only one ice cave in the huge North Pole.

Polar ice caves must have something special.

Coming to the polar region again, Lin Xiu brought the spirit voice with her.

When he came last time, it was still polar night here, but this time it was polar day, with a vast expanse of whiteness, rolling snow-capped mountains, and in the wind and snow, some polar animals were looking for food on the frozen soil, Lin Xiu and Lingyin were silent flew over their heads without disturbing them.

Dozens of tall igloos stand in front of an iceberg.

This is the temporary residence of practitioners from various countries when they practiced here in the past, but it has been abandoned for a long time, and many of them have collapsed.

This land has not been visited by humans for a long time.

In the process of waiting for the arrival of alien races, they prefer to accompany their families rather than practice meaninglessly.

Lingyin held Lin Xiu with one hand, pointed to the cave on the iceberg with the other, and said, That's the ice cave.

On top of the iceberg, there are some caves, winding towards the depths of the mountain. Lin Xiu and Lingyin walked in hand in hand. The deeper they went, the more active the power of the ice magic in their bodies.

And every time they walked a certain distance, the temperature in the cave became a little lower.

Soon, Lingyin hugged her shoulders. The chill here was already a bit unbearable for her.

Lin Xiu injected a warm current into her body and said, You wait for me outside...

Worried that something might happen, Lin Xiu left the spirit sound outside, while he continued to go deep into the ice cave. Gradually, with his cultivation base of the upper level of heaven, he also felt biting and unbearable.

This kind of coldness is not only the coldness of the body, but even the soul seems to be frozen.

When she realized that she could not go to the end of the ice cave with all her strength, Lin Xiu decisively used the power of space, and soon came to the end of the ice cave, which is also the center of the iceberg.

A blue flower grew on a huge piece of black ice.

The imperial concubine is a person who loves flowers. Many flowers are planted in her palace, so Lin Xiu also knows many types of flowers. The flowers on the black ice are very similar to a kind of orchid, but they are different. A solitary plant, from the leaves to the petals, presents a crystal clear blue color, and at first glance, it has a kind of evil beauty.

Obviously, it is precisely because of its existence that this ice cave is particularly special.

After a long time, under a certain iceberg, a white bear approached slowly. As it approached, it looked at the iceberg with curious eyes.

Since it was born, it has not dared to get close to this iceberg, because it is too cold here, even its thick fur can't stop the cold, but I don't know when it started, it seems to be like other icebergs same...



Inside a volcano, a huge red lotus flower floated in the fiery magma. Two figures sat cross-legged in the heart of the lotus, and traces of pure source power escaped from the lotus flower and entered their bodies.

Lin Xiu opened her eyes and looked at Xiao on the opposite side. The aura on his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few days, he had already returned to the upper level of the ground.

This red lotus has the same attributes as his, and it is his hope to return to the source.

Although it is far from mature, it is enough to support the cultivation of the two of them.

Da Luo.

In a palace that was completely frozen.

A figure was sitting on the bed of black ice. On one end of the bed of black ice grew a blue flower. From the flower, a blue spot of light flew out from time to time, slowly flying into Zhao Lingjun's body.

This palace has been listed as a forbidden area by Empress Natasha, and no one is allowed to approach it.

Not long ago, Emperor Da Luo officially passed on the throne to her.

Today, the two most powerful countries on the mainland are dominated by women.

A year later, Emperor Daxia also announced his abdication, and the crown prince ascended the throne, but it did not cause much discussion. The country was about to perish, and no one cared who was the emperor.

As time passed, there were also some different voices from various countries.

For example, many people feel that there is no universe at all, and there are no alien races. All of this is a conspiracy of the five dynasties, and their purpose is only to rule the world.

There are also some people who feel that being ruled by someone is not rule. Even if the foreign race does not come, their life may not be so good. Maybe they can live a better life if they are ruled by the foreign race.

After the tension spread for half a year, chaos occurred in both large and small countries.

Fights and fights happened frequently, and incidents of theft and looting happened one after another. This kind of incident did not happen in one state and one capital. All countries spent a lot of effort to prevent the situation from becoming more serious.

However, the atmosphere in the mainland countries has become more and more depressed.

More and more people began to grow dissatisfaction, and the voice of coexistence with other races began to spread from some small countries. Among them, some powerful magicians were even included. The courts of several small countries were even overthrown by opposition organizations .

Although the five dynasties later sent strong men to suppress the rebellion, they could not restrain the spread of public opinion.

Great Xia, the Imperial Palace.

Li Bozhang touched the short beard on his chin and listened to the report from the officials below.

In the past few months, with the change of the wind direction in the mainland, various conspiracy theories have emerged in an endless stream. Many people have produced many extreme behaviors under suppression. organize.

They call the powerful alien races in the universe different gods.

They even carved the appearance of the alien race into gods and worshiped them with incense day and night, hoping that when the alien gods came, they could be given powerful abilities.

At first, these people only used livestock sacrifices, but recently, they even had the idea of ​​boys and girls. There were many innocent children in the various prefectures of Daxia, who were brutally killed by them to worship the alien gods.

In the imperial study room, Li Baizhang's eyes flickered with thunder, and he said in a deep voice: Order all the government offices to search for the Atheist Cultists with all their strength, and if they encounter resistance, they will be killed without mercy!



Fiery magma spurted out from a ring-shaped mountain range. A tall figure dragged a long tail like a cone, suspended in the void, and the magma on his body dripped rapidly, forming a cloud of blue A bright flame rose slowly from his palm.

He licked the remaining magma at the corner of his mouth, and uttered a few syllables: It's finally healed, it's such a long-lost feeling...

Looking up at the endless void around him, he complained in his tone, and said in a low voice: It's really a barren galaxy, the source power is so thin, it took me so long...

Then, he turned his gaze to the blue planet in front of him.

On his wrist, there was a ring-shaped thing, and with a flash of dim light, his whole body disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, somewhere on Earth.

The void fluctuated for a while, and a figure emerged.

This is a place on the sea, that figure is floating above the sea, feeling the countless breaths of life coming from below, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, this is actually a planet that gave birth to life?

He had to lament his luck, not only found a prey, but also found a living planet.

This is an unowned lower-level galaxy. According to the rules in the universe, whoever discovers it first is the owner of this planet. He has the right to dispose of all resources and life on this planet.

However, these are not the most important to him.

He opened the palm of his hand, the ring-shaped thing, the dim light flashed again, and a palm-sized disk appeared in his hand.

After he took out the disc, a dim rune suddenly flashed brightly on the disc, illuminating his face.

He grinned, showing his mouth full of fangs, his body turned into a stream of red light, and flew towards the east.

At the same time, Daxia.

The red lotus floating on the magma has shrunk from several feet to only two feet.

Lin Xiu sat cross-legged on the red lotus alone. At a certain moment, Lin Xiu, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes. Opposite him, on Xiao's forehead, the imprint began to flicker frantically, even his face , also in the flickering light, flickering and flickering.

Xiao's eyes were extremely calm, he looked at Lin Xiu, and said softly: He is here...

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