Don’t Throw the Bad Villain

Chapter 14 - [Farming demons with the body]

Whose bgm? Su Qu’s? Or the old disciple who watched the battle?

But after she fell into this ice wall, the system told her that the signal was disturbed and could not be connected to the outside world, and all the bgm of Su Qu and the old disciple who watched the battle was broken.

How can bgm suddenly appear now? Did they come in? still…

Xu Qiang was unable to close her mouth, staring at the huge snake head in front of her eyes. She was extremely uncomfortable. She couldn’t control her conditioned reflex, and tears flowed out. (It’s the tail of a python, the auditor, not a human)

The snake’s head in front of him suddenly moved forward, almost touching her face, and then slightly tilted and rubbed her cheek.

The cold snake skin, the touch made her hair tingle for an instant, shivering.

But I felt the tears on his face being rubbed away by the snake’s head.

—[Thousands of years later, someone will borrow the moonlight from the legend to see the miss…]

Isn’t this bgm…this Snow Emperor snake? There is only her and it, is it…is it also an old disciple? ? ?

Xu Long immediately asked the system to open the APP interface and click on the Snow Emperor Snake. She wanted to listen to what it was thinking, and she wanted to survive.

As soon as he clicked the Snow Emperor Snake, the snake head rubbing against her face came to her mouth again, but the snake head spit out the snake letter and rubbed her tears.

—[His, Hiss… Hiss…]

When Xu Qian heard about Xuehuang’s mental activity, he felt that the system was playing tricks on her.

System: [Xuehuang Snake’s heart activities are indeed like this. If you need translation, you need to pay for the plug-in, 500 Lingshi. ]

The essence of junk games is to force you to krypton gold.

purchase! She has more than 500 spirit stones left, all of which are krypton!

After the system “ding ding dang dong” sound of deduction of money, she finally heard the words.

—[Touch, heat…tears…]

Is this all the heart activity of the Snow Emperor Snake? What do you mean by sporadic vocabulary?

—[Sizzle… (Translation: hot…)]

Xu Qian suddenly reacted. The Snow Emperor Snake doesn’t have five senses. These five senses include touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell. But the big guy in front of her obviously has a sense of touch for her. Is this action “exploring”?

It felt in her: heat, tears.

This surprised it, so he didn’t eat her at the first time, but explored again and again.

What does this show? It shows that she may be the first time that the Snow King Snake has a “touch” human!

This is the spider silk that the **** of fate threw down to save her!

Grab it, grab it.

Xu Long’s arm was tucked under the tail of the snake and couldn’t move. When the snake letter was about to spit into her neck for testing, she resisted the tremor and nausea, and touched it with her cheek.

The snake’s tail trembled abruptly and stopped.

As if stunned.

—[His, Hiss, Hiss… (Translation: hot, hot itching…)]

Xu Long struggling hurriedly while it was stunned, struggling with her arm, and gently touching the snake’s tail with her palm.

This time, it pulled the snake’s tail back abruptly, and suddenly curled up her thin wrist.

—[Sigh… (Translation: Modal Particles…)]

Xu Qian was able to breathe normally, and took two breaths, her mouth stiffened.

Her life was saved.

The snake’s tail curled on her wrist and her fingers were numb. She took a breath and slowly placed the other palm on the snake’s tail, and said in a softer tone than the kindergarten teacher: “You can feel my touch. Is it right?”

Snake’s head moved, and stopped in front of her eyes, the head without eyes, as if “looking” at her.

—[Sizzle… (Translation: voice…)]

It’s so good, it actually has “hearing” for her.

She suddenly became less scared. What people fear is the unknown. She now knows what it is, what it is thinking, and it can understand her words, that is to say, she has the opportunity to coax it.

“Yes, voice, my voice, what you hear is my voice.” Xu Qiang nodded lightly, “This is my finger.”

Where it was clicked, the scales of the snake shrank.

It didn’t stop her, let alone attack her.

Xu Long followed its snake scales as if stroking a kitten, feeling it tremble violently, and the tip of the snake’s tail curled up her hand again.

Both hands are wrapped in it.

“This is called stroking.” Xu Qian opened his palm… (Hello, administrator, here is the wit battle between the heroine and the python, the plot needs it, not with humans, thank you.)

—[Sizzle… (translation: tone words…)]

It trembled violently for that moment, and it loosened her like a force.

Xu Qiang stood up and stood up suddenly, taking two steps back, the blood in her mouth spreading, she stared at the giant snow-white snake and said, “Little Snow Snake.”

There was an ice wall with no end in sight all around, she had to take it down to get out.

She heard the voice of the system: [Failed to domesticate the Snow King Snake, you can only domesticate creatures whose level is lower than yours. ]

System: [But you use the blood as the guide, and the naming takes effect. You temporarily named the Snow Emperor Snake: Little Snow Snake. ]

System: [Speech lure technique takes effect. ]


There was a loud noise in the hall where the battle was watched.

Everyone’s eyes were set on Xu Ning’s side, and they were all shocked.

Someone can survive “under the eyelids” of the Snow Emperor Snake?

Can someone touch the Snow Emperor Snake?

Someone can actually make the Snow Emperor Snake sense the five senses?

Someone can actually communicate with the Snow Emperor Snake?

Someone can “bewitch” the Snow Emperor Snake…

The monks in the temple stared at the barriers, all blushing, and a female cultivator cursed: “You shameless demon girl! More than the magic cultivator of the Hehuan Sect…”

Other cultivators who couldn’t move their eyes all agreed in their hearts. She was really a wonderful demon, pure Yin spirit body, this kind of appearance and figure, and these other methods… If she can get her, what kind of mystery will be broken.

Wu Gu in the Accord also stared at the barrier, stroking the folding fan in his hand again and again. Only today did he understand a little bit about why Aci, Su Yan, and… Body.

She can always hold your weakness…

One hit must be hit.

In the barrier, she gently wiped the blood from the corners of her lips with her fingers, and there was a faint golden glow on the tip of her tongue: “Little Snow Snake, do you smell my smell? Is it sweet?” She raised her hand. The blood on the finger rubbed against the ice wall behind, and I drew a…


“That is the smell of my blood, my blood is sweet.” She pointed her finger at the heart on the ice wall, and asked in a sweet tone: “Little Snow Snake, would you like to **** blood?”

The Snow Emperor Snake rushed towards her suddenly, she dodged away at that moment, and opened her mouth anxiously: “Little Snow Snake, how about we go out together when we smash it away!”

The Snow Emperor Snake slammed its head against the ice wall.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the barrier almost cracked.

The palace couldn’t believe this change.

Wu Gu stood up, his face changed, utterance? When she just kissed the snake’s tail, she used her blood as a lure, and used words on the Snow Emperor? Still succeeded?

How could it be possible that the cultivation base of the Snow Emperor Snake has already soared into a god, and Xu Ning is only in the pill formation period…

The Snow Emperor Snake hit the ice wall, and the whole hall was shaking.

The whole hall exclaimed.

Wu Gu saw A Ci’s divine consciousness appear in the second layer of ice cave, the second layer of ice cave was cracking and collapsing, and pieces of profound ice cracked and fell.

Lu Ze and the group of people who were still trapped in the second floor didn’t know what had happened, they only thought it was the secret realm organ on the second floor.

Lu Ze shouted: “Don’t panic! Don’t panic everyone! Everyone…”

Before finishing talking, the entire ice cave collapsed.

Oops! The secret realm is about to collapse!

Wu Gu immediately used his divine sense to say to the second-tier Aci: “Aci! The secret realm is about to collapse, and the second-tier people will be rescued soon!”

In the cracked barrier, a red dress suddenly appeared behind the ice wall that was about to burst, and hit the ice wall with a palm—

The ice wall was about to collapse under the impact of the Snow Emperor Snake, and Su Yan’s palm completely shattered the ice wall.


The ice wall shattered like broken crystal glass.

Along with the ice under Xu’s feet, she fell together with the broken ice, and heard someone yelling to her: “Ajang!”

It’s Su Qu!

Xu Qian saw Su Yan who was hunting in red amidst countless pieces of ice. His sleeves rolled and he reached out and leaped towards her.

“Su Yu!” Xu Qian reached out to grab his fingers.

Suddenly a snow-white thing that looked like snakeskin covered her head overwhelmingly, wrapping her hands and her whole body tightly, like a net of heaven and earth, covering her, wrapping it tighter and tighter. So that she couldn’t struggle, she fell down.


The voice of the Snow Emperor’s Snake, this time Xu Qian heard not a hissing snake, but a man’s cold voice.

what happened?

She couldn’t hear Su Qu’s voice, only these words could be heard in her ears.

Did it fail? Sure enough, her little cleverness is not enough…

She knew very well that it was impossible to domesticate the Snow Emperor Snake into a god, so she just bit the tip of her tongue with the mentality of trying, and used her blood to increase the success rate of [Spoken Lure Technique].

Sure enough, the system responded to her, and she could only domesticate creatures lower than her level, such as the young snow snake, which could be named after being domesticated by blood.

But the Snow Emperor Snake was a hundred times higher than her. She failed to domesticate, but she got the chance to be named.

The naming is successful, and the speech inducement is successful.

She thought that she could use the Snow Emperor Snake to be lured by her words for a few seconds, and let it hit the ice wall and escape.

But still… unsuccessful.

How can it be possible to contend with the ascending **** during the pill formation period? It can catch her casually.

Xu Qian was wrapped in the snow-colored object, and she couldn’t feel the movement of the ice smashing down. She couldn’t feel anything. She just felt that her thoughts were falling apart a little bit, disintegrating, and losing consciousness…

She was in the mist and felt someone catching her…

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