Don’t Throw the Bad Villain

Chapter 15 - [Farming demons with the body]

She seemed to be dreaming.

In the cold dream, there was a cold person holding her, his body was cold, his palms were cold, as if there was no warmth wrapped around her.

Are you dreaming?

She heard her own voice—”This is called stroking.”

She saw her hand and stroked the cold body on her upper body. The body was immaculately carved like snow and ice, and she couldn’t even see the pores.

The body trembled slightly under her fingers.

—”This is called a kiss.”

She saw her eyebrows lowered and she lightly kissed the neck of the body.

The body trembled violently, and Bai Yu seemed to grab her shoulders with his fingers, as if he wanted to push her away and hug her tightly.

Touch the tip of your tongue lightly on your apple.

She heard the man’s low voice, the cold hand, helplessly grabbed her black hair hanging on her shoulders, and was entangled in her black hair.

—”This is called intimacy.”

Her voice was low and sweet, climbing on the person’s earlobe and murmured: “Don’t be afraid of this feeling. This is not pain, but happiness.”

She saw that she opened her mouth to bite the shoulder of the body, biting so fiercely, blood oozing from the white jade flawless shoulder, the red was shocking.

He was shaking, trembling fiercely, like snow flakes.

Her voice appeared again.

—”This is called pain. Pain is painful. Intimacy is joyful… Remember? What I taught you for your teacher, remember.”

She saw the **** lips pressed against the man’s tightly pressed lips.

—”This is your blood…Do you want to **** blood…”

My blood…

Is this a dream? Is she dreaming? Why does she have such a dream?

Is the woman talking to her? Then…who is that man?

who is it?

Xu Qian is stuck in this dream and wants to open his eyes to see who is that person, who is he…

Suddenly heard the voice of the system: [The secret realm is about to collapse, you are trapped in the nightmare of people around you, please wake up as soon as possible, otherwise you will always be trapped in the nightmare and buried in the secret realm. ]

The nightmare of the people around you? This dream is not hers?

Who is by her side?

Her eyes were covered by a cold hand, she couldn’t open her eyes and couldn’t wake up.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her—


It’s Su Qu.

He usually calls her when he is crazy: “Give me back Ah Qian!”

She heard what Su Yu said in her heart again-[Kill them, kill them, it was they who killed Aqiang and killed them all! Kill them and the snake Aqiu and he is back…]

No, she can’t leave the fool like Su Qu, he will go crazy and kill everyone…


Xu Qiang opened her eyes suddenly, and the biting air rushed over, shattering the hand and the bloody, ambiguous dream that was full of her eyes, and she shuddered.

There was no hand covering her eyes, and the cold light of Xuanbing in front of her, like a bumpy mirror, reflected her.

From the deep ice above her head, she saw herself lying in an ice cave, wrapped in a snow-colored robe. The touch of the robe was very peculiar, like soft snakeskin. cold.

Where is this? Where is the Snow King Snake?

She hurriedly turned over and sat up, and saw that there was no shadow of the Snow Emperor’s snake in this small ice cave. She tried to stand up with her palm on the ground, but touched a strand of coldness.

It’s hair.

She looked down and saw a strand of snow-white hair under her palm. She looked up along the strand of white hair, startled slightly.

Under the opposite ice wall, a man with white clothes and white hair sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and bowed his head.

The face was solemn, but there was a cinnabar mole on the center of the eyebrows, which made the cold solemn face look inexplicable.

Who is that? Are the living dead?

Xu Long slowly got up and approached him, and saw that his eyebrows and temples were covered with frost and snowflakes, without a trace of living temperature or breath.

Is it a dead person frozen here?

However, this was not right. She remembered that she fell down with the Snow Emperor Snake. The Snow Emperor Snake was gone, but there was this frozen man.

The nightmare just now, the cold body and palm in the nightmare, is this man?

Xu Qian hesitated again and again, put out his hand to test his sniff, and slowly moved his fingers closer to his face—

A piece of snow fell from his low eyebrows and fell on her fingers, surprisingly cold.

He suddenly moved, like a big tree full of snow, and fell into her arms with a tree full of snowflakes.

Xuzhen was caught off guard and full of arms, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

Snow flakes scattered, Xu Qian heard the person in his arms breathe clearly, and the sudden heartbeat sounded together with the panting sound, which was infinitely amplified in the small ice cave.

Like a corpse.


Xu Qian hurriedly pushed away the heavy person in his arms, but the person in his arms groaned and slowly raised the pure white face.

He did not open his eyes, he closed his eyes like a blind man, facing her face, his thin lips opened slightly, “Who…”

His voice was as cold and hoarse as ice and snow, and it fell in style.

“Who are you?” He asked her slowly as if he hadn’t spoken for too long.

Xu Qian stared at that face, and his brain turned ten times faster—the red mark on her brows, her eyes closed, she vaguely remembered that when she was dragged down by the Snow Emperor, a human hand was holding her.

He…couldn’t it be the Snow Emperor snake transformed into a human form, right?

When the Snow Emperor Snake disappeared, he appeared, with eyebrow marks so similar to the Snow Emperor Snake, and he couldn’t open his eyes.

And the snow-white robe wrapped around her was too much like snake skin.

Although there is no evidence, she guessed that he might be the Snow Emperor who had become a human form, and he didn’t seem to recognize her.

So Xu Qian asked first: “Don’t you remember who I am?”

The unstained face fell on her eyebrows, and she slightly frowned her eyebrows, and slowly said, “I… don’t remember.”

What a wonderful sound, Xu Qian heard fireworks in her heart, she was like a gambler, and she won the bet again.

“Xu Long.” She replied: “My name is Xu Long. I broke into here by accident and saved you.”

He frowned, and slowly repeated her name: “Xu-茕…It’s you, who rescued me?”

“It’s me.” Xu Qian said without hesitation.

In fact, it’s not a lie, it was indeed her arrival that made him wake up, didn’t he?


In the hall of spectators, chaos turned into a pot of porridge.

The mystery collapsed, and the ice cave on the second layer was shattered. Xuji only had time to rescue the nine trialers, and all the others were buried in the collapsed ice cave.

Some of the trialers who were rescued back to the main hall were injured, and some were shocked by the barriers in the secret realm and fainted.

Only Lu Ze suffered a bit of skin trauma. After being rescued, he stared at the cracked barrier. Xu Qiang was still in the secret realm. His emotions were extremely fierce. He pushed away to treat his Futu Islander and questioned Wu Gu angrily. , Why only take them out of the secret realm, and leave Xuning alone.

This is unfair, unfair! It is obvious that Su Qun broke in suddenly that caused the secret realm to collapse. Why should he be brought out? Even if you want to save people, why don’t you bring out the secret realm together with Xu Qian? If he hadn’t been forcibly taken out of the secret realm, maybe he could crack the second secret realm and enter the third layer smoothly!

In the plot, he is clearly the first person to crack the secret realm and obtain the spiritual deed and cheats! But Shengsheng was changed by Su Qu, Xu Long and Futu Island!

This is an important plot for him to counterattack and become the hero, how can it be changed!

He was angrily about to rush into the door of the secret realm again, but was thrown back by an inexplicable aura enchantment. The enchantment was like a power grid, and he was numb with electricity. Smashed.

He fell to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood, only to feel that his internal organs had shifted and his spiritual energy had collapsed.

He heard Gu Yaoguang calling his name, and a pair of purple flowing clouds boots appeared in front of him. He raised his head full of blood and saw half of his face, his eyes were lacquered, and his eyebrows flew into the temple.

Wu Gu held a folding fan, covered his mouth and nose, and said to him without concealing his disgust: “Do you think it was my Futu Island’s favoritism and deliberately leaving Xu Ning in the secret realm? Let me tell you. She entered the deepest part of the secret realm and awakened the Snow Emperor snake sealed in the secret realm. The secret realm collapsed, not because of Su Yan, but because she cracked the secret realm and destroyed the secret realm.”

Lu Ze stared at him incredulously.

It’s no wonder that this secret realm is not unbelievable until now, and Aci came out to remind Wu Gu that what kind of secret realm it is.

This secret realm is the place where Xuxianzu sealed another [taboo].

The entire secret realm is the illusion of the ancestor Xuxian, imprisoning the [taboo] cage, each level is an enchantment.

For thousands of years, including Wu Gu, only four layers of barriers have been cracked, and they have never reached the deepest point of entering the secret realm. Therefore, no one has spied the secret realm. The core of this secret realm is the sealed place of the [Taboo].

Ke Xuning entered the deepest point directly from the first floor, broke through the Snow Emperor Snake, and awakened the [Taboo].

The collapse of the secret realm was because the seal barrier was broken.

It’s just that Wu Gu is still unclear why the Snow Emperor Snake is sealed in the secret realm. It is obvious that the [Taboo] is the ancestor of the Tianxu Gate.

Is it the Snow Emperor Snake guarding the [Taboo] seal, or… the original body of the ancestor is…

“I don’t know how to live or die.” Wu Gu looked at Lu Ze disgustedly, letting him see the unrecovered trialers in the cracked barrier, one by one, they were shredded by the ice, and their souls were scattered by the enchantment. “If it wasn’t A Ci rescued you, you have long been wiped out in the secret realm. Although you have some aptitude, there are some outsiders, so don’t make hopeless struggles.”

Lu Ze’s face was pale and pale.

Wu Gu slightly lowered his body and said to him: “There is no fairness in this world. You see, someone can directly enter the depths of the secret realm, and casually destroy the secret realm that no one can solve. And you, perhaps better than other cultivators. The talent is higher, but you still can’t even open the barrier of the secret door, and you can’t resist it. It’s so unfair. Young people have to settle down before they can enlighten the way.”

Wu Gu said a few words with him, but also felt that he was the root of heaven, with some aptitude, blindly so lofty, delusional to reach the sky in one step, it would only be counterproductive.

And these words fell into Lu Ze’s ears, but they only made him feel resentful and absurd. What do they know? He is the book, the male protagonist of this world. If Xu Ching hadn’t made a mistake and was brought over by him and spoiled the plot, how could he have come to this point?

It wasn’t Xu Qiang’s ability and ability at all, but the butterfly effect after she followed her through, which caused the plot to collapse.

There must be a way, there must be a way to return to the plot.

Is it possible that the plot can return to normal once Xu Qian dies?

He stared at the Xuyu in the barrier, blood surging in his throat, and he didn’t hear the voices of people around him at all.

Gu Yaoguang cried beside him.

Gu Chenfeng, the head teacher of Tianxu Sect, stared at the barrier without looking at Lu Ze.

The other disciples of the Tianxu Sect had already recognized that the silver-haired man who woke up was the ancestor of their Tianxu Sect, the Master Siwei who founded the Tianxu Sect.

Gu Chenfeng was terrified. The reason why he put all the power of his faction to crack this secret realm was precisely because he learned from the relics of the former head that the secret realm contained the supreme secrets and minds of their Tianxu gate. Harmony must not fall into the hands of others.

But he never thought that the ancestor of Siwei was still alive and was sealed in this secret realm!

Now, even Lu Ze has been completely defeated, but the cheap girl Xu Ning accidentally hit and bumped into the depths of the secret realm, and met the ancestor of Siwei!

What should I do?

The supreme cheats of the Tianxu Sect, and even the spiritual deed can not be preserved…

In the cracked barrier, I saw the liar girl Xu Ning, who helped the ancestor Siwei to get up, and saw what was in the ice wall behind the ancestor Siwei—a piece of white jade slip and a red ring.

“What is this?” She pointed.

The ancestor Siwei stretched out his hand, and the ice wall melted automatically, and the white jade slips and red ring inside the wall fell into his palm one after another.

Gu Chenfeng breathed a sigh of relief. The Bai Yuling Jane was the supreme secret book and mental method of the Tianxu Sect, and isn’t the red ring just the spiritual deed of the Tianxu Sect? As long as these two things are still in the hands of the ancestor of Siwei, and they won’t be taken away by others…

But before this tone was released, she saw the Xuning Demon Girl stretch out her hand and said to the ancestor Siwei: “Could this be the treasure in the secret realm? Then they should belong to me. I cracked the secret realm and saved you. .”

The ancestor of Siwei did not hesitate at all, and reached out and handed her two things: “What you said is.”

Gu Chen’s vigorous vigor, only a mouthful of old blood spit out, that is the lifeblood of the Tianxu Sect, the ancestor! !

And the despicable demon Xu Ning took it easily and put the ring on her finger casually and said: “What’s the use of this broken ring? It doesn’t seem to be very valuable…”

Gu Chenfeng’s eyes were dizzy, and he almost staggered unsteadily.

“Master!” The disciple next to him hurriedly supported him.

The broken ring is the spiritual deed of the Tianxu gate! Do you know what it is?

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